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Multiple Settings The first dip in the water


New Member
You might as well consider me to have lived under a rock when it comes to roleplaying, or even, might I add, writing in general. So even though it may be a little late, I'd like to see about exposing myself to the world around me, as it were. This roleplay, if it ever actually happens, will be the first one I ever actually participated in knowing that it was a roleplay at the start.

Looking for a partner who is at least slightly patient with perceived idiots. I'm open to trying pretty much any setting, any type of character, and scary as it may be, any type of writing style. (Though as any of those become more complex and outside of my simple understanding, I'd ask for the partner to start, or send an example, so I can try to get a feel of what they expect from me)

Expected Length of posts (If that is something you care about):

I plan on doing around 1 paragraph, sometimes more per post, but will try to match whatever my partner prefers.

Wait what post length do I expect from my partner then? Let me think about that for a second. Ok, the second is up. I have no required length that I expect you to uphold. I do, however, have a preference. The more you can comfortably write, the more I have to go off of, and the less likely we have a jarring experience where the two of us each thought our surroundings were something entirely different than they were (Though even that could be fun to roleplay out in and of itself, don't you think?)

By the way, please ignore the sub-genres, as I didn't see one for unsure or unspecified, and it was a requirement to tick a box for one of them.
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Hey I’m also new. Are you only willing to rp with ppl more experienced?
Also do you have a number of replies per week you want to meet or anything?
Hello GotNothing, I hope you're having a wonderful day. I'm more than happy to roleplay with anyone, regardless of their experience or lack thereof, and wouldn't it be humorous for me to demand my partner to have experience when I have none to contribute to the roleplay myself?

If I had some experience under my belt, and was also fairly well versed in writing skills, maybe I would harbor some expectations of others. When it comes to frequency of posts I would hope for at least one a week (and be undeniably happy if there was more), but can easily understand why that might not be feasible. Hope that this answered your questions (and also explained a little behind my answers as well).

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