• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern The Game’s Afoot (CS)


Pew Pew Hearts


The Game’s Afoot

This thread currently houses our wonderful cast of characters for the RP.

To our players, feel free to post up your character sheets here. You can use your own codes and templates too. I’m currently using the one I coded below and it’s free to use as well if you’d like to. If you encounter any troubles, let me know and I’d be happy to assist.

Thanks for checking in!

[font=Amiri] [/font][border=0; width:450px; height:auto; margin:0 auto; --color-1: #COLOR OF YOUR NAME AND HEADERS; --color-2: #COLOR OF THE DIVIDER; font-size:14px;]


[border=0; width:100%; height:auto; margin-left:-10px; display:flex; flex-direction:row; align-items:baseline; color:var(--color-1); font-size:40px;][font= Neonderthaw][I]—FIRST—[/I][/font] [border=0; width:20px;][/border][border=0; width:350px; height:10px; clip-path: polygon(0 75%, 100% 75%, 100% 100%, 0 100%); background:var(--color-2);][/border] [/border][border=0; width:95%; height:auto; margin:0 auto; padding:10px; display:flex; flex-direction:column; --font:Amiri;][border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-end;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]Full Name:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border] —FULL NAME HERE— [/border]
[border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-end;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; padding:8px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]Birthday:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border]—MONTH AND DAY— [/border]
[border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-end;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; padding:8px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]Age:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border]—AGE IN NUMBERS— [/border]
[border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-end;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; padding:8px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]Gender:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border]—GENDER ORIENTATION— [/border]
[border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-start;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; padding:8px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]Appearance:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border] —APPEARANCE STARTS HERE — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.[/border]
[border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-start;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; padding:8px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]Personality:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border] —PERSONALITY STARTS HERE — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.[/border]
[border=0; display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify content:space-evenly; align-items:flex-start;][border=0; width:100px; height:15px; padding:8px; background: var(--color-1); font-family:var(--font); font-style:italic; text-transform:uppercase;][b]History:[/b][/border][border=0;width:2px;][/border] —HISTORY STARTS HERE —Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante. [/border]

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Leonard Maxwell (deceased) was a self-made billionaire who built his empire from the financial industry. At his death, the public knew him as a private, but charming man who’s natural inclination for levity made him popular amongst his peers and late contemporaries. His bright mind and young heart lent itself to the board game company that he secretly started not too long after the start of his career. With five heirs, Leonard knew it was going to be tough to distribute his estate and so he hatched a plan. A final game, where the winner takes it all, for old time’s sake, of course!

Charles “Charlie” Weisman (59) was Leonard’s personal assistant and is currently the head butler of the Maxwell household. Perhaps, a little neurotic and slightly unconventional, he was the man to get Leonard’s daily domestic affairs in order. Whether it was fetching perfectly made toast with five orange slices and a cup of St. Helena’s finest brew or pressing his master’s garments to a crisp edge, he was deemed the most reliable help. Some would dare to say, he was even consistent than the weather. It was these traits and his unique sense of humour that Leonard built his trust upon. Charlie knew most of, if not all, of the late Maxwell’s secrets. Moreover, it was rumoured that he was the last person to interact with Leonard before his passing. Could it be that he knew the killer all along?


First Last (##) Little blurb about this character. Write about anything you’d like. A couple of sentences will do. :)

First Last (##) Little blurb about this character. Write about anything you’d like. A couple of sentences will do. :)

First Last (##) Little blurb about this character. Write about anything you’d like. A couple of sentences will do. :)

First Last (##) Little blurb about this character. Write about anything you’d like. A couple of sentences will do. :)

Paulina “Poppy” Maxwell (17) is a high school student who feels great anxiety about her future. She’s currently quite devastated with her father’s passing as she was very much so attached to him - that is to say, he was her favourite person. Compassionate, curious, and imaginative - she was the most receptive to her father’s games. Perhaps, it was due to a young heart. Although most recently, she’s been more inclined to show sprouts of her rebellious streak.



Full Name:
Paulina “Poppy” Selene Maxwell

February 22



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.



Full Name:
Johnny Easton Maxwell.

9th December.


Cis Male.

Permanently exhausted, straight-backed and standing tall at 6'1 feet, Johnny is an imposing figure only to those who don't know him. Sharply dressed like the sting of tears and only rarely out of place, he is the very picture of self-discipline.

To understand the man, you first have to understand the bruise; and with Johnny, he carries them with too much pride.
Some people build off their overbearing responsibility, but some are made in it - and Johnny scarcely remembers a time when the world was not laid on his shoulders. A Promethean fate, maybe, but one he takes in stride. It's where he begins and where he ends, and where he draws the worst of himself; that impossibly heavy weight that draws Johnny's face into a mask of stone. Strict, no-nonsense and almost impossible to get a laugh out of, he is a man that takes himself very seriously and would prefer you do the same, thank you very much. Build from the highest etiquette and politeness, he is highly educated and intelligent to boot - now if only he had social skills that sparkle just as much.
He can hurt people with the words he says, and he will hurt them; but he is not malicious. A big difference, there. He genuinely loves his family and wants them to be happy, most of all. Even if he doesn't always know how to show it.

—HISTORY STARTS HERE —Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

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did i mention i dont know how to code?


Full Name:
Marianne "Jay" Maxwell

uhm im thinking the sixth of june? gonna have to ask my twin

21? 20?

afab, agender. they-them please :)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

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Full Name:
Maia Isabella Maxwell

June 6



—APPEARANCE STARTS HERE — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

—PERSONALITY STARTS HERE — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

—HISTORY STARTS HERE —Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ornare porta nulla, commodo molestie sapien aliquet a. Donec sapien nisi, hendrerit non vestibulum sit amet, egestas non ante.

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