The Four Elements [Roleplay]

Cross laid in the grass on his back with his book held up above him with one hand as the other he rested his head on,his legs bent up with one crossed over the other and bobbing back and forth as he read. He hummed is little song to himself and listened to what went on around him,he turned the page to a blank one and sighed."Darn,done already..."He snapped the book closed and sat up,stretching his arms up and his back forward he let out another sigh after releasing and looked around.
Alex sighed. We was walking along here now, minding is own business in the park. Brushing his hair back since a strand was in the way of his eye-sight, he decided to look up one time to see if he noticed or recognized anybody around. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a man. This man held a book in his hands while he sat in the grass. Alex decided to go say hi for once, therefore he walked up to him and waved, saying,"Oh, hey there! I just couldn't help but say hello, may I ask what you're reading?" Smiling, he'd show his white teeth to the man, his brown eyes just catching the sunlight as he looked down to him.
Cross looked at this man who just came up to him out of the blue,"Hello..."He said in a slight bored voice that he had heard from a older man that passed a while ago,who was this man and what made him think Cross wanted to talk to him?All Cross knew would be answered shortly,"I'm reading my book.Who are you?" Cross came flat out and asked,wanting to make this as short as possible. Kit in his cat form ran up to Cross from out in the grass,he was trying to catch something before but saw someone with Cross and was curious as always. He sat right beside Cross and stared up at the stranger wondering where he came from.
Luna peered out the window of her little tree house. There were two boys outside causing more noise than the silence she usually enjoyed. The one boy, Cross she thought he was, she had seen before; he would come here and read on occasion. She didn't mind him too much, as he usually stayed quiet. Most importantly, he never talked to her; for all Luna knew, he wasn't aware of her existence, just the way she liked it. She couldn't make out their words, but she wished the small bit of talk that was happening would cease. She didn't speak, didn't move, just watched the boys, hoping they would get bored and leave. Others are such nusinces. I wish...well, perhaps not... Her mind fluttered far away, to the one person she had trusted. Tears dripped from her eyes as the memories played slowly. The hated past was nearly crippling; she squeezed her eyes shut and sunk down to the floor. I can't believe I'm still...It's been years...I...If only things hadn't gone so wrong...
Cross flopped back on his back as he looked up to the sky waiting for the stranger to reply,he hoped he didn't start a conversation by asking but he couldn't take his words back now. He just sighed as he always did,he was tired and didn't know if he should sleep or not. He wanted to though had a bad feeling he shouldn't,he didn't know why he had the bad feeling but he did.
Kylie sat Alone on A Swing in the Park. Thirty Feet away From two Boy's. They were talking. Yet she sat there silently singing to herself. She pushed forward and back, forward and back. Watching the two communicate. She alway's sat alone. He Golden Blonde hair fell into her Icy Blue eye's every oncer in awhile. She pulled herself up and headed for the lake. She loved the water. She just couldnt resist being near it.

Slowly she waddled to it and sat on the water bank of the lake. She slowly twirled her finger's thrugh the water. Looking at the Fish nibbling in the deep water alone. She alway's sat alone... Always
Nichole sighed and looked at her plants. she tried using her earth/nature powers again and the plants were huge! she eeped tripping over a root. soon she was hanging upside down by a vine and wasn't happy.

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