The Forgotten Past Of Legendary Heroes- The Seven Deadly Sins


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
@TheHappyPikachu, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.

Character Plan:


(Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Envy) ((Note: Optional/Only if your a hero))

Side: ((Good (The Sins) or Evil (The Corrupt Kingdom))






(Max: 2)

Armour: (Optional)



((You may be a supernatural creature if you want too!))


So in sufficient ages, anyone who ranges 9 and under will get no cores.

10 to 13: One tier 2 core or two tier.

114 to 17: Two tier 2 cores or four tier 1 cores.

17 to 20: One tier 3 and two tier ones, two tier 2 cores and Two tier 1 cores or finally all five tier one cores.

21 and up will be decided on considering everyone wants to make a teenage character. Anyhow, species also comes into play on this, obviously we can not be having twenty demons running about with tier five cores so inhibitors will be placed upon them at character creation.


Strong (Tier 1)

This character has above average strength compared to the average human being. They hit hard and whilst they don't have one-hit-knock-out power, their blows can daze an opponent and whittle away someone's guard through a continued assault. They can carry another person on their backs and move freely as a result of their physique.

Very Strong (Tier 2)

This character has an impressive degree of physical stength compared to the normal person. They hit very hard to the extent that an unguarded blow against the head will knock out an opponent that doesn't have the endurance to tank a blow like that. Unguarded attacks can result in the opponent being knocked back and a relentless assault could see to it that the victim suffers from more than a few fractures.

Mighty (Tier 3)

This character's strength is such that they can easily knock out opponents without the durability to stand up to them. They can bodily throw their opponents away from them and can deliver blows that would rattle the heads of lesser opponents without making use of their full strength and should they choose to deliver a solid attack to an unguarded foe who doesn't have the durability to stand up to them - they will break the bone of their defending limb with the might of their strike.

Monstrous Strength (Tier 4)

This character's strength is such that if they pleased, they could bodily throw the majority of medium-level summons through the air should they feel the need to. They can easily break the bones of opponents who don't have the durability to stand up to them with a single strike, having the capacity to casually break through a guarded strike if their opponent can't deal with this level of physical might. Capable of shattering boulders and wrenching trees out of their roots (with considerable effort), this character is a force to be reckoned with.

Titan (Tier 5)

This character's strength is immeasurable. Just by stomping on the ground they can tear open fissures in the ground. They can kill lesser foes in a single strike and their strength is such that they could casually wield the weapons of giant summons should they get their hands on them. There are few things this character cannot lift. Standing in the way of this character's fist and it's objective is generally considered a social faux-pas, as without the necessary durability perks, you are going to find yourself in a world of pain.


Resilient (Tier 1)

This character can take a punch better than most. Their resistance towards blunt attacks is that little bit more than their peers, they're capable of being struck clean on the jaw without falling to their ass and they're more readily able to contend with those who have a little power to their punch. They won't double over from a blow to the gut as readily. Unguarded strikes still hurt, but they're able to recover from them.

Tough (Tier 2)

Without the use of a superior strength perk, a clean hit to this character's more vulnerable spots won't immediately knock them out. They can tank more damage than the average Knight can, capable of standing their ground even against surprise attacks. It takes an equivalent strength perk to hit them normally, giving them a clear advantage over melee-types who think to trade blows with them without having the necessary strength to harm them.

Unyielding (Tier 3)

This character's physical durability is considered more than impressive at this stage. Their musculature is so dense that they can withstand most projectiles without their having the necessary perk to break past this level of resistance and punching this character square in the jaw is more likely to hurt your hand than not if you don't have enough strength to dizzy them. They're able to take damage that others shouldn't, meaning that they're more than capable of letting weaker opponents bruise themselves off of their superior frame if they don't feel like fighting back.

Iron Skin (Tier 4)

A character with this perk has such a tremendous level of durability that it's a little difficult to consider their peak level as still being within the realms of human achievement. A sword that strikes this character will only be able to cut so deep before snagging on the rock hard muscle that lies beneath their skin. This means that without the strength or skill to cut deeper than that, this charcter is going to make your life difficult for you. They can take blows from creatures much larger than themselves and get up with a smile on their face, making them seem almost super-human as a result.

Indestructable (Tier 5)

It takes an incredibly specialised means of delivering damage to even graze this character's diamond hard body. Without the equivalent strength perk, your heavy hitting blows may be capable of sending this person flying - but that doesn't mean they're going to have suffered from it. This character could walk through a maelstrom of arrows and come out unscathed and even attacks that make use of water pressure or the earth to crush their opponent won't exactly phase them. An incredible degree of offensive power is needed to hurt this character, meaning that you'll have to pull out all the stops to pull it off.


Quick (Tier 1)

This character has above average movement speed.

Swift (Tier 2)

This character can run faster than most.

Fleet Feet (Tier 3)

This character is very fast, capable of accelerating to max speed in an instant. The 'Keen Perception' Perk is needed to properly focus on them in battle.

Human Bullet (Tier 4)

This character's speed is beyond the norm and then some, they're capable of moving so quickly that to the untrained eye they seem to move instantaneously. The 'Heightened Perception' Perk is needed to keep them in your sights comfortably.

Blurred Lines (Tier 5)

This character is impossibly fast. They can be in one place and another almost simultaneously, they move so quickly that it takes the most experienced Shinobi to be able to keep track of where they're going. When they employ lateral movement, this character is able to completely disappear from the view of those who don't have the eyesight to keep track of them. To be able to even see this character in movement you need the 'Time-Dilated Vision' Perk - and to keep track of them freely, the 'All-Seeing Eye' Perk is necessary.


Athletic (Tier 1)

This character is in better shape than most. They don't tire as quickly as the next guy and carry on through a fighter longer than their less athletic peers, as well as enabling them to travel further in one go.

Marathon Runner (Tier 2)

This character has an abundant surplus of stamina, they can go through long, drawn out battles whilst retaining their peak efficiency for longer and can go through strict training regimes without tiring. This character has achieved an impressive level of fitness, allowing them to travel longer than those with less fuel in their tank.

Vigorous (Tier 3)

This character's fitness is incredible. They can push through multiple battles in a day provided they don't do anything overly drastic. They're incredibly athletic, capable of travelling for days at a time without tire.

Monstrous Stamina (Tier 4)

This character's level of stamina is such that they can fight at near maximum capacity for several battles one after another over a course of a few days, allowing them to perform ridiculous feats that most wouldn't be capable of. This character can travel for weeks at a time should it please them. Tiring this character out is a tremendous task in and of itself.

Tireless (Tier 5)

This character's level of stamina is inhuman. They never seem to tire, they can keep fighting on and on as they please. Tiring this character out is damn near impossible. They can fight with an incredible tenacity, they're able to keep going and going without a visible end to their energy. It takes a tremendous undertaking for this character to start getting tired.

Motion Perception

Acute Perception (Tier 1)

This character has grown accustomed to fast-moving objects or persons. They're able to keep track of them better than the average person.

Keen Perception (Tier 2)

This character has an exceptional ability to keep track of fast-moving objects or persons, capable of setting their eyes to the task of tracking even some of the faster attacks and Knights out there.

Heightened Perception (Tier 3)

This character has an amazing ability to track motion with their eyes, enabling them to see fast-moving objects clearly and sufficiently enough that they can keep their gaze level with some of the most impressive feats of speed in the Knights world.

Time-Dilated Vision (Tier 4)

This character's ability to keep track of fast moving objects borders on the super-human, they're capable of seeing even the most frighteningly quick of objects or people and can even go so far as to seemingly predict the movements of enemies that seem to move slowly to the eyes of this character.

All-Seeing Eye (Tier 5)

This character's ability to keep track of fast moving objects or persons is unparalleled. A character with this perk can see almost everything regardless of the speed it moves at, allowing them to see slower opponents as if in slow motion. Characters with this perk will almost never be surprised by the speed of their opponents except in the rarest of cirrcumstances.


20/20 (Tier 1)

This character has good eyesight, they're able to see clearly and can detect people with the hidden in darkness if within six meters.

Acute Vision (Tier 3)

This character's eyesight is impressive. They can pick up on details that others would consider minutia and are able to detect characters within darkness of up to 12 meters.

Clarity of Sight (Tier 5)

This character has amazing eyesight. They've got an incredible ability to pick up on little details and can detect characters within darkness of up to thirty-six meters.


Keen Ears (Tier 1)

This character has above average hearing. Without the aid of stealth perks, they'll hear you walking behind them. They hear rustling amidst plant life and the like relatively well, but need to stop and work out from what direction they're hearing it from - and even then, they have difficulty in denoting the exact location without seeing it precisely.

Trained Hearing (Tier 3)

This character has excellent hearing. They're able to tell the general direction from where projectiles are thrown without trying and can pick up on some of the more subtle nuances in their surroundings. This character will immediately hear you without your using some sort of stealth, enabling them to prepare a defence should the situation call for it. Sneaking up on this character is a difficult feat indeed.

Human Sonar (Tier 5)

A level of hearing found only in those who's other senses have been damaged or negated in some way, this character is capable of hearing their surroundings and immediately piecing out a sort of mental map that allows them to cartograph an image as to what is happening. Their ears are sensitive to the slightest nuances around them, enabling them to fight blinded with ease and actually granting them certain advantages over those who rely on their eyes to fight.
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Name: Kirito of the Kurta

Sin: N/A

Age: 14

Gender: Male



Weapons: Bow, dagger and sword

Ability: Nature power and sword skills

Armor: N/A

Bio: Lived in the forest in Kurta Village. Defends the village with life.

Other: He's a Neko!
Name: Riku

Sin: Wrath

Species: Unknown

Age: 13 (In appearance actual age is a mystery)

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/6770863-anime-girls.jpg.4319aaa9ad96e0cfdbee3efb231e03f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/6770863-anime-girls.jpg.4319aaa9ad96e0cfdbee3efb231e03f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Broken sword, strapped to her back, only thing that can handle her magical energy any other weapon brakes if she try to use it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2df03919_Lizs_Sword.png.7c54c12a51faebf15d5cbff41f4bad27.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2df03919_Lizs_Sword.png.7c54c12a51faebf15d5cbff41f4bad27.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ability/Power: Full counter: allows user to deflect enemy attack forcing it back at them at 2 times the strength (The stronger the attack the more effective it is) Demonic Soul: N/A

Armour: Shadows envelop her forming an armour like cover for most of her body (Ninja-like)

Bio: ((To be answered in the RP))

Other: She is trained in sword fighting also she has incredibly high stamina and strength points, can take a lot of hits but faints after using too much power meaning the longer the fight the weaker she gets... unless...


NightCasterZ said:
Name: Kirito of the Kurta
Sin: N/A

Age: 14

Gender: Male



Weapons: Bow, dagger and sword

Ability: Nature power and sword skills

Armor: N/A

Bio: Lived in the forest in Kurta Village. Defends the village with life.

Other: He's a Neko!
Accepted! (you may want to add a few more details...)



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Shami Hillstern

(Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Envy) ((Note: Optional/Only if your a hero))


((Good (The Sins) or Evil (The Corrupt Kingdom))

You already know :)












(Max: 2)

Max Consumer:

The user has the ability to break down their nutrients from the glutton consumed and transform it into huge amounts of energy. The more glutton the user consumes, the more energy is created, sometimes the development will take less than a minute to create this energy. The only flaw of this ability is that the user has nothing to digest after this is used, so the user will have to consume more glutton to restore his/her stomach after the use.



The user can absorb matter/energy, power, etc., while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.




To develop


She really is 21.... Looks can be deceiving...

yumiyukifan1 said:


Shami Hillstern

(Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Envy) ((Note: Optional/Only if your a hero))


((Good (The Sins) or Evil (The Corrupt Kingdom))

You already know :)












(Max: 2)

Max Consumer:

The user has the ability to break down their nutrients from the glutton consumed and transform it into huge amounts of energy. The more glutton the user consumes, the more energy is created, sometimes the development will take less than a minute to create this energy. The only flaw of this ability is that the user has nothing to digest after this is used, so the user will have to consume more glutton to restore his/her stomach after the use.



The user can absorb matter/energy, power, etc., while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.




To develop


She really is 21.... Looks can be deceiving...

Accepted!! (Glad to see you again!(^U^)) @yumiyukifan1


Marie A. Todd




The Sins








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-5-1.jpeg.83d2240cf981678347df06ecb2fba9a1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57137" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-5-1.jpeg.83d2240cf981678347df06ecb2fba9a1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-6.jpeg.c56cef354fc78b88ae7ea45554131090.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-6.jpeg.c56cef354fc78b88ae7ea45554131090.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Find the heart's true desire




She loves animals and will baby them no matter what



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Name: Loud

Sin: N/A

Side: To be decided in the RP

Species: Human

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Healing Abilities


13 Years Ago, in a Far Away Place...

Loud lived happily like a normal kid his age should live. His Family was known for it's research on Healing Powers and all kind of Knowledge they didn't have already possessed.

Somewhile after Loud made 6 years, a terrible disaster and mistery was bestowed upon him when Strange People with Weapons razed his village. His Mother killed in front of him. And while being pursued, he was pierced in the back by a Arrow and fell into the cliff nearby...

Shortly after waking up from the fall, he stands confused on it's whereabouts, still bleeding from the Arrow on it's back, Loud seeks anything that could help him stop the bleeding, ultimately pulling the Arrow out and using a piece of its cloth to stop the blood. After a some minutes of crying and suffering from the injury, Loud started to explore that quite unexpected place at the bottom of a cliff and after a while conclude that it was a really weird library with all kinds of books and it seems to have a good supply of food available but the exit was all covered by rubble.

1 day before the Present Day...

Loud finally manages to clear the exit and during that time he read all the books there was available (Especially Healing Books) for him and practiced with a Sword he had discovered somewhere in the library..

Even thought he felt an incredible amount of happiness when he took his first deep breath of Air after so long that he barely knows... Loud's mind has become driven to insanity from being alone and his eyes turned rather into a different kind of color that he soon finded rather appropriate for him.

After a while outside, he took from his pocket a dirty piece of cloth with blood stains and removes from the cloth the Arrow that pierced him that faithful day and says to himself...

"...eheheheh. It's to collect some debts that were left unpaied. Debts for taking away the only one who cared about me.."

Upon saying those words, he covers the Arrow with the filthy cloth and keeps it safely in it's pocket and sets out on it's journey...


-Loves the unknown and Knowledge

-Also a Big Fan of Sweets
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JenTheDemon said:


Marie A. Todd




The Sins








View attachment 131070


View attachment 131071


Find the heart's true desire




She loves animals and will baby them no matter what
Accepted! @JenTheDemon


Azer1on said:
Name: Loud
Sin: N/A

Side: To be decided in the RP

Species: Human

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Healing Abilities


13 Years Ago, in a Far Away Place...

Loud lived happily like a normal kid his age should live. His Family was known for it's research on Healing Powers and all kind of Knowledge they didn't have already possessed.

Somewhile after Loud made 6 years, a terrible disaster and mistery was bestowed upon him when Strange People with Weapons razed his village. His Mother killed in front of him. And while being pursued, he was pierced in the back by a Arrow and fell into the cliff nearby...

Shortly after waking up from the fall, he stands confused on it's whereabouts, still bleeding from the Arrow on it's back, Loud seeks anything that could help him stop the bleeding, ultimately pulling the Arrow out and using a piece of its cloth to stop the blood. After a some minutes of crying and suffering from the injury, Loud started to explore that quite unexpected place at the bottom of a cliff and after a while conclude that it was a really weird library with all kinds of books and it seems to have a good supply of food available but the exit was all covered by rubble.

1 day before the Present Day...

Loud finally manages to clear the exit and during that time he read all the books there was available (Especially Healing Books) for him and practiced with a Sword he had discovered somewhere in the library..

Even thought he felt an incredible amount of happiness when he took his first deep breath of Air after so long that he barely knows... Loud's mind has become driven to insanity from being alone and his eyes turned rather into a different kind of color that he soon finded rather appropriate for him.

After a while outside, he took from his pocket a dirty piece of cloth with blood stains and removes from the cloth the Arrow that pierced him that faithful day and says to himself...

"...eheheheh. It's to collect some debts that were left unpaied. Debts for taking away the only one who cared about me.."

Upon saying those words, he covers the Arrow with the filthy cloth and keeps it safely in it's pocket and sets out on it's journey...


-Loves the unknown and Knowledge

-Also a Big Fan of Sweets
Accepted! (Also first character to have a backstory in sign-up xD ) @Azer1on
Name: Rain

((Good (The Sins) or Evil (The Corrupt Kingdom)) Evil

Species: Unknown

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/136f5fcc534e634c3101a3b356814c93.jpg.37af9c42282b697fd308e2ea9e5542ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/136f5fcc534e634c3101a3b356814c93.jpg.37af9c42282b697fd308e2ea9e5542ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e34b43f_images(19).jpg.e48de5af547bcd22c043eca04a6b9366.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e34b43f_images(19).jpg.e48de5af547bcd22c043eca04a6b9366.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Cosplay-anime-naruto-font-b-PVC-b-font-kunai-font-b-Weapon-b-font-.jpg.25bfa22148f73765b9a755d1f9878e81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Cosplay-anime-naruto-font-b-PVC-b-font-kunai-font-b-Weapon-b-font-.jpg.25bfa22148f73765b9a755d1f9878e81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Healing Shape shifting

Armour: N/A

Bio: Unknown

Other: She has no family to take care of her.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/commission__anime_jane_weapons_transformation_by_adamentsnow-d6y41zb.jpg.b4367e5a29f63ec01d24ee61ea2400be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/commission__anime_jane_weapons_transformation_by_adamentsnow-d6y41zb.jpg.b4367e5a29f63ec01d24ee61ea2400be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kenora L.




The Sins








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/5d4f968df87c57d35e674cebcf406bf4.jpg.db39cb5312b550d0a38ba3558329f5d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/5d4f968df87c57d35e674cebcf406bf4.jpg.db39cb5312b550d0a38ba3558329f5d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


A sleek, light-weight sword lined with blue



- She's able to walk on walls and ceilings as well as temporary levitating but this only limits to her. Kenora cannot apply this to anyone else. The least she could do is pushing them away.




To be announced.


She claims to wear an eyepatch to avoid feeling envious but this, sometimes, is not the case.



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GiannaCoco said:


Kenora L.




The Sins








View attachment 131426


A sleek, light-weight sword lined with blue



- She's able to walk on walls and ceilings as well as temporary levitating but this only limits to her. Kenora cannot apply this to anyone else. The least she could do is pushing them away.




To be announced.


She claims to wear an eyepatch to avoid feeling envious but this, sometimes, is not the case.






Whichever she feels is morally right










A shortsword and this:



Trained fighter

Very fast


(to be revealed IRP)


She has very good acting skills, is trained with her shortsword and Lion's gauntlet - both of which are silver coated.

She's trained with multiple teacher and multiple cultures, giving her an all-around fighting skill.

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Dragongal said:





Whichever she feels is morally right










A shortsword and this:



Trained fighter

Very fast


(to be revealed IRP)


She has very good acting skills, is trained with her shortsword and Lion's gauntlet - both of which are silver coated.

She's trained with multiple teacher and multiple cultures, giving her an all-around fighting skill.

Accepted! ((if you ever want to join))
I think I'm gonna make a new character instead of my old one lol.

Chrome, the Half-Kurta






Younger version of previous character. He also has one blue eye and one purple eye.

Magical Flute

Music Magic and Nature Magic

(To be revealed)

Agile, fast. Cannot be affected by Charm Spells. Lives alone in the Forest.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
NightCasterZ said:
I think I'm gonna make a new character instead of my old one lol.
Chrome, the Half-Kurta






Younger version of previous character. He also has one blue eye and one purple eye.

Magical Flute

Music Magic and Nature Magic

(To be revealed)

Agile, fast. Cannot be affected by Charm Spells. Lives alone in the Forest.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
Accepted! (K)
Mr Swiftshots] [B]Name:Akira [/B][B] Sin:[/B][B][I]Pride[/I][/B] [B] Side:good[/B] [B] Species:human[/B] [B] Age:18[/B] [B] Gender:female[/B] [B] Appearance:[/B] [B] [/B][IMG][/IMG] [B] Weapon: Gáe Bulg ([media][/B][URL=" said:[/URL][/media])

super speed and agility

in pic

Bio:will be revealed


Accepted!! (feel free to jump right in when!) @Mr Swiftshots
Name: Abdul Lockara

Sin: N/A

Side: Neutral

Species: Bellatorian

(Sub section, Bellatorian): Bellatorian or Bellators come from some unknown area and due to their war like nature they are often called the offspring of the seventh sin Wrath. Abdul appears to be the last of his kind and is rather old for his age. Bellatorians have a skin regenerative ability that allows them to be basically ageless in time standards, but they are far from immortal.

Age: Unknown (appearance rests between nineteen to early twenties)

Gender: Male


Weapon: Ren Geki, Tiger blitz blade: This blade is powered through shear anger. The blades that potrude over the center, runs like a chainsaw upon the activation of Abdul's darker side, Lockara.


Ability/Power: N/A

(Sub section, species abilities.) Cores:

All-Seeing Eye (Tier 5)

This character's ability to keep track of fast moving objects or persons is unparalleled. A character with this perk can see almost everything regardless of the speed.

Tireless (Tier 5 Stamina)

This character's level of stamina is inhuman. They never seem to tire, they can keep fighting on and on as they please. Tiring this character out is damn near impossible. They can fight with an incredible tenacity, they're able to keep going and going without a visible end to their energy. It takes a tremendous undertaking for this character to start getting tired.

Indestructable (Tier 5 Durability)

It takes an incredibly specialised means of delivering damage to even graze this character's diamond hard body. Without the equivalent strength perk, your heavy hitting blows may be capable of sending this person flying - but that doesn't mean they're going to have suffered from it. This character could walk through a maelstrom of arrows and come out unscathed and even attacks that make use of water pressure or the earth to crush their opponent won't exactly phase them. An incredible degree of offensive power is needed to hurt this character, meaning that you'll have to pull out all the stops to pull it off.

Titanic strength (Tier 5 strength): This character's strength is immeasurable. Just by stomping on the ground they can tear open fissures in the ground. They can kill lesser foes in a single strike and their strength is such that they could casually wield the weapons of giant summons should they get their hands on them. There are few things this character cannot lift. Standing in the way of this character's fist and it's objective is generally considered a social faux-pas, as without the necessary durability perks, you are going to find yourself in a world of pain.

Blurred Lines (Tier 5)

This character is impossibly fast. They can be in one place and another almost simultaneously, they move so quickly that it takes the most experienced Sins to be able to keep track of where they're going. When they employ lateral movement, this character is able to completely disappear from the view of those who don't have the eyesight to keep track of them.


Bio: Abdul is not from the natural world, created by the out lasting magic that created the Seventh Sin Wrath. Be that as it may, Abdul and Bellatorians as a species are not all out aggressive towards anyone whom strolls their way. Abdul himself has taken to be quite reclusive in nature and appreciates a good book from time to time. He is often caught writing or debating some sort of ideas with himself, but when blood touches his lips or the scent hits his nose... Abdul loses himself in war. Becoming the most skilled killer of all and even being known to challenge on Wrath sized levels.

Other: "Though I may lose myself in the sounds of blades, know this, I am not Abdul upon entering battle... I am simply Lockara..."
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zeroknight said:
Name: Abdul Lockara
Sin: N/A

Side: Neutral

Species: Bellatorian

(Sub section, Bellatorian): Bellatorian or Bellators come from some unknown area and due to their war like nature they are often called the offspring of the seventh sin Wrath. Abdul appears to be the last of his kind and is rather old for his age. Bellatorians have a skin regenerative ability that allows them to be basically ageless in time standards, but they are far from immortal.

Age: Unknown (appearance rests between nineteen to early twenties)

Gender: Male


Weapon: Ren Geki, Tiger blitz blade: This blade is powered through shear anger. The blades that potrude over the center, runs like a chainsaw upon the activation of Abdul's darker side, Lockara.



Titanic strength (Tier 5 strength): This characters physique has gone far beyond natural and supernatural limits. The very ground can quake when they walk, and if they so please, can cause fissures to appear with a mighty stomp. However, over using this ability causes advanced distress on the user's muscles and will eventually deteriorate over time.

Bullet (Tier 5 speed): Due to excessive built muscles and enhanced lungs of the character, they can move in the very blink of an eye, going so fast that they can seem to appear at two places in the same time frame. One without the proper eyes to follow this character will not be able to track the incoming movements of the user. Be that as it may, the user takes a moment to wind up to full speed, and will slow down over excessive periods of time.


Bio: Abdul is not from the natural world, created by the out lasting magic that created the Seventh Sin Wrath. Be that as it may, Abdul and Bellatorians as a species are not all out aggressive towards anyone whom strolls their way. Abdul himself has taken to be quite reclusive in nature and appreciates a good book from time to time. He is often caught writing or debating some sort of ideas with himself, but when blood touches his lips or the scent hits his nose... Abdul loses himself in war. Becoming the most skilled killer of all and even being known to challenge on Wrath sized levels.

Other: "Though I may lose myself in the sounds of blades, know this, I am not Abdul upon entering battle... I am simply Lockara..."
Accepted!! (jump in whenever you wanna!)
Name: Zain

Sin: Greed

Side: Good (The Sins)

Species: Dark Human; Human traits but with night vision and cat-like eyes

Age: 14 /2800 (1 Year in human time is 200 Years in my time)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Purple hair covering left eye, golden eyes, deep red shirt, dark blue pants, black shoes


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpg.8de7f60d04c44930083dcbb4af3de696.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpg.8de7f60d04c44930083dcbb4af3de696.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ability/Power: Scatter Powers; The user can scatter themselves or anything they touch into small pieces. The part of the object in scatter form is a cube. Multiple items can be scattered and then joined together. The object can be half scattered if the user so desires. The scattered objects freely move at the user's command. Uses energy when scattered

Ability/Power Weakness: Uses energy, once I run out of energy, I can't use the power at all.

Armour: Golden gauntlets and shin guards

Bio: Unable to remember anything from the past year (100 years in my time) after losing all memories in a fight.

Other: Has small bottle of pills. Pills grant more energy for Ability/Power but severely hurt me, taking 3 within 1 hour places me in a temporary coma.



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Zamice said:
Name: Zain
Sin: Greed

Side: Evil (The Corrupt Kingdom))

Species: Dark Human; Human traits but with night vision and cat-like eyes

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: Purple hair covering left eye, golden eyes, deep red shirt, dark blue pants, black shoes

Weapon: View attachment 133245

Scatter Powers; The user can scatter themselves or anything they touch into small pieces. The part of the object in scatter form is a cube. Multiple items can be scattered and then joined together. The object can be half scattered if the user so desires. The scattered objects freely move at the user's command.

Armour: Golden gauntlets and shin guards

Bio: Unknown

Other: N/A
Accepted!! just maybe tune down power, other than that feel free to join in when you want! @Zamice

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