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Junko Natsumizaka

Just a demonic overlord studying Earth firsthand.
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My Interest Check

She stood in the old house, waiting for the others to join her. She had plenty of security measures around the place that only true Death Eater Children would. Measures that would only let you pass if you had a Dark Mark..........................
Rosa arrived with her Godfather Yaxley. As he scanned the wards. She rolled one of her sleeves down suddenly her clear skin showed a set of shimming silver arm sleeves. She debated taking them off but did not want to stand in the door way long. Her darkmark shimmered an obsidian and slithering on her arm as the door opened. Yaxley followed her in. Running his left arm across the door. Looking over at the people in the room. He nodded over to them. Then turned back to Rosa.

"Do not exit here on your own. If you have to contact me or others in the family. Solidifying our control will be the most dangerous part. Thanks for the gift darling. Richard Goyle would never have shared his little cover ups. He rolled his sleeve up showed his left arm did not have the mark. Not perfect but it fool the idiots at the ministry. They question. At this point I just flash my arms they will be fooled." He said in a raspy voice.

"You're welcome. Godfather. I know they are questioning you. It will be better then casting a disillusionment charm and trying to cover the magic from be traced." She smirked at him. He smiled at her.

"I mean it. No wondering off on your lonesome," he glanced over at the others. "have fun." He disappears out the door.

Rosa walks over sitting across from Draco and Hunter. She adjust her dress. Waiting.

She thought about rolling down her right sleeve showing her mark. She wondered why the old hands had them on their left arms. She would also remove the charm from her hair that turned it from a raven black to sandy blonde. She have to fix it as well so her yellow highlights would flow down her curls. Well if things ran long enough she do that. She was not sure about the reasons for the gathering. So she just have to wait.
"I have received news that the others shall be running a little late", Luna said, slightly annoyed. The starting date had been clear. What was holding them up? "The true purpose of this meeting is that we will be searching for the fallen Dark Lord. ".

"I bet everyone here is wondering where we will start.", Luna said. She paused, and then continued in a more evil tone "I have kidnapped someone from the Order of The Phoenix, and intend to interrogate them with your help ", she said, smiling slyly. She had always enjoyed the torture of traitors. "If you aren't comfortable with that, then you may leave ", she said, as if daring them to do so. "Now", she instructed them "Get your wands out", and she walked toward a book - case, pulled out three seemingly random books, then the book - case slid sideways to reveal another room. Luna stepped inside, and waited for them to follow.

Torture the Order? The thought made Roselynn cringe. She looked across the room at Draco. He seemed so tense. Of course it was obvious why, he didn't want to do this but he was scared and didn't want to disappoint his father. It was the same reason why she was doing this. For her father. So she drew her wand and slowly followed behind the others.

The Interrogation room was dimmer than the sitting room, because it had torches lit on the walls. Each wall had six torches, and the room had four walls, so it was still bright enough for Hunter to see the victim. Although she didn't recognise it at first, she soon realised who it was. "This", Luna said in disgust, "Is Bill Weasley", she said. He was bloodied, and unconscious. His hair was messed up, and his robes were torn. Luna clearly hadn't waited until they had arrived to start.

Hunter shut her mouth, not wanting to say anything wrong.

Father would want you to do this... She thought.

Luna looked at Hunter as if reading her thoughts "I know you don't want to do this", she said, surprisingly kind, "You can wait in the sitting room if you wish", she said, understanding. "I am able to go through with it because I have a murderer's blood in my veins", she said. "It is my curse, but I understand your pain". "I will tell your parents that you were successful. I am a deception expert".

"You'll find that I am not as judging as your parents", Luna added to the others.

"No... no it's fine..."

She looked at the others, awaiting their response. "Are you certain?".
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Rosa followed. She was used to such things. She quickly shielded her self going cold.

Richard Goyle like to experiment on creatures and some times other wizards and witches. He was not as messy as some of the others.

Olivia was very proper much like Lucius. But behind closed door she was capable of anything.

Where as her Godfather was just a cold blooded killer.

If it even got back that she was squeamish about such matters they have her torture Orion, her favorite centaur wizard cross breed, in Goyle stables. They were legal for them to keep as prisoners and breeding stock because of ruling from the Dept. of Magical Creatures about the original pair that had killed her cousin. The centaur would have gladly killed the rogues their self but Dept did not give them that option. They keep breeding rogues. Something Goyle Family prided themselves for obtaining. Draco gotten to know them. He was the only one she had told that she was not a callus as her cousin Greg. Richard and Viktor Goyle were both monsters and before the end she would probably be more of the same.

When they got to where Bill Weasley sat unconscious. She crossed her arms waiting instructions. She glanced over at Draco wondering if mask had shifted into place as well. She did not recognize the wizard before them she just figured he was a Blood Traitor of a Weasley by his hair color that stood out in the torch light.
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"What methods do you suggest we use?", Luna asked everyone. She looked impatient, as if she had tried all she knew but couldn't get him to speak. "He was the one who baried Lord Voldemort, and we need to know where he did". She was sure it wasn't Hogwarts. Because, although He belonged there, those blood-traitors would think it was disgraceful. It was clear that she would stop at nothing for the information, and that she did have Bellatrix's blood in her veins.

"This information is relevant if we wish to create a resurrection". she paused, thinking. "He will think of us as the best if we are the ones who revive him."
But this disgrace of a pureblood knew what she wanted, and he was loyal to his secret.

Hunter bit her cheek, she had met a few Weasley's before and, despite being blood traitors, they weren't the worst. She wouldn't be too surprised if Bill knew who she was.

"Hunter, why don't you start?", Luna said with a smirk. "Try any spell but a fatal one. For now, we need him alive".

Hunter shut her eyes, before stepping forward and opening them again, "Start... with what?"

"Whatever you think will do it", Luna said. She pointed her wand at the sleeping Weasley, and said "Rennervate". He stirred, then blinked. He looked at them individually, focusing the longest on Hunter. He looked exhausted, and there was an ink blue bruise near his eye.

"Wait... what happened to him in the first place?" Hunter muttered.

"Voldemort died in the Battle of Hogwarts", Luna said, surprised that she didn't know this.

Draco hesitated for a bit before pointing his wand at the Weasley. "Mind if I start?" eh asked quietly. He looked at them for a bit before walking closer towards Bill.

"No not that. To him," she gestured to Bill

"Yes", Luna said, getting impatient. Bill focused on Draco. His gaze clearly said "I know you don't want to do this"

Draco swallowed nervously and the look on his face clearly said 'I have to do this..'. He pointed his wand at the elder before whispering, "Crucio." Draco closed his eyes as the spell took effect on Bill.

Hunter stood back, looking at Draco, then Bill.

Bill screamed in pain. It was a long, deep scream. He stopped, panting. He had his eyes shut tight, and looked as if he could scream again. Luna looked disappointed with Draco's lack of heart. "Tell us where you baried the Dark Lord's body", Luna said in the deadliest tone. "When you do, the pain will all end".

Bill's scream echoed in his head. He can't do this but he must. His wand stayed pointed at Bill and he looked at Luna.
Rosa decided to make this more interesting she transfigured her hands into talons and then cast a steel claw on top of that. She went around cutting all the spots on his body that rubbed together. His squirming would draw even more pain after curse was released.
Luna looked content.
"Creative", she said, as if giving praise. "Crucio"

Roselynn watched as the eldest Weasley screamed. She didnt want to watch or do this, but the others would think her weak. She couldnt afford to be seen as week. Plus if she showed sympathy for the "blood traitors" her father would be punished too. She didnt want that. She also didnt wanna lose respect from the others.

She stepped closer to Bill "Let me try something." She said and looked at Draco. She knew he didnt want to do this. He was her godbrother and she cared for him dearly. If it meant taking on a burden so he had no regret or self hatred, then she gladly would. She pulled out a vile from her pocket "He's not gonna talk if we torture him to death. Instead lets go a more effective method. A very strong and potent Truth Serum."

Hunter looked at Draco, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Draco pulled back his wand, his hand shaking. He stepped back and let the others do the work.

"Draco..." she whispered, "You've done something... you can go back out if you want."

"Excellent", Luna said enthusiastically. "I didn't have any on-hand".

"Oh." Hunter spoke up, "I... borrowed... some." she pulled a small bottle out of her pocket, "Last year."
It would be best. If he only had one to two persons to focus on during this. The others need to step out.

Roselynn smirked "Well then good thing I never leave home without some." She said and walked up to Bill, grabbing him by the hair and yanking his head back. She uncorked the vile and forced the Weasley to drink the potion. She then yanked at his hair again forcefully "Now, why dont you just tell us where you put our beloved Dark Lord to rest." She said with a venom in her voice. She had to make this good.
Luna smiled. THIS was effort. THIS was evil. She gestured for the others to exit, all except Roselynn, who was sure to be one of her top ranking assistants. The others left quickly, and she used her wand to shut the door. Bill spoke, in a tone that said he was trying his hardest not to speak. "I buried him in the Graveyard where his father's body lies."

Hunter sat back down outside the room.

Draco felt uneasy. He failed to get an answer from him AND he used the Cruciatus curse. He sat down before setting his wand down, looking terrified.

Rosa sat down in a chair. She had yet reverse the spell on her hands. She clanked her claws against one another with a slicing sound waiting for what they found out.

"What about dear Bellatrix's corpse?", Luna asked her tone growing more deadly. "In the Azkaban graveyard.". Luna slapped him. "How dare you?", she said, infuriated, "HOW DARE YOU PUT MY BELOVED MOTHER IN THAT DISGRACEFUL LOCATION???"

"Draco," She leaned over, whispering, "That was enough for father you know... besides, others have used it like you without an effect."
What is wrong Draco? Some people can't be broke with pain. ( the Goyle Family had always been loyal to the Malfoy. Being raised by them she had the same respect.) - Rosier

Roselynn released Bill's hair and smirked "Now that wasn’t so hard was it." She said and looked at Luna "What would you like to do with him? We have the information we need." She said then glanced back at Bill and put on a devilish smile "Maybe we could make an example out of him. Send a warning to the others. Send him back so bloodied up, clinging on to his life. It would send them the message that even we children aren’t a force to be messed with."
"What an excellent idea", she said, astonished. "I would like to be the one to kill him", she said. "We can't have him telling the others who we are, now can we?", Luna said, raising her wand, before lowering it, again "You don't mind, do you?", she said, surveying her face for any sign of the wrong answer. She was a deception expert, and that was her best skill.

Roselynn looked at Bill for a moment then at Luna "Why should I mind. He is of no importance to us." She said and stepped away from Bill so Luna could properly dispose of him. She thought of something though "Yet wouldn't it distill more fear if he could tell them of the agony we are capable of. The Dark Lord relished in the fear he would create. Death is to easy a release from punishment. Have him suffer with the memories and fear the day we come to finish the deed." She said then shrugged "Of course wiping his memory of all our faces . He will have no memory of us so he can't identify us to the others."

She liked her. She could tell the others were weak, but she wouldn't say so. In time, she would see where their true loyalty lied. She raised her wand, again, then spoke in her softest voice "Avada Kedavra." And that was it. Bill's body was blown back, then he laid there, unconscious. Luna stepped forward, and removed his shirt by magic. She then turned him over, onto his stomach. She used her wand to carve a message into his back: The Children of Death Eaters on his back. She then turned to Roselynn. "Could you deliver this to Hogwarts?", she said, finally satisfied, "I know you are one of the best at stealth missions". "And," she said "I would rather dispose of him now. There will be plenty of other ways to distill fear, later"

Roselynn nodded in acknowledgement "Id be honored." She said accepting the mission. She looked at the body and her heart sank slightly. Not that she would ever show it. She was strong like her father and she'd keep it that way.

Roselynn magically detached his corpse from the chair, and levitated his body out of the door, and out of the house. Luna sat down next to the others in the sitting room. "I now know the locations of our fallen heroes", she explained, "Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange".

Roselynn knew every secret passage and entrance in and out of Hogwarts. She'd make quick work of this mission and not be detected by anyone. It was simple. She would use the passage from the whomping willow then the secret door that led straight into the main hall. She'd drop the body where everyone could see then make her exit. It was easy and simple.

She went through the passage and was soon on Hogwarts grounds. She checked to make sure nobody was around before she made her way through the hidden door to the main hall. She dumped the body where all could see. Then made her way back from where she came.

Luna smiled. Little did Roselynn know that Nagini was tailing her.
A Raven landed above the edge of the Great Hall blending in with the shadows. Unnoticed above with the owls in the alcove among the enchantments of the Hall. Opal and Rosa, threw Opal's eyes, watched the goings on below. Since things had fell silent. In the room seeing Luna was smile.

"So they decided to kill Bill and set him down in Hogwarts to be found." Rose thought.

She broke the connection with Opal for the moment and decided to reached out for Draco's and Hunter's mind letting them know what had occurred but only if they decided to trust her enough for that connection. After all, the more minds meet; the less control you have to block. But, it also work the other way around as well. She keep it open and shielded; but if Luna had any where near her father's skill she be able to break in. Not unnoticed, however; the presence would be felt.
Luna felt a disruption in the air. She could sense someone trying to use telepathy powers. She blocked her own mind, using her secret skill of occlumency. She tried to sense who was breaking in. After a few minutes, she could tell who it was. Rose was spying. She could no longer be trusted. But, Luna thought with a grin, she wasn't going to be informed of that. "We will go and revive the Dark Lord, tonight." Luna said, maintaining her 'everything is normal' face. She opened her bag, and consulted her list of Potion ingredients. "The only thing we need for this Reviving Potion is Unicorn's Blood."she paused. "Does anyone have any currently available?"

Roselynn walked back into the room right at the mention of unicorn blood. It was seen as a bad omen to kill a unicorn. They were one of the most precious magical creatures. Of course she knew where her father kept some for emergency potions. She looked around at the faces of the others, they seemed very reserved in speaking up. This was another chance to be seen as loyal and trusted.

She stepped forward slightly "My father has some hidden away for emergencies. I can get to it easily."

"Marvellous", Luna said, "Now we don't have to go through the trouble of killing one". She consulted her watch. It was only 6:34. The sun was setting. "What time can you get it here by?", she said, "We want to move quickly, because the Aurors to surveillance at eight."

Roselynn shrugged "I will be back with it in no time. Its as simple as floo home, get passed his defence spells, grab blood, floo back." She said with a matter of fact tone. It was something she has done a million times. She saw it as an adventure to sneak from her father's secret stash. This time it was life or death though. If she failed she would be killed.

She took a glance at the others before turning to exit. She made her way over to the floo network and grabbed some powder. Throwing it into the fireplace as she clearly instructed her destination.
Wonder if she will make it back? Rosa thought. Given the added growth there over time. Voldemort carried many poison plants for potions. Many of which are most active on there own. I adore poisons. Well at least l have a cure for anything but the most potent on hand.

Roselynn poofed back into the room half an hour later. She was clutching her side as she walked back over to Luna. She handed her the vile of unicorn blood. "Sorry it took so long. Dad added a few new hexes." She said clutching her bleeding side.

She walked over and sat down. She kept pressure on her wound to stop the bleeding. She hadn't expected her father to go that far in security. Then again he was protecting very precious ingredients.
Luna stood up. "Thank you for your contribution". She opened her bag, and pulled out a clear vial containing blue liquid. She gave it to her. "This may help", she said. It worked on the darkest magic Luna had ever seen, so this would be a cinch.

Rosa broke out her medical kit. And ran a diagnosis with her wand. "The curse is gone. But it will not stop the bleeding. Barely a scratch, now. Here." she produced a red vial. It will stop the bleeding.

"You look as if you can handle this", Luna said, putting her vial back. "I will go prepare myself for the journey to Little Hangleton to preform the rebirth.". She left the room, and Nagini's daughter slithered behind her.
Hurried footsteps clattered impatiently on the stone floors outside the door and paused. There was a soft knock and then Blaise entered the room. He glanced around and rolled up his sleeve, showing his mark as verification. He looked around impatiently and stopped to catch his breath obviously flustered. He glanced at Rosa and bowed slightly. "Sorry for the delay. Arthur Weasley's group raided my mum's house. They claimed to be looking for cursed artifacts. Gestapo tactics, all of them. Right bunch of buggers ought to be tied to a bridge until the crows pick their bones." He exhaled a breath that he hadn't realized he was holding in. "So what'd I miss? Nothing important I hope?" He glanced over at Draco and noticing that the boy was unnerved he mouthed a silent "What?" in his direction.
"Only the subject of this meeting", Luna said, clearly agitated. "We will be reviving Lord Voldemort from his death at the Battle of Hogwarts". Nagini's daughter slithered close to Blaise. It looked at him interested "We shall be apparating to Little Hangleton in less than half an hour.".

"Roselynn just rest for awhile. You will be fine. Prepare to do a ritual. Looks like Luna is not waiting. I be right back. I am going to get a book from the Goyle Ranch. Come with me Blaise. " Rosa said.

Blaise looked at her momentarily confused. Could this dark lord ever truly die? "I thought he.. " He quickly bowed his head reverently, to mask his discomfort. "Yes of course. Forgive me for my impertinence. I stand by the dark lord." He raised his head and looked into her eyes to show his sincerity. Will any preparations need to be made for his arrival? I am at your disposal, of course."

Please, Rosa smiled at him. "We will also need A book from the Malfoy Summer House. It's large and in a black dragon hide with the Dark mark on the side. Your father was never one to keep his eggs in one basket." She looked over at Luna.

"Hmm. What are you hinting at?" Luna said. She thought she knew everything about her father.

"You Have Bella's copy. I am sure. But you do not have all the ritual. He never keep things in the same place. Richard Goyle was responsible his notes on resurrection." Rosa said to Luna. "Coming or not Blaise?"

"We have time" Luna said. "I will be coming, if you don't mind". Luna's tone was calm, but it was clear that saying no wasn't an option.

Luna turned to Hunter "Whilst we are gone, make sure you are ready for the journey the moment we return. ". She hesitated. "As soon as we return, we shall embark on our Quest. "

"Of course." Blaise replied curtly following the ladies to the floo system. He could apparate although the summer home was a ways away. I he was reasonably sure though that Nagini would have to take the floo. He drew his wand and glanced towards them. "Right. Shall I take point then?" He asked stepping forward defensively.

Luna lowered her hand to the floor. Nagini's daughter, named Nagini after Voldemort's original, slithered up her arm, and rested her head on Luna's shoulder. "Blaise first, then Rosa, then I " she said, stepping back. She summoned her travelling cloak from the next room, and put it on, without covering Nagini's face.
Rosa already had her travel cloak draped around her.

"After you." she issued to Blaise.

Blaise nodded and stepped into the floo. "Malfoy summer Manor, in Wiltshire." He stated calmly. As the fire enveloped him and then spit him out in a waiting foyer, he quickly began disarming the wards meant to keep out intruders and those less desirable. He readied his wand and turned to a nearby elf. "Please inform Mr. Malfoy that were are here to retrieve a book that was entrusted to him. His assistance is requested." He stood aside and waited for the others to arrive.

She grabbed a handful of floo powder

"Malfoy summer Manor, in Wiltshire." Rosa said plainly. Following Blaise in a blout of green flame. She stepped out of the floo into the Greeting Hall of Mr. Malfoy Summer Home.

She could see Mr. Malfoy coming down the stairs to greet them.
"Only the subject of this meeting", Luna said, clearly agitated. "We will be reviving Lord Voldemort from his death at the Battle of Hogwarts". Nagini's daughter slithered close to Blaise. It looked at him interested "We shall be apparating to Little Hangleton in less than half an hour.".

"Roselynn just rest for awhile. You will be fine. Prepare to do a ritual. Looks like Luna is not waiting. I be right back. I am going to get a book from the Goyle Ranch. Come with me Blaise. " Rosa said.

Blaise looked at her momentarily confused. Could this dark lord ever truly die? "I thought he.. " He quickly bowed his head reverently, to mask his discomfort. "Yes of course. Forgive me for my impertinence. I stand by the dark lord." He raised his head and looked into her eyes to show his sincerity. Will any preparations need to be made for his arrival? I am at your disposal, of course."

Please, Rosa smiled at him. "We will also need A book from the Malfoy Summer House. It's large and in a black dragon hide with the Dark mark on the side. Your father was never one to keep his eggs in one basket." She looked over at Luna.

"Hmm. What are you hinting at?" Luna said. She thought she knew everything about her father.

"You Have Bella's copy. I am sure. But you do not have all the ritual. He never keep things in the same place. Richard Goyle was responsible his notes on resurrection." Rosa said to Luna. "Coming or not Blaise?"

"We have time" Luna said. "I will be coming, if you don't mind". Luna's tone was calm, but it was clear that saying no wasn't an option.

Luna turned to Hunter "Whilst we are gone, make sure you are ready for the journey the moment we return. ". She hesitated. "As soon as we return, we shall embark on our Quest. "

"Of course." Blaise replied curtly following the ladies to the floo system. He could apparate although the summer home was a ways away. I he was reasonably sure though that Nagini would have to take the floo. He drew his wand and glanced towards them. "Right. Shall I take point then?" He asked stepping forward defensively.

Luna lowered her hand to the floor. Nagini's daughter, named Nagini after Voldemort's original, slithered up her arm, and rested her head on Luna's shoulder. "Blaise first, then Rosa, then I " she said, stepping back. She summoned her travelling cloak from the next room, and put it on, without covering Nagini's face.
Rosa was glad that Blaise had done the formalities. Lucius had a tendency to throw people away like used tissues. She not sure she could stand kissing his ring finger. But she had got along well with Cissy. She was not sure how he would take the news to be honest.

"Relevant to what?" Lucius inquired. She knew that was coming. They would not get out of here easy. Maybe if they said how honored Draco would be.

Rosa stepped up beside Luna. "Your going to have to come up with something of worth. I don't think he will just give it. To us. Don't threaten him. it will not work well. But that is just my opinion. Maybe we can get someone he trust to talk to him."

Malfoy's resolute spirit seemed to crack and he reneged. "Oh wait... I just remembered!" He said nervously pacing over to the fireplace and pressing a few of the stones. They began to shift and give way as a small safe came into view. He opened it and pulled out the dusty tome. The leather of the book looked to be almost human in nature and it seemed to possess the torment of decades of abuse. "Here you are! Take it... please.. just go." He said eagerly.
Luna smiled, took the book, and said "Thank you, Lucius. ". She turned to leave, but before she did, she turned back to look at him. He was still in a bowing stand. She put her hand on his chin, and spoke in a voice dripping with venom "I am the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. In case you cared to understand who you are dealing with".

We have not much time. Let's depart. We can apparate to the Ranch from here. - Rosier

Malfoy paled and nodded a little too quickly. As Luna turned her back on him again, Malfoy reached down and gripped the handle of his cane his face contorting into one of almost palpable rage and his hand began shaking. As he glanced at the others though, his reserves ran out and he slowly let go of his cane. There was no way he could take four of them. He wouldn't die for this little brat.. no, as always discretion was the better part of valor. He would stand down today as he always did. It was the reason he was alive even now. Let the little children have their fun. Voldemort Hadn't killed him. He would live through this yet.

Blaise watched Lucius cautiously, his hand clutching his wand, ready to kill the man if he so much as raised his cane. "Ladies first." He said cautiously letting the girls and then Hunter depart before he backed away from Lucius, never letting him out of eyesight until he got to the fireplace.

"Alright", Luna said, preparing to apparate. She took a deep breath. POP She was gone.
Hunter stood back, eyeing her father carefully. Despite the past he was still their father, she couldn't be mad at him and she felt a slight surge of anger, confusion, as Luna spoke to him in such a threatening matter.

Rosa looked as her crows had started to gather outside. Always watch your back around her Uncle always said.

She Popped out telling Opal to gather her four charmed Ravens. To meet her at the Ranch. Just in case Lucius got brave or sneaky.

Blaise watched the others apparate and then with a shrug popped out himself. He was much more comfortable on a broom, having played keeper for Slytherin back in school but he was fairly decent with this as well. He followed the thin trail of ozone left by the others, almost imperceptible to muggles and with a gasp landed kneeling on the ground by the ranch. He had only been here once and his directions were shaky at best. Thanking the gods that he hadn't splinched, he dusted himself off and did his best to look presentable before joining the others.
Luna let out a breath she had been holding. She felt angry. How could she be such a fool? Lucius had seen her face. A larger security breech than any. She took in the scenery. It was a lovely ranch. She felt Nagini getting tired. She shifted her cloak so as to let her slither freely beside her. She began to make her way toward the house. As Blaise caught up with her, she stopped. "Thank you for watching our backs there.You know, at times I wonder if I should really be doing what I'm doing". She paused. "Do you ever feel remorse?". She wanted to know.

"Sorry. I forgot it has been a while. Since we had guest." Rosa soothed the terror hounds that meet them. "Easy boys." they growled a few more times before calming. It was easy getting there but hard to get in or out with out a family member. She walked up the drive past the stables. Catching up with them.

Blaise glanced at the terror hounds and then at Luna. "It depends on if I feel that the cause is just or not. If the ends justify the means then what I feel is irrelevant. It has to be done. Do I want to hurt and kill people? Of course not. Will I do so to ensure our success? Without hesitation." He said hoping that this answer was sufficient. If he could ensure a place of safety and sanctuary for his mother and her bloodline, then any price, even his own life was well worth it.

He had passed his test. "Good", and Luna kept walking, up to the House.

The dogs looked a lot more like were-rats then dogs and had fear rolling off of them when they passed. Her Ravens landed in the tree near the Ranch House. As she disarmed the wards for them to enter. The Ranch House had a Dutch style to it. It was lush and green with flowering fruit tree as spring approached.

Luna stunned the hounds, and continued on. She appreciated her allies. But she only gave all her trust to one person

Blaise followed Luna and then stopped and turned back to Hunter. Walking over to her he put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey.. Are you okay?" He asked softly. "Look.. I know that we didn't talk a lot in school but you should know that I consider Draco.. and by extension you.. my friend. I'm sorry that things turned tense back at the house but we're on a tight schedule. I need you to know that we're doing this for your benefit as well. This is all to keep your family.. and my family.. and every other pureblood in danger of being overrun.. secure. I need to know that you're with us though Hunter... If I'm going to put my trust in you, I need to know that you'll have my back." He looked at the girl and waited for her answer, wishing he were better at legilimency.

Rosa laughed. "I think your father did the same thing when he was here."

She opened the door. Into a mud room and after that a sitting room. Over the fire place was a portrait of the Black Family Dinner. The last dinner with Mrs Black. Tom Riddle was seated beside Mrs. Black. Sirius and several others were their as well. The members of the table watch them enter.

"I will bring the book here. Make yourself at home."

Luna nodded curtly. She sat down in the sitting room, not taking her eyes off of her father's face from the portrait. Nagini coiled up next to her on a soft chair. She sat back, and tried to calm her racing heart.

She came back in with the tome

What is going on? came a harsh voice from the end of the hall.

None of your bother old man. Stay in bed! she yelled

Don't speak to me.. Rosa interrupted him. "As long as you are outta bed. I talk all I want.
the door slammed. She turned back to the room.

Luna looked surprised "Who was that?". why hadn't she been aware of anyone else in the house?

"That is old man Goyle. He is one foot in the grave. don't mind him." Rosa said

"How long should we wait before departing to Little Hangleton? I say we rest tonight, but I am unsure if you have enough space. Shall we go back to my house? I have extra beds. We can leave in the morning"

"It is okay we can rest here. Plenty of room"

"Very kind of you" Luna said. She was grateful. "Where may I wash up for the night?"
Blaise looked at Hunter still waiting for an answer and getting none sighed. "Look, just think it over... and think about this. Can you really afford to leave your brother unattended? I mean, Draco is my friend.. but after the last battle.. well, I'll look out for him as much as I can, as his sister he's more likely to listen to you. You can keep him out of trouble.. by taking his place. He's family and you don't abandon family." He patted her shoulder softly and went inside. Blaise double checked the wards and checked for any eavesdropping devices both muggle and magical before finding a room for the night. He showered and dressed for bed, propping a chair beneath the doorknob and transfiguring it so that the two became an immovable piece He put offensive spells on the window and blacked it out so that it would be un-viewable from the inside. As a final precaution, he transfigured a broom into a lifelike mannequin of himself and set it in the bed. Then slipping into the armchair by the fireplace, he fell into an uneasy dream, haunted by screams and the sounds of battle raging as he relived the second battle of Hogwarts once more.

"Bed rooms line the hall full baths in each. Mine the one on the first left. Richard is down the end of the hall. Need anything just talk to magpies in the cage and they will summon an air golem. Sorry we lost all our house elves after Viktor went to prison." Rosa ignores Blaise talking to Hunter. As Luna looks busy looking over Tom Riddle one last time before turning in.

Rosa wait for everyone to go to bed so she can talk with her mother in the portrait. She has questions about Tom's keeping to the cause or if he is more self serving.
Luna washed up for the night. She dressed in an old nightgown that smelt clean, but was too large for her. She had never been good any kind of Transfiguration, or else it would have been easy to change the gown. She made sure the window was locked and that the door had a sticking charm attached to the hinges. Nagini sat on a small cushion at the foot of her bed. She laid down top rest, not looking forward to more disturbing dreams. As she grew nearer to her goal, she had worse and worse dreams of disappointing her father, and him taking it out on her. Nagini spoke, in parseltongue: "You will not disappoint him, Luna. Think of how proud he will be when it is you who have awoken him from yet another mistake." Luna felt calmer, and began to drift off.

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