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Fantasy The Fractured Lands: Applications [CLOSED]



Local writer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

The Fractured Lands


application info.

full name

hair color
eye color
faceclaim (Art/drawn)

vices (opt)
virtues (opt)

Additional info (opt)

Character Slots

Player one


This character slot will be reserved for the GM.

Player two


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

Player three


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

Player four


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

Player five


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

extra information.

We are keeping characters as humans only!

Remember that your character can be pretty much anything from knights to samurai or vikings and anything in between, the fractured lands are not set anywhere specific.

For your character's backstory, it can be from anywhere, any kingdom and any land as long as the medieval theme is present. You can come up with the whole world if you want. (The fracture lands exist between realities and worlds, acting as purgatory for all) So no worries.

Deadline: August 21st.

Characters must be 18+

♡coded by uxie♡
fluticasone fluticasone
Callum Thrym-Pennant
The Pirate Lord of Otrecht
hair color
eye color
Lightly tanned
Small scars on left hand, left ear, and beneath left eye
Two small moles on back of neck, one on collarbone
Small albatross tattoo on left pectoral
The ever-present, sly amused grin
135 lbs
body type
Lithe and agile
Foppish and lightly armored
Personality: The young lord doesn't appear to ever take anything seriously, which can often irk those he interacts with, and his favorite pastime is attempting to get a rise out of people by being as infuriating as possible. At his core, however, he is essentially the opposite of what he outwardly projects- serious to the point of being grim.

Virtues: Patient - Intelligent - Kindhearted
Vices: Tricksome - Disrespectful - Blunt

Likes: Children, animals, pretty much any food
Dislikes: Authority, lack of authenticity, kelp

Habits: Grins mysteriously when he doesn't want to speak
Quirks: Adjusts his jabot when he needs time to think

Hopes/dreams: To be forever free and help others do the same
Doubts/fears: Being trapped, being drowned, letting people down
Homeland: The Kingdom of Otrecht
Family: Alistair Thrym-Pennant (father, deceased), Amelia Thrym-Pennant (mother, remarried), Alastor Thrym-Pennant (traitorous uncle)

Backstory: The Kingdom of Otrecht is a harsh but beautiful land, small compared to many others, but rich and proud. Its people are resilient and tight-knit, taking comfort in each other during the long months of winter darkness. The clan of Thrym had been on the throne for several generations by the time Cal's father made an alliance with the neighboring kingdom of Adrea through marriage.

Though the match had been political in origin, in truth Callum's parents had ended up truly liking each other and very much in love. The young prince grew up at the center of a happy family, and both his parents began to teach him everything he would need to one day rule.

When Callum was nine, his parents welcomed a new addition to their family. Callum loved his baby brother from the moment he'd first laid eyes on him, and vowed to protect him no matter what. Unfortunately, his brother had a sickly constitution, and was lost in the winter of his first year.

The family grieved deeply, and mourned their loss as one, and during this period Callum's uncle Alastor took a greater part in governance so that his relatives might honor their grief. But even after the mourning period had passed, what power he'd acquired he would not relinquish, for he had always been greedy and jealous of his brother, until one day he murdered him and took the kingdom (and his wife) by force.

Callum was forced to flee for his own safety, removed from the castle by a kindly cook who helped him to escape and adopted him as his own, returning to his previous life of piracy. Callum spent the next seven years at sea, eventually taking over from the ship's captain when he retired.

From then on, he dedicated his life to harrowing his uncle's forces, striking coastal strongholds and royal transports wherever and whenever he could, hoping to one day take back the throne. His uncle was crafty though, and he sent a young lad aboard Callum's ship as a plant, knowing the prince's reputation for taking people under his wing.

One night after all had gone to bed, the young man crept into the captain's cabin and stabbed him in the stomach before making his escape. Though Callum had been discovered before he could completely bleed out, the damage was too severe for the ship's doctor to mend. He died and was given an honorable burial at sea, mourned by his people and his crew.

Other: Time means little in the Fractured Lands, but Callum is certain he hasn't been there that long (compared to others) and, though he retains no memories of his previous life, still he feels that protective, brotherly instinct towards anyone smaller, younger, or weaker than he is, as well as this nagging notion at the back of his head that there is someplace he must get back to and something he must do.
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the hierophant.










appears to be in their late 20s



masculine (he/they)




  • shame.

    the heart's image is painted in sorrow and guilt, thus must be saved with piety.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Rattle and Burn...

'Rain' - Flower - 'The Wildling'


'Voice of the Spirits', 'La Bruja Despiera', 'The Rabid Witch'

She/Her 27yrs 6'5" 225lbs Black Hair Ice Blue Eyes Brown Skin
Powerful, Athletic build Lesbian Hunter Yugardia Jungles

This is the Wildling...



Rain is an imposing, muscular beast of a woman. Reknown for her huge recurve War Bow and wearing a carved bear Headress. But for the most part all you see of her are the deep set feral blue eyes staring at you from behind high grass or up high in trees. By then it is usually too late for you. She has multiple tattoos on arms, chest and face. Scars all over body. Of note is claw marks on her back. Her hair is usually braided and looks black but is actually a really dark shade of brown that gains soft reddish highlights during spring and summer. During springtime she will adorn her hair with leaves and flowers. And for several of her scars and tattoos will coat them in dyes as part of a rebirth ritual. She knows in the human world, such things must be hidden, but if possible she will proudly show off all her markings and muscles whenever she can. Rain is a generational talent complemented by a powerful build made for speed, stamina and strength, fine tuned with a lifetime's worth of solitary survival, hunting, climbing, running, and fighting.

Several self-inflicted scars from ritual scarrification / Tattoos on her face, arms torso front and back. Shoulders are inked too but not where the giant claw mark intersects her back diagonally / ears, nose, lip, hood and tongue piercings but has to remove all piercings to employ her rituals since her belief is that it blocks the flow of energies.



+ | Bold, Daring, Fearless
+ | Patient, Reserved and Watchful
+ | Imposing, Independent, Resourceful
+ | Keen Senses, Internal Compass and Athletic
+ | Artistic Expressions, Animal Whisperer, Big Kitten

- | No Vocals, Standoffish, Eco-warrior
- | Too imposing, Too Independent, Insensitive
- | Curiosity, Wild Animal Temperment, Kill or Be Killed
- | Hates Loud Noises, Physical over Cerebral, Destructive
- | No Human Personal Skills, Demanding Ways, 'Talks' to the Smiling Jaguar

○ | 'Flower' is her given name. Her Shaman name is a series of clicks, grunts and breaths that means; 'Voice of the Spirits'. Her enemies call her 'La Bruja Despiera.' Many common folk call her 'The Wildling,' or 'The Rabid Witch.'
○ | Hunters and Travellers revered her and called her 'The Rain Dancer.' The only time they can see her is when she dances in the rain. She bears the name Rain now with Honour since she is proud to receive accolade from other hunters. Tries to pantomime her name is 'Rain' but if all else fails, she will fall to her other given name and point to a tattoo on her arm of a 'Flower.'
○ | Has her own language of body movements, clicks, grunts and breathing sounds. Has a knack for being an 'animal whisperer.'
○ | Trust is hard to come by, but if earned, she will fiercely protect her entrusted, provide them gifts, however, she has a strangely expectant; whenever her immense frame lies on them, she expects to be groomed just like how her wolf family did.
○ | She may not be able to parse sarcasm nor other common subtleties but seemingly has a 6th sense for danger.
○ | Has caches of supplies all across her territory and has no attatchment to clothes save her boots. Rain always maintains her footwear at a high standard. Always wraps ankles and wrists for support too.
○ | Crafts her own weapons and gear and always adds an artistic carving or style to what she makes.
○ | Earned her first Tattoos when she passed the rituals laid out to her by her Mentor. Finally when she was 16 she earned her beloved War Bow.
○ | Hates when others touch her scars without permission. They are sacred to her and she will instantly become physically aggressive.

○ | When she flashes the Jaguar tattoo on her tummy it's equivalent of giving a middle finger.
○ | The woman is quick to draw arms and hiss versus listening to reason; she deems herself physically dominant and will proceed in kind. When she is in predatory mode, she is a killer and will not take prisoners unless forcibly removed from her 'prey.'
○ | Common urban life is alien to her so she is constantly curious and is always poking and prodding at people, places, and things.
○ | Olfactory is way more sensitive than regular humans and sniffs a lot at things she does not understand.
○ | 'Talks' out loud or dances at strange times. She is 'using her Voice' to talk to spirits; her form of prayer. Drums and Dances appease the spirits; both of which she performs fantastically.
○ | Loves and is Captivated by art and music of the Outsider humans. Known to be bribed by their sweets and songs.
○ | Carves intricate runes or adds more decor into her Skull Headress and Bow everyday. Those are her prized possessions.
○ | Invades personal spaces of those she trusts especially while they are sleeping. Becomes like a playful kitty with them and you may hear her actually purr when happy.



○ | Originally from the Yugardia Peninsula and was to be raised as a Shaman since she was born faceless; the placenta nearly suffocated her at child birth.
○ | As a small girl, her family was teaching her proper shamanic role by channeling through dance and humming rituals since she was mute. They were attacked by an enormous wild animal. Rain remembers her father getting killed before being dragged away
| Survived attack and escaped by diving into the river as the beast tried to cross it. Lost and confused she made her way out into the woods. Somehow she managed to survive the ordeal and kept her bravery through dance and drumming prayers.
| Against all odds she survived and one day she came upon a pack of huge dogs and some how easily befriended them. They guided her to the home of a lone deaf and mute hermit named 'Aremik'. She took little Rain in and cared for the girl.
| The girl would have gaps in her memory, and when she woke, she would recall dreams of the monstrous animal that hunted her family. Aremik told her they were but merely spirits trying to commune with her in the Dream world. But then one day she woke covered in blood and fur. The dream she had the night before was that the monster had killed a deer. There were bloody antlers left behind their abode.
| It was here where she was taught the strange click, grunt and breath language of Shamans. And it was here where her upbringing turned. Upbringing? No, it was more like everyday survival training. The only enjoyable time was when the Hermit would let her drum and dance. But it was paying off; she was a capable hunter, survivalist and animal whisperer even before she hit puberty. And she was tall too. Soon she would become stronger, swifter and more agile than any girl her age but most of all she became very resourceful and more connected to the land. She was a generational talent.
| Aremik finally revealed the truth to her. The girl was being trained to be a warrior in not only this world but the one Unseen. In fact, Rain (known as 'Flower' in this recluse land) found out that Aremik was one too. The big dogs that roamed their territories were actually wolves from the pack that her mentor had been raised.
| These were her people now and for them to survive, they needed to band together for there was a war coming. Aremik called it the War For the Dead. And that Flower needed to become a Shaman too. The training continued.
| And so came the day she was ready. She was brought to the top of the step pyramid where she was taught to commune. Under the influence of a multitude of narcotic concoctions and hours of chanting, she finally reached her glowing fever dream and her spirit guardians came to her.
| She heard two voices-- The Smiling-Jaguar and the other was her mentor; finally, she heard Aremik's true voice. The final and only words from her mentor: "I have been waiting for this moment for so long. You are 'Waking.' You truly are 'Voice of the Spirits.' I will hear you again. And I will show you. Know I am so proud of you. I love you, daughter--" when she awoke next, Aremik lay in her arms with her heart torn out, Flower's mouth and face splattered in blood.
| The young woman stayed for only a single year. She never seemed to stop mourning until that day she danced in the humid storm with the pink lightning. The immense claw mark scar on her back ached and she fell to her knees. A vision of her mentor appeared.
| In the vision, she was guided by Aremik into her past. Her father wasn't killed by an animal, no, he was killed by a Demon in a terrible monstrous form. The vision showed her the extent of the slaughter; it was her entire blood related family that was killed. If she was to be the next Shaman of her peoples in this war, she would need to kill the demon and eat its heart.
| With her journey set out before her, It was time to leave. She said good-bye to her wolfpack siblings for 'The Voice of the Spirits' had found her calling. It was time to hunt La Bruja Roja.
She found the consort of the Bruja; a rogue bear. She would fight and kill it. Rain was much, much faster and much stronger now. But it was more than that that aided her in killing the beast; it was her cunning. As it lay in her trap dying, Rain ate its heart. She then took its favoured victim's axe and took the bears head. She would wear it forever more; this was her right and it would guide her to her demonic prey whilst upon this spiritual journey.
| The Wildling would never see her arch enemy. She entered into the civilized lands and was accused of poaching and killed by an angry mob of townspeople. She would never complete her rite to fight in The War For the Dead.


Dark Reality

Tsukasa Saitoh

The Knight




Wolffert Van Hoff




Twenty seven


Cis. Male






195cm | 6'3"


95Kg | 209 Lbs

hair c.


eye c.




Wolf is renowned for his unwavering
Despite enduring immense challenges and profound personal suffering, he remains resolute in his quest for justice. His determination is vividly illustrated through his relentless battles and his steadfast refusal to surrender.

Beneath his rough exterior lies a deep sense of
and protectiveness toward those he cherishes. Although his demeanor might seem harsh, his commitment to those he cares about is both genuine and profound.

His intense sense of
and need for
often lead him to overextend himself. Struggling with effective delegation, Wolf risks burnout and becomes overwhelmed by the sheer volume of his obligations.

Furthermore, Wolf’s
role and exacting standards can cause him to
himself from his team. Whether perceived as distant or deliberately maintaining a gap to preserve authority, this isolation complicates his ability to lead cohesively and effectively



Wolf was born in Avendalle, one of the seven kingdoms of Orengard. Initially enlisted as a foot soldier, he demonstrated remarkable prowess and was soon elevated to the rank of knight. However, due to his family's modest origins, he could not ascend further in rank.

As part of his knighthood, Wolf underwent the binding ritual, an ancient ceremony that signified the indelible bond between him and his armor, which was to be worn at all times unless in the company of fellow knights.

Amidst rising rumors of a conspiracy, dismissed by the king and his guard as mere speculation, Wolf’s intuition led him to investigate further. His inquiry uncovered a secretive cult in Avendalle, predating the kingdom itself, dedicated to the dark arts of necromancy. Magic, considered mythical in Orengard, was thought to be no more than legend.

As Wolf delved deeper, he witnessed the horrors of necromancy firsthand, the skeletal remains of the deceased reanimating as undead warriors, poised to challenge Avendalle's soldiers. He alerted the king, who, though skeptical, dispatched a squadron of knights to probe the matter. When the knights failed to return, the king’s suspicion grew. The grim truth was revealed when one knight did return, but rendered mute by necromantic curses; his helmet removed, his corpse confirmed the necromancers' dark work.

The situation deteriorated rapidly as the cult launched a full-scale assault. A crimson fog enveloped the city, and the undead rose in droves, attacking every living soul. The outbreak spread beyond Avendalle, consuming every kingdom in its path. Though the undead were weak individually, their sheer numbers overwhelmed each castle and city.

Wolf led a valiant defense with a small band of warriors, maintaining control of the castle for as long as possible. His combat skills were tested to their limits, but ultimately, the undead outnumbered them. Surrounded, Wolf fought bravely against overwhelming odds until his comrades fell. Severely wounded, he managed a desperate escape, fleeing on horseback into the mountains.

There, weakened and bleeding, Wolf took refuge beside a tree. As he succumbed to his injuries, he placed his sword beside him, the weight of his final stand heavy upon him.



♡coded by uxie♡
    Full name: Nameless (formerly Senan the Deserter)
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Home: Waldenthal, Kingdom of Elidyr

    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 160 lbs.
    Hair color: Blonde
    Eye color: Blue
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sea serpent









  • hair

    dirty blonde




    165 cm


    56 kg


    She has scars across her face and all over her body, most of which she suffered during intense training. On her forearm, there’s a tattoo of a two-headed snake, the symbol of the Sea Serpents.

♡coded by uxie♡

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The Zealot

  • bab5f3fd404b281a569ccc5ce2bd3a31.jpg
    Name: Goros Alighieri

    Age: 24

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 145 lbs

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Demisexual

    Race: Human


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