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Futuristic The Flying Aces


One Thousand Club
In the system Rishi a ship dropped out of subspace. Rishi had yellow dwarf star. Of the six planets in the system only Rishi-2 and Rishi-3 were habitable for organic life.

The ship was a century old Storm Hawk running off of ducktape and happy thoughts. It's captain Drake McGregor stood behind the ship's Helmsman . "Take us in slow." He said before getting onto comms.

"This is the Frieghter Frisky Land Shark requesting permission to land." As he waited for clearance he toggled the comms before speaking again. "This is McGregor in system where are we meeting?"

"Like Drake man we going to the Tiki Bar." The voice of a man Drake was sure was always hyped on feelers and doppers (kinds of drugs) "Don't be a bore Dude be there in like forty minutes."

Drake toggled the comms to in ship. "This is your captain speaking. We're about to enter Rishi-2 atmosphere everyone brace yourself for turbulence and possible explosions. Once on planet Archie and Victoria with me. Brutus take the cat and find supplies that we need."
Archie sighed heavily before making his way into the cockpit, his mind swirling with curiosity and a touch of frustration. Captain Drake had been annoyingly secretive about their mission in this particular system. The Rishi system wasn’t exactly known for its hospitality; in fact, it was quite remote and seldom visited. This only added to Archie's growing impatience and unease. As he stepped into the cockpit, he couldn't shake off the nagging desire to uncover the truth behind their unusual destination. He finally voiced his concern, his tone tinged with exasperation. "Captain, can you stop with the secrecy yet? Why the hell are we in Rishi of all places?" His words hung in the air, laden with the weight of his unanswered questions and the tension that had been building up since they had entered this forsaken system. Archie hoped that this time, Captain Drake would provide some much-needed clarity and end the mystery that had shrouded their journey.
Victoria emerged from her own quarters at the announcement casually buttoning the sleeve clasps of her suit jacket as she trailed after Archie equally curious about their location in the galaxy. The soft clicks of her boots against the old ships floors She leaned against the wall just outside the cockpit nonchalantly flexing her cybernetic fingers underneath her gloves staring at it almost as if she was bored with her organic eye, the pink glow of her cybernetic though rotated in its socket gazing over into pit with a quiet electronic whir.
"I'm afraid I must express my agreement with Archie here Captain. I can hardly perform my job as negotiater if I don't know what I'm negotiating for. Since I see no other reason for my presence beyond such." She said this her face and voice deceptively calm and borderline disinterested. Hiding her true feelings on the matter. While she wasn't exactly thrilled about being in the Rishi system herself, it was hardly worth expressing in her mind. The captain had made his decision and she was here to do her job. End of story.
"If I may, Captain," The soft voice of Brutus came out quietly, if a bit gravelly, as the doctor joined the rest of the crew in the front of the ship. He was simply dressed in a pair of dark trousers and had shed the scrubs he usually wore when performing his medical duties. "What supplies did we require again?" The doctor always liked to double-check everything just to make sure nothing was missed, a useful if sometimes irritating trait of his. He had a data pad open and an electronic stylus as though he were ready to take notes. "I would like to make sure everyone is able to give their input so if anyone from the crew has any special requests, we can try to accommodate them."
He looked at them before moving out of the cockpit motioning them to fallow him to the lounge. Once there he turned towards them

"This is a personal mission. I owe alot to this organization. So I run supplies for them when I can. They pay of course. " He said as a cold chill ran down his back. "They need us to do a supply run to Sreas Minor." He opened the galaxy map showing Seras. It was both far away from most governments and too close for their comfort. "Why we're at this mud ball of a planet is to get the supplies loaded on and make a deal on the price for our services." He moves his eyes to Brutus.

"We're running low on food rations. How about medical equipment?" I say
Brutus stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Food rations, got it. I believe we are doing all right on medical supplies, except for the stimulant patches, but it would not hurt to pick up some extra quick coagulation patches and synthetic blood packs as well. Those are always useful in a pinch, and I seem to remember that they can be useful as trade goods even if we don't personally need them." He paused. "Of course, if you could see your way to letting me have a *few* more bottles of 99% isopropyl alcohol..."
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Victoria followed after as gestured to taking a seat in one of the chairs found there, crossing one leg over another and resting her chin on her gloved palm.
"Please don't go starting fires without warning me before, that creates a diplomatic nightmare." She said a slight tone of exhasperation in her voice as she glanced over to the reptilian doctor.
"And yes they are quite useful trade goods, do be careful to ensure their legit ones however, I've heard rumors some shoddily made counterfeit ones that fail to adapt to certain blood types are currently making their way around...less desirable markets. I trust you can tell the difference however. Speaking of which, try to keep your ears peeled. I don’t require any equipment myself at the moment, but any rumors or gossip you can remember can prove useful in negotiations."
She turned her eyes back over to the captain.
"Anything specific I need to know in regards to pricing? Should I barter for a lower rate then our usual?"
As Archie opted not to pry further into Drake's personal matters, he redirected his attention to Brutus. With a slight shift in his demeanor, he addressed the doctor, "Brutus, it appears my supply of migraine medication has ran out. Would you be able to go get me some?"
"As for you personal mission or whatever Captain, I honestly don't care about what the story is behind it. All I know is you have a noose for getting in trouble. Sreas Minor isn't exactly a good place to have to go on a supply run. I've always heard rumors that that area was on the brink of all out war with government powers. Officials that would used to pase through space stations I worked in always complained about how that place is a political mess. There is no clear leader, ruler, government, or even gang or mafia power that I know of. Though I don't you don't already know this." Archie sighed feeling the aforementioned migraine incoming. "You should let me or at least someone know about these types of plans. You know how hard it is as you first mate to plan our safety if you give me this short notice?" Archie wasn't really as annoyed at Drake as he was letting on, he just always hated it when his heah hurt and was finding something to take it out on.
Drake glanced at Archie and nodded. "I will. Just going to need time remembering I ain't a solo unit anymore bare with me Archie." He said smiling a little bit. Maybe in time he would tell them who this organization was. But if things went sideways he'd prefer his own head in a noose and them being able to play ignorant.

He looked at Brutus and shook his head. "You can have a few more. Just don't go overboard."

And finally his eyes landed on Victoria. "Start the offer at a hundred thousand. Don't go less than fifty." He said. "Bart is a bit of a out there so you'll have to bear with him."
"Migraine medication for the first mate, got it." Brutus nodded, making a note. "And I will be careful not to overdo it on the isopropyl alcohol." He promised the captain. Then, he turned to the negotiator. "I promise I won't start any fires without advance notice, Victoria, although you really cannot blame me for the last one on Skelos-3. It was not my fault that that sleazy - I can't remember what race he was - tentacled creature left a lit cigarette butt near one of the supply crates I hadn't finished unloading yet." He defended himself.
"Aaaaand we probably need a new a port-side aux-junction lead." The 'cat' would walk into the room with a piece of ... what even was this? ... some kind of small pipe or wiring conduit that was blacker than a piece of overcooked bacon. "I can proooobably fix the heat-shield but I think it's too late for this one." Bits of ashes and soot would trail in her wake, falling from her boots. It turns out that atmospheric re-entry is very, very hot and even the smallest crack in the shielding can make toast out of...anything nearby.

She looks from one face to the next, tilting her head with a single ear lifted. "...did I miss something again?"
"Were taking a stop and Rishi-2. Captain here apparently has some unsettled debts with an organization there. We're running a supply trip for them to Sreas Minor" Archie explained catching her up the speed.
"We'll be landing soon so I'll go head back to my quarters. I doubt anyhting will happen since Drake has everything sorted out but I'm still going to carry some protection. And don't worry Victoria I'm not starting any fires, I'm too tired to do that today anyway." Archie left the cockpit going back to his room the make sure his gun was still working.
Victoria gave a non-commital hum of acknowledgement to Archie.
"It's appreciated. Last one is the key word there Doctor, what about the times before then? And worry not captain, I've handled far worse then 'out there' Ah, there's our feline friend. " She said giving Vah'ra the slight semblance of a smile.
"Nothing much, what happened to that?" She asked gesturing at the blackened piece in her hand and the soot falling from her boots. She remained in her seat planning to stay in the lounge for landing tapping her non cybernetic fingers against her chin.
"Leeeeeet's just say: Re-entry heat is bad for really old ships like ours~" She nods a few too many times, as though this was a better way to explain things than whatever the actual technical reasons were. Vah'ra grins in spite of it, shaking the small electronic part like a cat with a stuffed mouse; this causes even more ashes to fall from it all over the lounge floor.

"Aaaaanyway, it's not like these are hard to find. I'm sure we can pick one up for pretty cheap." Vah'ra gives something of a shrug, tail swaying in sync to the shifting of her shoulders. "Supplies, huh? Totally legally permissible supplies? Does that pay well?"
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They felt a small rumble indicating that they landed.

Drake looked at their feline crew member. "Go with Brutus and get whatever the ship needs. You both have access to the ship funds. Try not to spend them all in one place."

He moved towards a table on the far side of the lounge and picked up his holster and Blaster from a table attaching them to his waste before putting on his crop duster jacket and wide brim hat. "Good luck and meet back on the ship in an hour."

Fifth flotilla United Galaxy peace keeper 5th fleet.

Commodore Reginald Vickers leaned back in his chair. The man was barely thirty with white blonde hair. Due to an injury he obtained he had to were heavily dark tinted glasses.

"Sir." An Equlian said. "We will be entering the Rishi system in forty minutes. They had gotten word that a terrorist organization bent on tearing apart the galaxy had a couple of cells on planet. "Give word to Captain Z'orel to get his men ready for combat. They are to kill anyone who doesn't comply
Brutus decided to ignore the rest of Victoria's comments, not wanting to get into a verbal duel with the ambassador. Then, he turned to his feline companion. "Yes, Vah'ra. If we get the totally legal and permissible supplies we need, as well as some extra, we should decidedly be able to trade them... under the table... later, for other things."

He flexed his claws with a bit of a smile, tucking his data pad back into a pocket of his trousers and making sure his blaster was holstered to his hip. "Ready to go, Vah'ra?"
Victoria stood up once having landed checking to ensure her own side arm was hidden by her jacket and flicked some non-existent dust of the shoulder of her jacket. She gave a nod to Vah'ra and Brutus as she crossed over to the captain.
"Stay safe you two." Her eyes flickered over the entrance. Mentally preparing herself for negotiations and whatever else waited outside.
"Ready whenever you and Archie are Captain." She said, crossing her arms casually.
"We'll be fiiiine~ We definitely won't end up drunk on the wrong side of the spaceport. Again." She grins with an all-too-confident expression and tosses the charred component over her shoulder. The cleaning bot would get it later...unless she had already taken that apart again.

The Katar nods at the much taller reptile, having to strain her neck to even look up at him. "Right behind ya!"
Archie came out of his quarter. He had worn a brown clock as to not show off his wings, also wearing the hood to hide his ears. He had his own blaster attached to his waist, along with a knife hidden in his hood just in case.

Archie casually walked next to Victoria. "I'm ready, now all we need is Captain to get out her."
Drake appears behind them. "Let's get a move on." He said as he walked to the entrance lowering it to the ground.

Two people waited near the ship one was a small human like male with olive skin. His finger nails were each five inches and could cut through bone. Drake could barley make out the male's tail. He sported the same blood sun tattoo Drake had only his had cross bones instead of a Spear. The other was a emerald green skinned female with dark blue hair her feline ears barley showing. Behind them was twenty containers the supplies they were to deliver.

Drake looked at the two and flashed the Vegan male his tattoo. The Vegan nodded. "Go with peace brother we'll make sure your ship isn't harmed." He said reassuringly. Drake nodded and motioned for Archie and Victoria to fallow him.
Archie followed close in suite behind the captain. He had seen organizations like this before. They were typically involved in some shady stuff, and also weren't exactly fond of non-members entering. Though his captain seemed to be in control, his grip on his blaster tightened slightly.

Archie whispered into Drake's ear. "You aure this is a good move? Although you seems to have things under control you can never tell their response to us outsiders."
"I'm sure." He said. "If they were planning on doing anything they wouldn't have asked us to do this. Plus the Helmsman is on board. " He said as the chill air of Rishi-2 slammed into him. "I know you have experience with gangs and shady organizations but these people have earned my trust years ago. So have some faith I know that's hard to come by these days."
He sighed. "Well I don't trust them but I trust you so I guess that translates over" he said before fixing his posture as he followed him. "But they asked this as a favor from the crew not just you? That seems odd, what exactly is this supply we are transporting for them?"
Victoria glanced over at Archie having been mostly silent and listening and watching those around them as she followed just behind the two prior.
"Their body language didn't express any ill intent. And I can handle finding out the supplies if our captain here doesn't already no Archie. Secrecy of supplies should come as an additional charge. View it as a job not a favor, we still get paid after all." She commented, before glancing back to their surroundings.
Archie sighed. "Yeah your right I'm overthinking this. Realistically we aren't in any immediate danger. Sorry." He said directing the apology to the both of them. "I'll just worry about the plan on us getting the supplies, which is all the more reason we need to figure out what it is so I can figure out the logistics of it all."

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