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Realistic or Modern The Governments Puppets


Omen of Death
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A secret government-funded organization known as Division, which recruit young people with troubled backgrounds, sometimes directly from prison. Division erases all evidence of their past lives and molds them into efficient spies and assassins. The recruits generally do not have the freedom to leave the agency. While in the previous series, recruits are warned they may be "cancelled" (killed) if their progress is deemed unsatisfactory, in the new series, Division also implants in them tracking devices along with kill chips. Having broken away from the government, Division now performs operations for their own gain, hurting their country if need be.

New recruits:

5 males

- drummerboi

- Anno Bane

- Deadkool

- kira blackthorn


5 females

- Gilmore

- Vampirelovee

- Keira Winston

- The Fallengirl


Death to all betrayers
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First come first serve for last girl spot who ever gets cs up first and I like it gets the spot

Death to all betrayers

Name: Lyra Jay Kohl

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: She's sarcastic and tough on the outside, but really she's simply hurting all thebtime and is tired of it. In reality, Lyra's a kind, sweet girl. She has so many walls up, its unlikely anyone will ever get to the real her, though.

History: Lyra grew up in an abusive home. Her mother nearly killed her older brother, and her father stood by and watched. After Josh left home when he was 16, her mother turned ger wrath against 8 year old Lyra. She dealt with regular beatings and even was raped by one of her mother's friends, all while taking care of her younger brother, Logan. It wasn't until Lyra was 10 and Logan was 4 that they got taken from the home and put into the system. A year later, Logan got pneumonia and passed away. After that, Lyra was never the same. She began acting out at school and in her foster homes. She was recruited when she was 14, and that gave her a purpose. She was soon one of the Divisions best spies. Lyra refused to kill anyone, because of uer mother, but she got away with it because of her brilliant talent in espionage and self-defense.




(The moon phases one.)


Other: Lyra deals with PTSD, and sometimes suffers from brutal flashbacks. Most of the time she hides it well, though.
Needs to be on cs page and no to the picture read the rules

Death to all betrayers
Gilmoregirl12 said:
Can open a females spot for you if you can follow the rules
Death to all betrayers
I can change the pic. I did read the rules but I must have missed that one xD sorry. Let me find a new pic real quick

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