The Grimm (Info) WIP/DNP


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The Grimm (Info)


Setting: Fantasy

Era: Fantasy/Medieval/Post-Apocalyptic/steampunk

Playable Races: Watchers, Grimms, Humans

Type of RP: User-Based Stories + Large Plot(s)+ Literate

Long,long ago in a small village, two beings arose from the earth. One with iron claws and teeth to destroy and kill... and the other with eyes and hands to protect and heal. For centuries, the two beings clashed, fighting to near death each day. The Watcher, with healing eyes and hands was brought power by thesun. And the Grimm's power rose with the moon. It was a never ending cycle, one was not strong enough to destroy the other.

Four times a year, the two beings fell to rest, just long enough to allow other spirits to bring about new seasons: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

One night, when the Watcher had fallen to rest, the cunning and sliver tongued Grimm rose from its faked slumber and crept upon the Watcher. It dug its murderous black claws into the shining Watchers chest,ripping away its pure and righteous heart. The Grim was a disgusting and foul creature, with pale eyes and breath wreaking of death. The Watcher was beautiful and pure in every way, and the Grimm was jealous. It wanted the Watchers beauty and admiration. So, it opened its jaws filled with ragged and pointed teeth, and swallowed the Watchers heart, soon there after devouring the Watcher's entire body. The Grimm was satisfied.... for a short while, that is.The sun did not rise the next day, leaving only the night under the Grimm's watchful eye. The black beast did not fall back asleep. However, the Grimm grew restless, a constant and growing pain it its belly. In anger at the Watcher, it devoured everything in its path, trying to cease and soothe the pain in its gut...but to no prevail.


One night, when the moon was high and the air was cold, the beast fell into a deep and troubled slumber, too exhausted and pained to open its eyes. It slept for years, so long that when it had awoken, it was small and weak. Bright light stung its pale eyes, making the beast cringe. The sun! How was it possible? He had eaten the Watcher and taken its power... how could it be? The Grimm's once powerful form had been reduced to nothing more than a small and fragile thing. To its even further disdain, the pain was still in its belly.

The beast rose and scoured the land, looking for its once proud foe and was startled to find new beings had taken over the land.They were small and weak as well, with flesh covered bodies and hair on their heads. Humans, they were called. It quickly found a distaste for them and began to hate the creatures. They worshiped the sun, building temples in its glory, but not one was built in the Grimm's name. It turned to destruction once more,killing and devouring the pitiful humans who shrank in fear at the mere sight of it.

However, one night the Grimm fell upon a young girl... who's eyes and hands healed, and who worshiped the sun. Its eyes widened in anger and hatred. And in a swift move, the Grimm devoured the Watcher girl whole. The pain in his belly finally subsided and the Grimm felt relief, and rested. But soon enough the pain returned and left the Grimm in agony.

In time, his searches and raids uncovered more humans who had healing eyes and hands. He devoured each one he fell upon. And each one soothed the unbearable pain in his belly. Soon, he began to crave them, and would not stop until he had eaten every single one.

The humans grew more and more fearful of the Grimm, finding and protecting every human blessed with a touch of the Watchers power. A small village was built to honor and protect the Watcher's children. The humans prayed to the sun for protection. A barrier was quickly placed around the village and it prospered, the people living in safety from the Grimm.


The Grimm knew not of this small haven brimming with the children of the watcher, and thus, cleaned the world of any other he could find. The sun shrouded village was blind to the Grimm, and it could never, ever find it.

After hundreds of years in safety, and the Watchers village protected by the sun, the Watchers came together in a last effort to destroy the Grimm and plunge the world into prosperity and life, but it came to a tragic end. The watchers fought with everything they had, and tothe Grimm's surprise, they were a formidable foe. But, as the poor human Watchers began to tire, the Grimm overwhelmed them and defeated them all---save one. One small woman was able to slip away as she watched the Grimm devour her brothers and sisters. The massive beast threw its head back and roared, surging with power from all of its fallen foes, and the heavens and earth shook. The Grim cackled and rose up, climbing to the peak of the highest mountain and it swallowed the sun, plunging the world back into chaos and darkness.


The Grimm's minions and worshipers were greatly rewarded, but forever marked by the sign of the Grimm. Soon after the horridbeast had defeated the sun, it shrank away into the darkness and was not heard from again. But, it still felt the pain in its stomach. And the sun never roseagain, leaving the world seemingly forever dark.


Years passed and seasons changed. The humans populations grew and they became accustomed to the darkness, praying that thesun would one day return. And the woman, who long ago escaped the Grimm, hadreturned to the Village of the Sun. She married and raised a family of her own, but yet, she wept each day for her fallen comrades. The village continued to remain hidden from the eyes of the Grimm. More of the Watcher children were born, and she took to raising them in a temple, teaching them of their duty and telling them of the great dangers that the world outside possessed. She grew old and told the tale of the Grimm and the Watcher for years, always reminding the people that it was always there, always watching for them. And she told of the glory of the sun. When she passed, the young Watchers took up her legacy, teaching others as she had taught them. And they were safe, inside the village, never to be found by the Grimm. But, they lived in constant fear, and yearned for a sun that they had never seen.


Now a days, the city is mostly peaceful. Despite the world being engulfed in darkness, the city is aglow. Lanterns and candles line the streets and buildings. The people never let the light go out, for fear that the Grimm would find them. Outside the city is a wasteland, filled with dark monsters and cruel bandits. People kill each other for gain, and most are merciless. Many people seek out the city for refuge from the rest of the dark and cruel world. Once they enter the city, they are welcomed as if they had been there their whole life.

Many Watcher children are born inside the city, and are taken from their parents to be raised in the Temple of the Sun. They grow and are shaped into healers and protectors. But they are never, ever permitted to leave the city. Any watcher children who are born outside of the city are quickly discovered by the Grimm's foot soldiers and are devoured. Some are able to make it to the city however, and are safe.

In the Grimm's growing need to devour the children of light, it searched the earth, roaming and finding special humans to become its soldiers. The Grimm changed them and made them into monsters in it likeness, and it made them hunger and feel the same pain as it did. The children of the Grimm left their creator and now roam the earth, finding and capturing the Watchers to bring them to their master. And, they search for the city of light. They are evil and cruel, and are able to persuade most any human into doing their dirty work and are able to get what they want, no matter what they have to do. They work alone, and do not get along with each other.

Plot Points will update later on in the RP.



?No God Modding

?Keep in mind that this RP is set in a sort of medieval time period. The city is quite steampunk, but there are no such things as televisions and such. But, there are radios. Most of the light is generated by candles and lanterns. The only other light source is the moon.

? All Grimm's will feel an unbearable and constant hunger towards humans and watchers, but will only feel satisfaction after consuming a Watcher. They are extremely strong physically and mentally. They have a human form and a monster form. And they each have a dark mark, almost like a birth mark, at the base of their spine beneath their hairline.

? Watchers are humans who have been blessed with some of the abilities of the Watcher. Including future vision, the ability to heal wounds, and the ability to bring light and cast protective barriers.

? Romance, Fighting, and conflict are very encouraged.


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