The Forgotten Realms - Neverwinter

Eir Mae'Vir

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Name: Avery Burrs Sorries

Age: 21 years old


Personality: Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly.

Race: Elven/Human Hybrid

Weaponry: She has a large staff, throwing knives, bow and arrow along with one large sword

Magical or non-magical abilities: She doesn't feel pain like humans, but she's not as pain tolerant as elves, she's faster than humans but slower than elves. She is as strong as most elves but is not as wise or peaceful as elves.

Other: Can she have her tattoos?
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Full name: Felix Winther

Title (optional): Apprentice Winther, Winner, “Get back here, you punk!”

Race: Human

Age: 17

Approx. size: 5’ 5” (Medium)

Weaponry: A simple dagger.

Magical or non-magical abilities: Though he has a natural talent for magic, his laziness prevents him from using it well.

Brief physical appearance: Bright blue eyes, glossy and short red hair, a disheveled robe and a sneaky smirk.

History: Felix is a young mage apprentice from the Academy of the Silver Arrow, one of the few academies of wizardry on the Sword Coast. Only his raw talent and intelligence allowed him to study there: his father (a wizard studying strange happenings related to dead gods) died at the hands of a power-hungry warlord named Sarevok, and Felix’s mother (a rather unusual woman named Agnes) disappeared long before that.

Felix has a tendency to get in trouble and luck like a roller coaster: down and up and down once more. On a dare, he decided to hide in a barrel and taunt a guard with simply magical cantrips…but the guard got annoyed, trapped him inside, and locked the barrel…which was then carried onto a ship bound for Neverwinter. Felix only managed to pry it open with his dagger after the boat had set sail, and had to pose as one of the sailors to avoid being thrown off as a stowaway. Now he’s trapped in a strange land with a weird sense of déjà vu…and oddly enough, he’s kind of okay with that!

Personality: He may be smart, but he's got a hell of an ego that gets in the way of his brains. He's also a trickster and a daredevil.

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