The Forest of Kind

Soren Kyto

New Member
The woods of Kindelm are inhabited by five wolf clans: Keldan, Chisteran, Ginylan, Trynel, and Skynelan. The most powerful of these clans are the Skynelans, who dominate a majority of the territory within Kindelm. This clan is known for their overwhelming force and all out attacks.

The second most powerful clan are the Chisterans who are incredibly powerful in small groups. This clan is divided into subclans of only a few wolves as they feel stronger when they are in tight knit "cells". They focus more on strategy and point strikes rather than a full frontal assault.

These are the two clans who most often clash in battle, their warrior lifestyles helping to fuel the fire of clan war. Ginylan and Trynel are similar in that they usually stay neutral in the conflicts, only stepping in to gain small amounts of territory at a time when they need it for food or shelter. These clans are knows for sticking more to the shadows and striking at the weakest points of their enemy.

The final clan is the Keldan clan. This clan's territory is not defined very clearly. They seem to control the southwest corner of Kindelm but also seem to be scattered throughout the forest. They are known as the ghosts of the woods and are never seen in groups of more than three. These wolves are extrodinarily cunning and tactical, keeping to the shadows and attacking when an enemy isn't expecting.

You are to become a wolf in one of these clans, should you choose to join. The story is open ended and there are no limits to what you can do in this world.

Then you will be a part of the world of Kindelm. Where you go from there is up to you. Keep in mind that the role such as leader and member are not set in stone. If members decide that their leader is doing a poor job, they are allowed to rise against him or her. As I said before, this is a completely open ended Story. There are only a couple of guidelines.

1) Use proper or almost proper grammar. No abbriviations or acronyms or text talk.

2) Don't have your character respond or know about actions that he/she has no reason to know about. If three members are plotting an uprising in the woods, then the leader in his or her den should have no knowledge of it.

3) Please try to make it a para-rp or as close as possible.

4) No godmodding or one hit kills.

5) Only kill a character if the owner says its okay, otherwise, they are just wounded and will require time to heal.

Okay, thats it. Those are the only rules. I hope you enjoy your stay in Kindelm.
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