The God of Essence?


New Member
Ok, I've been around here for a while now, but don't get around to posting much. I've finally gotten a chance to run a game again, and I would like some information. Does anyone know if there has been detailed a god of Essence in any of the books, either an overall god, or even just the aspected Essence? I don't remember one, but it's been a while since I've had a chance to flip through my books.

The basic premise that I had is that the Essence flows in Creation are starting to go wonky, and the PC's (a group of Solars, most of them playing the game for the first time) are recruited to find out what's going on and to try and fix it, probably by said god of Essence. I'm not sure exactly what's causing these Essence problems, but I was looking at the Yozi's having let something slip to the Raksha and DL's, very subtley of course, that could cause this. This is in anticipation for their return to Creation, which is still quite some time down the road (not sure if it'll be this campaign or one further down the road).

The first few adventures are going to be just introducing the players to the system and setting of Exalted, starting with Return to the Tomb of Five Corners. Any ideas, help, and/or feedback would be welcome, and thanks ahead of time.

I have an entire 1E library (minus Bastions of the North, dangit) and about half of 2E so far, and access to those books I don't have. So no books are off limits.
There is no god of Essence. Such a god would make game balance wonky in my mind... And it's way too "meta" for Exalted (leave your Mystra at the door, thank you very much).

... such a god would be nigh-all powerful, and would be among (if not foremost) of the Incarna.

It would make sense, however, if one of the spirit courts noticed something. Or some greater god of the land who might notice geomantic shifts.
Or if the problem grew to be bad enough, Gaia herself might step forward to do something about the problem crossing her body.  That might be enough to get her away from the Games of Divinity long enough to talk to some Pc's into doing her dirty work so she can get back to the games and come up with a counter to the last move made by the Unconquered Sun.
Hmm, Spirit Courts. Hadn't thought of them. That would give me the excuse to send my PC's around Creation though, especially as the other Courts heard of their success in one direction, and needed help in their directions. And getting Gaia involved at the later stages might be an interesting route to go as well. I knew there was a reason I preferred these forums to the other Exalted ones out there. It would also be a good tie-in with Spirit Exiles From the Western Ocean, from Time of Tumult.

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