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Fantasy The Good, the Bad, and the Bored.


King Cora
(I’m new here so I’m so sorry if I’m doing this completely wrong- I just found this website)

There exists a world with goblins, halflings, and orcs—wererats, giants, tieflings, elves, changlings, and of course, humans. All sorts of creatures live together in this world, some in harmony, and some with less peaceful tendencies. Where the good, bad, and the bored come together, clashing beautifully and creating fantastic stories of adventures, love, and war. In this world, innocent are exposed to harsh realities much quicker than in our world, the weak die off without much chance to survive, and the strong prevail, some corrupted by raw power and others finding ways to use their strength for good.

And in this world, a genuine act of kindness is harder to come by than a giant talking tree, and who could blame that on the poor creatures that live amongst each other? All desperately trying to claw their way to the top, too driven by their desire to survive that they forget how to live in the process.

Ellewind had it easier than most. She was a noblewoman of high class. Her red hair was long and beautiful, and her pointed ears stuck out from underneath he lox of rouge that she normally wore tied out of her face. She purposely showed off her feminine features that seemed to be crafted in such a way that she was born to be desirable. Her eyes were the color of amethyst and they sparkled with something a little more than innocence. She certainly dressed to impress, and could usually be seen in fancy dresses that the majority of beings could not afford.

And this girl who seemingly had it all: the money, the power, the fame—could not stand it. On her 18th birthday her father arranged for her to marry her cousin, and let’s just say our little elf friend was not too happy about that. So, one night, she escapes her home and begins running on foot into the forest where she eventually makes it to a small town. She stays in this small town, unaware that her father has placed a 100,000 gold piece bounty over her head for anyone who can return his precious daughter to him.

Y/c runs into Ellewind at a bar and she’s wasted, flirting hard with a bar tender in hopes he will knock the price of her drink down. She gives him a sultry smirk and you can tell the dwarf man is happy that he’s getting the attention of the youngest and most attractive woman in the room. You glance away and roll your eyes, and when you do you happen to notice a poster hanging on the wall with her face on it, and written underneath in high bold red letters is a fat price tag you just can’t seem to peel your eyes way from. It honestly stunned you how nobody else had recognized her, yet you weren’t all too surprised since you were pretty sure the poster had only just recently been stapled up there with the rest. When you finally manage to look away from the piece of paper and back to the ridiculously gorgeous woman, she has somehow managed to vanish. Are you really going let those 100,000 gold pieces get away from you that easily? If you can’t find Miss Harcrow and convince her to come home, well you can kiss your dreams of being rich goodbye.


Role ideas in case you’re having trouble:
•a Liethold guard (the city she’s from)
•a traveling merchant
•a greedy jester
•a thief who needs her family crest to break into a vault


—Please play a male

—There will be a lot of surprises as my character is very fleshed out and she’s not everything she seems :)
Well, this forum is for recruitment, so actual roleplaying shouldn't really take place here. I'll have to DM you and we can go from there!

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