☠The Fight for Life☠ [Inactive]


Boink Bean



Fang sighed deeply, her warm tongue lapping over his torn ear. His heart fluttered slightly as she gently licked his forehead, they did this often, he truly enjoyed it. It was the only time her felt like he belonged. She then laid before him, Fang gently touched his nose to hers, he could stay like this forever, without a care in the world. He then scooted closer and rubbed his cheek to hers, a slight sadness clutched his heart that some believed to be made of iron or ice. She rubbed her head against his gently, her soft, tan fur tickling at his nose. Then she pulled away, her beautiful Cyan eyes meeting his ember ones, "i know its hard, Fang." His vision wavered, No. He thought, Not yet, please! I need her more then ever now! "I must go, you must return to them." Fang shook is head "N-no! Please, They can take care of themselves, really-" The she-wolf cut him off by shaking her head, "No fang, they are in desperate need of their alpha, You'll see why soon.." Without another word, merely a lick on his scarred muzzle, the she-wolf began to walk away, Fang watched as she turned into nothing but a wisp of cherry blossoms.

He opened his eyes, finding himself in the Alpha den, Frost laying beside him. He watched her sleep for a few moments, before standing up, his legs felt weak from the sleep. He slowly made his way out of the den, Weren't the Alpha's supposed to be mates? How was he supposed to see her more then just another wolf, more then his subordinate? it felt impossible, but if he learned anything from his rough life, it was to be patient.

Fang looked over the camp momentarily, it was dawn. The sun was slowly rising over the northern mountain, He watched the orange sky as it lightened and the birds began to chirp in the distance. he inhaled deeply,
Spring. He thought, Great... Mating Season.. He feared Males would attempt to mate Shasa, He would have none of that. After a bit he slowly stepped down the natural made steps that led into the Alpha den. He quietly made his way into the lush forest, the beautiful green grass crunching below his paws softly, he came to the Rushing River awhile after leaving camp. He slowly knelt down and began to lap at the icy water that flowed deep from within the mountains.

Shasa had left her den earlier that night, before Fang and Frost had awaken. She ran along a path she had created from coming to this area for many times before. As she neared the location she slowed down slightly, Trotting up the path the lead up a large hill. She bound up it easily before looking out over the Northern Mountains, She was extremely close to the border of NightWalker territory, She could basically look over their camp if she pleased, but she couldn't care less for those half bloods, mutts, and exiles. She inhaled deeply and wagged her tail slowly, She stood on the edge of a cliff, the River rushed rapidly below her, he watched as hawks circled and swooped back and forth trough the tree tops, attempting to woo the gorgeous she-bird who was perched on a tree not far from Shasa, She chuckled slightly before looking over the beautiful land, she laid down, resting her head on her paws, watching the sun peek through the beautiful pine trees, The stars slowly dimming, where they will lay in wait until night, where they come out to watch over the pack.

Bigfoot opened his eyes, to the sun pouring through a small hole in is den roof, He growled softly to himself, Before slowly sitting up, he stretches his long, muscular limbs before slowly stepping out of his den. The scent of spring flooded his senses and he wiggled his black nose slightly, He glanced around camp as he slowly walked towards the large rock he normally basks on early in the morning. Bigfoot leaped onto the rock, his soft fur bouncing slightly as he does so. He was truly a handsome dog, despite his horrific scars. He rested his massive body, the sun making his pelt shine.

Alicia slept in the Hunter den, Stretching you wide, bumping a few other pack mates as she does so, yet ignores their soft growls.

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Gentle rays of sunlight began to penetrate the den where Amelie lay,casting menacing shadows against the barren walls.For the wolf this was the best time of day,when it seemed that nothing could go wrong for a few precious moments.Ami could feel the warming rays against her closed eyelids,signalling that her slumber was through for the time being.Her long tail jutted out behind her,parallel to the ground on which she had been resting.Her body slowly rose onto unsteady legs that yearned to be stretched out.Ami positioned her back legs then bowed to the floor,stretching not only her legs but her torso as well.With a final yawn she righted herself and approached the mouth of the den.

Almost instinctively she began the jaunt to the river,her gait that of a wolf who was not fully awake,but no longer sleeping. The coolness that the thought of the river promised proved too tempting to pass up this morning and that wanting was what drew her away without speaking to another.As she approached,the foggy image of a wolf cleared to reveal the Alpha male of her pack,Fang.Respect made her stop in the shadow of a tree,but wanting drew her out of hiding.Comprising in a fight within herself,Amelie walked 10 feet away from her Alpha before approaching the water and taking a long,luxurious drink from the river.


Ricochet crouched in his small,ramshackle den.With his spine pressed against the dirty wall,there was barely enough room for him to stretch out while he slept.When he stood his pricked ears skimmed the roof,the tips of them folding down.Despite the small size,he did not want another area.Even if he did,there was no way he would challenge another wolf of his pack for it.Most were far stronger than he,and Ricochet was too timid to provoke one of them.Instead,he slept only a few hours each night and spent the rest of the time wandering around the territory,watching for intruders or threats

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A single silvery wolf sat across the river from Shasa, looking at her reflection in the water. The image was always blurred by the motion of the water. She could see her father in her eyes, her mother in her fur. And she hated it.

When she suddenly looked up, she saw Shasa across the river, and stared. She no particular dislike for the Crimson Valley female, but she knew that Shasa didn't like her. But she nodded a simple greeting to Shasa, before standing up and lapping up a little water and walking away.
Sasha watched the silvery female, curious of her actions. She sniffed the air, more of er pack was indeed nearby. She lapped the cold , rushing water before looking to Fang, and Amelie. Both unaware of the she-wolf, or they just didn't care.. Sasha sighed before watching the she-wolf vanish.

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