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Futuristic The Forgotten Frontier: Planets, Extra-terrestrials, and Factions (Lore)


Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
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Earth- Planet Alpha-01-Blue
Earth was surprisingly unaffectedly by the Cosmic Storms, with the obelisk being located in area-53, but during the decade of The Rift, when every planet’s atmosphere became a hard shell, keeping all inhabitants trapped, but somehow allowed the planet to function normally- except the usual changes caused by Cosmic Storms. Earth has changed over time, with South America uniting together while The US conquering Canada following the Canadian led invasion. Asia has united as well, while the USSR was established, many of its former territories reclaimed, with a third Cold War taking place, while a group of space pirates have taken control of the moon.
Mars- Planet Bravo-2-Gray
Humanity has long since dreamed of colonizing the Red Planet, and it currently functions as a trade outpost, controlled by the Arcturans, a species of pale and small humanoids, characterized by their large eyes and minor telekinetic abilities. All factions are welcome on the surface, as long as their laws are followed, though many factions have hideouts here.
The Green Realm Charlie-78-Green
A planet bathed in a particularly strong Cosmic Storm, fantastical beings and magic has sprung up from the green planet, with Fantasy style Wizards and dragons dwelling with elves and orcs. Following the end of the Rift, The Green Realm declared autonomy, outlawing all technology from other realms, seeing it as impure to their god Thralesh. It is rare to see their people leave their planet, occasionally priests and wizards depart, and few outsiders are allowed on the planet.
Borgopolis -105-Red
During the age of space travel, a series of tech corporation claimed a planet in the outer edge of the galaxy, eagerly harvesting the planets resources, using the unique materials to advance quickly, prospering during the Rift, before a revolution began. The planet went through a million year “Time Rift”, living through a million years until The Rift ended, immediately beginning their conquest. The corporations that once controlled the world have been overthrown and every inhabitant is forced to become a mechanized being in order to serve their god CyLan. Some of the best mercenaries come from the planet, but many hate organics.
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Andoria(6) Charlie-4-Green

On the sixth planet of the Andoria System resides the Xybers, a peaceful and intellectual based society of biomechanical aliens, composed of an organic metal called Zecroynium, along with a metal exoskeleton and nanotechnology. Their interests include the advancement of living technology and searching the galaxy for similar species, and although their forms are battle ready, they are a peaceful race.

Their meeting with humans in 2992 changed the medical field, along with supplying a clean and effective form of nuclear energy, revolutionizing the human space program.

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