The First Hunger Games ~RP~


Queen of Eternal Snow

Nearly 75 years ago... Before Katniss Everdeen, before Peeta Mellark, before even the first Quarter Qwell. There was a first hunger games. The games to but an end to any thoughts of rebellion. The games to show the districts that the Capitol was in charge. No one knew how it had gone down. No one knew the children. No one knew the story... So really... how did it all happen?


District 1 : Jake, NPC

District 2 : Luka, Anna

District 3 : NPC, NPC

District 4 : NPC, Kat

District 5 : NPC, NPC

District 6 : NPC, NPC

District 7 : NPC, Brie

District 8 : Grayson, NPC

District 9 : NPC, NPC

District 10 : NPC, NPC

District 11 : NPC, NPc

District 12 : John, Anastasia


As it is known, there are only certain items in the Cornucopia. Following is the list of available items.

3~ Small knives

2~ Machetes

1~ Bow

1~ Quiver of 9 Arrows

3~ Packs of Unknown Supplies

1~ Set of 6 Throwing knives

4~ Short Swords

Keep in mind, that the more valuable the item, the farther back in the Cornucopia it will most likely be.

Below you will find samples of the terrain along with the outfit chosen for the first Hunger Games.

Are you prepared? You are about ready to rise into the arena. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.



Eyes flickering about nervously, Jake couldn't help but fidget slightly on his platform as he waited for it to rise. He wasn't accustomed to being forbade his sun glasses. Of course, he hadn't given it a second thought at first. Well, until they took them. Now he felt bare. A sigh passed his lips as he straightened himself. No way was he entering the arena looking like a nervous wreck. He was Jacoby Yale! He would not tremble in the face of slight discomfort. Besides, if he planned to survive in this place, he couldn't let something that small unnerve him... right? Before his thought process could go any farther, he felt the platform lurch beneath him. Suddenly he was rising and the next thing he knew he was seeing... "Wow..." He breathed, brown eyes scanning the canopy of trees that surrounded them.


Anna stood, almost as still as a statue as she fiddled with the hem of her light green jacket. Her hood was pulled over her head, partially hiding her eyes from view and casting other features of her face into shadows. So what, if everyone kept telling her to smile pretty? That didn't mean she was going to listen. If they didn't want her shying from view, they shouldn't have given her a hood. She wondered what this new thing would be like. These 'Hunger Games' or so she heard they were being called. Call it what they want ,it was still morally unjustified and inhumane. Feeling the platform underneath her feet give a slight shudder, she tilted her head to look up as she rose. She wanted to see the sky... and she was not disappointed in the slightest. She found herself surrounded by a lush rain forest. Hearing the sounds of the animals coming from the trees and feeling the moist heat. This was nothing like she had felt at home. She wanted to step off of the platform, wanted to move, yet something held her back...

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John would probably die. He fingered his expensive Capital clothes lingering along the polyester. The platform boosted forward until a forest came into view. John turned sideways to search for Anastasia. The girl from district twelve he recognized on sight, but didn't know. The field in view had bags and weapons scattered across it. John stared at a water canteen and focused on it. The plastic cylinder incasing him descended into the platform. John inhaled and stopped breathing. He gripped the straps of his backpack. A intercom voice overhead announced the beginning of the first hunger games. John sprinted into the field and grabbed the canteen. He hesitated to abandon the other supplies, but other contestants filtered into the field too. He went toward the closet cover in the trees and didn't stop running until he ran out of breath.


Grayson's bubble lowed into a forestry background. He lifted his chin to follow the lining of the trees all the way up. Nothing green in District 8.He rooted in his backpack to checked his supplies. No food. Grayson once-overed the forest again. He doubted starvation would be an issue. The distant sound of hacking and shouting forced him forward. Grayson entwined himself between the thick trees and ran until the sounds faded off. Hands on his knees, Grayson breathed heavy. He searched for a place to hide. Were the other players actually killing each other? Already? He still half-believed that someone would rescue them. That the tributes could work together to escape. Grayson grabbed unto the nearest branch to the ground and boosted himself up. For the first time in his life, he climbed a tree.
Externally, he was confident. He was wearing a smug smile across his face and regarded everything his eyes met with a cold caustic glare. He was seeking to intimidate and the effect seemed to be working on his vapid Capitol 'helpers' who flitted from place to place to make him 'camera-ready'. Inside, he didn't feel confident. But inside Luka didn't feel much right now. He had gone through all of the emotions and now he was calm, collected, cool, accepting... and ready. He wasn't afraid of anything the arena could throw at him. He wasn't afraid of the other contestants or of killing. He was ready.

Luka wore his smug smirk into the arena letting his lips split apart for a confident gleaming smile that he hoped would impress the viewers. He wanted to be liked. Because he was planning to be the only one who made it out of the arena. He was going to be the winner of the Hunger Games and at any cost, he promised himself that. If he wasn't going to win then he was going to die fighting for the title (which could only be held in high esteem once it was all over) with every cell of his body. If he was going to die - it would be with honour. He tensed waiting for it all to start, his eyes focused on a weapon glittering in the sun. He needed those supplies. At any cost.


Brie had only just stopped crying. The moment she had finally figured out what was going on she realized that she was going to die. There were twenty-three other children who would make sure that she died. She sniffled softly as someone pushed her along. She could only hope that when she died that someone would make sure that it was fast. She didn't want to suffer. She didn't want her family to SEE her suffer and be unable to help.

She was ushered onto a platform and she jumped as it began to rise. The environment was pleasant looking - a nice jungle like she had always wanted to visit - but her eyes only saw her casket. She was going to die.
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(Sorry I'm late!)

One, one thousand.

Kathryn took a deep breath in an attempt to settle her nerves as she stood in the clear cylinder. She kept her palms pressed flat to the top of her thighs to stop her hands from shaking as she closed her eyes and exhaled slowly.

Two, one thousand.

Counting the seconds silently in her head, she tried to picture the cornucopia that had been described to her. She needed to get in and get out fast. There was no way she was leaving without a weapon.

Three, one thousand.

Her heart skipped a beat as the platform began to rise. Slowly opening her eyes, Kat's icy stare landed on the scattered items at the cornucopia's mouth. It only took a moment for her eyes to latch onto a sword resting closer to the center of the supplies. That was it. That one was hers.

Four, one thousand.

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