The Games [Sign up//OOC]


New Member

{The Games}

[A shrouded figure in a Grim Reaper's cloak appears in front of you and hands you a letter. You're hesitant at first, but you take it and tear it open. It reads.....]

My name is not of any importance, but for now you can call me the Game Master. In these games, I will be testing your greatest strengths and revealing your darkest weaknesses. All are welcomed to participate. I currently have 17 spots open, and if you're the lucky winner you'll receive a fabulous prize! One wish shall be granted for surviving the games. But of one has yet to win. ~ GM

{The Gameplay}

[Challenge of a Lifetime]

This role play will be an action/adventure, horror, suspense theme with many plots twists, numerous outcomes, and well deaths. This will bring a whole new meaning in writing your own fate. The objective of this role play is to outwit the games in wordplay and think of unique ways to pass the tests. You're completely on your own and sharing ideas would be an unwise choice unless the event is a team/tag-team challenge.Since this is a survivor type of role play, your character is allowed to have unique abilities (minus immortality and ultimate knowledge).

There are currently 17 spots open (including myself as the Game Master). There will be staff characters within the role play as well, but these are very minor characters that anyone can control. You'll be given 22 tarot card characteristics and your character's personality should be based around that general idea (Max: 2 OCs). I myself will be interacting with the players, but won't participate within the games. The color of your text will be based on your tarot card title coloring. If the colored font is not listed on this forums PM and I'll send you the code if you do not know how to change the color.

||How this works for your OC ||

Your OC will have a personality that you build on your own, but the strengths and weaknesses of your character will depend on the card you choose. For example: If you choose The Fool, the strength of your character will be that they are open minded, but their weakness is ignorance. At some point within the story, you will have to show these traits. Other than that your character is your own. If you want your character to be an calm, suave, mysterious person then they can be, but at some point they must show the characteristics of The Fool.

||How the Games Work ||

I have no real storyline, but the story will be created along the way as the characters interact and get deeper within the games. Once every position filled in, they'll be an introduction posting of each character getting into the games. From there we'll have a practice round to get use to the concept of the gaming. Once everyone understands I'll start the actual competition and judging.

The actual games will have death provoked obstacles and will require critical imaginative thinking, so surprise me on you approach the obstacles. Each game is an individual round unless it's a team/tag-team battle. Everyone has the same route and obstacles, but they're riding solo throughout the games. That means, you can either let your character survive with little or no damage, come out of the event heavily beaten and/or near death, or even
kill your character. The posting will be based as if each character was running throughout the circuit simultaneously. At the end of each round, there is a break where the characters can interact and talk amongst each other.

For the team/tag-team challenges, once we have a certain amount of characters, I'll will put a certain amount of people on a team and it'll be a PVP environment. In PVP mode, you can temporarily say your opponents actions, but cannot control their attacks. For example:

Correct Format:

Team Member - She panted heavily and watched her opponent in the distance, mocking her with a feverish dance.

Opponent - He watched from the air, hovering over her in circles and preparing his next move.

Incorrect Format:

Team Member - She panted heavily and watched her opponent in the distance, mocking her with a feverish dance. She then prepared herself as he dove at her to strike.

This is unfair to your fellow player if you say their next move for them, especially if that's not what they were going for.

Team - Everyone on your team battles against the rival team

Tagteam - Each person on your team fight 1-on-1 against the rival team, simultaneously.

{The Rules/Information}

[Just because I'm not there within the games doesn't mean I'm not watching. Now what kind of host would I be if I just vanished in thin air?]

No God Modding or Power-Playing. I am however allowed to if I feel that the story is not progressing any further.

If you wish to participate, you must have an OC. Your character/s is/are limited to 3 abilities.

Everyone has a human appearance, but they can have some unique characteristics (elven blood, an experiment, have a pet, etc.)

The tarot card characteristics are not gender based.

If you are a magic based human then you are limited to one elemental value

If you choose to kill someone, it MUST pertain to the story and make sense to the plot/situation. Also the owner of the fellow character must accept as well. The same applies if you decide to kill your own character.

If you are killed, you are technically out of the games, but you you can still contribute in the OOC thread.

There shall be a winner in the tournament, and I shall make that decision on which character I choose to win based on their performance within the games. I will not be putting any favoritism in any of these characters nor will I bash/hate. I am a fair Game Master.

There is no limit to how much one can write. I, myself, have a tendency to overwrite that is necessary, so no limitations. Let your imagination run wild.

If your character in inactive for at least 3 days, then I shall dispose of them to how I see fit.

Everyone must at least post twice in each game, unless specified otherwise. This is a competition.

This will be a mature rated role play, but keep in mind that this is a family website. Foul language will be tolerated to a certain extent. Don't be throwing f bombs in every sentence or else I will terminate you from the tournament.

Since this is mature rating I bring a disclaimer that things can/will get graphic. If you feel that things are getting too heavy please PM me and I'll fix whatever is necessary to be fixed.

You can call out another player for a 1-on-1 challenge, but it must be after a game (during the breaks), and at least one other character must be there to be a witness.

If a certain person seems to be harassing you to a point where you can't handle it anymore, PM me and I'll will talk to them about the situation.

At certain points, there will be a times when an OC will be killed by my hands. If you're the one I choose to kill don't take it personally. If you're this case, PM me and I have a special plan for you.

More rule maybe added in the future, but I'm sure you guys get the basics.


[Please Choose One. Maximum Two.]


The Fool


Open minded and always ready to try something new, but tends to make bad decisions due to ignorance.


The Magician

[Alexander "Pyro" Kizune Played By xxJameson]

Character's Appearance: Click Here

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Bio: The Pyromancer with magical skills that will make your jaw drop. Don't let his badass appearance fool you, he has a heart of gold. He's been traveling from town to town showing off his magical abilities to all people, and for free too! He is quite reknown for his ability to create, manifest, and control fire. There's one question you may ask, "Why does he have cat ears and a tail?" While he was traveling, he experimented with cat DNA, and the rest is History. Speaking of history, he never really has told anyone his history, whether it's because it hurts too much, or he just doesn't want to. (History will be added when he actually tells someone, IF he tells someone.)

Abilities: Can Control Fire, Charismatic, and handy with a one-handed dagger

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish: To entertain others, as well as his self, and hopefully make some friends.

Very self confident with skills to impress, but due to this they have an insecurity if their skills are taken away.


The High Priestess


Wise and pure in all ways, but tends to have a lack of patience and understanding.


The Empress


Very stable, but tends to be filled with anxiety when extremely overwhelmed.


The Emperor

[Keitan Lyme Played by Nivrad00]

Character's Appearance: Everything about Keitan seems rather angular. He has straight brown hair, thin arms, clothes that are never wrinkled and a chin that nearly ends in a point. His eyes are hazel. His height is too average to be distinguishing, but at first sight he always seems small. His hands are in perpetual movement, never sitting still. His mouth is usually set in a thin line, but it curves into a smile more often than a frown. A raven often sits on his shoulder.

Gender: Male


Keitan's closest family is the raven who is always with him, which goes literally and figuratively. Never really knowing his parents, only from a few flashes of memory, he remembers growing up in an impromptu shelter for homeless children in a city. He's pretty sure his real parents aren't actually dead, and that they probably weren't married when he was born. He had been abandoned.

In any case, one boy, 12 at the time, who visited the shelter often, singled him out. Keitan stayed in the shelter for as little time as possible; and this only served to make him more interesting. Eventually, Keitan met the boy. His name was Chris. Chris Duke Lyme, was his full name; "but call me Deuce," he said with a wink, pulling a playing card out of his coat pocket between two fingers- a two of spades. Keitan was 10 years old, and thought that this Deuce was- frankly- pretty awesome.

They became best of friends in the next year, the two of spades becoming sort of a secret signal between the pair. Keitan was introduced to Deuce's parents eventually, and from there the boy was often invited to his house. By the time Deuce was 15 and Keitan 13, the parents were signing a form and leaving the shelter for the last time. Keitan had been adopted.

The next years passed happily, but then the parents began to act strangely. They were never home, and there were strange sounds coming from their room, and the boys could have sworn they heard voices coming from in there when there should have been no one. Eventually, they caught on to their parents by sneaking into the trunk of the SUV when they left home, and found themselves in an entirely new world. Surely, that man wasn't holding fire in his hand? Surely, that pair of snakes had not just turned into humans, a respectable looking woman and an equally sophisticated man? And, oh my God, what were his parents doing, making motions near a painting, and- God-
stepping through.

Yes. It was magic. And Keitan and Deuce had just witnessed it, whether they wanted to, or not.

Along with the power also came enemies- Keitan's adoptive family was never really safe. This was proven when men came bursting through the door, flame on their fingertips, animals prowling the floor besides them. "Come out," they commanded. "Or we'll drag you out by your fingernails!"

Their parents didn't survive. Keitan was lucky, and escaped to his old home. For a while, he thought that the magicians had taken Deuce- but then, he came across a raven hopping down the road. In his beak was clamped firmly an old and tattered two of spades.

"Oh, Deuce," said Keitan, disbelievingly. The raven cocked his head. "What have they done to you?"

Keitan is calm and collected, level-headed and practical. If there's something to do, he won't hesitate to do it. However, he is often racked with indecision that Deuce sometimes resolves for him. He can smile and laugh, but most of the time, he prefers to be quiet; tapping out a rhythm with his fingers and observing the world around him.

Deuce is slick, smooth, and Keitan's perfect counterbalance. He can make his adoptive brother laugh anytime he wants to. He is always confident and will choose any path he thinks is correct- he often is stopped by his brother before he blunders into trouble. He used to be fairly attractive, black-haired, blue-eyed, and never had to work hard to get a girlfriend; he is good-hearted, though, and his relationships were sincere. He is tall and once took martial arts.

Now, well- he's a raven. He cannot talk, but the two know each other so well they can still- sort of- communicate. They both share a love for their parents.

Abilities: Little to none. Keitan has nimble fingers, the mind of a tinkerer and can go unnoticed easily. Deuce is an advantage in many situations, being a bird and all. Keitan has very little experience with weaponry, but has fought before on the streets. If it counts for anything, he knows how to play the piano and can jump pretty far.

Purpose for Entering the Games: Keitan wandered the streets for a while. Was there no magician who could turn his brother normal once more? No, there seemed not to be. If, just if, they beat the Game; then maybe not only could Deuce regain his form, maybe- possibly- just maybe- their parents could also be resurrected....

Very stable, but tends to be indecisive.


The Hierophant


Kind, merciful, and acceptable by all people, but is a pushover and incompetent.


The Lovers

[both Positions Open]

Two people bounded by fate and filled with optimism, but once trouble starts it can lead to doubt and frustration.


The Chariot


Filled with perseverance, but being narrow minded doesn't always mean being the best.




Courageous and determined, but sometimes a little too much power can be too much for good judgement.


The Hermit


Cautious with great vigilance, but tends to be a loner.


Wheel Of Fortune


A person of faith in destiny and lady luck...tends to be a bit too gullible.




Virtuous and a very considerate person, but tends to be very biased.


The Hanged Man


The one man army that's willing to sacrifice anything for a friend, it's just sometimes the sacrifices may not be worth it.




Is able to adapt to change fairly well, but just because you can adapt doesn't mean you're willing to change.




A great influence on people, but of course that's only one side of the coin.


The Devil


A perfectionist with a very low chance of failure, but if you do you better watch out for that temper.


The Tower


Doesn't let the past discourage you and a very strong willed person, but tends to have a hard time adapting to change.


The Star


One's hope will never falter even when the odds are against them, but that doesn't mean you haven't been let down before...


The Moon

[Rikarah Pallaton Played by Faith Eliza Cord]

Character's Appearance: Click Here.

Gender: Female


From the time she was quite young Susannah was gifted with empathic ability. She was always good at reading people’s emotions, and because of her superior intelligence and astute instincts, was able to skillfully handle people and work them to her will. As she grew her ability strengthened even without her conscious efforts, so that she could feel what people felt as well as simply sensing it, and she grew able to control it and keep it at a distance from herself rather than allowing others’ emotions to control her.

Susannah was a quiet, well mannered child and teenager, excelling in school and extracurricular activities, though she did not participate in many. She was gifted artistically in all ways, particularly drawing, painting, and sculpting, though she was also an excellent actress, a fair singer, and a gifted dancer. She got along well with her peers and was generally well liked and regarded by most. This was in direct contrast to the ominous, uneasy undertone of her home life. Although Susannah was never abused outright, there was always the threat of it lurking within, and she, with her ability to sense emotion and wishes, knew it fully.

April Pallis,her mother, was a weak willed woman who seemed more of a child than her own children; she was not very involved with her daughters and allowed Isabella to get away with a lot and did not interfere with either child’s well being. George Pallis set up a home with sexual undertones that were inappropriate to a father daughter relationship, with both Susannah and Isabella. Although he never actively abused either girl, he often “accidentally” walked in on them while they were in the bathroom or undressing, deliberately brushed them, eyed them, or made insinuative comments. Isabella used this to her advantage and flirted to get her way with things; Susannah was repulsed and avoided him as much as possible. When she tried to speak with her mother, April brushed her off helplessly; Susannah realized that her mother had known all along and did nothing. Isabella, meanwhile, had a difficult relationship with Susannah; a typical baby of the family, she was openly rude and insulting to Susannah, particularly in front of her parents, and went out of her way to attempt to anger or embarrass her.

Susannah began to daydream of killing her family; when she finally did the deed, it was not from an impulse or a moment of “snapping,” but rather carefully controlled thought. At the age of seventeen, Susannah murdered her fifteen year old sister and both her parents, cutting off their heads and setting them up as an artistic display; she developed it along the theme of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” by matching it to her family’s traits, sewing shut the eyes of her father, the ears of her mother, and the lips of her sister, in order to match up with how she viewed that they failed her. Changing her name to Rikarah Eve Pallaton, she moved to New York City and finished out her education on her own, working and supporting herself at the same time that she attended school, also using up her parents’ money and resources. She continued her artwork and often sold it on the side for extra money…and continued killing.

Rikarah enjoyed the murder and subsequent artwork of her family so thoroughly that she began to look for an opportunity to do it again. She began to scout out potential victims, but not just any person would do; they must meet her standard of approval of “deserving” it. She was a moralistic killer in a way.

Abilities: Empath to a degree, skilled with weapons

Purpose for Entering the Games: To find a mate like herself; entertainment and challenge

A master at manipulation...problem is, the plans tend to be found out fairly quick.


The Sun

[Rya Shirabuki Played by TheMomo890]

Character's Appearance: 6'6 170'Lb Long Wavy Ice-blue hair that falls around his feet Soft Purple Eyes. creamy skin tone, Long White shirt with White pants gray shoes has a snowflake button in his hair.

Gender: Male


Rya sold his soul for food for his family, too bad his family had food hidden from Rya. He sold his soul for nothing.

Nature, Psychokinesis, Ice & Cold Manipulator

Purpose for Entering the Games: For his Soul back (He sold it to someone)

A very warming and loving person, but always seems uncertain about the future...especially when you can't tell the truth from the lies.



[Reisuke Houjou Played by Reisuke Houjou]

Character's Appearance: Click Here.

Gender: Male


On the outside, Reisuke can appear to be the average toddler. He's polite, curious, bright, and cheerful, just like most children his age. However, his life was harsh, and he is quite complex beneath his childish exterior. His parents were abusive, with completely opposite hobbies (shopping and gambling), usually resulting in a fight between the two on how they're splurging for their own selfish gains. This usually happened with Reisuke around, causing him to despise all adults (there are exceptions), and becoming independent and responsible. However, his parents have rubbed off on him; he's become sadistic, cruel, and creepy. He's also quite intelligent for his age, spending his free time reading or drawing in the local library, and is also a master strategist. Perfect psychotic game material, is he not?

He is burdened with quite the sad history. As said, his parents were abusive and neglectful, usually ignoring Reisuke and fighting in front of him. To them, he was just there, part of the background. However, they weren't completely evil, because on one occasion they seemed nice enough to buy him two hand puppets, one that looks like a male, and one that looks like a female. He named the male Len, and the female Lin. He uses those two as the ideal mother and father that his real parents failed to be. One day, his parents suddenly joined a religious cult, called the "Koyabashiki Shrine". This cult was hateful, evil, and generally cast a bad atmosphere, despite claiming to be divine. Two months after joining, his parents, as well as other cult members, bodies were found at the temple, apparently gruesomely slashed. The police called it a mass suicide, but Reisuke was there to witness it. It was actually a mass murder, by one suspicious individual. Although his parents were horrible, he thought that he could spend his life avenging them. He hated the feeling that somebody killed his parents, no matter how evil they seemed to be.

One day, he was at home, all alone. He had escaped from the refugee hospital to visit the house, where somebody knocked on the door. Now, any good child would know not to open the door under those circumstances, but what could one do? Reisuke was psychotic. So, he opened the door, to see a man with dirty hair, messed up clothing, and an eye patch over his left eye. He spoke in a gruff voice, like dirt. He told him something about his parents. Nobody knows what he told him, but somehow he was convinced that the murderer of his parents were part of "The Games".

Abilities: Reisuke is a strange child, knowing all about poison and chemicals. He is also quite intelligent, and a master strategist. He also owns a three-in-one-gun. It contains poison, acid, and tar... Just imagine it like a water gun. Now, switch the word poison, acid, or tar with water. And it's three in one, don't forget that. A four year old needs to defend himself in some way!

Purpose: To cast 'judgement' on the murderer of his parents.

A very quick witted mind, but some consequence may end bitterly, maybe even death.


The World


One who has lived a fulfilling life and wishes to live more, but due to this your vision of adventure is blurred.


The Game Master

[Rachel Equaris Played by Mnyuu]

Character's Appearance:Click Here.

Gender: None, but appears as a female

Unknown, Appears 19

I'm just a spectator. I have no real purpose. I come and go as I please and I have no real past. Still, I can't help but get curious about humans and their drive that pushes them to move forward.

I control the games, isn't that enough? Oh wait, I can grant wishes as well, but only if you deserve it.

My Purpose?: Entertainment really.

{Character Information}

[What's your story?]

Character's Appearance: (Written Description and/or Photo)

Character's Name: (First, Last [optional]), [Character Title Optional]





Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card):

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish:

Character's Appearance: 6'6 170'Lb Long Wavy Ice-blue hair that falls around his feet Soft Purple Eyes. creamy skin tone, Long White shirt with White pants gray shoes has a snowflake button in his hair.

Character's Name: Rya Shirabuki



Bio:Rya sold his soul for food for his family, too bad his family had food hidden from Rya. He sold his soul for nothing.

Abilities:Nature, Psychokinesis, Ice & Cold Manipulator

Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card):The Sun

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish:For his Soul back (He sold it to someone)
Name: Keitan Lyme

Appearance: Everything about Keitan seems rather angular. He has straight brown hair, thin arms, clothes that are never wrinkled and a chin that nearly ends in a point. His eyes are hazel. His height is too average to be distinguishing, but at first sight he always seems small. His hands are in perpetual movement, never sitting still. His mouth is usually set in a thin line, but it curves into a smile more often than a frown. A raven often sits on his shoulder.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Bio: Keitan's closest family is the raven who is always with him, which goes literally and figuratively. Never really knowing his parents, only from a few flashes of memory, he remembers growing up in an impromptu shelter for homeless children in a city. He's pretty sure his real parents aren't actually dead, and that they probably weren't married when he was born. He had been abandoned.

In any case, one boy, 12 at the time, who visited the shelter often, singled him out. Keitan stayed in the shelter for as little time as possible; and this only served to make him more interesting. Eventually, Keitan met the boy. His name was Chris. Chris Duke Lyme, was his full name; "but call me Deuce," he said with a wink, pulling a playing card out of his coat pocket between two fingers- a two of spades. Keitan was 10 years old, and thought that this Deuce was- frankly- pretty awesome.

They became best of friends in the next year, the two of spades becoming sort of a secret signal between the pair. Keitan was introduced to Deuce's parents eventually, and from there the boy was often invited to his house. By the time Deuce was 15 and Keitan 13, the parents were signing a form and leaving the shelter for the last time. Keitan had been adopted.

The next years passed happily, but then the parents began to act strangely. They were never home, and there were strange sounds coming from their room, and the boys could have sworn they heard voices coming from in there when there should have been no one. Eventually, they caught on to their parents by sneaking into the trunk of the SUV when they left home, and found themselves in an entirely new world. Surely, that man wasn't holding fire in his hand? Surely, that pair of snakes had not just turned into humans, a respectable looking woman and an equally sophisticated man? And, oh my God, what were his parents doing, making motions near a painting, and- God- stepping through.

Yes. It was magic. And Keitan and Deuce had just witnessed it, whether they wanted to, or not.

Along with the power also came enemies- Keitan's adoptive family was never really safe. This was proven when men came bursting through the door, flame on their fingertips, animals prowling the floor besides them. "Come out," they commanded. "Or we'll drag you out by your fingernails!"

Their parents didn't survive. Keitan was lucky, and escaped to his old home. For a while, he thought that the magicians had taken Deuce- but then, he came across a raven hopping down the road. In his beak was clamped firmly an old and tattered two of spades.

"Oh, Deuce," said Keitan, disbelievingly. The raven cocked his head. "What have they done to you?"

Keitan is calm and collected, level-headed and practical. If there's something to do, he won't hesitate to do it. However, he is often racked with indecision that Deuce sometimes resolves for him. He can smile and laugh, but most of the time, he prefers to be quiet; tapping out a rhythm with his fingers and observing the world around him.

Deuce is slick, smooth, and Keitan's perfect counterbalance. He can make his adoptive brother laugh anytime he wants to. He is always confident and will choose any path he thinks is correct- he often is stopped by his brother before he blunders into trouble. He used to be fairly attractive, black-haired, blue-eyed, and never had to work hard to get a girlfriend; he is good-hearted, though, and his relationships were sincere. He is tall and once took martial arts.

Now, well- he's a raven. He cannot talk, but the two know each other so well they can still- sort of- communicate. They both share a love for their parents.

Abilities: Little to none. Keitan has nimble fingers, the mind of a tinkerer and can go unnoticed easily. Deuce is an advantage in many situations, being a bird and all. Keitan has very little experience with weaponry, but has fought before on the streets. If it counts for anything, he knows how to play the piano and can jump pretty far.

Interested tarot card: The Emperor

Purpose of entering: Keitan wandered the streets for a while. Was there no magician who could turn his brother normal once more? No, there seemed not to be. If, just if, they beat the Game; then maybe not only could Deuce regain his form, maybe- possibly- just maybe- their parents could also be resurrected....

My longest bio ever. Hope it's interesting enough to read!

Should Deuce get a tarot card too, or?... He isn't really a competitor, so you could count them as one, if you wanted. If not, Temperance would fit him well, I think.
Character's Appearance: (drawn, link, or written description)

Character's Name: Rikarah Pallaton

Gender: Female

Age: 21


From the time she was quite young Susannah was gifted with empathic ability. She was always good at reading people’s emotions, and because of her superior intelligence and astute instincts, was able to skillfully handle people and work them to her will. As she grew her ability strengthened even without her conscious efforts, so that she could feel what people felt as well as simply sensing it, and she grew able to control it and keep it at a distance from herself rather than allowing others’ emotions to control her.

Susannah was a quiet, well mannered child and teenager, excelling in school and extracurricular activities, though she did not participate in many. She was gifted artistically in all ways, particularly drawing, painting, and sculpting, though she was also an excellent actress, a fair singer, and a gifted dancer. She got along well with her peers and was generally well liked and regarded by most. This was in direct contrast to the ominous, uneasy undertone of her home life. Although Susannah was never abused outright, there was always the threat of it lurking within, and she, with her ability to sense emotion and wishes, knew it fully.

April Pallis,her mother, was a weak willed woman who seemed more of a child than her own children; she was not very involved with her daughters and allowed Isabella to get away with a lot and did not interfere with either child’s well being. George Pallis set up a home with sexual undertones that were inappropriate to a father daughter relationship, with both Susannah and Isabella. Although he never actively abused either girl, he often “accidentally” walked in on them while they were in the bathroom or undressing, deliberately brushed them, eyed them, or made insinuative comments. Isabella used this to her advantage and flirted to get her way with things; Susannah was repulsed and avoided him as much as possible. When she tried to speak with her mother, April brushed her off helplessly; Susannah realized that her mother had known all along and did nothing. Isabella, meanwhile, had a difficult relationship with Susannah; a typical baby of the family, she was openly rude and insulting to Susannah, particularly in front of her parents, and went out of her way to attempt to anger or embarrass her.

Susannah began to daydream of killing her family; when she finally did the deed, it was not from an impulse or a moment of “snapping,” but rather carefully controlled thought. At the age of seventeen, Susannah murdered her fifteen year old sister and both her parents, cutting off their heads and setting them up as an artistic display; she developed it along the theme of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” by matching it to her family’s traits, sewing shut the eyes of her father, the ears of her mother, and the lips of her sister, in order to match up with how she viewed that they failed her. Changing her name to Rikarah Eve Pallaton, she moved to New York City and finished out her education on her own, working and supporting herself at the same time that she attended school, also using up her parents’ money and resources. She continued her artwork and often sold it on the side for extra money…and continued killing.

Rikarah enjoyed the murder and subsequent artwork of her family so thoroughly that she began to look for an opportunity to do it again. She began to scout out potential victims, but not just any person would do; they must meet her standard of approval of “deserving” it. She was a moralistic killer in a way.

Abilities: empath to a degree, skilled with weapons

Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card): Moon

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish:

View attachment 1662

To find a mate like herself; entertainment and challenge
My goodness. I would not like to meet Rikarah. Downright creepy in a horror-movie sort of way.

You know, I really could see that in a horror movie. That was an awesome bio.

Just saying. I felt like saying something.

Oh yeah. You said you write, like, 6 pages per day, didn't you? You must have a veritable army of characters to pull out and use.
I would like to thank you for registering for the games. You'll receive a letter soon with all the information necessary to find the location. I look forward to meeting you all, and may the best man win.

Nivrad00 : Well I really wouldn't consider Deuce as one since he doesn't have a human form, but I can count him as one of your abilities since he's a part of Keitan :) So you can use Deuce to your advantage.
Uh, uh, uh! May the best man or woman win!


I don't know. I feel giddish today. That's not a word.

Uh, and I think you forgot Momo.
@Nivrad00 Tbh, when I first created this thread, I was debating on where to put it. So I decided to keep the actual thread sepereate from the sign ups, to see which would make better process. Still don't know if that was a smart idea though.

@Reisuke Yeah, np

I'm kind of just runnign through threads right now, So I haven't read up on your rp...

Just wondering why two sections are in anime while the other is in, well Other.

Where is it supposed to go? I shall move it C:
[MENTION=1570]xxJameson[/MENTION] Np :D

[MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] OH THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Yeah, I was debating on where I would put it, but if you don't mind...would you please move this thread to either the Other/Categorized Character Sheets or the Storyline/Info? Thank you again :)

Character's Name: Reisuke Houjou

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Bio: On the outside, Reisuke can appear to be the average toddler. He's polite, curious, bright, and cheerful, just like most children his age. However, his life was harsh, and he is quite complex beneath his childish exterior. His parents were abusive, with completely opposite hobbies (shopping and gambling), usually resulting in a fight between the two on how they're splurging for their own selfish gains. This usually happened with Reisuke around, causing him to despise all adults (there are exceptions), and becoming independent and responsible. However, his parents have rubbed off on him; he's become sadistic, cruel, and creepy. He's also quite intelligent for his age, spending his free time reading or drawing in the local library, and is also a master strategist. Perfect psychotic game material, is he not?

He is burdened with quite the sad history. As said, his parents were abusive and neglectful, usually ignoring Reisuke and fighting in front of him. To them, he was just there, part of the background. However, they weren't completely evil, because on one occasion they seemed nice enough to buy him two hand puppets, one that looks like a male, and one that looks like a female. He named the male Len, and the female Lin. He uses those two as the ideal mother and father that his real parents failed to be. One day, his parents suddenly joined a religious cult, called the "Koyabashiki Shrine". This cult was hateful, evil, and generally cast a bad atmosphere, despite claiming to be divine. Two months after joining, his parents, as well as other cult members, bodies were found at the temple, apparently gruesomely slashed. The police called it a mass suicide, but Reisuke was there to witness it. It was actually a mass murder, by one suspicious individual. Although his parents were horrible, he thought that he could spend his life avenging them. He hated the feeling that somebody killed his parents, no matter how evil they seemed to be.

One day, he was at home, all alone. He had escaped from the refugee hospital to visit the house, where somebody knocked on the door. Now, any good child would know not to open the door under those circumstances, but what could one do? Reisuke was psychotic. So, he opened the door, to see a man with dirty hair, messed up clothing, and an eye patch over his left eye. He spoke in a gruff voice, like dirt. He told him something about his parents. Nobody knows what he told him, but somehow he was convinced that the murderer of his parents were part of "The Games".

Abilities: Reisuke is a strange child, knowing all about poison and chemicals. He is also quite intelligent, and a master strategist. He also owns a three-in-one-gun. It contains poison, acid, and tar... Just imagine it like a water gun. Now, switch the word poison, acid, or tar with water. And it's three in one, don't forget that. A four year old needs to defend himself in some way!

Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card): Judgement

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish: To cast 'judgement' on the murderer of his parents.

Hmmm....Reisuke huh? Let's see how you fair with the rest of the world. I shall keep a close eye on you to see if you're eligible for entering, and if you fit my liking I'll let you join. Until then, try and not get killed.

If you don't get enough players, I'll sign up for one more character.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Oh, yes. Where did you get your pictures? They're awesome.
For my character? I went around zerochan and put original in the search bar. If you want to change any of your character's info feel free to do so. You have until all posistions are filled, and if you do just post on my profile so I can arrange that for you. Also you can take a another OC if you want. The limitation is two =p

Character's Appearance: View attachment 1742

Character's Name: Alexander "Pyro" Kizune

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Bio: The Pyromancer with magical skills that will make your jaw drop. Don't let his badass appearance fool you, he has a heart of gold. He's been traveling from town to town showing off his magical abilities to all people, and for free too! He is quite reknown for his ability to create, manifest, and control fire. There's one question you may ask, "Why does he have cat ears and a tail?" While he was traveling, he experimented with cat DNA, and the rest is History. Speaking of history, he never really has told anyone his history, whether it's because it hurts too much, or he just doesn't want to. (History will be added when he actually tells someone, IF he tells someone.)

Abilities: Can Control Fire, Charismatic, and handy with a one-handed dagger

Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card): Magician

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish: To entertain others, as well as his self, and hopefully make some friends.
Oh...such an interesting person. The idea that he's able to control fire will be interesting aspect to the games...Hmmm, I shall need further study. Until then...Just don't die.

Character's Appearance:

Character's Name: Helix Fermont

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Bio: Helix was left in a liquer store trash bin as a child, and survived only through luck. When he was found, he was put into an orphanage. When he was three, he was adopted by a family. It turned out, however, that the father was a drunk, and his mother was a sociopath. He was beat daily by both of his parents, who cared little about him and only wanted something to abuse. One day, a mass murderer kill his parents, and broke Helix's arm and but off his leg. Whem Helix finally got out of the hospital, which used all the money he would have inherited, he ran away at the young age of 14 to the streets rather than be put back into the orphanage. As he began to live on the streets, he became familiar with the local gangs, and would ocassionally do business with them. During a trade with the Red Bandits, they were attacked by an enemy gang. A bullet hit his head, passing though cleanly. He instantly fell unconscious, and when he awoke, he found himself able to see the motion of everything. He was able to tell about how fast everything was moving, and the weight forces pushing against it. Although only 16, and a middle-school drop out, he took a job. As he still lived on the streets, he had little need for the money he made. However, he bought a black-market gun, and ammo, and began to practice with the new visions of trajectories and vectors. He found that he was a good shot with the gun, thanks to his ability. He also decided to start buying math books, to study trajectories and vectors to better understand his ability.

Although he may not let himself be troubled by his past, he has a hard time adapting to new. Even with his power, it's taken him 5 years just to be able to stand it, even

though he uses it to his advantage. He often feigns that he can take or adapt to change, but really it eats away at him. Too much, and he will destabilize.

Abilities: Helix is an ace shot, able to shoot accurately for a mile with a 1 cm grouping. He also is able to see trajectories and vectors. Naturally, he's good at math.

Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card): Tower

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish: Helix joined with intent to win, so that he can break the cycle of destruction of woe he often seems to leave in his wake. His wish is to

eliminate random change/chance.

Character's Appearance: guys/red or brown hair/444214.jpg

Character's Name: Jacob Davidson

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Bio: Jacob grew up in a strange family. His mother was sociopathic, and did anything to get what she wanted. His father would get violently angry, and his parents often bickered. Jacob grew to dispise both the manipulation his mother would use, and the violent means his father oft resorted to. He spent his time away from his family, often staying on his own. One day, he found a kid around his age, whose name was Vallis. Vallis was going to commit suicide on the bridge Jacob was leaning over. Jacob told him to stop, and that he would help the kid with what was bothering him. The two came to be the best of friends, and Jacob became determined to help Vallis, whose problem was a family issue just like his. Vallis's father was a drunk, and often beat Vallis, calling him worthless. His mother was dead, killed trying to intervene with one of the many beatings that occur. On the day Jacob was to help Vallis, Vallis didn't show up as they planned. Jacob went to see what had happened, only to find that Vallis was dead by his own father's hands. Jacob flew into a rage, and beat the father unconscious, and then called the police. Jacob then left his home, and dedicated to training himself, so as to never let such a thing occur again. He trained in martial arts, studied math and physics, and learned the strageties of battle and war.

Although he would defend his friends at any cost, even his life, don't expect to become friends with him easy. He is a good judge of character, and can often tell a person's intentions. He hates manipulation and needless violence, but isn't afraid to fight when it is neccessary. For those who manage to break his nigh impervious shell, you shall not be let down. He will do anything and everything you could ever hope for as a friend.

Abilities: He is quick-witted, quickly able to come up with an execute plans, He can use anything as a weapon, and he knows martial arts.

Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card): The Hanged Man

Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish: Jacob wishes to have the power to never let his friends down.
FULL NAME: Christian Ryese, Prince Ryese

AGE: Appears to be about 23 but actually he's 613

RACE: Lycan

Human Stats:

Height: 6"4

Weight: 184 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue with flecks of gold

Pack Status: Alpha

Wolf Stats:

Height: about 6"1 on all fours

Weight: 200 pounds

Hair: Pure white

Eyes: Bright blue with gold rings


Long ago there were vast forest that had never been touched by the stench of men. I remember running as a pup with my parent, Alexander and Sofia both great, powerful and respected by all the other packs, I guess you could say we were royalty but we wouldn't, we still did our part we hunted and protected our pack like any other wolf would, there were no alphas and betas there was just the pack the family that's it all equal, even tho all didn't believe that there were still no problems, no back stabbing or betrayal after all these are concepts of man not wolves. Back then I spent my days only in my wolf form, it was how we preferred to live, we were stronger faster and happier that way. My world was perfect. Then one day Man found our peaceful forest and invaded it at first we were willing to live along side with man not disturbing them as long as they respected the forest, but man has no respect for the way things were, they came with their axes and saws and destroyed the forest leaving us with no choice but to defend our homes, but man was relentless killing the young and weak of our kind, eventually they discovered our most sacred of places including my home. They came at night while the pack slept with swords and spears slaughtering everyone, my parent were killed giving me time to run with a few young pups but they weren't fast enough and being so young they didn't know the forest and got lost in the darkness.

I ran all night long hiding and evading the humans finally the sun came up and I could see the edge of our forest, I ran and ran till the light of the sun hit me fully in the face no longer, the next thing I remember is stepping out of our forest no longer as my wolf self but in the form of a human, I have to admit I fell to my knees and cried for hours about what I lost, my home, my family and friends and my true form. At least I thought I did out of the tree line dozens of wolfs stepped out only they weren't scared they weren't lost they have been stepping out of the forest for a long time in fact it's because of them that our forest was revealed, they had given into the tempatations of man, and greed was what motivated them now greed for money and things, they had become corruppted and cost me all that I loved. I leaped at them and to my surprise my anger triggered my change back to a wolf instantly catching them off guard.

I must have blackout or something cause the next thing I remember was standing over their bodies as a human again. I had killed my own kind even if there was a home to return to I couldn't now, so I grabbed what I could off them clothes and I guess a money bag and ran.

Over the decades I learned how to survive in the human world, and gathered money and property to help me seek out others of my kind and offer then safety. I learned other's all over the world were living among humans some friend some foe but they were out there. Centuries have past I now live with my current pack, some screw up some I treasure. I maintain my title as Prince and hold a position on the Lycan/Black Blood Council being I'm one of the oldest Lycans in the world, I mostly do it to protect my pack.

View attachment 1934View attachment 1935

If still open I pick The Hermit

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