• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern -tHE foREsT- (characters)


give 'em hell, kid.
here is the character sheet for 'tHE foReST'.

feel free to code it however you want or leave it like this, but if you use bbcode, PLEASE MAKE IT MOBILE FRIENDLY! i don't have a computer, and if it's not readable on mobile, i won't be able to accept it.

i'll be filling this out myself pretty soon, so if you need an example that will probably work.

a LIKE = accepted ^^


-Image; preferably no anime



-age; between 16 and 25 (we're not killing kids or grandparents here lol)


-Hair color:

-Eye color:


Build/body type:







-Personality (2+ paragraphs)


-Bio: (2+ paragraphs)


Why they signed up for the show:


-x raven westing x-

☽ NAME ☾

raven westing


ray, rave

☽ AGE ☾





jet black


reddish brown, appearing almost red in the right lighting


five foot seven


slender, willowy and almost supernaturally graceful



•the paranormal

•conversing with spirits

•creepy things


•death (of others, not herself)


•gothic culture and music


•victorian poetry

•morbidly fascinated by anyone sick or dying


•bright colors


•excessive optimism or pessimism


•people who think she's crazy instead of creepy

• those who consider spirits evil


•ghost hunting and spirit communication

•playing with ouija boards

•visiting graveyards or tragic locations

• writing and reading poetry

• running a blog about the paranormal


•believes she can communicate with and potentially influence spirits (whether she can or not is another thing)

•is very knowledgeable about herbs and the uses of plant life

•practically grew up outside with her father so is good with wilderness survival



raven is a peculiar and rather morbid individual, one who seems to prefer the company of the paranormal to real people. she isn't unfriendly by any means, and could even be considered charming at times, but there's always something just a little off about her. she dresses almost exclusively in black, and appears to move with a liquid grace that's almost inhuman, making some think she's from another realm herself. raven is obsessed with spirits and ghosts, and will go to great lengths to encounter and encourage them. if this is something you like, she's happy to help assist you in having your own experience, but don't call the spirits evil or question their existence. she insists that skeptics are blind to a world far bigger than our own, and seems to take their doubt personally.

when not pursuing the ghosts themselves, she can be found gawking at traffic accidents, watching funerals and wandering graveyards with an eerie smile. raven also enjoys working with herbs, believing them to be far more effective than modern medicine, and is quite skilled at preparing elixirs, compresses and capsules. strangely, her concoctions do seem a bit more powerful than one would expect for the ingredients used...

is raven a witch? some sort of ghost herself, or just a misguided teenage girl? well... what do you think?



growing up through a combination of suburbia and adventure tourism, it was clear from the time she was a toddler that raven wasn't quite like the other cheerful and innocent children. she always talked to her imaginary friends, and while her father originally found this endearing, he was a bit concerned when they seemed to talk back. this continued for years, though raven got much better at hiding it. eventually, the girl grew tired of the benign, boring ghosts in their house and attempted to contact more of them. she managed to horrify her entire school when she told the story of the boy that had committed suicide there almost twenty years ago, as this was kept secret from the students and her description was so accurate it was unlikely she'd just found the story online. concerned by the girl's behavior, she was sent to counselling, which she simply ditched.

raven's teen years were spent rigorously studying the paranormal online and messing with ouija boards in the local cemeteries and hospitals. she stumbled upon the sign-up forum by accident one night while scouring the web for more ghost stories, and was immediately intrigued.



raven has no real need for the money, she simply wants to experience the haunted forest for herself and hopefully manage to contact more ghosts and spirits. she's also hoping winning will help her gain more fans on her blog so she can have her own paranormal investigation show.


sometimes raven will space out randomly and start muttering about someone's fate... whether this is put on for show or genuine, no one knows. the show's producers did eat it up, however.

-x "they are with us. watching us. always." x-
code by spookie spookie
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-x angel ashford x-

☽ NAME ☾

angel ashford


floof (due to his fluffy white hair), but only by his brother

☽ AGE ☾





white with a few streaks of pale cotton candy blue


baby blue


five foot three


underweight, notably tiny with a delicate physique




• singing and playing guitar


•summer weather


•candy and sweets

• making others smile

• video games (except the really violent ones)


•mean or judgemental people

•going places alone

•spicy food



•flying (scared of it)

•creepy stuff in general

• blood


•illness and injuries


•singing, songwriting and playing guitar

•video games

•making videos of his music

• volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter


•has a beautiful voice and is musically gifted

•always tries to find a non-violent solution

•knows basic first aid

•has a way of calming people down or cheering them up



while angel can't quite live up to his name, to be completely fair, he does come pretty close. generally sweet-natured and leaning heavily towards the shy side, he can also be a bit mischievous if annoyed. a true pacifist, he hates violence or hurting others, and if he does end up saying something rude, he'll either apologize or feel guilty for days. angel is very sensitive and emotional, and though he tries his best to conceal it, he suffers from depression and is known to cry easily, something he finds rather embarrassing.

music has been a passion of his since childhood, and a combination of talent, creativity and hard work have made him quite skilled in this field. angel enjoys sharing his musical abilities with the world, and has a website hosting videos specifically for his music that has just over a thousand regular viewers. with a combination of unique sound and endearing personality, angel has already managed to gain a few dedicated fans.

what they don't know is that the boy with the big blue eyes is living on borrowed time, and is in desperate need of either a miracle or the top prize in a tasteless reality tv show to change this.



the youngest of two brothers, angel was always a bit spoiled by his mother and and got used to being babied. after the illness that almost claimed his life, his mother became very overprotective and had a hard time letting him go out and play with kids his age as he got older. she naturally grew more relaxed as he approached his teen years, but he remained spoiled despite their tight budget. angel disliked the excessive attention and felt bad for his older brother, but thankfully the boy had no resentment toward his sibling despite the special treatment.

angel wrote his first song at age seven and learned the basics of guitar at eight, impressing both his family and peers. he continued to follow music and at age sixteen, is starting to gain a following online. angel is hopeful that he can make something out of his talent and bring money to his family, as he often feels guilty and as though their struggles were all his fault.

not long after after his sweet sixteenth, angel began feeling rather off and decided to visit a doctor in secret, not wanting to trouble his family. what he discovered was that the repair they'd done to save his life as a child wasn't holding up, and that he'd need another, more complex operation to fix it. of course, angel knew all too well his that family couldn't afford it and refused to drag them any further into debt. with a bit of trickery and listing his estranged father as his guardian, he managed to keep the entire thing a secret, obtaining medication to buy him more time.

now, a few months later, it's beginning to run out. while angel is terrified of the paranormal, flying and being alone, he knows the reality tv show he signed up for is his only real chance at getting enough money to save himself and his family. he only hopes that his mom and brother can forgive him once they find out where he really went.



angel desperately needs the money for his family and healthcare, and despite all the red flags, a reality tv show seemed like an easy way to get it.


his mom and brother are unaware that he signed up for the show... they think he's away with a friend.

-x "if we're being totally honest, then yeah, i guess i'm afraid of dying..." x-
code by spookie spookie
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Bianca Grace

basic data
full name: Bianca Grace Morgan
age: 17
nicknames: Bia, B
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
eye color: Blue
hair color: Blonde
body type: Somewhat athletic from cheer, but petite.
height: 5'6



Bianca is a typical high school cheerleader and preppy homecoming queen. However, on weekends, she'd strive for adventure and investigating the dark secrets of her town with friends. She loves sticking her nose in business that isn't hers, and sometimes she bites off more than she could chew, but what more could you expect from a jaded teen? She absolutely loved watching reality TV, and dreamed of being a star herself. Her liking towards becoming an icon one day ruled her mind. Her favorite foods consist of watermelon sour patch, and french fries. For beverages, nothing satisfies her more than a Dr. Pepper. These are only in moderation- of course, gotta keep that figure tight and toned.


As a typical teenage girl with a happy-go lucky attitude, she has a general dislike towards pessimists. She always sees the light in any situation and can brighten a room with her smile and words. She has an irrational fear of tearing her Achilles tendon, then the stereotypical fear of spiders, and snakes. Bianca Grace also hates button pushers and people who live to antagonize. Being a sweetheart herself, she is easily intimidated.


The blonde is quick thinking, fast on her feet, and smart. She doesn't have a 4.0 for nothing! Cheer had kept her legs muscular and conditioning kept her up to speed. Her talent for memorizing routines could be used in almost anything, her good memory is an asset. Her passionate spirit is above-all, her favorite feature. She doesn't have to be the best at anything as long as she has a can-do spirit. Although, many girls like her have their failures, and this show may bring it out of her.


-Debate Team
-Pretending she's Nancy Drew and investigates random haunted places in her hometown.


why they signed up for the show:

Graduating with high honors was good and all, and cheer looked great on her college applications, but Bianca Grace had other ideas in mind. She wanted to model, act, be a celebrity, have her name become something. So, she started out small, sent in a portfolio, head-shots, audition tapes, everything. The blonde wanted to start somewhere, and quickly. Her future was in her hands and she had to be proactive, but she didn't quite understand what she'd really signed up for.


Bianca couldn't complain about anything, until the days after she signed up for this new reality show. She had a nice upbringing, a suburban, sheltered family. One brother, one sister, and one baby brother on the way! Lovely parents who gave each and every one of their children the adoration and parenting they deserved. Maybe it was a bit over-bearing, since the most neatly trimmed lives seem to be the ones with the more damaged and yearning souls begging for artistic freedom. Her life consisted of trying all the different sports, making all kinds of friends, and getting good grades in school. It often made poor Bia seem a bit bland. She wasn't artistic, just your stereotypical goody-two-shoes.

The Morgans, a picture perfect family. They were middle class and still had their troubles, and usually families have their own little secrets and lies. Financially, they were in trouble. Bianca's dad got let go a few months before she even heard of this reality show. Her mother, thankfully, was still working at a pediatrician's office, but didn't make enough to keep up with all of the expenses. So, when the opportunity came around, the preppy blonde thought it'd be a brilliant idea. It was fate, in her mind. She'd make so much money off of the show, and maybe she'd even have her own reality spin-off. It was all set. And surprisingly enough, her parents let her follow through and she was packing up and arriving to a completely different area to meet the producers and casting agents, thinking it was all a big publicity show to get the ball rolling for new, aspiring actors and actresses.


Bianca Grace. A pretty name for a pretty soul. She's definitely a pacifist. A lover, not a fighter. She'll defend the ones she loves and any other person who couldn't do it for themselves. Her attitude is always optimistic and hopeful. It can be over-bearing. Too-contagious smiles and cheesy lines sometimes don't work for certain people around her. It was a bit of a flaw in her personality, her never-ending positivity. It would sometimes crush other's self esteem, or frustrate them with this overwhelming paradigm of perfection. It's 50/50. Half of the people she meets adore her, the other half... find her extremely annoying.

When she's sad, she prefers not to speak to anyone, but she is a huge crybaby. She cant stand getting hurt, and fears being not good enough. Bianca doesn't always get angry, and it takes a lot to get her this way, but she'll yell, irrationally and rudely. This is only if someone were to mess around with her too much and push her around on a sensitive topic. Otherwise, she's level headed.


Writing Sample (From a separate RP):

As if by fate, Beatrice Joseph was somehow reconnected with her parents. Not by meeting them, no, not by conversation. There was no reuniting or heartwarming exchanges. Matter of fact, she was only tracked down by a family friend who did extensive digging in order to find the lavender haired woman. This was a matter of a year ago, and in hindsight, she wished she hadn't inherited the motel. It was a lovely establishment, to be fair, but the underlying stories and reasons that it became hers was beyond her imagination.

Her parents died in a suicide pact, dark, but according to those who knew them, nothing out of the ordinary. They were so young, too, but the duo had committed some horrendous crimes that Bea still had yet to learn about. Over time, she did receive a warning from staff that waited upon her appearance. Room 13, the woman was told to never interfere with the place, and if someone were to be assigned to the specific suite, they must never be informed of the happenings. This motel sucked up her social life, her friends were the small staff and the guests, who came and went. She was lonely, and hated living within the realms of a motel in the middle of God knows where. Although, her "friendly" staff had all conspired about the lavender haired woman, thinking that she had a few screws loose like her parents.

It was a heavily snowy winter, not unusual for the state. They were expecting a blizzard over the weekend, and the motel was sure to bring in some stray travelers. She was partially excited, not exactly for the cold nights, but the mixers and new faces. This meant that redecorating was a big deal for her, dressing the rooms up in nice lights and lovely smelling candles, along with new curtains and bedsheets. It was well cleaned and maintained. There were a couple regulars in attendance, ones that have lived there for a while, and a business man who got stuck in the middle of the storm.

Beatrice's hazel eyes followed the ticking clock on the opposite side of the lobby, her elbows propped up against the desktop as she awaited for something to happen. She knew dinner would be soon, since there was a small mixer being hosted in the breakfast lounge. The staff would be preparing a selection of pasta with the option of bacon carbonara, or fettucine Alfredo, garlic bread as a side, along with a selection of drinks. She was quite excited, hoping something would turn up.

Her wishes came true, as the bell above the frosted glass door made a sweet little, ding!

A man waltzed in, seemingly unsure of his whereabouts. His head was down and held a more shy demeanor. Beatrice straightened up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey there, welcome!" She smiled, trying not to seem too enthusiastic, but failed. "Beatrice Joseph, how may I help you, dear?"


-Name: Lilah Craeger

-Nicknames: N/A

-age; between 16 and 25 (we're not killing kids or grandparents here lol)

-Gender: Female

-Hair color: Auburn

-Eye color: Hazel

-Height: 5 ft 6 in

Build/body type: curvy, yet thin


-Likes: puzzles, coffee, being in control, crafting, challenges

-Dislikes: physical activity, haunted areas, whining, negative thoughts, laziness

-Hobbies: solving all types of puzzles, reading, camping, science club

~ knack for creating something out of nothing

~ quick to solve or piece together mind games and puzzles

~ scientific nerd when it comes to nature and animals

~ knows CPR and has life guard training


-Personality (2+ paragraphs)

••• Lilah is a creative type; she'll notice how to make something more useful and "fix" it accordingly. That's how she's come to like crafting objects and solving puzzles. It allows her to find an answers to questions that pop in her head. Science is her favorite subject, too, because its based around finding answers. She's more of an inquisitive thinker above anything else. She's very curious about things, to the point where it can become annoying. If she's interested enough in something, she may spend hours focused on it. It isn't like her to quit a project carelessly and without reasoning.

It's obvious she likes to be in control of her situation at all times. Even if it's impossible to fix something, she will attempt to do so. In any situation, good or bad, she wants to be prepared and is up for any challenge life will throw at her. However, she's not great at expressing her emotions even if they're written on her face. She's too stubborn to ask anyone for help; she'd rather be helping other people than vice versa.

-Bio: (2+ paragraphs)
••• Lilah grew up with an outdoorsmen type father and an absent mother figure in her life. Her father always told her to rough it out when problems arouse, so she learned quickly that she could only trust herself in difficult times. In addition, she learned to hide her emotions, since that wouldn't help her succeed or get far in life. Her father taught her little survival tricks and tools she could make if ever she needed to use them. Additionally, he signed her up for CPR and lifeguard training when she was old enough, so she'd know how to help others, too.

She had learned how to hunt and fish, although she wasn't too keen on either, because her father thought those were useful skills. Yet, a situation has never arose in which she really needed to use those skills. Being outdoors led her interest towards nature and she was often outside learning about how things worked and why. In high school, she became interested in the science field, wondering how everything worked and fit together. So, she joined the science team, thinking that it would keep her interest.

Why they signed up for the show:

Lilah didn't quite understand the context of the show or it's reasoning. She figured it would be easy money, since she didn't think she'd be easily scared at all. She trusted herself and the crew to keep her safe. It would also be fun to solve any challenges that were sure to unfold while filming.


Her father encouraged her to go on the show, suggesting that it may build her some character.​

Marcellus Maldonado
The Stoner


Age: 18

Gender: Cisgender male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Despite being born in the United States, Marcellus is kind of a melting pot. Part Cuban, part white, part Italian, and he even has a little bit of Southwestern Native American in him, too. Both of his parents were born in America, yet his grandparents, and their parents before them, came from all over the world. All Marcellus really knows, with tan skin and a name that turns heads, is that he sure as hell isn't white.

Hair Color: Light brown .

Eye Color: Amber (an orange-ish shade of brown)

Height: 6'1"

Weight: A thin, athletic physique.


Marcellus is not Mr. Congeniality — at least, not upon introduction, of course. Guarded and withdrawn from those around him, Marcellus has a general disdain for social interaction due to his ingrained opinion that most people are self-involved idiots who don't understand nor want to understand his pain. Quick to mentally judge those who complain about their problems, as no one's struggles could possibly compare to his, Marcellus could be viewed as a textbook hypocrite: a guy who condemns others' grievances over a comparatively 'easy' life, yet complains incessantly about his own troubles in the process. Because of this, he is often seen as whiny, bratty, sulky, surly, and any other word that ends with a 'y' to describe someone who prefers to remain miserable in a bad situation. When faced with a person he dislikes, one of many on a long list, Marcellus either ends the conversation quickly, if possible, or makes his contempt with the discussion known by behaving in a brusque, impatient manner that either hurts innocent feelings or aids in getting his ass kicked. Being more of a recluse, however, Marcellus is not the type to actively seek confrontation, and he often prefers to express his disdain slyly, with snide remarks or clever comebacks before making a speedy escape if the interaction goes in a more unfavorable direction (read: he's about to get his ass whooped). A quick talking liar who prefers to use his mouth to avoid trouble over his fists, Marcellus has a knack for wildfire wit and logical decision making. Despite being the resident school slacker, however, Marcellus has the ability to be an excellent leader when he applies himself, even if that is something rarely done by a smart-mouth stoner who prefers pill popping to schoolwork, and he is often silly and caring around his short list of friends. When not in one of his 'moods', Marcellus is willing to advise, look after, and defend his loved ones at all costs, with a special affinity for kids who resemble the younger sibling he never had yet always wanted, and, with the tendency to fall in love quickly, passionately, and desperately, nothing can break his commitment to the girl that he loves. Although his speech has the tendency of being crude and slang-ridden, Marcellus is, at times, rather poetic and sincere, with emotions that are deeply felt and a conscious that is always present, even when he chooses to ignore his moral code and do the wrong thing.


Sketching. It was his father's favorite past time before Mom passed away, and now it belongs to Marcellus. He particularly enjoys drawing meaningful tattoo designs, weird alien/monster creatures that may or may not appear in his equally weird stories, or a love interest that he is exceptionally captivated with.

Sunny days, hot climates, fire.

People who don't make him feel like shit on a daily basis.

Writing. He enjoys creating weird, trippy Kafkaesque Twilight Zone shit, or putting his own personal musings, usually littered with clever metaphors and insightful thinking, on paper. Despite being talented with a pen, however, the young stoner never shares his work with others when sober, because he doesn't have a captive audience (or so he thinks), and he often writes his stories for personal amusement over public recognition anyhow.

Getting high and/or drunk — most of the time (when his conscious isn't nagging him or the effects aren't immediately adverse).

Chatting and being stupid online. He often dons different 'personas' as he enters chatrooms on the internet, playing pranks on unsuspecting teenagers or otherwise being lame and immature. Sometimes, he has meaningful conversations with others while pretending to be someone else, which he often takes comfort in, as an escape from his normal life and freedom from judgement from those who would otherwise disrespect his pathetic stoner ways.

Botany, secretly. Plants and stuff. His mother used to love it, and now he does too


School. While he does enjoy writing, reading, art, and science, he detests, as any slacker would, homework, ignorant teachers (read: all teachers), and wasting his time on academic subjects that he will never use in real life. Despite this, however, Marcellus maintains passing grades in most of his classes and As in the ones in which he particularly, although lackadaisically, excels.

Complainers, especially when he considers their struggles to be less problematic than his.

His father, for constantly being absent, either at work or when he is drunk, gambling, or high.

Cold weather, the rain, chilly climates, large bodies of water.

Being forced to talk about his problems, therapists, overly concerned acquaintances (read: nosy assholes), asinine feelings circles commonly found at rehab centers, etc.


Feeling like nothing but a one night stand, being alone all the time, toxic relationships, jealousy in relation to love.

Being called out on his bullshit, having his decisions questioned, guilt trips, essentially anything that makes him confront his bad behavior.


Drugs and alcohol addiction, little self-discipline. Cigarettes, marijuana, prescription pills, and a whole lot of alcohol. He puts his addiction before everything else in life and spends almost all of his money from his job at the convenience store, which he initially got to pay for his motorcycle repairs, on obtaining his next high. Despite being a fully dedicated and passionate romantic partner and platonic friend, Marcellus would ultimately choose his addiction over the ones that he loves, and he, introducing others to his bad habits, for a lack of wanting to do drugs alone, has been the cause of many innocents to become a slave to substance abuse in the same way that he is. Sad, pathetic, and thoroughly tragic, Marcellus has no concern of whether he lives or dies when he takes his next hit, and it is this selfish disregard for his own life that allows his addiction to grow.

Self-centered. Marcellus's main concern in life is how he is feeling at that particular moment. It is his world, and everyone else is just living in it. No one's problems can compare to his, and he is the only one who is allowed to experience and express true suffering in this horrible, vindictive world.

Falls in love too quickly and too passionately. Because he falls so rapidly, Marcellus has the tendency to get involved in toxic relationships that slowly corrode him from the inside out, before, during, and for years after the partnership has ended. (This toxicity could generally be due to faults of either him or the girl, his tendency to care more for his love interests than they care for him, or because he often doesn't grasp the notion that some people show love in a different way than he does.)


Dishonesty, which constitutes as outright untruths or lies of omission due to his propensity to bottle up all of his emo-dark-past secrets inside of his mind.

Self-loathing. He tries to direct his internalized hatred to others, who he is convinced that deserve it more than him, yet his conscious still exists and there is a large part of him that feels guilty and consistently berates himself for all of his vices.

Negative attitude, complains too much. Does not believe that having a positive outlook on life can improve his situation and often dismisses this advice as being ridiculous and contrived.

Trust issues, no faith in the goodness of people at heart. Believes that everyone is out to, or will eventually be out to, hurt him in some way, and thinks others are only driven to pursue selfish, greedy, and immoral goals.


He has a conscious, at least. There is a voice in the back of his head reminding him of his flaws, continually making him feel culpable for the sins he has committed, which signifies that he is capable of reforming in the future.

No commitment issues to speak of. It is either all or nothing with Marcellus. He is either entirely and wholeheartedly dedicated to something, or he has no interest in it whatsoever. Although this, at times, can be a vice, especially where pills are concerned, his ride-or-die devotion to his skills and loved ones (or at least until they threaten his stash of drugs, of course) make him a slightly more virtuous character overall.

Creativity, quick wit, intelligence, and logical decisiveness in a dire situation

Natural leader

Open-minded when it comes to social justice. Gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, etc. are all secondary characteristics of a person that he generally doesn't give a shit about. 'Live and let live,' as he says. No judgement there.

Always ready and able to give some sort of advice or council to those that he likes, whether they asked for it or not.

He has his own brand of sweetness, poeticism, and romance that he often shares with the girl he loves.


The first eleven years of Marcellus's life were spent in a stable, happy home life. His mother, Caia, beautiful, genius, and with an unshakable 'save-the-world' attitude, was a scientist in search of a cure for a deadly disease that claimed the life of her sister when she was young, and his father, Eldras, who, prior to meeting Caia, squandered an expensive inheritance on gambling, drugs, and alcohol, was a recovering addict with a low-paying job at the filing room of his wife's science facility. With a high income and two parents who were hopelessly and tragically in love, Marcellus was a wickedly clever, sweet, and daring child, a perfect combination of his mother and father, with big dreams of becoming a successful plant scientist in what seemed to be a bright and lucrative future. Naturally, however, as life has the tendency of turning happiness on its head, Caia was diagnosed with brain cancer when Marcellus was ten years old and died within a year, sending Eldras headlong into a deep depression and back into his old gambling, drug addicted ways. Because of the painful, sudden death of his mother, Marcellus's view that the world is unfair to those that do good emerged: Caia selflessly dedicated herself to eradicating a disease that claimed the lives of thousands, yet she ultimately perished before seeing her biggest dream through. As he was forced to live with a depressed, absent father who soon frittered away the remaining family funds with his illegal gambling addiction, Marcellus and Eldras were evicted from their expensive home and moved into a low-rent apartment building when Marcellus entered high school. Withdrawn and unable to relate to his rich, happy friends from middle school, Marcellus soon fell into a group of drug-addicted hoodlums and petty thieves, who were loyal customers in purchasing his father's drugs, a business venture that Marcellus faithfully adopted to save the waning family finances, in addition to developing a 'casual' addiction of his own. After eventually falling in love with a member of his clique — passionately and wholeheartedly, of course — they developed a toxic romantic relationship that led in an inevitable, painful end of both their former friendship and his closeness with the other members of the gang. Marcellus was, late in his Junior year, entirely alone, with no friends, dedicated family, or love interests to speak of. Now, with faltering grades and a lack of ambition, aspiring who-knows-what, high school Senior Marcellus Maldonado works at the local convenience store to pay for his motorcycle repairs after getting into a drug-induced accident that left him relatively unscathed.

Why venture into the Forest?

Money. Plain and simple. Cha-ching. Marcellus has little tolerance for or belief in the existence of supernatural beings. Does he think they're cool on TV? Sure, he loves horror movies. But he would never condescend to believe that a ghostie from the depths of a Stephen King novel could come creeping out of the woods and commandeer his soul. As such, if there are no creepy creatures threatening to kill him during his woodland vacation, it's easy money. All he needs to do is identify some edible plants, do some heavy lifting around camp, and ride the coattails of the more outdoorsy types to be on his road to some mad stacks.

stranger bitch side eye.gif

Name : Trevon Michaels

Nicknames : Tre

age : 20

Gender : Male

Hair color : Jet Black

Eye color : Deep Brown

Height : 5'11"

Build/body type : Somewhere between slim and athletic.


Likes : Basketball, football, videogames, action movies, weird things

Dislikes : Soccer, movies where the black guy dies first, romance movies, staying still

Hobbies : Basketball, football, videogames

Skills : Trevon doesn't have many skills that would be applicable in this situation, but he is a very fast mover and is good with his hands


Personality : Tre is usually the hype man of any group he's in. Highly energetic and loud basically describes him. It seems to escalate when he is either near friends, extremely bored, or in danger. By this I mean he just seems to get louder as more or less stuff starts happening. There is a middle ground though. Get him doing something he enjoys and he seems to calm down a little bit as he focuses on that. Something else that should be noted is that he fiercely, and when I say fiercely I mean fiercely, loyal and defensive of his closer friends. It's that "ride until we die" thing that's been drilled into his head.

When it comes down to stressors like fear, anger, and stress in general he was a relatively short fuse. He's quick to snap to violence when tensions rise and becomes very frustrated when things aren't going well. Most of the time, his reactions include something physical. In this case it'd be hitting trees and kicking dirt. It takes him a moment to calm down afterwards. After that he's back to normal.


Bio : Your typical guy from Detroit. Trevon grew up with his two brothers and, for the most part, their father. What happened to the mother you may ask. Well, she got busted on possession of drugs and selling drugs to minors when Tree was 6. Tre's father didn't even know she was doing that, which only added to his rage when he did find out. They never fully recovered from that. Tre and his brothers did get into gang activity around the age of 14. By then they had already committed some crimes, but none too crazy. It was hard to tell how his life went after that. It really went either way. They never had trouble walking the streets, but they were getting involved in gang activity. By now their father was a wreck. He never really took notice to the boys unless it was food or something about school.

Now that we're past the early years, let's get to the more recent stuff. He graduated at 18 years old with decent grades in his classes and an excellent basketball record. When it came down to jobs his first was at a pizza place downtown. Surprisingly, they went a full two months without at least 1 attempted robbery. By the end of his first year he earned Employee of the Month once. That same year he quit due to low pay. Flash forward a year of going in and out of several jobs and his brothers moving out, he gets the opportunity to star in a TV show about surviving in the woods. A chance at fame and money? Who wouldn't take it!?


Why they signed up for the show : For the chance at fame and fortune.

Jaspar Hobbs

-Name: Jaspar Philip Hobbs

-Nicknames: JP, JJ, JH

-Age: 19

-Gender: Cisgender Male

-Sexuality: Homosexual

-Hair color: Medium Brown

-Eye color: Dark Brown

-Height: 5'3''

-Build/body type: Thin but healthy, slight definition with abs and biceps


-Likes: Night Time, Coffee, Ice Cream, Dogs, Music, Drawing

-Dislikes: Early Mornings, Heights, Clowns, Small Spaces, Cats, Social Situations, Violence

-Hobbies: Music and Drawing

-Skills: Music, Drawing, Can speak some Italian,


Jaspar is a creative yet introverted kid. He was bullied for being so quiet and shy which only made him more quiet and shy. His father's abuse didn't help either. He is a singer and musician first and foremost. He writes his own music and plays covers sometimes. His curiosity made him really want to tour and play music which boosted his ambition. He could be considered a doormat in some areas and doesn't show his anger which could be a good thing, only when he's angry, he snaps, best seen with his bully and father.

He is incredibly smart and knows a lot about stuff that don't really matter in everyday life. For example, he can recite the countries of the world song off by heart. It has no practical use. He just can. His brain lets him down though as his want for more can lead to rash and reckless decisions. He is also incredibly impatient, often doing the wrong thing instead of waiting which can lead to him not being focused and other things.


Jaspar was the first kid in their family and older by a few years. He has a little sister called Jade who he calls JB. In return she called him JP. His Dad was called George and he's a bad person, a child abuser. His Mom was called Julia who is working an underpaid job to support her kids. Their parents are divorced. They were divorced once she found out he'd been hitting their son when she wasn't around. His Dad was a cop and his Mom ended up not getting custody of her children. She went to live with her sister and JB ran off soon after that knowing something bad was gonna happen, promising to keep in touch but she never did.

She was right about the bad stuff. Their Mom died of cancer 6 months later but they told everyone it was a car accident. A rib punctured her lung and she died on the way to the hospital. Jaspar couldn't mourn for long. His Dad got even more violent against him and he was bullied at school. He began finding ways to escape. He went to the music room at lunch and began to play guitar, piano and sing. He was pretty good. He made cartoons but he found his strength in graffiti. He graffitied at school and around town to give him a reason to stay out of the house. He couldn't be there when his Dad was there, drunk and abusing him to the point of him going to the hospital.

At 16 he moved out of his family home, being done with the shit his Dad was giving him. He stole a fuck ton of his Dad's money for his education and for renting out an apartment. He worked his ass off to make a life for himself. He couldn't rely on anyone else to do it for him. He graduated a year early and went to college to study music and graphic design. He was finally happy.


Why they signed up for the show: At 19 he got bored so he did random shit to preoccupy his time. This is one of them.
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