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Fantasy The Forbidden Game


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜


This is based off of a book, but I'm not looking to roleplay the book characters. I'm looking to make OC's, and see where we can go with the plot.

Also I'm not going to be playing as Britney Spears. Just wanted to throw that out there-- I like the gif because she looks innocent (ha).

In the book, (called The Forbidden Game, lol) you have Jenny, your all american good girl. She's got the boyfriend, the best friends, good in school, blah blah blah. The book starts out with her looking for a birthday present for her boyfriend. She goes to this shop downtown that she's never noticed before, and in this shop is Julian, a guy her age with eccentric white hair and striking blue eyes. He sells her this game that she takes home to her friends (and bf) and they play.

Basically the game is a paper house, where you put your game piece in any room you choose. You write down your biggest fear on a sheet of paper and place it with your piece. You have to go through the rooms of the house and face the fears to get to the top. Well, the game comes to life and they are all sucked into it, with Julian being the game master. It all boils down to he saved Jenny from the Shadow Men (which he is one too, just a young one) as a child and fell in love with her, and he wants her to fall for him too. But Jenny plays his game and saves her friends and boyfriend and defeats him. The book I had was 3 in 1, and there were two other books, but I won't go into the plot of those.

Shadow Men: What are they?
The Shadow Men are characters in The Forbidden Game. They are an ancient race of beings who live in a world that is parallel to our own. The shadow men are frighteningly beautiful, and destructive. Over time the evil within them rises to the surface, making them appear deformed and grotesque.
I'm going to be up front here, I'm not looking for your average joe here. I've kinda distanced myself from one on one RP's, and have gotten more into group roleplays. But for this specific roleplay, I want it to be a one on one, because I want someone to play the main shadow man for me.

I'm looking for someone who can write. I don't mean blocks of text; I mean someone who can put heart and soul into their words. Don't get me wrong, I like long posts, but I'd rather have a few paragraphs of quality over ten paragraphs of crap.

You do not have to have read the book.

I would prefer not to double for this, as I'm either going to be playing the Jenny character (aka my main OC). For this RP, I was thinking we could both play as her friends (or just I can, if you prefer). Two girls, and one or two guys (one of which would be her boyfriend because I like that plot twist).

I am a full time nurse, so my schedule to reply won't be as frequent as it's been the last few months, but I promise I will make time.

Uh... don't be a dick, kay?

I reserve the right to add anything here.

coding by cychotic
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