The Grandos Paradox


Four Thousand Club
Three months ago...

Somewhere under Bockrath...

A man wearing a pure white coat over a similar shirt and trousers led a middle aged man,wearing a Distinguished Environment Uniform. The middle aged man's uniform was matte black,with polished black parade boots. His double breasted jacket bore row upon row of ribbons and medals on the left side,with the epaulettes bearing five diamonds,as did the front of his peaked cap,which was also black. The soldier said, "You had better have a good reason for bringing me here,doctor." His voice was hard. The man was walking authority.

The doctor,who also wore armless glasses,nodded,and said, "Of course,General. This reason is the best of them all: Results." The general was intrigued. "It taken three months to get them,doctor. My peers were getting worried." The scientist nodded. "Such is to be expected. But you're different. You understand that things take time. That's why you're the only one with full knowledge." The general nodded grimly. He knew all too well. He was the only general who saw that sometimes,you just have to wait.

The scientist led the general to a bank of monitors,and pointed,quite redundantly,at the only one that was turned on.
"Success." The monitor displayed a man and a woman in a cell,both dead,with dried blood covering their entire bodies. "Were autopsies performed?" The scientist shook his head. "No need. We know exactly what the cause was. We had them under observation 30/7."

The general was silent for a moment. ​"Are they contagious?" The scientist nodded,and said, "Only if you possess the Spark." The general replied immediately, "Take me to them." The scientist nodded,and gestured towards an airlock door. "Right this way." The scientist led the general down a sterile white hallway,with doors and one way glass windows lining the left side of the hall. The cells were empty. All except one at the very end. "Open it." The scientist obeyed,keying in a complicated fifteen character passcode on an alphanumeric keypad. When the door wooshed open,they were immediately greeted with the smell of lilacs. "An air freshener?" The scientist smiled,shook his head,and replied, "A symptom,and the vector." The general smiled a toothy smile,revealing slightly yellowed teeth. "Put it into production." With that,he left the lab.

Tower of the Archmagi,Almaz

A circular table in a gloriously lit room was occupied by seven robed individuals. Their robes were all of different colours,and their sole pauldron bore unique crests. The table was made of a single crystal,with a septagram cut into the top,inlaid with gold,silver,and platinum. One of the assembled archmagi,wearing an ash black robe,whose pauldron bore a crimson ouroborous,spoke.
"I believe my department can help. Our members are unfettered by law and regulation. They could easily locate and acquire the required materials." His conversation partner,wearing a royal purple robe,whose pauldron bore the sigil of a septagram marked anvil. "It'll take too long,Grand Inquisitor. We need the materials within the next three quarters." The Grand Inquisitor nodded,then said, "My point still stands,High Enchantress. My agents can help." The High Enchantress nodded. Another archmage,this one wearing a golden robe,whose pauldron bore a septagram of staves,spoke. "Mayhap... Mayhap we could all assist. My department perfected a protection spell of appropriate magnitude." The assembled archmagi nodded in unison. The Grand Inquisitor spoke up. "My agents will not be told the nature of their orders. This should keep our designs afloat should they be captured and interrogated." With that,an archmage wearing a platinum robe stood,and said, "Very well. Our course of action is determined." He traced a septagram in the air,an action the assembled archmagi mimicked. "May magic guide us. May magic bind us. May magic empower us. May magic deliver us."


A man sat at a cafe in Fisherman's Horizon. He wore a black waistcoat and black formal trousers. Hanging from his neck was a grand pendant,inset within was an enormous opal. The braided gold cable which held the pendant to the man's neck was pinned to his body by a pair of thick,leather straps. These straps held a scabbard to the right side of his collarbone,which held a knife. The exposed hilt was plated,or perhaps made of,gold,and the grip was wrapped in sharkskin.

However,what made this man stand out truly was what he wore beneath the waistcoat and trousers. He was bandaged,head to toe,in white gauze bandages. Only his eyes and fingertips were visible,the flesh around them seared,scorched and charred,looking like long overcooked steak. Steel clips held his bandages taut at several places,one of them being at his right cheek.

Currently,the bandaged man perused a menu,pondering the contents with great thought. Finally,he made his choice,and set the menu down. When the waiter came by,the man made his order.
"A bowl of cheese and onion soup,please. One large baguette slice as a crouton,please. I'd like Almaz spring water to drink." The waiter nodded,then scurried off. The bandaged man's voice was a low growl,but he wasn't trying to be threatening or intimidating. A side effect,I suppose...

He withdrew a pocket watch from his breast pocket. It was steel,and had an oily sheen. It was galvanized steel. The faceplate bore a septagram,with an ouroborous in the center. He opened the watch,and the time was 15:00. Midday. He closed the watch,and began to trace the septagram with his thumb,and muttered,
"Vox Inquisitor Estus." His watch began to grow warm,and vibrate. On the other end,the specified watch began to do the same.


Letters arrived at the homes or into the hands of many individuals,all bidding them to come to Fisherman's Horizon,either by rail or airship. They have been selected to participate in an event of great political significance,and escorts will await them at the arrivals terminals.
A loud shout erupted from the back of a long but thin alley formed between the back's of several stores. Despite being midday, the area was shrouded in light shadow cast by the tall buildings that created the alley, hiding the scene from all except those standing right at it's opening.

Estus Trailin Mirose pulled at the digits of the black leather glove she wore, a bored expression on her face as she gazed down with her ever piercing violet eyes at the five men she had just incapacitated. "Just a bunch of small fries" she thought as she finished removing her gloves and shoved them back into her heavy black leather coat.

The last to be taken down groaned, clutching at her leg as he looked up to the large rose emblem along her back. Turning suddenly, she landed a heavy kick to his head shouting "Hurry up and SLEEP!" her momentum sending the twin sashes attached to her galvanized steel hair pin's flying.

Crouching gently, she checked his pulse with her now bare hands, and picked up one of her daggers that laid resting in his leg. "Not even worth my time. I could have left them to the standard officers..." she thought to herself as she rose again to her feet and starting down the alley. "You guys just rest here till the others arrive to cart you away" she muttered under her breath.

Once clear of the alley, Estus took a deep breath and pulled out a small journal. Upon it's pages rested dozens more criminal hot-spots that were going to be shut down today to add to her already impressive record. She tore a small thin line into the page over the name of the alley and returned her book to her pocket. "Only four so far today...i'm behind." she thought to herself while fingering lightly at a brilliantly glowing purple gem embedded just below her collarbone.

A sudden vibration at her breast pocket quickly ceased her score keeping. "Orders? Finally..." she thought to herself, wasting no time in pulling free her gleaming pocket watch and holding it before her. It's chain chimed lightly as it swayed in a moderate arc, it's other end still attached to the inside of her coat. "Yes?" she said firmly towards it's sleek surface. "Just tell me it's not boring."
Lexi scratched her head in confusion as she read her letter. “How the hell do they expect me to get there?” she muttered before pausing and smiling slightly. It had been years since she had a direction for her life, and now this opportunity offered itself. If nothing else, it promised to present some rather interesting pockets for her to pick. The problem persisted, however, that she had enough change to buy food and water for just a day or two. A trip was out of the question . . . unless . . .

The woman pushed herself to her feet before dusting some of the sand off of her unremarkable cloak and tying her unkempt brown hair back into a lose ponytail. A determined grin still lingered, mostly forgotten, on her thin face as a course of action began to take root in her thoughts. As of late there had been several grumblings about the counts being off at the factory store located on the outskirts of her city. The rumors suggested that the company had a likely suspect but didn’t want to make a move out of respect for its owners dignity.

Normally such crimes were far beyond what she would allow herself to consider . . . There were rules to follow if she was to survive in her chosen career path. Her first and most highly adhered to rule was to only take that which was absolutely needed. Unfortunately, this rule was made back when she was under the impression that she was just going to be stealing enough money and goods for sustenance. Now, it would appear, she needed enough for a trip as well. Following this logic, the rule definitely stated that she was required to acquisition the funds necessary. Fate even seemed to be on her side by setting up a likely scapegoat for her convenient usage.

Pulling her cloak in tight to protect herself from the dusty wind she turned on her heel and strode confidently off into town. She had much to do and a rather small window of opportunity in which to do it.


A day and a half later, Alexis Grae handed her ticket over to the man at the airship gate. He glanced her over distastefully, noting with no small amount of suspicion the fact that she looked like some homeless miscreant, before letting her pass. She didn’t seem to notice. Rather, she looked around her with all of the wonder that one might expect from a child. Never before had she left her dusty little city in the desert, much less in anything as fancy or expensive as an airship. Failing to notice how out of place her tattered and dusty clothes looked, she stepped forward with great anticipation. For the first time in a long time she felt a great deal of excitement.

Her time on board the airship only heightened this new found eagerness. It seemed that eons passed before finally they landed at their destination in the Fisherman’s Horizon. With her heart in her throat, she waited impatiently until finally the doors to the ship opened and granted her a fantastic first look at a world much different than her god forsaken desert home. Forcing herself to remember to walk in spite of the fact that her legs felt like lead, she slowly made her way off of the airship and into the arrival terminal. This was it . . .
"Hey! Baby brother! Wake up now!" Was the shout a young, blue haired, blind man had normally woken up to, however, this morning, was different. He'd woken up without the shout from his eldest sister. He sat up, and yawned. His room wasn't all black, but it was to him. Ever since the young mage had accidentally blinded himself trying to make sticks move, everything was black. He sat up, and went to his clothing shelf, found his clothes, and got dressed.

"What's for breakfast?" Was the sound coming out of the kitchen, as the second youngest member of the family, a blond, green eyed Jack Monroe, had asked his eldest sister.

"Food, and if you don't like it, you can go hungry," She told him, as she made some food, but she had other things on her mind. The letter that had arrived, asking them to get to the Fisherman's Horizon. They where in walking distance of the nearest airship, so, it wouldn't be to hard to get there. Her purple hair was in a bun, and her green eyes narrowed on the food, taking it out before it burned. Naomi Monroe, acting, as always, like a mother for the other three, aside from Tiera, the silent one.

James, the young, blue eyed, blue haired, youngest and blindest of the family, walked in. Followed by Tiera. James had a slight scar underneath his right eye, but his eyes where hidden by his blindfold of flames. He'd had it for ages, ever since he'd been blinded, so he had it roughly 21 years. He was dressed in a black martial arts uniform, and asked this, "Why didn't you wake me up? Sister?"

"We've received a letter, inviting us to get to the Fisherman's Horizon. I wanted you to get as much sleep as you could," Naomi said, handing out the food, and then said this, "We'll pack after we eat, then head to the airship."

They ate, and packed, now heading to the air ship. Each having with them their own personal effects. James, his two swords, as his blue sword was his focus. Naomi, a pair of kamas. Tiera, or Maya as she'd prefer, had a bo staff, and Jack, a butterfly knife, and a switch blade. They also had extra sets of clothing, and such. They got on the air ship, and set off. Unaware of how much their lives would change.
' Sergeant Jaques, I have a task for you.' The Major's voice called out over the ruckus of the barracks as the man walked through the aisle between bunks, stopping in front of Allen who was tinkering with his crossbow. He was aways doing modifications, making sure it worked, making sure it was perfect. He wouldn't use anything with the magictek. He finished tightening the latch and looked up to the Major. 'Yes sir?' He asked, setting aside his weapon, also known as Charlotte, named after his mother. He didn't know why he named it that. It wasn't like he was in the habit of naming his weapons. But something about the elegant and slightly rustic design of the bow had reminded him of the woman who was so very elegant with a touch of rustic. He missed his mother a lot, and his siblings, but he now did his duties without hesitation. He was a good enough soldier that they didn't mind if he used his own, magic-free weaponry. He knew how to handle it, and he didn't fall behind. If anything he was a better, stronger soldier because of it. He had a good reputation and he kept his record clean and clear. The other soldiers enjoyed working with him, even if he was a little odd.

'You're to make a delivery to Fishermen's horizon Barracks. We have some supplies they asked for. You leave this afternoon. I expect you to report back the moment you reach the terminal. Oh and Jaques, this came for you.' He handed him a letter on plain white paper. There was no sender information on the envelope. it just told him to go to Fishermen's Horizon to participate in some political event. Great. He didn't even LIKE politics. It was their politicians that decided Magictek was more efficient than developing the technology they already had. 'Who sent this?' He asked his Major but the man just shook his head. 'It was delivered with the rest of the post.' Allen stared at the envelope, wondering what on earth it could be about. Still, he had to go to Fishermens anyway. He might as well attend.

Three hours later he was boarding the military airship to the centre island, along with a few other military personell that had business there. He wondered what was going on. He'd brought Charlotte with him, as well as his smaller weapon that he'd customised to be more efficient than the typical mechanical blade. He wasn't going without them that was certain. His tool kit was tucked into his travel bag, the weapons and ammo in their case, and his clothes in a rucksack he'd made himself.

When they came in to land, he departed the airship, looking around for the escort he was supposed to be receiving. He'd arranged for one of the other men to deliver the supplies and so was ready to partake on whatever it was he was about to get himself into.
Darian heard the entirety of what occurred in the alley. ‘Serves them right for being foolish enough to get caught.’ he thought frankly. He recognized the figure that exited the alley. ‘Estus Mirose. A warrior who could give me a run for my money. Best not to anger her.’ Darian made note of her presence in his small, black notebook. Then, snapping the pad shut with a sigh, he said to himself, “Well, time to go. Gotta make a living.”

Darian lithely jumped down from his perch atop a building with grace. He flipped to the ground, scaring a few people. Muttering a quick apology, he began running to his destination. Of course, the amount of people crowding the walkways inhibited Darian, and prevented him from reaching his goal in the desired amount of time. So, he began to free run, scaling walls, going through railings, flipping over street carts, and rolling on the ground. Soon, he’d arrived at his target: his favorite restaurant, DeMarcus’s. It was an old coffee shop, and it was one of the only places in the city that Darian felt retained the old ways, which were a good change of pace once in a while. Plus, it was an extremely tolerant place for both those with and without the Spark to mingle.

Elonzo DeMarcus, the store owner, came over to Darian.“The usual, right Darian?” he asked with a grin. Darian was a regular, so his favorites were well known. Returning the smile, Darian confirmed, “Yep, the usual.” Then, as an afterthought, he added, “Oh, and put a little oomph in the coffee today, I think I’ll need it.” Elonzo smirked, nodded, and went back to prepare Darian’s order.

Coming back, Elonzo balanced several plates at once. One had a delicious stack of pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon. Another had a few pieces of toast with marmalade and some sausages. The last plate had large sandwich that was packed to the brim with Darian’s favorite ingredients. “You have outdone yourself today, Elonzo.” said Darian, chuckling and licking his lips in anticipation. Handing Darian his coffee, Elonzo replied, “I always do, I always do.” As he was turning away, he spun back around. “Oh, I almost forgot. This arrived for you. I don’t know how they knew you came here, but they told me it was important, so there you go. If you need anything, you know where to find me.” Darian only gave a little wave as he had opened the letter absorbed in trying to figure out what the letter was for. DeMarcus retreated into his café’s kitchen.

As Darian dug into his super-sized meal, he wondered what it could be. Thinking aloud, he said to himself, “Who sent this to me? I certainly don’t have many connections in this city, or anywhere for that matter.” He looked a little ridiculous talking to himself with is mouth full, but that didn’t bother him in the slightest. He pondered, ‘Perhaps the originators of this “event of political significance” had connections with my parents. They were, after all, both archmagi.’ Having finished his food while thinking, he got up from his booth, paid and tipped Elonzo the usual, called out a hasty goodbye, and exited the shop. He was travelling to Fisherman’s Horizon by airship. As he walked to the airship terminal, normally this time, Darian continued to ponder what he would find there. ‘I wonder if anyone else was sent a letter and will attend this meeting?' Having reached the terminal, he put aside those thoughts, paid for his ticket, and boarded the airship, ready for whatever awaited him at Fisherman's Horizon.
A rustic bronze suit jacket hugged the blue shirt comfortably as a young male exited his small home hidden deep in Almaz. It was nice out, a tad warm, but with a nice chilly breeze. The clouds moved idly passed the sun creating darkness along the streets in random places. Grimm's disheveled hair stuck to his forehead and has he reached up to fluff it up a crinkling sound came from the inside pocket of his jacket. With a puzzled expression the young man reached into the pocket and took out a white envelope which he had already been opened not twenty minutes ago. Nodding to himself he put it back into the pocket and brought his attention to what he was supposed to be doing, pertaining to the letter.

"Gotta catch that airship to Fisherman's Horizon to attend a 'political significance event' which isn't to far from here. Hopefully I can work off all that food I ate as I walk to the airship gates."
Realizing he had began to talk to himself again he clamped his mouth shut and shoved his hands inside his front trouser pockets. His feet carried him onward towards town where he would catch the airship that would be leaving in an hour's time. Early that morning Grimm had woken up to a letter in front of his doorstep, as he arranged breakfast for himself he broke the seal and began to read its contents. He hadn't been too curious on the whole thing since well curiosity killed the cat and he wasn't too keen on dying yet, metaphorically speaking. He would just have to see what it was all about when he arrived to the scene. The day had not been planned yet so attending the event wouldn't be a big knick in his schedule. A scoff exited his throat as he realized he had no schedule. Cleaning up his devoured food, packing whatever he guessed he would need, and dressing accordingly to the weather outside Grimm had set off to Fisherman's Horizon.

He was now passing others along the street, a sack of extra clothes slung over one shoulder. The golden gauntlet was now shining against the sun on his right forearm since not five minutes ago he became sweaty and decided to roll his sleeves up above his elbows. His wand was strapped to his left wrist sitting idly inside the sharkskin sheath that was made specifically for it. Jingling in his pockets was the necessary change he would need to buy his ticket for the airship, which had been earned respectively from doing several odd jobs around the city. He had kept the money for a few months now too save up for a trip back to Canak, but using it for this sort of trip was not a big deal for Grimm.

- - - -

Not an hour later he had handed his golden ticket to the elder man at the airship gate and was now peacefully awaiting for his journey to begin. With his hands folded behind his head he relaxed into his seat as the ship took off towards its own destination. There wasn't many people on board so he melted into the comforting silence so he could take a nap. He may need the sleep for later on in the day. "You never know.." Speaking to himself once more he mentally scolded himself. It wasn't unnatural for the man to speak to himself, hell at home he had full on conversations and debates inside his mind. For Grimm though, in public of course, he tried to refrain from it as much as he could since it only confirmed the fact that he was a bloody nut job. Brows furrowing slightly he shooed away any thoughts and seemingly drifted off into a deep slumber.

Unknowingly awaking as they landed in the terminal, the young man in the bronze jacket opened his eyes so he could stand and not stumble onto another being. He stretched and grabbed his bag from beside him only to sling it over his shoulder once more. When the door opened to reveal the terminal he and several others exited into the new found world. Grimm had visited Fisherman's Horizon only once before so he was unsure exactly where to go, but to his luck he only had to wait for an escort. The terminal was bustling though and it seemed as if he would never find who he needed. With a heavy sigh he leaned against a pillar that was perfect to survey the people that passed by. Hopefully he would catch the person who would send for him in time.
Tatsuo Maruyama just sat there in front of his fireplace, watching as the fire dances in front of him while it fends off the cold air that sweeps into the very place he calls his house. And on the both sides of his lap, sat his two most prized possessions; his two katana swords. Both equally crafted by the fine skills of his ancestors, whom had passed them all the way down to his parents, and after so many years of rough training they are now Tatsuo's. He had always kept the two swords by his side, especially since his mother and father's death. As if these weapons are apart of him, like extra limbs. He had already eaten food a while ago, seeing that it was of course midday. And now, he had planned to start meditating for a while. To help ease himself.

That was until suddenly, he had heard a few quick knocks on his wooden door. At first, he thought that he was just imagining this as the living room now seemed silent. But then within seconds, six more knocks followed right after that brief moment. And with this, Tatsuo quickly got himself from his spot by the fireplace and walked over to the door. He then stopped for a moment as he held onto the doorknob, wondering who could this be behind the door. But without any further hesitation, Tatsuo went ahead and opened the door. And as soon as it was opened, he couldn't help but to smile.

"Hey there Tatsuo!" Said the little boy who stood there in front of the door. The boy came to the man's home prepared for the cold weather outside, but the sweater he had on looked too big on him. Tatsuo laughed a bit, and placed his hand on the boy's head. "I'm glad to see that you're here, Botan! What are you doing here, little one?" Tatsuo asked as he stared down at the envelope Botan was holding onto, who had a big grin on his face as he stared up at Tatsuo.

"The old man by the harbor told me to give this to you, since you were sleeping a while ago. There's a letter inside. But now since you're awake, I can give it to you!" The young boy told Tatsuo, who held out the envelope to the man as he giggled for a bit. Although, he stared down at it for a moment, and then back to the young boy. Tatsuo wondered who this letter could have came from. Better yet, what does this person want? And what will the letter inside the envelope reveal to him? Tatsuo was just about to get lost in his train of thoughts, until the little boy poked his left arm.

"It's for you, silly!" Botan yelled out, trying to see if he can help snap Tatsuo back into reality. And it worked, since Tatsuo patted the boy's head and gladly took the envelope from him. "Thank you, Botan. I appreciate the fact that you came all this way to my home just for a letter." The man said as he smiled at Botan, and then proceeded to open up the envelope. It felt odd, though. As if someone else had already opened it up and read the letter inside themselves. That feeling quickly disappeared after he pulled the letter from out of the envelope and began to read it.

Great political significance..? Tatsuo thought to himself as he had finished reading the letter. Whoever the person was that sent him this, had asked of him to head over to the Fisherman's Horizon. Which was an island right smack in the middle of it all. The only possible transportation Tatsuo can use is the airships, since he's in Canak. In order to go by rail, of course, was if he was at either Almaz or Bockrath. And there was no way that he would go there by sea, since the waters are dangerous. This one, massive island was one that had interested Tatsuo for many years to come. In fact, he has never set foot on that island. At least, not yet that is.

And just when Tatsuo had folded the letter in half and placed it back into the envelope, he saw that Botan was staring out into the small town they lived in, as if the boy seemed troubled. The man felt bad, seeing that Botan must have been the one who had read the letter. So he knelled down next to the young one and stared at the town with him. "You're going to leave, aren't you Tatsuo?" The boy questioned the man, as he is still staring at all of the people walking by in their little town. Tatsuo just sighed, not knowing how hard it was to actually say goodbye to the son of his childhood friend. He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder to comfort him. They stayed silent for a while as they stared out, kind of enjoying the view.

"Sadly, I have to, Botan. It may take a while, or it may not. But," Tatsuo stopped as he stood back up, and stared over to the distant sea. "But I'm hoping that while I'm gone, you won't stop training in honing your own skills. And hey, while I'm gone, I'm trusting you to defend our home, because it is a task for a strong hearted person such as yourself." Tatsuo said, in the hopes of helping the boy back into his happy state. And thankfully it worked, because Botan quickly spun around and stared up at Tatsuo. "Yeah, and when you come back I'll be stronger than you! Just you wait!" Botan yelled out in pure joy, in which had made Tatsuo chuckle for a bit.

"I can't wait to see that day come, Botan. You take care of yourself." He told the boy as he patted his little head once more. Botan nodded, and said his last goodbyes as he ran off back home to his mother. But soon after, the old man who Botan had mentioned earlier, appeared right next to Tatsuo, who was smiling as they both watched the boy scurry off. "Quite the special one, isn't he?" The old man said as he held onto his cane with both hands. "He's just like how you were when you was just as small and frail as he was." The old man continued, in which made Tatsuo smile. It was true, though. He was surprised that the old man had actually remembered, although he really shouldn't be. He was good old friends with his parents. As if he was a grandfather to Tatsuo.

"I'm hoping you'll be able to take care of yourself, Junichiro." Tatsuo told the old man as he began to walk over to his door. "Oh I will, Tatsuo. But you be careful out there, son. The world may seem bright with the sun shining down upon us, but some parts that the sun's light isn't able to reach over to can be clouded by darkness." Junichiro told Tatsuo, who sounded more worried about the man's life than his own. Tatsuo laughed for a bit as he held onto the doorknob, and stared back at the old man. He understood what he said, though.

Life may seem easy here in this small town of Canak, but who knows what dangers will await for him out there in the other continents. But it isn't as if it was always this easy in Canak, because you have to actually struggle in order to survive the unforgiving hardships that this continent brings. But Tatsuo knows better, since he had already traveled to the other two well known areas. "You know what, I think I'm going to miss your wise words as well. Don't worry about me, old man. I'll be fine." He said as he opened his door, but stopped at midway. He stood there, staring at the old man for a while, until finally he gave his old friend a friendly smile.

"Thank you, Junichiro. I hope we can meet up soon." He said as the old man nodded and smiled back. Tatsuo then slowly closed the door behind him, and stared over to his fireplace and his swords. He nodded to himself, remembering what he has to do. He only had a few hours left before he can board the airship if he was able to make it in time. Thankfully, after a while of saying his goodbyes to the people of his small town, he left his home and was able to board the airship heading over to the Fisherman's Horizon. And as he sat there on his seat, staring out through the window while he waited for the airship to finally take off, he wondered what glorious adventure will await for him once he reaches to the island. Only time will tell on what will happen, and Tatsuo was determined to make it there.

His eyes was now set for the Fisherman's Horizon.
It seemed like it was his lucky day…

As Antares pulled into the shores of Bockrath, Nikon looked back to his catch of the day, already wrapped in its proper bag. The man had wrestled a bull-shark today, and he had won, excusing the minor battle he had with the big fish. To be exact, it was about 7 feet and was about all he could carry on his boat with its weight. Nikon had spent most of his day cutting and cleaning it, and now it was properly bagged and ready for the market.

Now it was the hard part, getting back to the shores of Bockrath without Antares being destroyed in the west waters of the island. Other than the warm, inhospitable waters full of sulfur and salt there were also brine geysers that he had to worry about. Still, it was the only place that he could dock, being that the west was covered by cliffs and dangerous wildlife. Nikon was used to this life though, and Antares was thankfully forgiving, especially after a few repairs.

When he made it to shore, he tied it up on the docks, unsurprised by their bareness but noticing a man waiting by the end of the dock. The man seemed to have been waiting there for him, as he moved when he saw the red vessel approach the shore, and he did him a favour by climbing up onto dock. His catch was with him, and he carried his harpoon up with him, the chain draped over his shoulder.

The man seemed to be interested in him, “Nikon Lazar?” the man wonders aloud and the fisherman nods, straightening. The man hands him an envelope and nods, standing by without much of another word; Nikon is quick to scan the envelope and tear it open. The letter inside slides out easily and he reads it, flipping the mysterious letter.

“I’ll be your escort for today…” the man notes, nodding and leading him along.

Nikon was already headed in the direction of Fisherman’s horizon, but the shark meat would waste with more time. Carrying the cooler behind him, he followed the man, “I have to sell this in the market first” he notes, and the man nods “As long as you are quick”. They climb on the rail, and the man scans the letter again, which he had stuffed into his pocket but he finds nothing.

When the two make it to Fisherman’s horizon, Nikon first heads to the market, where he earns a hefty sum from the meat. Then his escort is quick to direct him to where he needs to go, and he follows behind him reluctantly.
The bandaged man at the cafe smirked under his bandages. I think she'll be best for this... "This is Inquisitor Koboi. I need you to meet me at the Fisherman's Horizon end of the Bockrath-Horizon line in two days,around midday." He withdrew a letter,identical to the ones sent out to the others,from under his waistcoat. "There's something we need to discuss and collaborate on." His order arrived,and so Koboi ended the spell that allowed him to chat with his peer.

The Appointed Day...

At the train terminals,two individuals,one at each,were adorned in blue uniforms with gray trim. The man,who waited at the Almaz terminal was tall and well muscled,but not overly so,and had a cigarette in his mouth,his mop of brown hair nearly covered his constantly swiveling eyes. The woman,at the Bockrath terminal,was shorter,who wore her blonde hair in a folded bun at the back with her bangs parted to the left,resting just above the eyebrow. They both held signs bearing the message "Letter Bearer Escort". As the day dragged on,and the appointed hour came and past,they tucked their signs under their arms,and departed into the heart of the enormous city-state.

At the airship terminal,however,another man stood,wearing an identical uniform as the other two. This man could only be described as a human mountain,with a comical curled handlebar mustache and a single lock of forward curling hair grew from just above his forehead from an otherwise polished dome. He held the same sign as his coworkers,and stood out in the crowd like a raging inferno at sea in the dead of night. He held his sign to his enormous chest,well above the head level of the crowd milling about around him. The appointed hour was approaching,but if he was impatient or displeased,he hid it well,as he seemed happy,humming a tuneless song,waiting for his charges.
Alexis watched the others moving about in the terminal and noted with a disgruntled sigh that they all seemed to be carrying some sort of baggage. She hadn’t even thought of preparing something like that. The reason for this probably had something to do with the fact that she had never owned enough possessions to have anything to pack, but this difference still irked her. Really . . . who would think of her as belonging at ‘a political event’ if she lacked something so simple as luggage?

Rather than obsessing over this, however, she solved her problem by picking up a faded tan bag and slinging it over her shoulder before walking off. The motion was smooth, to say the least. She hadn’t dedicated years to mastering the art of putting on a façade of natural ownership for nothing after all. Her practice had actually made her a master of what she liked to think of as mundane illusions. This was her true strength: the ability to make people perceive reality as different than it actually was by means of misleading actions or situations. These perceived realities made her work as a pickpocket much simpler than it would have otherwise been. With a simple sleight of hand, she discarded the name on the bag as she silently apologized to whomever ‘Mr. Geoffrey Millyan’ was for making him spend the requisite hours at baggage claim attempting to locate his stolen bag.

Glancing around the wide open arrival terminal for some sign of her promised escort, she quickly found the mammoth of a man holding up a sign which clearly marked him as the one. Putting on a rather shy and innocent smile she bounced her way over to him with the same child-like excitement which she had displayed upon entering the airship. “Hellooooo up there!” she greeted loudly as she tilted her head back in a clearly exaggerated way to look up at him. The difference in height was rather tremendous seeing as she was only 5'1". Her slender, nearly skeletal frame made her seem even smaller than her height would imply, however, thus making her look as some ant in comparison to this great gorilla of a man.

Tilting his head down to look at this disheveled and unprofessional looking woman, he nodded his acknowledgement as he continued to hold his sign up. “I believe you were waiting for me,” she continued playfully, intentionally being louder than she needed to be as a minor joke on the massive man’s size in comparison to her short stature.

“Eh?” he inquired, looking at her again with a bit more interest as she produced her letter and waved it over her head.

“I’m Alexis Grae, but the few who know it just call me Lexi” she grinned, lowering her paper so as to reach out a hand in greeting. He took it, engulfing her small hand inside of his massive fist. Noting that he was still holding his sign aloft, she sat down after first shaking his hand as firmly as she was able. “I take it we’re waiting on a couple more people then, huh?”
Estus fingered at your pocketwatch for a few moments longer as she thought to herself. “Koboi? He’s been an Inquisitor for considerably longer than myself. The fact that he called me… He even went so far as to use the word ‘need’. Whatever he needs done must be very important, or difficult.”

Swiftly returning the proof of her station to her breast pocket, the young inquisitor made her way to the next point on her list. This was no longer a day for her to ‘relax’, but rather to fine tune her skills as sharply as she could manage for her upcoming trial. This was another chance for her to further prove herself, there was no way she would allow failure. Especially not if it were as important a mission as she was beginning to believe it must be.


Night had fallen quickly across the busy city of Degalt. The night air chilled at her skin as she steadily made her way up the well traveled stairs of the railway. This had not been her first time readying to leave Almaz, but it was the first time having no prior knowledge on her mission when doing so.

Sighing into the sea side air, Estus walked past the long line of would be travelers that had collected in front of the station. Over the large beautifully made structure, brilliant metal rails extended up and off into the distance of the gently rocking sea. Estus had always had something of a love of impressive craftsmanship. To her, the ability to craft such machinations without recourse to magic was almost like a mirror to her own life.

Though she possessed the spark, she had almost no magical ability to speak of. The best magic she could manage was to produce the most insignificant of sparks, not even capable of lighting a single cigarette or a fuse. In one particular mission, she had even failed to ignite kerosene.

Her family had been widely heralded as one of the greatest magical families in all of Almaz, though the truth at present was no where near so illustrious. As it was, only a fourth of those possessing the ‘Mirose’ name even had the potential to use magic at all. While the majority of the dwindling members of her family possessing the spark rose to be outstanding members of the magical community, there were still plenty that barely made any noteworthy achievements. All the while the ruling members of her family grew ever more haughty and self absorbed. With a lifestyle so very extravagant, and their largest claim to fame diminishing, they had taken to producing immense magical displays to continue attracting attention to them. To Estus, they were little more than peacocks fluffing out their tails to the world.

Before becoming an inquisitor, she had been little more than trash to them. A sacrifice only useful for wedding to some other prominent family so that they could continue with all of the trappings of their current lives. Now she possessed the highest station of anyone in her family… She intended to make certain the name ‘Mirose’ would once again stand up to it’s original strength, even if she couldn’t perform that magic herself. The thought of removing all those worthless people that treated her as if she were nothing but the scum under their boot kept her going long after most would tire of the endeavor.

“Miss, your ticket?” asked one station-men as she walked purposefully up towards the train. Reaching into her pocket, she quickly flashed her pocket-watch before continuing past him and boarding. She picked the first seat near the door and sat, trying to run over her magical formula in her mind…still hoping to eventually come to a breakthrough that would allow her to consider herself a true Mirose.


The trip had been a long one, and even the driven Inquisitor had succumbed to one of humanities most basic needs, sleep. One of the crewmen of the train gently brushed against her smooth skin with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face.

“Ma…ma’am?” he stammered out nervously, his head facing away so as not to allow her to think he might have been staring at her gem and it’s surrounding area.

“Ma’am” he let out a bit more firmly, finally drawing Estus from her slumber. “We’ve arrived at Fisherman's Horizon Ma’am”

Estus looked around at the bright morning sun through her window before rising quickly.

“Thanks” she said curtly before stepping out of the empty train car and out into the terminal. It was only a matter of time before Koboi would contact her again with information on where to meet. She grimaced at the inconvenience of being able to place a call herself, it was a wonder they promoted her with such ineptitude for her station.

Looking up towards the heavens, she took a deep breath of the seaside air before again walking with her ever present aura of purpose. If she had time to kill, she had time to study…she wasn’t going to earn the Mirose name doing nothing.
Throughout the entire trip over to the "Central Island," Tatsuo enjoyed the ocean view he had as he stared out through his window. Yes, the ocean was indeed dangerous. For it was a suicide mission for anyone to set sail in these waters that they so heavenly fly above. But that didn't mean that a man can't gaze at the ocean, as if the sea had casted a spell onto the him. Almost hypnotizing anyone who stared at it's magnificence. During his trip, though, he would often go back to the same thoughts about this meeting he was going to attend. He was glad he brought he swords with him, and a suit case he had packed up before he left Canak. And of course, he was still holding onto the letter, seeing that it would obviously be foolish to just throw something as important as this letter away.

And as he got closer to the island, he had already fallen asleep, figuring that it would be best to get some rest now while he still can. Once he got there, he had awakened by the opening doors and the fellow citizens speaking to one another as they were passing by his side, leaving the airship. He decided to wait until most of the passengers left, so he can get through the crowd of people that filled the inside of the airship. And so to waste a minute or two, he stood up from his seat and stretched, feeling well rested. Even if the trip didn't take as long as he had expected it to be. But nevertheless, he's here and ready to get on with this meeting.

And after a moment of waiting for nearly half of the passengers to leave, Tatsuo picked up his suit case, and walked into the crowd and followed them all out of the airship. And as he made his way out of there, he was welcomed by a LARGE crowd of people just rushing by each other. Then there were people calling out for each other as some greeted one another. This area seemed very lively, of course. The arrival terminal was just filled with all sorts of people. But the one, noticeable person that he saw within the large crowd of people was this very tall and large man. Who wore a blue uniform with a grey trim and was holding a sign that read "Letter Bearer Escort." He seemed like a soldier to Tatsuo, though.

He just couldn't believe the fact that this one man was so tall that he towered over all of the people within the terminal. It was a funny sight at first, but after a brief moment Tatsuo decided to just walk over to the man and show him the letter. And as he made it closer to the man, Tatsuo also saw a woman right beside him. Just by seeing her, this had already answered his previous question. During his trip over to the Fisherman's Horizon, Tatsuo was wondering if there was anyone else who could have gotten the same exact letter that he got. It seems that there are more people, then.

Finally, as he made it over to the large man and the woman beside him, he bowed his head to them. "Hello there, sir, madam. My name is Tatsuo Maruyama, it's a pleasure to meet the two of you." He said as he greeted the two of them, but then focused his attention to the man as he pulled out his letter and showed it to him, assuming that this was what he needed to do in order to prove that he has the letter. And once he showed the man this, he had just simply nodded, but stayed right in his place. It looked as if he was still expecting for some more people to come. And because of that, this made Tatsuo look back over to the airships. Any one of those ships could hold the remaining few who has to be the letter bearers.

Tatsuo just scratched the back of his head as he simply placed his suit case on the floor, and stood beside the two to await for the others to come.
The terminal was busy as many other airships lined up with the docking station, the gaping mouths opening like wales and spitting out the passengers in long lines of drowsy people. It was a constant business he was sure, the numerous amounts of people coming in and out of Fisherman's Horizon. Allen watched in interest for a while, his bags slung over his shoulder in a comfortable stance. He was intrigued by all the people. You'd never believe that mingled into those crowds were people with the spark. His eyes narrowed in disgust at the memory, scrutinising the new arrivals with newfound intensity as if he could pick out which ones were traitors to the rest of them, the Mages. Just the word itself was enough to make his blood curdle. He despised them and everything they stood for. Their whole damn foundation was built on the goddamned spark. It was unnatural. The spark couldn't save lives. It couldn't build wealth, or bring a lost family member back. It was useless! And they all worshipped the founders of their 'great society' for it. Allen scoffed at the thought, turning away from the milling passengers and heading into the terminal.

There were even more people inside. Chatter filled the area, friends greeting each other, friends departing, children screaming. Allen's head swam from the noise. He clutched at his head, dropping the bags on the ground as he half doubled over. Pain surged through him. He always got migraines after travelling. He never understood why. After a moment he bent down, picked up his bags again and straightened up, looking for any sign of someone who looked like they could be his escort. He didn't have to look far. A giant man a blue uniform with a handlebar moustache and an interesting twist on the typical 'superman' styled hair curl stood with two others, both rather belittled compared to the massive bulk of the man, holding up a sign. Assuming that this was indeed the man he was looking for he walked over, nodding to all three. 'Sergeant Allen Jaquis reporting for duty.' He said in a clipped, brisk, no nonsense voice, saluting slightly and then lapsing into a thoughtful silence, wondering if any of those three, or the others to come, bore the same hateful spark as he.
"Smile dear, angel. Smile for the sake of the wretched and the cold. Play a song with that golden guitar before the tears shall fall, my angel dear. You make me feel my soul but barely my heart, put effort or you shall fall. Work for the bread and your thirst shall be gone. Because my angel dear there is nothing called heaven without hell." A sweet, nostalgic female voice said before a heart-squeezing scream was heard. A young child started to run with a teddy bear in her hand. Her blue hair stood out while her clothes were merely rags. She stumbled and fell before reaching a town full of people; talking, laughing and heading God knows where.

The sun streamed down through a window on Fay before she woke up from her slumber. She had a strong headache which seemed to just get stronger and stronger as the seconds passed. She knew she had a dream but could not even remember the scenery of it. It wasn´t like she just guessed that she had a dream; more like felt it. Sensed it even. Hearing the door open to her bedroom. A man in his fifties with black hair covered in gray stains, brown dull eyes and a large build stepped in with a rather lazy smile. He wore some black baggy jeans and a white button up shirt while smiling down on Fay. Her long blue hair was in a mess and it amused the old man.
"Time to wake up, Fay!" Groaning slightly she rolled herself over to fall on the floor beneath her bed."You´re so troublesome Finn!" Her ocean blue eyes scanned her surroundings; her room was coloured in a warm forest green paint while her roof was dark black. She had a bathroom to the left while the bed lay in the right. To the left of the bed was a closet and to the right a desk with a little office lamp on. Standing up slowly Fay headed to the closet to change out of her clothes. "I´d wear something comfortable if I were you after all you are patrolling the city today." Finn stated before leaving Fay to change. She chuckled slightly; it always was for him to order her around when he had the chance. Deciding to follow his advice Fay took some black ripped skinny jeans on and a light brown, boarder beige trench coat with a white shirt underneath before heading out. Taking her guns with her.

It was midday when Fay decided to take a break from the long walk around the city she had. Heading to her favourite café she saw her old beggar-buddy Rina sitting on the floor; polishing some arrogant old mans shoe. Deciding to help her out Fay walked over briskly. Rina had just finished polishing the old mans shoe before he threw a few gold coins on the ground next to her. Slowly Rina stood up before glancing Fays way. "What do you want, Fay?"Fay smiled softly before opening Rinas hand and putting some silver coins in her hand then slowly closing it. "That will be enough for a weeks worth of bread." She whispered softly before deciding to head to her favourite café once again.

Entering the café Fay sat at a abandoned table before waiting for a waiter. An old woman in her forties came over with a soft smile. "Well if it isn´t Fay! I thought you disappeared for awhile there. What could I get you dear?" Fay laughed slightly while she listened to the lady's slightly dark voice. " I´ll take the usual but some green tea instead of a wake-up smoothie. And while you are at it Doris..Get me two chocolate muffins." Doris smirked at their code name for information on the streets. "Coming right up...JAMES, THE USUAL FOR FAY BUT GREEN TEA!" Doris screamed across the small café before sitting down opposite from Fay. "Charloan has been trying to take over Blueberry street again. I heard that some mages are coming to town for a week; you know the ones from Aqua city? And..No forget about it. It is probably just me being overly observant." Doris mumbled the last bit before Fay started to chuckle. "Oh Doris dear! You are NEVER overly observant. Now tell me at once. You know how it goes..Rather safe then so-" Getting cut off by Doris putting her hand over Fays mouth, Fay internally laughed."I know, I know. Rather safe then sorry! I heard that since you began with this government work!" Doris all but yelled annoyed. Fay rolled her eyes while Doris just looked at her; almost asking her to deny it. "A few days ago, I think two...A man that was bandaged head to toe came in here; he ate while talking to..himself..?.. I don´t know but he got my attention and he´ll probably catch yours to." Doris said in a hushed tone before another waitress came with Fays breakfast/lunch. "Thank you, Doris...That was rather interesting..."

Fay pondered on about this man with bandages all over his body while walking down the end of the Bockrath-Horizon line. She did that every time she had patrol duty before finishing up in case she saw some of Charloans people who hanged around there. Letting her eyes scan the area she took a step back at the sight of a man. A man with bandages all over his body just like Doris mentioned. Fay took a deep breath before slowly walking backwards, hiding herself in a corner; watching the man. He had some trousers on and a waistcoat. A rather magnificent pendant hanging from his neck. He looked as if he was waiting on someone while Fay decided to stay out of sight and be a observer for now. After all it´s better to catch a rat in a corner.
Soon, Darian arrived at Fisherman's Horizon. He disembarked from the airship and was instantly assimilated into the flow of people at the terminal. There were rich and poor people, smart and moronic people, even mages and normals here. Darian observed the happenings as he walked, and he soon saw a bear of a man holding a sign that made it obvious that he would be Darian's guide. Walking up to the man, Darian gave a simple, curt nod to the others gathered there, muttered his name, "Darian.", and then he took his place next to the man. Nothing more needed to be said to the bear man or to the other attendeees, and Darian was content with pondering the reasons as to why he was called to a "political event", as well as what other types of people would soon be joining him.
Stifling a yawn Grimm had just recently caught the burly man with the handlebar mustache not a few minutes ago. After a few people already arrived and handed him a white envelope identical to his own, the man decided it was his turn to speak with the escort. His bag was still hanging loosely from over his shoulder as he meekly walked through the crowd of people that blocked his path to the escort. When he arrived - almost toe to toe - in front of the large man he then realized his full stature, shrugging nonchalantly he took out the envelope from his inside suit pocket and put it out for the man to see only uttering one word that he hoped would make his point, "Grimm."

The escort simply nodded towards him and Grimm returned the gesture with a smug smile, taking his place against the wall nearby. He was untroubled really by this sudden gathering which would seem odd to others, but truthfully he learned to not jump ahead in a situation and to keep a level head and mind. Nearly scoffing at his choice of words he dropped his bag steadily down to his feet before folding his arms over his chest and looking onward toward the group of people that kept coming on and off the airship. He noticed the burly escort was still in place along with others who most likely bore the same letter, which meant there was still other people that would accompany them all on this journey. If it really was a journey or really a political event. "I never liked politics though.." he said roughly continuing his thoughts in words instead of well - thoughts. It was more to himself than anything.
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION]: Hate to do this,but I need plot to move. I'm bunnying your characters to have met with the escort.

Koboi wore the exact same attire he did two days ago,except with fresh bandages. He scanned the crowd with his cold icy blue eyes that seemed to penetrate your soul,as if damning you to cosmic punishment. He was fifteen minutes early. He didn't want to keep Estus waiting. She was one of the best,despite being unable to tap her Spark. His quarry left the terminal,alone. She carried herself with an air of absolute professionalism and purpose. Her uniform,blue and gray,would make her easy to follow. He had a hunch of where she was going,but he didn't want to lose her. Thankfully,at that moment,Estus came into view. He approached her quickly,and when he drew near,he said in a low voice,barely audible to himself, "No names,keep it quiet." He slid the letter from his waistcoat,and handed it to his peer. "You've heard of these,right?" His knife's pommel caught the light as they walked the streets of the megacity's fourth deck of seven. As they passed a dumpster,as identical as all the rest,Koboi stopped,and pulled out a belt with scabbard,which held a rapier,and a small axe on a length of chain. He put on the belt as they walked,and then he wrapped the axe's chain around his right shoulder,and clipped the end of the chain to one of the straps holding his knife's scabbard to his collarbone. Finally,he slid the axe into the pouch that was on his back,as a part of his knife's scabbard. The axe's rear spike poked out from under his armpit.


The human mountain at the airdock smiled at his charges in turn,and checked a plain pocket watch every few minutes. When noon had struck,he gave a nod,and a smile could be seen under his glorious mustache. "It is time for us to move,my friends!" His voice was strong and hearty,and completely at odds with his seemingly carved from stone appearance. Sure,he sounded huge,but he also sounded friendlier than a good nanny. He folded the sign easily,and tucked it into his jacket,and said, "Does anyone need assistance with their luggage? I'm here to serve." He instinctively bent down to retrieve the bags of the young man with the covered eyes. His eyes must be burnt out. How saddening. He felt honourbound to assist someone as disabled as him while he himself was so naturally gifted.


Nikon's escort,wearing the same uniform as the others,looked like an odd hybrid between laid back and professional. His black hair looked messy,but close inspection revealed that it was styled to look so. He had a scraggly beard that traveled along his chin and jaw,and his square rimmed glasses rested easily on his face.
"So,Mister Lazar,you a family man?" As he posed his question,he withdrew his sharkskin wallet from his coat,opened it,and sighed contentedly,staring wistfully at a family photo within.

All of the escorts approached the elevators,leading to the second deck.
Fay kept her posture straight and busy while playing with her hair: acting as if she is just hanging out while she waited for the man to start moving. She felt his gaze a second before it continued through the crowd of people around. A relieved sigh came out. Fay eyes widen; she never was relieved. EVER. Why would this man and his gaze change that fact? Why did she slightly feel agitated and a bit fearsome of him? After all he could be just some civilian! Her eyes turned to the man; staring at him when she saw a woman with a black trench coat, and some crimson pants walk against the terminal from the corner of her left eye. The woman had an aura which made Fay a bit weary and her violet eyes made her seem rather fearsome like the bandage man. Her chestnut hair was pinned up slightly while the front had hair flowing down to her chest where she had a crimson red and black corset. A white streak was at the left stream which made Fay curious thought it seemed rather familiar. The bandage man approached the black and crimson clothed woman rather fast making Fay feel more and more doubtful. What did he want with her? In deep thoughts Fay started to mime; faking that she was talking to the slightly younger girl next to her. Uncertain of the violet eyed ladies position Fay decided to just call her Ally and the man Bandage. Bandage lips opened slightly, indicating speech thought Fay could not comprehend what he had said. Sliding a letter from his waistcoat and handing it to lady, Fay decided that something was rather smelly with this case. They started to approach the terminal. While the blue and gray uniformed lady she had seen Bandage glance at once in awhile when he was apparently waiting for Ally. Seems like he had certain business with this lady and Fay rather be safe then sorry before she loses them out of sight! So slowly Fay started to walk again; following Ally and Bandage.

"Fay, Fay wait!" Looking back she saw Kim; A waitress at the café running her way with a letter in her hand. Stopping but still slightly observing Bandage and Ally. They were still walking in the streets when they passed a dumpster. Frowning slightly Fay observed Bandage´s movements; He took out a scabbard which held something she could not see and a small axe. Fay smirked slightly; There is definitely something fishy about these two. Something Fay will find out. Living on Finn´s motto: Better catch a rat in a corner then let it run around free. Turning to Kim, Fay started speaking in a rather rushed tone.

"Yes dear?" She said while glancing back and forth between Bandage, Ally and Kim.

"Doris asked me to deliver this to you." Handing over a small letter Fay smiled before putting it in her pocket for later and thanked Kim before asking a favour.

"Thank you dear and if you would not mind to deliver a message for me to Finn. I believe it´s about time he drinks his midday tea?"

"Yes, He is at the café at the moment. What shall I speak?"

Smiling softly Fay patted the young lady´s cheek before telling her exactly what to say.

"Do tell him I may disappear for awhile; I think I´m on something rather big and I´ll come home as fast as I finish up. Tell him it may take minutes, hours, days, months or years but that I will return; Either fallen in a chest or healthy as a blue dragon." Fay said with a loving voice. She always either send a letter or message to Finn when she´d leave. She may never see him again and for that she hopes her last words will last as a fine and good memory. Kim smiled softly and understood before giving Fay a hug and left. Seeing she almost lost sight of Ally and Bandage, Fay ran slowly after them; walking to her future. Fay continued her stalking; with proud and determined steps.
Lexi gave a little squeal as she jumped quickly to her feet at the giant’s declaration that it was finally time for them to get going. Acting like some half-witted, hair-brained twit, she hugged her newly acquired luggage tightly and allowed herself to fidget about in the most unprofessional manner possible. “Isn’t this exciting?” she chirped in a bubbly voice to the soldier, tugging at his sleeve in a friendly manner.

One thing that she had noticed about this group was that they all seemed rather . . . proper. Introductions seemed to be curt and to the point, boasting an air of professionalism which made her disheveled self seem even more of an outcast than she normally was. Honestly, however, insofar as she was concerned, there was no reason to correct that fact. It would require too much time and too many explanations for her to feel it worth her while.

“Lexi,” she grinned at tall man with messy black hair and scars. If she remembered correctly, which she was fairly certain that she did, he had been more curt than the others in offering only his name. Then, apparently losing interest in him without so much as waiting for a reply she nudged their escort with her elbow and offered him a positively glowing smile.

“Ahoy up there!” she boomed cheerily up at him, her smile widening slightly. “Where is it that you be taking us to now, my good mammoth of a man?”
"I am sure you'll find that, even if I am blind, I like to retrieve mine own luggage, sir," James said, a bit of a smile on his face, "But I appreciate the offer." He grabbed his stuff, and went beside his eldest sister, holding onto the side of her clothing, so he'd not get lost among the crowd.

"So, are you the one who sent us that letter, or is it some bigger, more powerful person who asks for our family?" Naomi asked, she seemed the leader of the group, but she really wasn't. In reality, the most powerful Monroe, being a mage after all, is James.

"Nice outfit you've got there. I like," Jack said, smiling like a fool, but it was an act.
Alexis turned her smile slowly towards the shaggy haired blonde man in the black outfit, seeming to forget about the question that she had just asked their resident gorilla. The man had a bit of a goofy smile and a rather sardonic sense of humor judging by his curt and joking comment about the big man’s uniform. All in all, she saw a momentary amusement in the man as she jumped forward and hooked her arm with his. One thin hand raised itself to stroke at her chin in an exaggeratedly pensive manner as her posture straightened to perfection and she glanced over their guide again with a judgmental eye.

“Hmm,” she purred in the same bubbly manner as before, although she made it seem as though she were trying to be refined, “I do believe that he would do better in something a bit more refined. . . but I suppose such a fine specimen would do just fine in something just a tad less modest . . .” The girl’s lips twisted into a slightly more insidious smile as she glanced up and down the big man again and feigned interest, poorly imitating some fashion aficionado. As quickly as it had started, however, the façade ended and she giggled uncontrollably as she spun in front of the man whose arm she was hanging off of.

Grabbing his hand so that she could shake it whether he would have been willing to accept her invitation to or not, she shook it with a great deal of enthusiasm. Her smile fading to a rather sheepish grin, she let him go as a slightly rosy color touched her cheeks due to her overexcitement. “Lexi or Lex,” she chimed cheerily before dancing away to childishly toy with some other poor person in the group.
Grimm nodded and pushed himself off the wall as their escort decided it was time to leave. He had been checking a strange wristwatch for sometime now and Grimm had been waiting for the words to move onward ever since. With a calm look he followed the group and surveyed them for a brief moment. A young lady seemed all too enthused to be on this journey and it made Grimm smirk slightly at the behavior. 'She must not have ever visited Fishermans Horizon before then,' he thought to himself. His shoes made a clicking sound against the cemented ground as he followed the group with a content look plastered upon his face. Becoming more curious by the second the man squirmed slightly and his mood changed. "Hopefully this isn't a waist of my savings. I don't follow politics so I'm bound to fall asleep as well." He huffed to himself once his fingers had nimbly folded his sleeves back down. It had become chilly suddenly which reminded him of Canak.
Estus looked out among the citizens of Fisherman’s Horizon as they hurried about to and fro. Her eyes, ever alert, quickly spotting infractions to the laws of a country she was so very far from at the moment. She walked with the cool sense of purpose that always seemed to accompany her, heading off towards their version of a ‘grand’ library.

She had been to the place numerous times in the past, and while they were considered one of the finest repositories of magical information and lore in all of Fisherman’s Horizon, it was barely more than her own personal library back at home. Her desire to train however was abruptly ended as she noticed Inquisitor Koboi making his way through the crowd towards her.

“No names, keep it quiet.” He said in a whisper as he caught up towards her, neither of the two ceasing their walk.

Estus followed his subtle cues, changing her direction to match his as casually as possible.
“You’ve heard of these, right?” Koboi continued as he handed her a very familiar letter.

An exact copy of this very letter was already sitting inside a leather pouch strapped to her left leg, acquired only yesterday during one of her busts. She had kept it when he seemed to know so little about it, her instincts telling her it would come up sooner or later. It would appear her instincts had been right.

“Yes, I’ve already acquired one actually. What is it all about?” Estus said firmly in the same hushed tone, looking up to see who his eyes seemed to keep darting towards. She was women in a blue and gray uniform, professional, exact…not at all subtle when contrasted against the rest of the city. Then again, neither was Koboi…

“She might already know your following her…” Estus said as she watched him fish his equipment out of his cache and rejoin her. “The way she walks…she either has some strong purpose in mind, or she’s trying to bait you. Or us…”
Nikon was weary of the man leading him along; only now getting a decent look at him now that the ma was leading. The uniform he wore was probably what got Nikon, immediately suspicious of what or who he worked for. When the man asked about family, he frowned, a bad taste in his mouth at his behaviour.

“Not really” he noted, not exactly trusting the man with any information about his family. It wasn’t like the fisherman was lying though… he hadn’t spoken to his mum since his father had died. There was no one else Nikon had called family, although the marketers often had his trust. The man who was leading him was looking in his wallet for something and Nikon patted himself down as if to check for his own money. It was still in his front pocket…

“Since you seem to know my name, can I ask you for yours?” he ventures, easily peering over the man’s shoulders.

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