Story The Fourth of July.


An impassioned speech by an American, on America.

I, like most Americans, believe that my country is the greatest nation on Earth. The evidence is everywhere, in the sphere of athletics, Americans have won the most Olympic medals, in the sphere of science, Americans have earned the most Nobel Prizes, in terms of economics, some U.S. states have more robust economies than entire nations, of course our military might is unsurpassed, the spark of invention has shone bright among our countrymen. Unfortunately, our reputation abroad has suffered in recent years. Many see our nation as brutish, Jingoistic, bullying meddlers. They see our culture as materialistic, oversexed, violent, shallow, and anti-intellectual. And, sadly, in many cases, they are right. On this, our great nation's birthday, we must remember that we must prove everyday that we are worthy successors of Washington, Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson. We should strive to make our chief export Liberty, not guns, or airplanes, or automobiles. We should work to make the chief attributes of our culture Justice and compassion, and charity, not sex and money, and violence. We must work every day to force our leaders to no longer follow party rhetoric, but to LEAD. Our nation's symbol is the Eagle, it is not the Sheep. We are still a great nation, not perfect, and we can do better. Happy Birthday America. Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans, and to my friends in other lands, we're trying, okay? 

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