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Fandom The Fellowship of The Ring.

She went wide eyed when she saw what effect the ring had on themail wizard, if it can do that to a godly being what could it to others. She felt angry at the suggestion to toss the ring. She didn't want to lose it, she needed it." Screw toss it, just giving the Enemy a chance to find it. We need to use it!"
"Are you mad!? Use that... that... forsaken ring? I cannot even touch it without seeing his eye! I was foolish for thinking of hiding it..." He scratched his chin and thought wildly. His eyes gleamed purple, "It must be destroyed!" He pointed his staff at the ring and chanted an incantation. A purple light blasted him backwards and he fell across a bench. When the smoke cleared the ring was still there, perfectly intact.
Celegóst Randír

Celegóst jumped at the sound of the reflected power, and his hand went to his sword at his side, useless though the gesture was against the Ring. Eyeing it suspiciously, mistrusting the lack of even a mark upon it, he stepped over to help the wizard to his feet.

Elrond had sat up a little straighter as Tesol chanted but was unable to say anything before the deed was done. He glanced at the wizard with a look of empathy before looking about at the others.

"Destroyed it must be indeed, I believe, for it is perilous to use. Understand, Erathain of the Dunedain and Kerrigan of Rohan, the One Ring is Sauron's and his alone. As Master Blanco can assure you, it calls ever for the servants of the Enemy, seeking always through any means to return to the hand of its maker. Any attempt to use it would be turned by it to its own good, thereby only drawing it closer to Sauron and closer to our doom."
The intricate stone work that told of elven beauty carved and etched the high-reaching architecture of Rivendell. This elven city was any hobbit's dream to visit. She had not been able to keep the awe from stretching wide her eyes and dropping low her jaw. This whole city was a feast for the eyes! She had whispered her amazements in Blanco's ear. For a moment, she even forgot the danger.

But the gathering of the council was not far behind their arrival, and as she looked over the faces human, elf, and dwarf, Elwise trembled.

"There," she said, taking Blanco's arm once he'd placed the ring. "Now it's done with. Our part is over. Let's be off. Back to the Shire, that we may live as hobbits ought to, away from adventures and peril."

The glow of purple spread out in the edge of her vision, and in sudden destructive manner burst against the ring.

Elwise leapt away, shrieking in terror, and hastily covered her mouth. But her manner became accusatory quickly, in the way that fear forces desparate protective action.

"You! How dare you! When all of us stand here in peaceful assembly!" Her nagging finger scolded at the magic-wielder, and her face was stricken with pale shock and fear. "Is this any way for a man in your station to behave? Did no one tell you to think before you act? This ring is a evil and calls out to evil and dark things a woman such as I knows well to fear. And you would risk all our deaths in reckless action? Fool! Hedgehog! Coarse baffoon!"

The breaths came out panting, both from the breathless manner in which she had given her lecture and with the terror that had stolen the wind from her lungs. Her eyes surveyed the council, and the sanity returned to her. In embarrassment, two roses budded red on her cheeks, and she lowered her head.

"Forgive my outburst." She murmured, and returned to her seat.
Erathain rested his hand upon his sword at the wizards sudden spell, half expecting a fight to follow, though his attention was divided by the outbursts of one of the hobbits. The authority behind a person so small was surprising indeed, yet he had no time to admire the courageous halfling, his attention was immediately drawn back to Elrond, his words full of wisdom, yet their meaning not of sense.

"So you would have us destroy the ring? You would have it marched into the very depths of Mordor itself? The eye of Sauron, forever watchful of his prize, never wavering in his search, Isildur could not destroy it, why would any of us fair any better? Reaching Mordor is folly alone, yet you would have us enter that black, twisted wasteland of orcs?! You'd be sentencing us to death, whilst handing the Ring directly back to its master! We must use it against him!"

Erathain was now standing, gesturing to everyone present whilst he spoke, his voice had drastically increased in response to Elrond's words, unintentionally. Though he remained unaware of the aggressive tone he spoke in.
Tesol straightened himself and looked at everyone, "I am... sorry. That was a foolish action." He looked at the Ring, still intact. He swore he could hear voices coming from it. He stepped back from the ring and sat down on the bench. His staff was still warm from the blast and a small crack had appeared on it.
Lalaith had enough of this foolishness and stood herself. Turning to the Humans she said, "I am sorry, but I do not stand with you on this." Her voice is soft but powerful and cold. She very much looks like a First Born. Turning to face the Council she announces, "The wizard and our Lord Elrond are right. And we would be wise to realize that. This wretched thing has plans of its own. It manipulates, it does evil, even if the wearer wishes for good. The only reason Isildur could not destroy it is because he was weaker then it's whispering voice! We all hear it pleading with us...trying to convince us to use it! It means no harm! But it must be destroyed. You need to see that!" Hoping her point came across, Lalaith sat back down.
Kerrigan remained quiet listening what the others had to say. They were right and she knew it but the ring kept gnawing at her mind. She placed her hands on her head growled before standing." I am not the one who is going to it but I will see to the f***ing thing destruction."
Erathain stared at her, unaware of the fury that the Ring had placed within his eyes. He turned to look at everyone present. Unable to believe the foolish plan they had. Walk into Mordor. Destroy the ring. It was insane! It wasn't even possible! He was sure! He could use the ring... Use its great power, harness it... He would be immortal, it promised him strength, knowledge, loyalty... Divinity.

"You are all fools to believe this! Do you intend to walk into Mordor? Do you think Sauron will open the Black gate for us? Allow us to walk by his vision, his armies, and throw it into the depths of Mount Doom? It is impossible! We would be ushering in the complete annihilation of Middle Earth! Your families, your homes, everything you ever knew, it would be burned by Sauron! Twisted! Corrupted! Enslaved! If this is what you wish then so be it!" He turned his vision to Elrond, a darkness in his eyes.

"But I will not stand by, and allow you to bring about our death! You squandered your chance to destroy it years ago! You allowed Isildur to take the ring without a fight! Why? Because you knew you were to weak to destroy it! Just as he was! If the Mighty 'Elrond' cannot destroy it, what hope do any of us have? If nobody here sees true sense, then I will use the rings power myself!"

Erathain looked towards the ring, as it's very essence beckoned for him to wield it, the power he could use, he could ascend to Godhood... Possess power of which Middle Earth has yet to see, save the fate of everyone from the darkness...
Lalaith faced the man, "Would you! Would you indeed? Do you not know what has happened to every man who has coveted the ring for its power? You are the only fool I see here. While it is true that only danger would await such a quest. It is danger that those willing to face it, must face. And those who are strong enough to travel that dangerous path, are strong enough to see it through. Strong enough to destroy the evil that taints this room."
"He is no fool, this is not him talking. That bloody thing is poisoning his mind..." Kerrigan said walking up to to Erathain, looking at him sternly hand near her sword just in case." You will use it huh? You would kill each of us in order to it. Does that sound like what you Dunedain would do? Your oaths as a ranger would allow? I assure you if you touch the ring you won't find redemption only dug deeper in a bloodier pit. You know this you just have to boclub the ring put." She touched his arm.
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"That ring is nothing but vile. " Alda muttered speaking for the first time since entering the meeting. Even if it was just a mutter. With all that was happening she thought it best to stay silent and observe but with the current events she found herself unable to keep quiet. "Destroying the ring is our only hope. Using the ring will lead to nothing but chaos and darkness. It's exactly what he wants. It will destroy us all. "
Celegóst Randír

Elrond raised his hand for silence.

"Nothing have I said of taking this Thing into the heart of Sauron's stronghold, yet you, Erathain, speak with insight uncharacteristic of the the Edain, for that indeed is the only way I can ascertain its destruction: within the very forge from whence it was made. Within Mount Orodruin, that some call Doom. Some have vowed its destruction; it is well. That this-"

But Elrond was cut off as Celegóst stood up quickly, staring angrily at Erathain with his hand on his hilt. Passion and fire was in the elf's eyes.

"Indeed, Ranger, my Lord was there, and I was near at hand at the mountain's base. Lord Elrond watched as Isildur claimed the Ring for himself. He squandered his chance long ago, you say. What chance: to take this Thing from him by force at the very place its power was strongest; to kill his friend, only to have the malevolence and desire turned upon himself and control him as it did the son of Elendil? You should be silent, Man of lesser fathers, concerning things you know naught of, that you might not disgrace your ancestors farther."

"Silence!" Elrond's voice rang loudly throughout the courtyard, and Celegóst fell backwards into his seat from shock. The sunlight that before had felt warm and comforting now felt joyless and lifeless. "You disgrace your own ancestors, son of Ecthelion, by such behavior. Better is expected of you."

Warmth came back into the brightly lit circle as Elrond's expression softened at the edges, and he gestured to the blonde she-elf nearby.

"Alda speaks true; it is vile, and to use it is to invite one's own corruption and enslavement to it. Alas! Even closeness to the Thing causes disunity among comrades, as has already been seen, and heavy is the burden the one who carries it undertakes. Yet I fear it must be so, for it must be destroyed. For the good of Middle Earth."

He paused looking about the Council. Celegóst avoided his gaze, plainly ashamed of his outburst. The eyes of the Lord of Rivendell rested a moment longer upon the each of the two hobbits before he looked elsewhere.

"I cannot and will not assign any person to the deed of bearing this Thing into the very heart of darkness. Yet it must be borne, accompanied by such as are willing to follow. Who then will do this thing, setting aside all claims and duties until the task is done?"
Erathain moved his head down, as Kerrigan's words spoke truth, The Ring had toyed with his mind, Sauron's own power, attempting to draw Erathain closer. He pulled away from her brief touch on his arm, undeserving of any sympathy or empathy at this moment, unworthy of whatever support she had to offer, he didn't have the right to be here-in Rivendell, he was of no importance, summoning him was Elrond's only mistake.

Instead he listened intently to Elrond's wisdom. Alas, it did not come to that, as an elf warrior, Celegost he believed was the name angrily rose to his feet, and launched a cascade of insults upon the defeated ranger, causing him to simply stare harder at the ground. The vain wishes that the land would simply swallow him never came, forcing him to endure the meeting; Paired with the hard stares of all elves and dwarves present. How could he have truly been so blind? So selfish... So... Evil. As to consider murdering the very people present... Was he truly so weak-willed?

He should never have come here...

The words Celegost spoke were sharp, though true nonetheless. Elrond ordered the warrior to be silent. in which he-expectedly-complied. Though it changed naught, all he had said had been true. Isildur himself was a great warrior, though Elrond may have possessed a will of sterner iron, it would matter little on that day, when-as the warrior said-the Ring was at its most powerful.

Erathain slumped back into his chair, face rested upon his hands, guilt now taking over all other emotions. He listened to the words spoken further by Elrond. If he so had the power to destroy that ring he would, but, alas, he had the weak-mind of a failure, the mental fortitude of a child. He could not bear the ring, he asked himself once more; Why was he brought here? He didn't raise his head, not daring meet the eyes of another soul...

I am a fool...
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Lalaith placed a hand on the Ranger's shoulder. "Do not fall to despair. You were not the only one enchanted by the ring, and I highly doubt you'll be the last. It is not a sign of weakness, in truth. Lord Elrond admits he would have fallen to it as well. You want nothing more then to help this land, it just used that against you." She whispered all this in a consoling voice.

@Archangel Galdrael
Oh dear, we should never have left our warm cozy homes. Why did I have to inherit this Ring? Blunderhead! Blanco looked frantically around at all the booming voices; one by one a being spoke loudly over the other - or some even spoke rather gently, the elves perhaps but he couldn't match words and tone of voice to a face or body. Even the comfort of sweet Aunt Elwise was not enough to calm his shivering skin, Oh, and now even she is loud. I can't understand what they mean by destroying or using it...what is this Ring? He looked right back at it then stood up slowly, stepping forward a bit absentmindedly, nearly into the middle of the commotion, "What if I take it? What if I go to take it back to the firey pit?" he spoke rather softly at first and surely felt shaken as he continued to get louder, "What if I take it! I will take the Ring...back to Mordor!" What in the world was he doing? He had know knowledge of this issue whatsoever, and a moment ago he was frightened of all the noise - and in this moment he wants to travel to eternity and back to destroy it, possibly not even returning! He gulped a bit and made a small sound of astonishment of his actions. Oh my, what have I done?
Lalaith stared at the Hobbit in shock. Such a small being, so sheltered from the true evil of the world, and he wanted to go to the heart of that evil to save a world that doesn't even acknowledge him? then she smiled. Her words had been true, he was brave enough to dare the task, then he would be strong enough to see it through. And she would help him. First though she wanted to see how the others reacted to his words.
Kerrigan helped the ranger sit down being nothing but sympathetic to his pain. Even now she felt the ring like it was burning a hole at the back of her mind and wiggle itself inside her head. Never felt do vulnerable in her life and was sure how much she could take before she turned like the ranger and not come back. So when the male hobbit spoke up to have it destroyed she chuckled affectionately at his bravery. With what the ring was doing to two hardened warriors must be paled in comparison to the hafling." You have a greater pair than the rest of us for such a small one. If its the council I will be happy to get you there even if I have to carry you up the mountain."
So it seems we have found our ring barrier. I just hope he will not break under the rings hold. Alda smiled softly at the brave hobbit. I will do my best to help him complete his task. Standing she nodded toward the hobbit in respect as she spoke. Her voice was soft but everyone could hear the determination within them. "I shall accompany you on your journey young one to ensure you get there in one piece. You have my word as a healer. "
Erathain finally raised his head, first with a smile at the comforting and perhaps truthful words the half-elf had offered him, and then at the courage that this hobbit possessed. It was no lie, he was the bravest man here, such an individual deserved far better than this burden, yet Erathain would be damned if he didn't do everything in his power to shield him from all harm and danger. He turned to the women and muttered a friendly "Thank you." To both, his former state of mind and friendly nature returning in force.

Then, he looked to the hobbit a smile on his face. "You're bravery is a thing to behold young master, yet the journey through Middle Earth to reach Mordor is perilous indeed. You will need help."

Unshearhing his sword, Erathain rested the blade and handle atop each palm, before walking in front of the hobbit and kneeling, the sword an offer of eternal service, death the only separation.

"I swear, till this day and until my last, you will have my sword."
"And you may have mine." Lalaith said, bowing her head, she'd kneel if not for the dress being so flowy and loose. She was glad that others were to help this little one. He was brave indeed, to offer himself for this task. A task he probably realizes little about.
Celegóst Randír

Elrond sat upright upon his seat, watching the proceedings with a distant hope in his eyes. Near him, sitting in decidedly less of a posture of strength, Celegóst Randír slouched, shamed at his outburst and at being publicly chided by the Lord of Rivendell. Nevertheless, passion flared in his eyes at hearing the words of the others. As Lalaith finished offering her services, he stood himself. His armor, not even discarded within the safety of Imladris, shone for all its dullness in the sunlight as his cloak opened with the vigorousness of his rising. His hand once more gripped the hilt of Andúnë, but the sword was now gripped in solidarity and not anger. Had the elf lord Cirdan been present, he might have mistook Celegóst for the warrior's father, albeit care worn and haggard. Celegóst looked to Blanco and smiled. Though they'd known each other but a short while on the road, yet the hobbits' simplicity and innocence had endeared them to him. He bowed his head.

"I promised you that I should give my life to save you, should the need arise, that day I leapt as a wraith from the trees to assault the servants of the Dark Lord. Know this know, Blanco Lambingi: I have been sorely wronged by the Enemy before this, and any deed I might do, even unto giving my life, to thwart him and his intent, I will do wholeheartedly. It seems to me now that protecting you once again is such a task, should you be willing to be haunted by the Wraith once more."

The elf chuckled wryly, recalling to himself the sight of Blanco and Elwise at complete loss as a wild eyed stranger jumped into the road, sword in one hand and fire brand in the other, to defend them from the three Nazgul that pursued them. Suddenly his gaze grew grim.

"But know this, and strengthen your heart for it: the road ahead will be far more perilous that the road thus. Take courage, though, for neither I nor those who have sworn to help would have done so had they doubted you."

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Blanco watched as the others had stayed quiet for a moment. At just his bold yet soft words, he had their attention but also their upmost loyalty. He first laid his eyes on Kerrigan, as she spoke to him with comforting talk, his mind wrapping around the fact that he just may need to be carried if they come across hard enemies where he cannot outrun. Hobbits are very light on their feet, however, and can slip by even the most dangerous of enemies – he might not be too shabby with spying or sneaking away in dire need.

He nodded a bit, in a type of bowing manner, respectful to her vow. Then Alda chimed in – Oh, another kind soul to lead me to Mordor. They put their lives on the line for me, a Hobbit, the most unlikely of adventurers. He also gave her a nod and turned again to Erathain, who had surprised him with such honorable gestures – the man was kneeling now before Blanco, too offering his service. He stared at the first few who spoke, tongue numb and dry, hands resting at his sides with fingers rubbing each other in nervousness. His eyes landed right back on Erathain and he smiled some, “Thank you…sir. All of you…thank you.” He smiled more and let out a large exhale.

Finally, he had fixated his gaze and ears on Celegóst, remembering the moment he spoke of, that moment on the road with Elwise. Oh my, terrifying indeed. I believe I thought he was going to eat me after those Nazgul’s left… He grimaced a bit from the memories then smiled back at Celegóst, “Most pleasant to hear all of you are accompanying me. I shall not waiver in strength nor courage. Please forgive my foolishness if I ever were to cause any.” Though, the moment he sees any type of enemy will test this Hobbit’s bravery and it be best to warn them of his clumsy behavior.
"We are not looking for thanks, little man, well i am not i cant speak for the rest of them." Kerrigan said approaching him and plaing a hand on his shoulder. "You do this the whole of Middle Earth will owe you a a thanks and frosty pint."She said before turning to council. "Come on then, no need to wait around any longer, lets hope to it you lazy bones. There is ring melting to do."
Lalaith stands and smiles. She joins the others and nods. "I agree with the Shield-Maiden"

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