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Fantasy The Four Horsemen CS


Gravitational Force

Dark Lord of Creativity
Pestilence, The White Horseman: Slim Intoxicado Slim Intoxicado
War, The Red Horseman: AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
Famine, The Black Horseman: shadowz1995 shadowz1995
Death, The Pale Horseman: The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

Name: Please keep it time and place appropriate for medieval Europe.
Horseman of:
Appearance: Don't got overboard on the costume, they're going to have to travel and fight in it.


Weapon(s): Please keep them time and place appropriate for medieval Europe and don't go overboard.

Other Equipment: Please keep them time and place appropriate for medieval Europe and don't go overboard.

Abilities: Alchemy, magic, forging weapons, crafting arrows, special knowledge, etc.

Background: What path brought them here? Who have they left behind and what have they done?

Personality: Be descriptive. This is going to be important.

Trivia: For anything that doesn't fit under any of the above slots
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Name: Yersin Enza
Horseman of: Pestilence
Appearance: Yersin is a tall, white man with very bright blonde - almost white - hair. His hair is completely straight and goes down to the tips of his shoulders at the back. His eyes are a pale blue-gray color, with a look of dull emptiness to them. The left side of his face, from the upper jaw to in-between his eye and nose, is covered in reddish-black spots, with extremely rough, scarred skin. His body is cold to the touch, and his skin is dry and weathered.Outfit: Yersin wears a light gray cloak over a darker gray formal-looking shirt that he had commissioned to be made for him. He wears thin, black leather gloves and loose, black pants, as well as black boots. He wears his old plague doctor mask to intimidate foes, hide his face, etc.

Height: 6'0" (1.8m)
Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg)

Weapon(s): Yersin's main weapon is his bow: A mongol recurve bow, perfect for long-range engagements. He also uses arrows tipped with the poisons he makes from plants and other natural resources.

Other Equipment: He wears a satchel slung around his back that carries his medical supplies, poisons, and other valuables.

Abilities: Being a physician, he is proficient in caring for the wounded and sick, even being able to make medicines and treatments from natural substances. However, knowing what will heal also comes with knowing what will harm, giving him the knowledge required to make poisons and toxins.

Yersin Enza grew up on a large manor, owned by his family. When he was but ten years old, he watched as his father slowly wasted away from smallpox, followed by his mother from leprosy a year later. A young orphan, he was raised by his uncle, until he was old enough to live on his own. Now determined to eradicate the cause of his parent's deaths - disease - he used his family's wealth to get the best schooling, and become a physician. After years of treating patients, disaster struck Europe - the bubonic plague, or Black Death. Yersin became a plague doctor, donning the notorious bird-like mask. He spent about a year diagnosing people with imminent death, until, one day, his luck ran out - he'd gotten infected. He'd come down with a horrific fever, a bloody cough, and terrible fatigue. Buboes grew on his face, covering nearly a third of it, before, one day, stopping. After only a few days of being sick, his symptoms simply.. disappeared. The buboes on his face had shrunk down to mere marks, but scarring remained across their path. Yersin immediately went to his most beloved, and only, family member, his uncle, to share the news. They spent the night happily celebrating, when, the next day, his uncle became infected with the plague. Yersin had to watch his last relative die before his eyes, from a disease he'd just survived. Consumed by loss, Yersin shut down his clinic and spent the next few years wandering from town to town. However, wherever he went, the plague seemed to follow. it didn't take a genius to figure out that he was the vector. He spent the majority of his time searching for a cure to this wicked blessing of his, while learning to use a bow to hunt for food. After countless tries and countless failures, he'd finally found a way to stop the disease from spreading from his body - a primitive antibiotic made of various plants and animal products. He would need to take the medicine regularly - at least twice a day - to keep the plague "in check", since the bacteria seemed to be reproducing at an insane rate, but it was a solution. With his main issue solved, Yersin used some of his leftover savings from inheritance and running his clinic to purchase a beautiful white horse which he named "Pesta", and began searching for new work. He'd been getting pretty good with a bow, so he thought it'd be good to take up a new job in hunting - although it wasn't exactly the kind of hunting he'd had in mind.

Personality: Yersin is one of the more peaceful horsemen, opting to work through a problem rather than fight through it. However, being the soft-spoken, quiet man he is, it rarely goes his way, since he doesn't speak up enough to actually rally any support. Although he doesn't run a clinic anymore, he is still a doctor, and he is still attached to elements of his past life. He shows mercy in battle, something that many consider a weakness, but others consider noble. However, if there is a threat to his companions, he can be just as ruthless as anyone else. He will gladly put his life on the line to save others, with a strong "no man left behind" policy. Yersin doesn't often speak of his past or family, except to Death, whom he confides in.

Trivia: Yersin is an avid hunter, able to track and kill game with relative ease. He also saved Death from... Well, dying from infection.
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Name: Avelynia Morrowstark
Horseman of: Death
The face underneath the mask is that of a noble woman. Pale, seemingly flawless skin. Beautiful brown eyes. Full, rosey lips. It could have been a beautiful face. But there is one thing to disrupt the harmony. A large, rectangular burn mark that goes straight from the forehead, crossing the left eye, to the left cheek. It has a weird shape in the middle. Upon closer inspection, it was made by the very blade she weilds, heated up and pressed down onto her. The skin is destroyed and the scar will most likely remain for the rest of her life.

Height: 171cm
Weight: 61kg

Weapon(s): Bastardsword, designed for both, one and two handed use. It does not seem all too special, but it is very well forged. It carries marks in its blade, near the cross guard. As if a tally was made on it.

Other Equipment: Different books on various topics, like geographics, monsters, languages. A small, ornate knife, that seems more useful in carving than in combat. A small but useful whetstone. Various trinkets from prior kills (some of them are from a time before the four horsemen. Dont ask questions you dont want answer to, though).

-Slight death magic (Can sacrifice a bit of blood to deliver stronger strikes as well as regenerate herself through killing.)
-Intelligent (If Death reads something, she remembers it. That is why she is very book smart, having knowledge in many different fields)
-Carving (Be it wood or bone, if it can be carved with a knife, Death can make something out of it)
-Eerie aura (Death comes of as pretty damn creepy just by nature. Can be used to her advantage in some interactions)

Avelynia Morrowstark was born the daughter of Meredith and George Morrowstark, who was a lord. However, her father had wanted a son instead of a daughter. He made her feel his disappointment from the moment she was born.

Her mother made sure, that Avelynia had the chance to get education. However, her father still made her life a living hell. Abuse was normal on a daily basis and if she just took a half beating, it was a good day. To impress her father, Avelynia therefore started to try herself in fencing and swordplay. And just as she was intelligent, she was talented in that matter. Her father however, was the opposite of impressed. In his rage, he took his very own blade, a wonderful weapon forged for him personally, that he had never actually used, and heated it up. He pushed the broad side of the blade down onto the poor kids face, meaning to "teach her a lesson." Her mother never dared to defend her child against her husbands violence.

From that point, it all got worse. Avelynia was not allowed to go outside of the manor except for one day in the week. Her education was cancelled. She was pretty much locked up in her room, only let out to get beaten (or worse) by her father. Every now and then, she managed to sneak out. But that was it.

It did not take long for the poor girl to snap. She was 15 when it happened. Having learned nothing but hatred and aggression, she knew only hatred, fear and pain. And so it was natural for her to seek a solution in just these categories. One time when she managed to sneak out, she searched and found an orphan girl that had around her body shape. The face was different, sure, but that didnt matter for Avelynias plan. On her way back to her room, she further managed to snatch a sharp dagger. She had also made a date for a meet up front to the manor late at night.

She waited until everyone was asleep. Starting with the servants, a trail of murder followed through the house. Finally, she had killed her way to her parents. She did not drag it out. Two quick stabs and both of them bled out on the bed, unable to scream through their penetrated throats. Everyone in there but her was dead. Without a single sound made.

Through a window, she let in the girl she had made a date with. She let her dress up in one of her dresses. Then, she killed her as well. Grabbing her fathers blade, she beheaded the girl. Now, there was almost no difference. Lastly, she broke a few things and took some valuables. It looked like a bloodbathy burglary had gone down. Then, she ran away as far as she could. She felt no regret. She felt nothing. Her father had made sure, that she was crippled. Not only due to the scar, but emotionally as well.

With the goods she had, she got herself a new outfit. THe blade, she kept. She also purchased a horse. With what was left, she got all the books she could. Since once she read them, she´d never forget their content. From then on, she worked as a blade for hire. Killing whatever she was contracted to kill. Monsters, people, it was the same to her, for she had only learned to see the monster in people, anyways. It was during her travels that she carved herself a mask of wood, that she would soon wear most of the time.

With time came opportunity and she found herself in a group of hunters. They soon became known as "The four horsemen".

Death is a fairly unique person. She is actually a bit of a loner, or at least she comes off as one. Why she still keeps herself within the group, she never told. Still, Death has issues to take orders. She prefers to do her own thing, follow her own code. She is quite the mystery, even to her fellow hunters.

Death presents herself as a cold and intelligent woman. She is usually calm and collected. An eerie aura surrounds her, whereever she goes. It is hard to estimate her actions, oftenly. However, it is clearly visible, that to Death, it does not matter if what she hunts is a monster or a person. (In a personal moment, she told Pestilence that to her, people were just as monstrous as the beings they hunted.) She seems to enjoy hunting, but more even, the thrill of the prey dead to her feet. She also insists on taking a token of memory after each hunt. Her reasons for that are still unknown to the others. She refuses to talk about her self most of the time. She is not a big chit chatter, anyways. While she is the one that makes sure the group gets paid, its not her nice words that get the job done, usually.

Off duty, the masked horsewoman reads a lot. Further, she deeply cares about her horse and spends a very large amount of her time petting, grooming and talking to it.

It is rare that you see the mask coming off. Only for sleep, eating and drinking, the piece of wood reveals her face. Again, her reasons are unknown. She has deflected all questions about the matter so far, though she sees to become more and more prone to finally opening up. If pushed enough, she might reveal more, eventually.

-Seems to have a special connection with Pestilence, who has saved her life before. (An infected wound)
-Doesnt mind listening to others, if they feel bad. She never helps out or gives advise, but she always has an open ear.
-Has a pet raven named "Hades"
-Her horse is called "Despair" and is of very pale color
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Name: Rosenkilde Garner (Nickname: Rosen)
Horseman of: War, the Red Horseman
Appearance: The drawing (so far) is done by me. I didn't want to finish a huge piece before getting to the character sheet. I'll update picture when it is finished. This is just a wireframe (clearly.)

Rosenkilde has long red hair and murky, brown eyes. Her clothing appears to be a modgepodge of mens and women clothing, well, that's because it is. The maiden has taken pieces of clothing that she likes. She enjoys the comfort of a coat, so she ripped off the sleeves and put it on. But she also like the feeling of wearing a dress, so she put a dress beneath it and tore down the length of the skirt, nonetheless, she doesn't want her legs showing, so she wears a thin pair of pants and boots. Rose claims to be fantastic with the needle, she considers it a blade, but she's really not... She also wears a pair of gloves (that's where she keeps her sewing supplies.)

Height: 5'6
Weight: 155

Weapon(s): Rapier and a Falchion as an extra weapon on hand. Sometimes wielding both at once.

Other Equipment: Though these are weapons, I am not counting them in the weapons slot. Rosenkilde has extra daggers in her boots, she tends not to use them, only when they are of dire need.

Abilities: Rosenkilde is well-versed in forging weapons. She has a nearly crazed knowledge (and love) of fire, but this is because of its forging qualities. She can as well take her attackers' weapon and use it quite well, (not perfectly), this is because she has created all kinds of weapons, and in order to test them, she must learn a bit about them. Her only actual power; she is able to prod and poke at someones conscious and tickle them into fighting. This can only be done for a short period of time and if the person is mentally strong, they can combat it without fighting.

Background: Rosenkilde is a daughter of what we'd call, vigilantes. Her parents were apart of an underground operation of sorts where they performed illegal acts in order to save lives. This often was taking out the rich, and those who were using their power to stomp on those below them. Rosenkilde never grew old enough to take part in this near "Robin Hood" kind of attacks, before her parents were found and dismissed from life for their doings. The young child was able to slip away, but rather than being a vigilante like her parents, she set war towards all those she deemed unworthy for air.

For awhile, this maiden picked a fight with anyone she could. She did this to determine their views of the world. It wasn't until someone came along and, so-to-speak, slapped her in the face. He told her that fighting senselessly was senseless and welcomed to teach her the ways of the sword and what it meant to clash blades with another. Eventually, this mentor did die, and now she is the way she is.

Personality: Rosenkilde is hot-headed and stubborn. As someone who values conversation by crossing swords more than words, that isn't too surprising. She is a clunky fighter. While her skills with the sword are fantastic, her foot work isn't as light and delicate as others. That's because she believes marching loudly into battle is far more terrifying than a leaping dancer. While Rosenkilde is loud, she often uses her exploding nature as a mask to hide emotions. She covers most her body for a reason, and it is to hide herself. She has a terrible case of social anxiety. She'd much rather be whipping a sword around than speaking to a stranger. Even after all this, she does contain a caring nature when she finds someone worthy of it.

Trivia: As said before, the one blade she never can seem to conquer is a needle.


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Name: Soma Argenius
Horseman of: Famine
Appearance: 1537735564471.png

Height: 6'2

Weight: 194 lbs


Claw Gauntlet

Ancient dagger

Other Equipment: Thick leather armor over the essential body parts. Thighs, chest, shoulders. He also have a pair of steel shin guards.

Abilities: Soma does not contain any magic per se, but the speed at which his mind can do calculations and react to stimuli is practically magical in and of itself. The man is intelligent but what stands out above that is his sharp wit and cunning.

Along side his sharp mind, his skills with a variety of single-edged weapons is nothing to sniff at. That being said, Soma is a martial artist and prefers to use his body in combat rather than his falchion or dagger.

Surviving in the deserts of his birth has also done wonders for his strength of will and mind. There is little that can truly phase the man in question.

Background: Soma was born quite literally in the middle of nowhere. A small oasis in the center of a vast, unforgiving desert. Day-to-day life there is about as harsh as the creatures that roam the valleys of glittering sand. That being said, there wasn't much that a street rat like Soma could do survive other than profit off of the misery of others. Stealing from anybody more fortunate than him became the only way the young boy could survive. Naturally, this meant he quickly became a menace in the desert city and there wasn't a guard or citizen that didn't know who he was. An absolute pain to everyone except those whose had a harder time than he did.

A life of constant thievery, brawling, and evading capture sharpened the desert rat's mind to a razor's edge. He quickly found himself making elaborate ploys to confuse the city folk and shift the blame from himself to each other. He used merchant rivalries, envy, romantic jealousy, and noble power struggles as distractions to further his own goals. Traps, subterfuge, and slight of hand became Soma's bread and butter. Eventually, those very skills allowed him to lie his way onto a caravan and out into the vast unknown. Little did he know of how big the world truly was.

Personality: Soma is as cocky as he is charming. He loves to crack jokes, push buttons, and get into a heap of trouble with uptight citizens or guards. But he does so in a way that even the guards that try to chase him down aren't exactly angry with him. They treat him like a very annoying thorn in the side of the city that they are forced to chase down every time he goes to stir up some trouble. While they would like to see him behind prison bars, they wouldn't curse him or wish ill things upon him. He is best described as....endearing. A trickster in heart, body, and soul. However, just as much as he takes, he gives back. The man is a bleeding heart and cant bring himself to abandon those in need. He has constantly put himself in harm's way so that others (that he likes) may profit from the situation, often making himself out as the happy-go-lucky villain to bring others happiness or to save someone from a dire situation. He personally knows what its like to be abandoned and have to fight, steal, and sometimes even kill survive.

Trivia: He's actually illiterate. Given his upbringing, he doesn't know how to read and relies on his companions to get by.
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