The Formidably Maid [Surviing the Shackles]


Dedicated to spinning a tale worth sharing.
It is early evening in Port Peril. The sounds from the tavern are just starting to pick up as the sailors, merchants and visitors gather for the evening. A halfling woman stands on a barrel in the corner, playing a fiddle and loudly singing vulgar tunes. The bartender, a man missing most of his teeth and one of his eyes, stands behind the bar, wiping the glasses with a cloth that is filthier than the clothing he wears. There are several empty tables and stools at the bar, waiting to be filled.

Welcome to the Formidably Maid. It is here that numerous stories have been shared and countless pirate careers have been launched. Perhaps tonight your very own story and career will begin.

But you have no such lofty aspirations this evening. You are simply thirsty, tired and eager to make an acquaintance or two. You walk through the door of the tavern and...
Alexi enter's into the Tavern, looking around, a chain shirt on his torso, with tunic and leather underneath, and his hair flowing free. He looks around, smiling cockily. "Ahh... Lovely." he say's, as he strides up to a stool.
Tyrné - Magus

HP 10/10 | AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13 | F +3, R +4, W +2 | Per +1 | Init +4 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Arcana Pool 5/5

Spells Prepared: Shield, Color Spray

Aye, a hard day worked even to get to this half-drowned burg. Always smelled o' the sea: salt and fish guts, with a fine patina of whore'sbreath and sailor's armpit. And the gulls, the damnable gulls! She'd tweak her grandpappy's nose if she thought it'd shut the bloody things up.

But Tyrné'd earned her chink for the evenin' and she meant to spend it on ale, eats, and maybe a la'. Not one o' them sailor-men with arms thicker 'an her head, but one o' them fine first mates... or a captain. A fella with class, like 'erself. She presses by the dark-haired gent toward the bar.
Sarzain Stormgaze - Sylph Wizard

HP 6/6 | AC 13 (15), Touch 13 (15), FF 10 (12) | F +0, R +3, W +2 | Per +6 (+8 ) | Init +15 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining: Weather-Savvy-1/1, Breeze-Kissed-1/1, Shift-8/8

Sarzain entered into the tavern slowly, keeping track of both Tiber's location within his robe and examining the people within. He cautiously made his way to the bar, trying to examine the faces of each person he passed, taking a seat and ordering.

"One." He said, placing a few coppers on the counter.

making a spot check for the bars inhabitants.

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Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

Alexis looks over to the lass pressing up next to him. "Hm? Well Hullo to you, Lass." *He smiles, not showing teeth, as his hair hangs on his shoulders* "Names Alexi, yourself?" *Grinning*

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Tyrné - Magus

HP 10/10 | AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13 | F +3, R +4, W +2 | Per +1 | Init +4 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Arcana Pool 5/5

Spells Prepared: Shield, Color Spray

She eyeballs him, tail goin' straight; never one to trust a la' who comes up to her in a Shackles pub, nay. She rolls it about in her brainbox.

Hells, why she ought to hide her name? She got a right sharp blade here! "Tyrné," she says, lookin' him up and down right suspicious-like. "And what's yours, piker?"
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Aaron - Aquatic Druid

HP 9/9 | AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +2, W +6 | Per +8 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Sealord 4/4

The door of the tavern swings open once more, this time letting in a man that would, in most other circumstances, be quite a curious sight - looking like an odd blend between a fisherman and mercenary. The trident he carries is the most eye-catching, given it can't just be hidden. Considering Port Peril has a way of attracting odd individuals at times, however... yep, looks about normal.

He slowly makes his way to the counter and digs up a few coins, frowning as he examines the state of his funds. "Hope the prices aren't too bad..."

"Something warm to eat and a mug of ale."

Okay, trusting the service here might be a terrible idea, if it lands him some outlandish and barely edible dish. But at least he's not ordering the drink blindly.

And speaking of outlandish, he's having certain difficulties not looking over at the other slightly odd individuals. But by the seas, he's trying.

The tavern door doesn't swing open again, instead it is pushed just enough to let in a small frog. Webbed feet stick to the well worn wooden floor just as the Grippli grunts and pushes the door back closed.

Her bright red eye is a stark contrast to the dark interior of the pub. It rolls around in its socket before settling on a free stool.

Croaking happily, Scraaw races to get a seat. It was so wonderfully busy in these places! Nothing like being at home. Her village seemed nearly empty compared to the hustle and bustle of this new place. She had learned already that if you wanted something in this busy place you had to hurry! Climbing up the stool, the two foot fall frog stands on the stool just to be seen. Her throat expands once before ordering a water and smiling at Anyone nearby.
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Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

*He chuckles, softly* "Names Alexi, why you askin?" he said with a smile, as he looked back to the bartender, making a gesture for some rum, then looked back to her. "Lookin for somethin, mayhaps?"
Tyrné - Magus

HP 10/10 | AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13 | F +3, R +4, W +2 | Per +1 | Init +4 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Arcana Pool 5/5

Spells Prepared: Shield, Color Spray

"Not lookin' fer you, oilyhair." Her mam always taught 'er -- go for the brooders, not the smilers. Brooders just melt when ye smile, but the smilers know what's what. She shunts by and nabs a free sittin' by the bar. A bit of chink hits the table. "Barkeep! Warm eats and rum!" She's earned her keep, she's gonna piss it all away -- 'tis the path of the adventurer.

Tyrné glances left.

Then down.

A frog.

Aye, why not. Not the oddes' thing she's seen in shackles.
Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

The man rolls his eyes, returning to his Rum, having laid down a few coins on the table for it. "Women.." he sighs, and goes to his drink, the fake smile dropping of his face, as he pounds back the drink. "Heh.... Wait.. Huh. That is a frog."

Scraaw heard something. That word she was getting tired of. "Frawg?" Taking her glass with her, holding it in both hands, Scraaw climbs atop the bar and walks over before Alexi. Staring him in the eye she croaks before speaking. "Not frog, Grippli"
Tyrné - Magus HP 10/10 | AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13 | F +3, R +4, W +2 | Per +1 | Init +4 | Condition: Normal Special Abilities: Arcana Pool 5/5

Spells Prepared: Shield, Color Spray

Tyrné gives the froggy lass a good luck.

Her back-scratcher flicks once.

Not the oddes thing she's seen, why not. She swigs her own drink. "Grippli? I've heard that lot. Come from the bogs, aye? What's yer name?"

For some reason she cannae quite say Tyrné likes the wee thing.
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Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

*The pale man looks up at the Grippli on the bar, and chuckles* "I meant no offense, lil 'darlin- now hows about yeh sit yerself back down, and relax, aye? Tis a bar, so lets relax, drink, and be merry, aye lass?" he chuckles at the end o this sentance, toasting her with his rum, before he swigs it back.

Croaking and smiling, she clambers down and sticks to the side of Alexis chair between the two that just spoke to her.

"Not mad, just like to tell you." She lodges herself comfortably and looks up at the taller beings. "And yes, bogs and swamp. Had to see the big waters though. And name is Scraaw! Like Screll but with Aww!" She toasts back, finishing her water.
Aaron - Druid

HP 9/9 | AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +2, W +6 | Per +8 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Sealord 4/4

The man was confused before, by the sight of the Grippli - now he's doubly so after the two strangers spoke with her like it's the most normal sight of all. Of course, as tempted as he is to ask some questions, he'd really rather avoid overt display of his ignorance.

He still sneaks a glance at the conversing trio every so often, and doesn't really hide the fact he's listening in too well. Curiosity is a powerful thing.
Tyrné - Magus

HP 10/10 | AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13 | F +3, R +4, W +2 | Per +1 | Init +4 | Condition: Normal Special Abilities: Arcana Pool 5/5

Spells Prepared: Shield, Color Spray

"Aye, my Scraaw, and what brought ye to Shackles?" Teyrné tucked into dinner, chewin' with all the vigor of her grandpappy gnawin' on a particularly tasty soul.
Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

*The Dhampir blinks a few times, as the Rum hits him properly, and then finishes his bottle*.


*He grins, winningly, as this goes down.* "Mmmm... Good Rum, that." he remarks, and then looks to the Gripli, then to the other fellow watching them. "Ello Mate? What yeh lookin at? I'm sad to tell you I do not swing torwards 'hat persuasion, but I'm 'appy to sate curiousity. *He chuckles*
Aaron - Druid

HP 9/9 | AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +2, W +6 | Per +8 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Sealord 4/4

The man clears his throat, feeling the levels of awkwardness rising rapidly. So much for not staring too much, eh?

"Oh, no. I'm just not very used to..." He pauses. What is he even going to say? Calling them odd, as true as it may be, might just get him into a fight. And he's really not in the mood for a brawl right now. In the end, he decides not to finish at all.

Because that's totally less awkward.
Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

*He blinks, and motions for him to finish* "Not used to...? People? Taverns? F- Err, Gripli?"
Tyrné - Magus

HP 10/10 | AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13 | F +3, R +4, W +2 | Per +1 | Init +4 | Condition: Normal Special Abilities: Arcana Pool 5/5

Spells Prepared: Shield, Color Spray

"Aye, piker, why don't ya finish that though'?"
Not used to what? Her damned horns, her tail? The hint of her mother's fangs? She'd suffered the questionin' gaze of too many human pikers to endure this la's stares. Yeah, why no' finish the thought? See where it gets him, aye?
Aaron - Druid

HP 9/9 | AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +2, W +6 | Per +8 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Sealord 4/4

"Yes. No. I mean-" He pauses, collecting his thoughts before he makes himself look like a socially incompetent bumpkin. "The place I come from was rather... bland compared to this, is all."
Alexi Grim

HP 14/14 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +1, W +3 | Per +2 | Init +2 | Condition: Normal

Special Skills Remaining 1/1 (Smite Good)

*He chuckles, looking back to his drink, then the Tiefling lass. He sighs, and his teeth might be rather noticible- the large, sharp fangs, of his Canine teeth* "Well. most everywheres bland, comp'red to shackles."
Aaron - Druid

HP 9/9 | AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12 | F +3, R +2, W +6 | Per +8 | Init +6 | Condition: Normal

Special Abilities: Sealord 4/4

The man laughs. "I suppose that's true. What I meant is that the most attention worthy person in my town was an old fisherman with a harpoonhead for a hand."

And of course he himself, with his unnatural longing for the sea. But can't really say that, it'd sound a tad too close to bragging.

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