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Finished [The Grand Duchy - The Ethereal Luminary Academy] The Tests of strength and courage simulation [1x1]


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This rp is a part of the Isekai hell community! For more information click here ! We’ll be applying [advanced rules] a tidbit loosely but will remain on the stricter side disregarding that. posting pace is intended to be more lax the goal is to keep this up within a timeframe of three weeks. This RP is a 1x1 and therefore closed to members joining.

Character and goals:
[ JusticeEleven JusticeEleven ] Micka - Learn how to fight under advanced rules.

In a room that was filled with clean cool air. Calmness lingered through the tech-filled room, fairly advanced was the distinct combination of magic and mundane. The room was no bigger than the average bedroom and had various pieces of magitech embedded into its walls the corners of the room had long metal cylinders that connected from the floor up to the flat roof above the Canine that stood in the room. In the upper part of the left wall was a piece of glass that stretched from one side of the wall to the other. Behind the room were several computers and various different beastkin keeping an eye on everything. Over an intercom, a rabbit beast wearing bright blues and white magician robes spoke.

“Combat testing! Via The Ethereal Luminary Simulation program, all students will handle tests to see where they have made it in their studies.”

In the room above the sounds of noises could be heard, various outputs of machines and the tapping of keys in mere moments the walls of the room flashed from white and then to a Ryke landscape. On the outskirts of a made-up village, blurred-faced villagers ran as their home was assaulted by three goblins making mischief.

“First test! Take out the goblins! This will test compatibility in fieldwork and potential inclination during a mission or in the face of danger.” Spoke the static-y voice earlier through the intercom.

One of the goblins would notice Micka and attempt an attack with a crudely made spear. [Sharp pointed poke [F] towards her lower abdomen.

Time for the first test! But here is the basics for you to understand. Effectiveness what is it? It helps determine how effective your attacks are. In order to defeat an enemy under advanced rules your character’s effectiveness has to best out the effectiveness of the entity. Knowing this asks the question of how it’s calculated so first we have the number chart
Effectiveness grades:
F = 1
E = 2
D = 3
C = 4
B = 5
A = 6
S = 7

Next we have how you put the number totals together:
Weapon grade + stat grade + ability grade = effectiveness output
I.E: F grade knife + E grade strength + F grade ability = 4 effectivness

Each weapon has a stat associated with them. It differs on what the weapon does here’s a list for that:
Melee = strength
Ranged = precision
Magic = intelligence.

Mickaella Pumpula

Color: #AA9F78

Character Grade: F

Titles: [Beast] [Canine] [Student of Ethereal Luminary F]

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Notes: Thank you, Maxxob Maxxob , for helping with the action(s)!

Micka stood in the center of the simulation chamber. The intricate magitech embedded into the walls could not distract her from the leatherbound book resting against her fingers. She had been studying the work within ever since she had stepped into the chamber. The review of even a single line of her perfect penmanship was more important to her than the empty, white chamber. There was no reason not to review her work if standing idle was the alternative. She could never only wait for any test to begin.

Sounds began to fill the quiet chamber when the intercom announced the start and purpose of the test. The whirring of machines and many keystrokes drew the attention of her canine ears toward the ceiling. She was tracking the origin of the sound while her eyes remained on the pages of her book. While Micka read, she could still see the white of the chamber from her peripheral. As long as that did not change, she had no reason to reevaluate her situation.

Micka looked up when the white of the floor and walls changed to a Ryke landscape. She turned the pages of her book onto a detailed diagram surrounded by research notes and spoke up. “Mickaella Pumpula, ready for fieldwork compatibility assessment.

Her eyes darted toward the mentioned goblins and narrowed. Micka had no patience for these monstrous creatures. Simulated or not, she saw no fate for them beyond being eliminated without remorse. Micka raised her hand forward as one approached with a crude spear. She saw three in total with one acting as an imminent threat to her.

Imperium Gravitatis,” Micka recited toward the approaching goblin to counteract the attack with [Manipulate Gravity]. She could not let the disgusting creature harm her, but flinging it back could come with the risk of it regrouping for a far more coordinated attack. Micka nodded faintly and flicked her wrist to the left to fling the goblin to her side with bludgeoning force.

1 – Manipulate Gravity – Magic F, Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Element [Gravity] F, Indirect F, Knockback F – Micka may alter the directional pull of gravity for a moment after reciting the proper incantations. The affected target(s) takes bludgeoning damage, and is thrown in the direction dictated by her hand gesture(s) – Grade F, Cooldown 0.

Intelligence E (2) + Catalyst F (1) + Ability F (1) = 4, +1 damage from Mundane Blight
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The hits clashed. Magic versus Melee with equal effectiveness balancing each other no damage was dealt to Micka. But neither was harm done to the simulated goblin would in turn attempt to stab with another [Sharp pointed poke F] at Micka. As the harshly made spear would attempt to be stabbed through Micka’s heart another message came over the intercom.

“Try again, regardless of the results we move forward.”

It was stated simply and factly. It would be a more accurate grade depending on the assessment of her current skills. However, another goblin would also attempt to attack Micka with the same attack as the other one.

JusticeEleven JusticeEleven

Forgot to mention it last time. But each post when combat is active has a limit of 3 actions! Seems you were made aware of this thankfully. But do try to use all of your actions! Unfortunately without energized multiple F grade abilities can’t be used in the same post. But this is good to be made aware of because if you can’t use up all your actions who knows what might happen. Of course, I did a little show of an example but it’s nothing to stress over if you can’t use up all your actions during this roleplay.

The next thing to cover is Ties! When the enemy and the player character have the same amount of effectiveness in their attack you get a tie. When a tie happened neither take damage.

Mickaella Pumpula

Color: #AA9F78

Character Grade: F

Titles: [Beast] [Canine] [Student of Ethereal Luminary F]

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


Micka had just enough time to roll her eyes at the unharmed goblin. The fate of these monsters was elimination. Her magic kept her unharmed, but that was second-rate if the goblin lived. Micka bit her lip in frustration. Her fangs stung against the soft skin. Frustrated, her hand drew new unseen sigils in the air while her thoughts silently cursed her shortcomings. And the voice over the intercom fed into her moment of self-loathing.

Regardless of the result?” She snidely repeated and poured her frustration into the pages of her catalyst. Her channeling risked damaging the pages, but it was a risk worth taking if it yielded results.

Imperium Orbitalis!” Micka recited the final words and the sigils formed a node with an altered orbital force that pulled toward the incoming spears. As the node counterattacked the goblins, Micka turned a side-eye toward the observation window. Where she recalled it had been before the chamber activated. “With all due respect, professors, out in the field, I believe there is no such thing as regardless of the result. That is all. Mickaella Pumpula, ready to proceed.

1 – Manipulate Orbit – Magic F, Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Element [Gravity] F, Homing F – Micka may alter the orbital force of a small object for a moment after reciting the proper incantations. The object is then send flying to a target. The affected target(s) takes bludgeoning damage. If the attack misses, the object will orbit the target and attempt to collide once more – Grade F, Cooldown 0.

Intelligence D (3) + Catalyst F (1) + Ability F (1) = 5, +1 Effectiveness from Homing, +1 damage from Mundane Blight
“In theory, there is ‘regardless of result’ of course you only get that result if you survive the combat encounter.”

Was answered over the intercom. The attack destroyed and successfully countered one of the goblins. The simulated goblin taking a hit from the projectile cast would collapse on the ground. Fake crimson liquid spilling from the wounds. The other goblin would sustain no injury due to the attack only being able to hit one target. Micka’s Catalyst would break. The leather covers followed off and the papers lost hold on the book’s spine falling to the ground. Micka would be hit by the other goblin, taking -1 damage to her HP knocking her to the ground. Micka has the chance to get up and continue fighting as the book seemingly repairs itself. Only able to do that given the situation wasn’t real, a blast of light would be shot at the goblin. [Wayward light [E] which was enough to incinerate the goblin. The source of the spell was a Tiger beast. Before she could speak the professor spoke over the intercom.

“Team up mode! During this trial, students need to work together to defeat the enemy sent.”

The Tigress said, “Kinda wish they were a bit more forward with the expectations here…”

Before an Orc showed up. For this trial, the two would need to defeat the Orc. The two students were attacked by the orc as it swung its battle axe [Swirl slash [E] at the students. The Tigress would let out another blast of light magic. [Sunbeam [E].

Now time to explain some stuff, nothing like a semi-reader-friendly information dump! HP. In this situation Micka did run out of HP however as the narrator I opted to let her just get knocked to the ground. Had this been worlds or a tribulation she would have died. Here is how HP is calculated:

Without Armor:
Without Armor, HP is character grade-based. As a result, characters without armor have limited hp that goes as follows:
F grade = 1
E grade = 2
D grade = 3
C grade = 4
B grade = 5
A grade = 6

With armor:
Armor can scale off of two different stats:
Light armor scales off of speed stat
Heavy armor scales off of vitality stat

Here’s an example of how armor is calculated:

F grade armor = 1hp
E grade armor = 2hp
D-grade armor = 3 hp
C grade = 4 hp
So on and so on. Everything is calculated like effectiveness is. When armor breaks the characters themselves will still have hp because this armor is a good future investment.

So now I go onto the lesson of teaming up! Now the Tigress isn’t an actual character just an NPC for the demonstration. I would also put in the effort of teaching regular character combos (a character comboing on their own with their attacks) but Micka is unable to do that at the moment. So with the sources available, I provided an NPC for this demonstration.

Here is how team-up bonuses work:
Between two or more characters the highest effectiveness is the base effectiveness. Other character additions will have +1 effectiveness. Example:
Character A attacks with 7 base effectiveness while character B attacks with 4 base effectiveness. The team-up bonus makes the attack 8 effectiveness. 7 effectiveness from character A and 1+ effectiveness from character B = 8

Some other notes:
Some narrators may find a way to save the catalyst but this won’t always be the case. In worlds or tribulations, Micka would have lost the catalyst for good.

Micka would have died if this was worlds or a tribulation. It isn’t and in normal rps unless specified from the beginning death is disabled and maiming by default.
JusticeEleven JusticeEleven

Mickaella Pumpula

Color: #AA9F78

Character Grade: F

Titles: [Beast] [Canine] [Student of Ethereal Luminary F]

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


Micka gritted her fangs at the response given to her over the intercom. “If?” She grudgingly questioned under her breath. Her eyes darted toward her memory of the window and narrowed. She would never fail an encounter with monsters of all creatures. Her magical efforts would prove that. Micka darted her eyes back toward the goblins. An approving smirk formed on her lips as the first simulated goblin collapsed against her spell. Her smirk was short to last when the pages of her book fell to the floor. Without the pages, the spine of the book collapsed in her hand. Micka looked infuriated until the attack of the second goblin knocked the wind out of her. As she had gotten knocked to the ground, her hands searched the scattered pages strewn around her. She was not going down without a fight. One of her spell pages had to be within reach.

Before Micka could gather all her necessary pages, the book repaired itself. She had no idea her catalyst could do such a thing, then reasoned the destruction of her catalyst must have been part of the simulation. The catalyst back under her control, Micka climbed onto her feet just as the other goblin incinerated in the light of unfamiliar magic.

Team up mode,” Micka repeated with a nasty tone. The first assessment had ended with someone else picking up her slack as she had been too occupied with climbing off the floor. She could not be more disappointed.

The expectations are sufficient,” Micka defiantly retorted as she inspected the Tigress with narrowed eyes, “I do not need my hand held by others. I would not have the luxury of knowing all the variables during fieldwork. I do not expect to have all the variables here.

Her ears flicked toward the orc and the battle axe it brandished. Micka sized up the new threat as her fingers swiftly flipped through the pages of her catalyst. “Imperium Gravitatis,” Micka recited once more to now alter the gravity on the orc with a swift drawing of sigils and a flick of the wrist. If she could make the monster lose balance, the Tigress should have a better chance of landing her light magic attack. As much as she would have preferred testing her mettle alone on this orc, the current trial focused on teamwork and she would comply.

1 – Manipulate Gravity – Magic F, Mundane Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Element [Gravity] F, Indirect F, Knockback F – Micka may alter the directional pull of gravity for a moment after reciting the proper incantations. The affected target(s) takes bludgeoning damage, and is thrown in the direction dictated by her hand gesture(s) – Grade F, Cooldown 0.

Intelligence E (2) + Catalyst F (1) + Ability F (1) = 4, +1 damage from Mundane Blight
The spells clashed against the Orc’s battle axe both vying for the wind on the battlefield The Tigress’s [Sunbeam] melted the axe with a small portion of the metal dripping from the blade causing a loss in momentum which was enough for Micka’s spell to knock the orc backward breaking the weapon. The orc collapsed on the ground blood visually leaking before disappearing into the program.

“Team up mode has ended! Next course: hazard!”

Was shouted over the intercom. The scenery changed to that of a cave-dwelling the heat within producing the feeling of struggling to breathe for the student. Micka would find herself on a thin weak stone bridge with molten hot magma bubbling below. Rocks varying from sizes small to medium fell into the molten hot lava below causing lava to splash.

“Task: make it across without getting hit by lava!”

JusticeEleven JusticeEleven
What are Hazards? They are new in advanced rules and are relatively simple. They are areas (in this case the lava) that are classified as danger zones stepping and stepping into them may cause damage or instant knock out. All of which is dependent on narrator.

Task is easier said the done. Try to get Micka across without being touched by the hazard. If you have sny questions feel free to ask!
Roleplay Concluded

1. Narrators Involved
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

2. Narrator Standing
DarkKitsune , D grade standing, Relevant character to standing [Griffin]

3. Summary of the Roleplay
Micka takes an exam at the Ethereal Luminary academy to test and learn combat capabilities

4. Goal Achievement
learn advanced rules - failed

5. Criminal Acts Perpetrated

6. Lore to Establish

7. Partial Participants
JusticeEleven JusticeEleven

8. Partial Participant Invaders

9. Full-Time Participants

10. Characters with Point Boosters

11. Recommended Titles

12. Assets/Titles Roleplayed For

13. Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles

14. Hunters' Involvement

15. Special Skills or Assets

16. Transactions Performed

17. Rules Utilized
Teaching advanced rules

18. Character Sheet Oddities

19. Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates

20. Narrator Bonuses

21. Additional Notes
Any feedback is good feedback
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