The Game of Death


A Magical Sprite
People go to hell,

You are one of those people who goes to hell.

But as you enter hell, You stopped on of the it's floors.

A single road towards and entrance and a sign saying " Tower of Chance "

from a distance, you can see a LONG tower about 100 storeys.

In this tower. you are given a chance to win against 100 games.

Once you win all 100 games, you can go to heaven.

But if you die in one of it's floors. You will directly go to hell and feel the same pain over and over again. Eternally.

A group will contain 20 number of players, And as they go inside each room.

They will be briefed and given 30 minutes to prepare .


Name :

Age : [ Be diverse ]

Gender :

Appearance :

Bio :

Rules :

RP starts once the thread is closed.

We all start in Floor 1

Multiple Character is allowed

Swearing is allowed

OOC must be in here.

Everyone who finished the room must wait until everyone finishes so I can edit the thread into Floor 2

The Game manager will be played by me.

[ Currently available 19 players ]

Skelly :

Name : Vincent rogers

Age : 32

Gender : Male

Appearance :

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Bio : 5 years ago, He murdered a man in act of self defense.

Now in the present day, He died by a heart attack because he smokes alot.

and now he arrives at the Tower Of Choice, Hoping to find salvation and still be able to go to paradise
Name: Veronica


Gender: Female


Bio: Growing up, Veronica had a harder life then most. Her father was an alcoholic, her mother a prostitute that disappeared for weeks at a time, moving from man to man. All there had ever been in her home was fighting, whether it be with words or with violent out bursts. All Veronica had to keep her sanity was her little sister, innocent and silent, always too scared to speak. Only alone, did she say anything at all, and it was always the same. "Daddy won't hurt us. He loves us, and Mommy too." Veronica nodded and smiled, then hugged her baby sister, telling her everything would be alright and sending her to bed with a gentle lullaby. It was because of this life she lived that she made a deal, a dangerous deal that, for a while, supported her and her little sister. She joined a gang.

She had always been tough, always able to fight. Now, she was even stronger, harder with her words, slippery as a snake. The assignments given to her were vast, going from robbery to murder, from torture to punishment. She caught those who opened their mouths and cut out their tongues, silencing the forever. She would find those who stole from them and steal back three times as much, leaving a bloody, ragged mess behind. This gave her money and power on the streets, protecting both her sister and herself. No one messed with her, and she got cocky, over confident, overestimating her skills. And that led to her death

It had been a simple mission, go gather the weapons needed, and stay hidden from the rival gang. No blood, no gore. Just get what they needed then get the hell out. Veronica was in the process of waiting when the rival gang appeared. Being as arrogant as she was, she waltzed towards them, poking and prodding their temper, angering them quite quickly. Faster then she thought. One of them reached for his gun, then shot her straight in the chest, leaving her to her death. As Veronica arrived at the fiery gates of Hell, she found hope in the "Tower of Chance," wanting to watch over her sister and make sure she got a better life.

Rena Leon






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Rena Leon had lived a full life, a life no more special than one would live, she had her moments of triumph and she had her moments of despair.

But thats of no real importance, as men raised Rena's coffin into the ground people whispered of how she had God always watching over her,

of how she was so lucky to have only died in her sleep...such a blessing... or so they thought. In reality however Rena had died of a severe

massive stroke, she suffered until her last and final struggle for air.

Her sin? The sin that made even demons drooling with the thought of dragging

this sinful woman to the depths of hell? Rena had a sister, not that any knew, a sister named Cordessa... she was younger than Rena by seven years.

That however didnt seem to take a tole on their relationship with one another, they were insuperable and always at each others side. Yes, I suppose most sins

come with great tragedies - Rena and Cordessa were raised by their mother and step-father, their 'father' had a wandering eye and a wandering hand.

Only one could imagine the horrors the step-father did to the two young girls when no one was looking. However one day it became to much, the step'father

had choked Cordessa by means of a sexual act, while Rena was tied to a chair and left to watch, watch as her sister was violated, mutated, and murdered by this predator.

He got away with the murder, god knows why, and then thats when the true sin began to form.

Rena had devised a plan to kill her step-father and mother, for she blamed them both for the horror which happened. Miss Leon brutally murdered her parents by means of decapitation,

she too got away with murder, but it corrupted her. Becoming a school teacher in her home town Rena had started to develop her step-father's traits,

with the exception for young men and sometimes men who were her step-fathers age. Yes No One would know, and would ever find out,

even at the age of sixty-five her secretes only remain with demons and Satan himself. But a chance, a chance to join her beloved sister Cordessa in heaven,

this opportunity was not to be missed and would not be taken lightly.
((Why thank you ^^ Hope you dont mind but I had another great idea for a character~ SO ill post him up))


Edwin Charleston






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A Character among characters, thats what he was, one to be known throughout the land as dashing, cunning, smart, debonair, and most of all a character.

Yes Edwin Charleston had it all, wealth, power, looks, he wanted for nothing and he was happy with it too. Born into a high society family Edwin was only given

the best of the best, not once did he think he would end up where he was... in the pits of hell that is. Edwin wandered upon the hell road, trying to remember

exactly why he was there, he knew where he was, who he was, and how he died... he just didnt know Why he was in hell. Why not in heaven? What did he ever do

that was so wrong that he was dragged down into his most darkest nightmare?

The story that he does not know, more so does not remember, is exactly this; Though privileged in every possible way it was never enough - then again when is it ever enough? -

Edwin always wanted more, more money, more fame, power, women, love... it consumed his entire being, though this is not what made him bad, no what made him bad was

nothing for pleasure, but out of a means for survival. Edwin Charleston had many enemy's and he knew this too, so what better way to control them than with blackmail? It

Was the perfect solution for everything, he didnt have to harm anyone in any physical manner, and if the person cooperated with him then of course nothing would

come out in the open. Edwin did this for years and years and years... until one day his associate, the one who would collect the blackmail for Mr. Charleston, decided to take

thing to the next step. We shall call this Associate 'Mr. A' now Mr. A was tired of people always coming after him! So what better to do than to learn from the man he served.

Mr. A gathered all the blackmail he had collected and blackmail on Edwin Charleston as well, he held a private auction for the highest bidder of the blackmail folder, blackmail

of Princes, Dukes, Presidents, Governments, etc. etc. The price was paid, but at a cost, Edwin Charleston for his crimes, for beginning the entire madness, was killed in broad daylight

His head severed from his body and then smashed in like a trampled pumpkin... Maybe thats his reason for forgetting those last memories... maybe not.

Now As Edwin stares at the elongated tower, the tower that could grant him to heaven, he glares.... Revenge, a chance, he didnt belong here he never did anything bad.... Or so he thought.
Name: Dorian Grayson

Age: 27

Gender: Male

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Bio: Growing up, Dorian was a very privileged child. His father was the CEO of a prominent business company and his mother was a nationally recognized musician. He was sent to a highly ranked private school in London where he would receive the best education money could buy.

He had always been naturally attractive and easily caught the attention of every girl in the room. It became a game of sorts to him: see how long it took him to get the girl to put out. His relationships never lasted long past that stage, and he left a trail of broken hearts behind him, even after he finished school.

Until he met Emily. She was an American, on holiday to Europe. She was a painter and was hoping to be inspired by the old scenic sights. They met on the London Eye, and she had boggled him when she showed absolutely no interest in him. He set out to make her his, at least for the night. She was open to his friendship, and then, slowly, to his advances. He thought her to be just another piece in his game, but he soon realized that -
by, God - he loved her.

They were together for four blissful months when he decided to pop the question. He'd planned on meeting up with her at the most expensive restaurant in the city. When she showed up an hour later and tears in her eyes, declaring that she never wanted to see him again, he was shocked, confused, and heartbroken. He later found out that Emily had run into her British friend Alexia - whom Dorian had known
intimately - and Alexia had told her Dorian's secret.

He was a heartbreaker, yes, but more than that, he was a thief and a conman. He lured women in, lead them on, got them to commit, then stole what he could and ran, leaving them near broke and heartbroken. His parents had disowned him when he dropped out of school, cutting him off from his rightful inheritance. He let greed rule his life and, worst of all, never felt guilt. Emily declared that she didn't know him, couldn't trust him, and that she was going back to America.

A week later, Dorian learned that the plane which Emily had taken back to America had crashed into the sea. All passengers were presumed dead. And Dorian? He didn't care. He went along with his life, just as he always had: conning women out of their fortunes. Up until, of course, the day he keeled over, choking peach pit with no one there to save him and no one at his funeral who cared.
Name : Tenshi

Age : 14

Gender : Female

Appearance :

Bio : Tenshi was hated by a lot of people in her life, even before she started killing others. She is probably one of the youngest serial killers to be executed, and people didn't even want to accept the fact that it was her for a long time, because of her young age. This was probably one of the main reasons she always got away, until detectives caught her brutally killing a family of four. She died through her punishment of being on the electric chair.

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