Story The Guardians of the Multiverse


Smiles hide more than they show
Roleplay Type(s)

I'd like to point out, this is my first real attempt at a multi-chapter story. I've written before, but not to this scale, so please excuse any mistakes I make. Or, if you think parts of the story could be improved, I'll gladly hear your suggestions. Of course, if you do have suggestions, please DM me and do not post anything in this thread. Thanks!​
Chapter One

He stared into the Void that surrounded him. The bridge of light he stood on was the only thing between him and the darkness. He remembered the last time he stepped into the darkness, the pain it caused. He almost killed his own friends. He took a step back and started to walk along the bridge.

"Just forget it all Sean," he mumbled to himself.

He walked for a bit, no light from anywhere but the glowing path ahead of him. His cloak absorbed and reflected the light. The cloak seemed to be unable to choose to be either black or white, it should have been easy to tell which it was, but many would second-guess themselves the more they stared at it. It's similar to the aura he gave off, you couldn't tell if he was mad, or happy. And you would only truly know if he wanted you to know.

As he walked, a building appeared in the distance. The only other thing that's existed here, other than the path and Sean himself. The building looked foggy in the distance, but as he approached it, it became more clear. The structure was an impressive sight, it had multiple colors of all kinds, glowing lights in the air. The actual structure itself was like a castle, but unlike most castles, its walls and windows continually shifted and turned. Some parts of it were covered with vines, while other parts were on fire. Expect, the fire didn't spread or damage the building and its surroundings. There was a lake as well, its waters so clear, you could see the bottom of it. The castle and its sights didn't phase Sean at all, and he walked to the entrance. Expect there wasn't an entrance. Despite its shifting walls and moving windows, there was no doors insight. Sean placed his hand on the wall where an entrance should have been in most buildings, and everything stopped moving.

"Sean Cosmo, guardian and balancer of the multiverse," as he introduced himself to the building, the wall in front of him shifted open. Its bricks parted from one another with ease. As he stepped into the castle, the wall behind him sealed itself and vanished. Before him, was a grand hallway, with pillars on the left and right side of its walls. As he walked by, torches lit themselves, radiating heat.

"Well well well, look who finally showed up!" A man appeared from a corner, he had a bulky build, with short hair and a short beard. He wore a cloak, although unlike Sean's, it was a dirt brown. The man grinned at Sean.

"Good to see you, Jericho. Where are the others?" Sean asked.

Jericho's grin quickly faded, "Well, they've been busy arguing. It's mainly William and Evelyn, Mariam has been trying to stop them. And Sam hasn't even shown up yet, no idea where the hell he is."

"Hm, well he better get here soon, he's the one who called this meeting after all. But, while we wait for him, we can help out Mariam," Sean sighed, he really wasn't in the mood to deal with this. The two started to walk down the hallway together.

"It's always William starting something, god, sometimes I question why he was chosen, but he's still a good guy. After all, he's been with us for more than a millennia, even saved my life once," Sean said

"Well, that's William for you. I do worry that he'll start a fire when I'm resting sometimes," Jericho chuckled.

As the two walked down the hallway, they heard voices. These voices were whispers at first, but as they got closer, they got louder. Finally, Sean and Jericho entered one of the doors in the almost infinite-like hallway and nearly got blasted with fire.

On one side of the room, was a man. He was slimmer compared to Jericho but had a decent build. He wore a cloak that flickered red, yellow, and orange like a flame. He held his hand out, which was also engulfed in flames. But these flames didn't harm him at all. He threw these flames like balls made of fire at the other side of the room, right at another person. A woman. This woman summoned plants that acted as a shield and blocked the flames. She was smaller compared to the flame-throwing man, she had brown hair and had a cloak that changed into multiple shades and versions of greens. As they attacked each other, there was another person trying to stop the two. She had a blue cloak, it reflected light in a similar manner to water.

"Guys, please stop!" the blue-cloaked girl said. She spotted Sean and Jericho entering the room. She quickly ran to them.

"Thank the multiverse, you're here! William and Evelyn won't stop. It was William who started it, he kept on bugging her, then he tried to set her cloak on fire and next thing you know, they started fighting!" Sean listened as she explained the situation.

"You can calm down Mariam, it's nothing to be worked up about. We can take care of this," he assured her, "Why don't you step out of the room. It should only take a moment," Mariam listened and left the room. Sean turned to see the two fighting.

"Let's get this over with," Sean held out his hands and they began to a strange glow white light. His cloak also started to become predominantly white as well. He moved both of his hands and magically picked up William and Evelyn in the air. They started to struggle against his magic and stopped fighting. Jericho grinned from the back of the room.

"What the hell! Let me go, Sean," William demanded. His flames flickered rapidly across his body.

"Stop fighting then. We didn't travel across the multiverse to argue and fight each other," After Sean finished his sentence, he had a staredown with William. The two stared at each other until finally, William gave up.

"Fine, just let me go!" Sean fulfilled William's request and fell to the ground. Evelyn caught herself by summoning some vines.

Mariam reentered the room, more relaxed to see that the fighting was stopped. As everyone gathered, Sean's cloak turned normal. Well, what was normal for it.

"Does anyone have any idea where Sam is?" Sean asked, a little irritated.

"I was wondering the same thing. The last time I saw him was when he requested a meeting, saying it was a very important matter," William answered.

"If it's very important, then where is he? A bit hypocritical of him to say it's very important when he isn't even here himself," Evelyn added.

"Maybe he's in trouble?" Mariam suggested.

"I don't think he's in trouble, the guy controls literal stars. Who the hell would mess with him?" Jericho pointed out, then summoning a rock and started to shape and mold it like a fluid.

"Let's not think the worse immediately, Jericho has a point. There isn't anyone who would actually mess with Sam. We'll just wait here for now..." Sean assured the others, but he was a bit worried. It wasn't normal for Sam to be late for meetings, especially if he was the one to call it.

Where the hell are you Sam? Sean thought to himself.

Where was Sam? He was running in the darkness. Sam panted, which was a first. But he couldn't focus on his exhaustion. He was surrounded by the Void, he could feel it tugging on his very existence. Slowly eating away at his life force. His cloak, which usually glowed the light of stars, although he can control the level of light it produces, was now grey and ripped. He had blonde hair, caucasian skin, and yellow eyes. But he was covered in cuts and had blood dripping from his wounds, which really worried him greatly. He started getting more and more exhausted, which, in turn, made him slower. His breathing became rapid as he started getting light-headed. He tripped and fell. He tried getting up, clenching his teeth hard, but he couldn't move. His body started to be engulfed by the Void, his eyes widened as struggled against the pure darkness eating his body. He didn't know how this was possible, just 15 minutes ago he was heading out to meet with the others, but the next thing he knew, he somehow entered the void. The one place where he didn't have power because he drew energy directly from the multiverse. But the Void was a place outside the bounds of the ever-expanding multiverse. It was a place where he knew he couldn't get help.

The Void finally consumed him completely. A powerful vibration started when Sam officially died, it could be felt across the multiverse. For the first time, the Void was awake.​
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