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Fandom The Fellowship of The Ring.

Elrond sat upon his chair, chin in hand and elbow on the arm of his chair. He had watched closely as members of the Council had stepped forward to pledge their services to the halfling, and the slow small nod of his head at each voice showed his acknowledgement of their skill and worthiness. Finally the elf lord stood, tall and regal, and speaking bade them all a blessing of guidance.

"Upon you each no oath or promise of foresworn companionship is laid. Only upon the Ring Bearer is placed responsibility for the thing he carries, for he has taken this Thing upon himself freely and willingly." Gravely he turned to Erathain, and his face was stern and hard as iron. "Upon you, Erathain of the Dunedain, I lay the burden of leadership for as long as you accompany Master Blanco. But seek the advice of others within your party, should you be at a loss, for others mayhaps know things of which you've not even heard rumor."

Finally Elrond spread his arms as if to encompass the small group.

"May the blessings of the Valar be upon you, and may Eru Himself watch over you. Now pack light but pack for the cold; winter is bitter here in the North, and it is but the ending of Autumn. I fear you must leave as soon as possible, indeed tomorrow, for the servants of the Enemy are yet behind you but gain upon you with every passing day."

With a final bow and a meaningful glance at both Erathain and Celegóst, Elrond turned and strode back into the hallway, pausing only to cast a final remark to them.

"Should any yet wish to embark with the Ring Bearer and his fellowship that have as yet held their tongue, speak to me before the dawn. I shall spend the hours within the Hall of Fire, listening to the tales of old."

And he was gone.

@Archangel Galdrael @Bills352 @TheWretchedEgg
"No oath my behind, I gave my word and that's iron. I am seeing the hobbit to Mount Doom." She said finding a little offence in Elronds words. That quickly passed before turning to his colleagues, seeing who she had to work with. "I hope someone has a map. you heard what Elrond said we leave tomorrow so stoclick up ladies and gentlemen."
Lalaith smiled at the Shield maiden and then spoke,"I am going to go and pack. I suggest we all start on that now and then get better acquainted in the Hall of Fire." She nodded at her new companions.
Celegóst Randír

"Your word is iron, you say?"

The wandering elvish warrior had watched Elrond leave but now turned to Kerrigan, his eyes proud.

"Then you make it blindly, and only amada make oaths not knowing the path ahead. You think it will embolden your heart in time of fear? It will break it, more like." He held up a hand to deter complaint, and when he spoke again it was in a significantly more humble tone. "You are brave," he said, and turned to each of the companions. "But bravery alone will not see us to the Pit. Far more must give us strength, though I cannot guess what that may be."

Looking to Blanco, he bowed at the waist.

"I look forward to accompanying you again, Master, and I will see you all at the break of day, when we must away. Or mayhap in the Hall."

Celegóst then turned on his heel and left, pointedly avoiding the path Elrond had taken.
Kerrigan wasn't about to let the question in her resolve unanswered, especially when she considered him implying she was a fool. He marched up to the elf and grabbed his shoulder. "Making a comment about promise made blind is rich from someone who makes a judgment of person from just one example. More than one of us had made it just now. People can suprise you and make you eat that attempt at looking wise. You are not saying anything no one else isn't thinking."
Celegóst Randír

Celegóst turned back to the Shield Maiden of Rohan. His eyes were calculating, as if sizing her up, but his expression was unreadable.

"If I but give voice to the words all consider anyway, what quarrel have you with me? I do not call you coward, nor do I any here. But courage must be tempered with the wisdom of those more experienced. Else enthusiasm leads to foolish bravado, and foolish bravado only leads to death."

Frowning, he pushed her hand off his shoulder.

"Again, I've no doubt that you, and others here, and immeasurably brave. But you have never stood before the hundreds of thousands of Sauron's forces upon the beaten and blasted plains of Mordor." Celegóst's eyes grew distant. "You have not seen Orodruin spewing forth in the fury of its master, nor friends by the hundreds falling to orcish blades and arrows." The elf stared hard into the eyes of Kerrigan. "Forgive me if I offer forth the wisdom of my many years to those who may need it."

Once more turning on his heel, the elf strode away, his step clearly showing that he'd offer no more response.

Erathain mulled over Elrond's words, his position of a leader all but forced upon him. Yet he would do all in his power to ensure that Ring reach its intended destruction, he would not let the hobbit fall... No matter the cost.

However, Kerrigan had enthusiastically reassured the smaller man, earning a smile out of Erathain, though such a thing soon faded, when the obnoxious elf - Celegost - opened his mouth once more. His words speaking illusionary wisdom, yet unnecessary at the same time, almost as if he looked for conflict with the Shield-Maiden. As expected, Kerrigan didn't let his words go unanswered, nor would any proud human. Yet nonetheless, her retort made sense, Celegost was indeed making a fool of himself... At least he was in Erathain's eye, the man had no reason to say the words he did, and less reason to interrupt Kerrigan when she was merely being humble for the halfling.

But a man only had a thin limit, his response made Erathain's nerves twitch in annoyance, he stood from his previous crouched position before the hobbit, his eye - staring icy daggers at the elf. Though Celegost had turned heel once more, Erathain still had his piece to say. And the arrogantly foolish elf would listen.

"Perhaps she has not seen such things, Celegost. But you dare bring up grievance as comparison for courage? I have seen more than you could ever know, man-of-many-years, and I hope you never have to, Mordor may be evil, and twisted, aye. But there are worse places than Sauron's pit. Oh yes... I have seen such places..." Erathain briefly faltered, memories of the past still fresh in his clear mind, the horrors of what he had witnessed always trying to resurface, trying to break him - but he would not bend.

"You are wise, master elf, but you are arrogant. And Arrogance, will only lead to death." Erathain fully intended to leave the elf behind should he fail to answer. As that would be the ultimate sign of pure arrogance, the kind that would get them all killed.

@Red Thunder
"Please, you are a darling to come to my aid but pickering back and forth like children get us nowhere. " Kerrigan said to Erathain looking kindly at him, noticing the pain in his eye. She couldn't feel for him, something maternal in her wanting to help him. However she couldn't help question his ability as a leader, he has experience yes but his has the sign of a broke man and that could be a problem. Also a leader must break fights not egg them on. Yet again who else would lead, Celegost her misgivings of him aside he was put aside by Elrond himself there must be a reason. The others she didn't well enough to comment. Herself... leading a band of villagers is one thing leading an expedition like this is quite another, she was inexperienced in both the Enemy and the world beyond rohan. She was blund instrument nothing more."We are stuck together in this we need to get used to each other."
"She is right. Soon we shall place our lives in eachothers hands and arguing over something so little so soon after we had become the fellowship does not bode well. For now I believe you shall all make your peace before retiring. We have a busy day tomorrow and we need plenty of rest. The journey will be hard and we may not rest as easily as we shall within the safety of these walls. At least until this terrible time comes to an end. " Alda adviced watching their childish squabbling. Turning she made to leave before she remembered something. "Oh, Yes and Celegost rather or not you meant what you said as arrogance or not doesn't matter to me but know this mow. When we leave I expect any arrogance to be left behind otherwise it may get us killed and I have no wish to die because you cannot keep your trap shut. It is different to be wise then arrogant. Though they are often confused for the other. You will do well to remember that. " Finally she made her departer. She wanted one good meal before she had to leave.
"Blanco," Elwise approached her hobbit friend with slow steps.

Echoing in her ears was the shouts and violence that had only moments before filled this antechamber. All of that, Elrond had said, was caused by the ring.

It was an evil thing. Spawned by evil, only able to be vanquished by what made it. It spread out evil like a fog, clutching the hearts of men and dwarves and elves.

She understood that she did not understand.

"What's a hobbit to do with these matters?" She whispered. Her hand stretched out towards Blanco, and hesitated. "Blanco, please. They should never have let you take the ring. We are hobbits. What do we know outside of gardening and cooking and sitting by the fire? We have no place here. Weak little nobodies, that's what we are. Why seek out the trouble? A hobbit can do nothing that these nobles and warriors couldn't manage without us, and be better for it."
Erathain glared at the elf' back, as he continued to ignore the words spoke. Though the annoyance was quickly replaced, as Kerrigan intervened, he turned ti her and let out a sigh. "Yes, bickering is pointless... Elrond elected me to lead, I will do just that. Gather your things, eat, drink, say your farewells to all who may need them, we leave within the hour, keep the information from him," Erathain gestured to the direction in which Celegost had stormed off, "he isn't coming, he'll be the death of us." his words were aimed at Alda, as she was just departing to gather her equipment.

"And you two, I would make haste, this may be the last hour of peace you have..." Furrowing his brows he gave the hobbits a sympathetic look, they hadn't wanted this, nor had they choose this. Yet the burden fell to them anyway, brave souls they were, worthy of respect.
Celegóst Randír

Why did Elrond give the Man leadership? He had no wisdom and little knowledge, preferring bravado to caution. Celegóst paused his step within the hall, a thought taking hold of him. I suppose I am but little better.

Shaking his head, the elf continued on. His feet, guided by long years of familiarity within the wood-carved halls, took him whither he wanted as his mind wandered in self reflection. He soon appeared before a particular door of note. The frame stood tall, reaching almost to the high ceiling, and its panels were carved with elvish script. The pale brown wood of the door held little in the way of decoration, save for a carefully crafted flower of a kind no longer found in Middle Earth. Celegóst breathed in a steadying breath and knocked lightly.

"Enter, Celegóst."

A deep voice beyond the door called out to him, and it carried the strength and power of Valinor. Dreading the conversation with Lord Glorfindel, the elf pushed open the door and stepped within.
Kerrigan nodded at Erathain and walked off to the stores for supplies, it seemed Elrond send word about them and got merchants to give them reduced prices. She wasnt going to waist an opportunity like this, not so much for supplies but to try a few elvish things here and there. She if this lambras bread is all that is cracked up to be. She also went for a quick sip of elvish ale for the road and for a little courage. Once that was done she went to her quarters grabbing a couple of thing, most of all her rohirrim armor. She never really liked wearing it, finding it restrictive but there maybe a time were such added protection would be need. All packed she went to meet the others.
He listened to her words, watching her fears then looked down at his twiddling thumbs. He spoke ever so softly to respond to her understandable worries, "...If I am not to take it myself then tell me, who would? If anyone is to expect another one of those blubbering warriors to take it then what would come of the Ring, hm?" he bit his tongue then looked at her, "Even if I am not drawn to it, it still makes me speak rubbish. I feel as though it has taken me aback and reminded me I can be a part of this tale. Even if it is just a little bit...although, I understand what you mean. There is nothing more I want than to sit back at home and eat some of your lovely cooking but this thing has been placed in my hands. And I will see it done that it is destroyed, even if it takes me." he chuckled a bit then shook his head. What a fool I am...who is talking at this present moment? Who or what have I become..?

He ran both hands down his face several times quickly then grumbled to himself, "Dear sweet Elwise, I do not know what to do now...but I know this task has been entrusted to me. And plenty of people are willing to follow me to death. I cannot turn back, not now. Maybe through all this trouble, maybe the world will see us differently. Maybe..." he looked up at her one last time and smiled a bit, rather nervously then he walked over to one of the windows, peering down at the nature that surrounded them.

The words he spoke were biting at first, and as the recipient, Elwise turned still with surprise. His grumbling was rescinded, however, and he became reflective in his tone, even hopeful. Elwise sighed. There was a stirring in her heart. That the young Blanco, polite and dear, would take on such peril mixed terror and fury to paralyzing effect. She knew he was set in his decision. There was a purposeful kind of manner to his speech and demeanor that she sensed would not be swayed.

"How can I let you go?" She whispered at first. Her hands clasped tight before her, and the wrinkles of her worry creased her expression. For a moment she saw Blanco as he'd been in his youth; a boy half her size, thieving a finger's scoop of cream pie. "How could I? You will not take up this burden alone. Worry not about what the world thinks; it is too big a gaze to consider, and too distant a being to break bread with, so worrying about whether it loves you or doesn't is making waste of your time. All I think we ought to discuss is that you, my dear Blanco, are tampering with forces greater than yourself, while I, who have nothing and no one to mourn me, have the less to lose. Who wants to bury their son? For you are my blood in my heart, and the dearest to me. I cannot stand the thought. If you were to fall into danger, or be slain by some unknowable power, I want to take that injury first. Surrender the ring, let another take on the ache of such a burden, or else I will not be able to keep myself from joining with you, and reminding you of the stupidity of your decision for the entire journey to Mordor and Mount Doom!"

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