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Fantasy The God Game


Only use the god tab to create your god and if you want to you can read the rest of tabs which are very useful giving information about almost everything

PD1: Gods may have three domains , but one is ok

PD2: New Rules in Overview , you may use this for sheets

  • Gods are powerful entities that by themselfs are already powerful but to increase their power they need to be worshiped , these gods are specialized in various "Domains" such as the sky , death , light , etc. This domains is where they have more power and can affect more directly the world , for example a god who has the domain of death will be able to create powerful zombies or to directly curse mortals with death , they also could get power from the deaths of people(similar to being worshiped but less powerful because none wants to die) .These gods live in their own realms which are interconnected by an infinite nothing these realms can be shaped as the gods wish , with their own creatures and structures and maybe with a place where your worshipers after dying come to .

    This will be the basic sheet for a god:

    God Name:




  • Servants live in your realm , they are powerful entities more powerful than most mortals and they obey you without doubt , they have no soul but a god may allow them to have freedom and a mind so they can feel themselfs, there are different kinds of servants that you can make , for example you may have someone that travels to the mortal world to check the race you created or a powerful beast that serves you as a pet , they are your first line of defense againts other gods and their own servants , who may come to disturb you and get some artifacts or souls from your realm .

    These servants may go the mortal world under certain rules , the first rule is that only a limited amount of them can enter the mortal world and their powers get reduced until they return to your realm , some of them may have still enought power to deal with a entire division of soldiers alone , but as more powerful the servant , the amount of them you can send to the world will decrease dramatically , for example if you want your giant beast with five heads to get into the world you will have to spend points to send it and to maintain it there ,but atleast it can go there with some minor servants but no more than that.

    The sheet to create a servant is very similar to create a race but they represent one entity , however they can still use artifacts made by you

    Servant Name:



    Special God Trait:


    Duties in your realm:
    Anything you would like them to do in your realm like taking care of the flowers , fighting forever , etc.

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God Name: Aqua Blubini

Domains: Water, daytime and blood

Personality: Aqua is calm and doesn't have a care in the world. She treats everybody equally, and believes everybody should have a second chance. It takes alot to make her angry, but, when she is, whoever made her angry and everyone he or she is friends with are as good as dead. Still, this rarely ever happens, because she is calm, like the ocean on a sunny day. She is a strong believer in the Kings of the Gods, who she thinks are the Gods and Goddesses who rule over the Gods and Goddesses. Everyone thinks she is crazy because of this. She tends to use magic alot, and spends alot of her time in water. She doesn't like storms, but often finds herself in them when she is angry.

Description: Aqua resembles a water nymph, with long, blue hair and aqua blue eyes. Her skin is pale, and smooth, like that of a vampires. Her lips are a bright shade of red, like blood. Her physical shape looks like she is wearing a corset, with her hips quite small and her breats quite big. She wears a long, blue, frilly dress that is often dripping wet, as it is what she wears when in water. When on land, she has wings like that of an angels, whereas in water, she has white fins on her back. She wears white gloves when on land to cover her webbed fingers, but takes them off underwater.

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Goddess Name: Yandere

Domains: Love, Tragedy, Obsession

Personality: Obsessive towards everything, once she finds someone she wants to love she will never let them go. She is willing to cause tragedy to any who get in her way, and she'll enjoy it. She absolutely hates people breaking their love and will go out of her way to make their lives a living hell. Faithful relationships are important to her and stalking is completely okay. If someone kills someone else to get in a relationship she'll actually support it. She enjoys toying with the lives of mortals and testing them. Yandere tends to take stuff to the extreme, especially if it involves love.

Description: Yandere appears to be a young girl about 17 in age. She tends to look rather innocent, but when she snaps, she snaps.

God Name: Noctis

Domains: Darkness, Night, Shadow

Personality: Noctis is a cold, unforgiving, and ruthless god who hates more than he loves. He is ever persistent and will not stop fighting until all of his enemies have been annihilated. Noctis does not know mercy and shows little kindness. He usually interacts as little as possible with the other gods, preferring to keep his distance.

Description: He has cold, pale skin and has red eyes and short black hair, and has an athletic body build. He has a youthful face and typically wears robes of black and grey, with a large cloak made of silk that emits a sort of shadow essence. On his back are large black feathered wings that are usually folded up beneath his robes. All of his nails are pitch black.


(Sorry about the short lengths, I can make the app more descriptive if need be but I typed this on my phone)
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God Name: Nissenia


Personality: Generally bored with occasional out bursts of anger when she is unable to decide on what to create. Cares mainly for that which she can learn from,(normally curious). she is childish. will grow attached to many collections of that which is considered knowledge and beautiful.

Description: appears like a child but is closer to that of a teenager.

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God Name: Bara



Bara is the most enigmatic of the gods. He usually keeps to his own realm, shaping it into new forms and visions. Being the god of creation, he revels in the making and designing of things that did not once exist. When speaking to others, on the rare occasions he does, he talks in an almost fatherly way. He is never quick to anger and retains judgement till the end. One thing he does abhor is senseless destruction, as there is no benefit of destroying unless it is to create something better.


Bara is incomprehensible to mortals, and barely able to be understood by the other gods. He constantly shifts and changes his form, never staying still. However, he does have some forms he frequents more often than not, such as a endless collection of gears with a single ball of energy at its 'face.'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.41b061535aeaa13a75203004a08edf9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79485" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.41b061535aeaa13a75203004a08edf9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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God Name: Qan'cath

Domains: space, time, and dimensions.

Personality: Qan'cath is the hard working, deity that keeps reality running so she often seems very stressed and with little time to spare always having something else to do. She often will only mention the bad about a situation or person namely the other gods and constantly complains about how much work their actions cause for her. Despite all this she honestly would not know what to do with herself if she didn't have the others to give her so much work. As for her interaction with mortals she actually likes them seeing in them potential and is very often seen as a kind if brief goddess willing to give out boons in ways that may not be readily apparent.

Description: She generally appears as a silver haired young woman who often wears robes and wields a staff with gears at the head. The gears are always doing something there is purpose in them, normally these gears are part of a time keeping piece and is a trait any of her avatars share.

God name: Abaddon

Domains: war wrath destruction

Personality: Abaddon is a formidable warrior and dislikes any who oppose his rule he loves to invade other gods domains and take over he can be generous at times and even mercifully but only to those he dems worthy opponents he slays the weak and raises the strong all his people are strong warriors or great strategist he rarely meets with the other gods unless it's for battle or on occasion to celebrate his victories over rivals

Description: Abaddon is seen as a raging inferno sometimes mostly when he is angry or goes into battle or smites someone but often he is seen as a great warrior covered with scars and wounds from battle his eyes are a brilliant glowing white and his hair is spiky and white<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5058cdf6_download(10).jpg.f0de71aca7b36fa1966ee0a7c648e89c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5058cdf6_download(10).jpg.f0de71aca7b36fa1966ee0a7c648e89c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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God Name: Koz

Domains: Storms, natural disasters, change

Personality: A playful and curious god, Koz values freedom above all else, his freedom that is. He likes freedom for mortals well enough, but it better not interfere with his own. He enjoys playing with the elemental forces of nature, and gleefully uses them to force change upon the world. Be it changing the landscape or pushing mortals to adapt in inhospitable environments. He doesn't consider himself evil or cruel, and can be persuaded to tone down his destruction. He believes change is for the greater good of the world, and few things make him happier than seeing mortals able to survive his storms.

Description: He wouldn't be the god of change if his appearance stayed the same, but he usually appears as an elemental of one of his many storms. Though usually addressed as male, Koz does not identify himself as any one gender.

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Question how do you get your picture to come up like that mine doesnt look that way to me it lookd like a tiny pic in a box saying download also how do you get your words dark like that example = God and I only managed this because for some reason it stuck when I tried to reply
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Question how do you get your picture to come up like that mine doesnt look that way to me it lookd like a tiny pic in a box saying download also how do you get your words dark like that example = God and I only managed this because for some reason it stuck when I tried to reply

I believe there is an image symbol in the top row of posts. There you can past an url of an image you found online. If you have said picture saved on your pc you might want to upload it to a website first.

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God Name: Armenies


Honor, integrity, and armor

Personality: Armenies is rather quiet and observant, he likes to watch any creature fighting each other. But if he see's two things fighting over food or just boring stuff he would seem uninterested, but when he see's something knew like skills and strategy his blood starts pumping. His adrenaline rises and he roots for the dominate creature to win. He also loves creatures who show courage and also respect and fairness. This may seem weird but he likes violence,honor, and those who have strong moral principles.He dislikes those who are seen as cowards or weaklings with no skill and no moral principles. He also likes to involve himself in battles in someway and would sometimes whisper and give advice to those who are worthy and are true warriors.

Description: He is seen to wear a lot of armor on him and of course he loves the color of gold and red. He also looks to be a full grown man with a masculine body. He also carrys his spear that glows when blood is spilled in battle which allows him to become even more powerful, he also had a shield to deflect any projectiles or weapons.
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