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Fandom The Fellowship of The Ring.

Lalaith sighed and glanced at the elf to one side of her. He was complaining about the dwarves. She frowned heavily at that. They weren't evil, just different. She had no reason to hate them. She then turned to the man sitting next to her, and beside him was a woman. They were the only two human's here. the man looked a bit uneasy at this so she decided to offer him a lightening comment, hopefully he appreciated it, "There's two and a half humans sitting in this Council. I think the Hobbits have it worse. There's no half for them." She gave a soft smile.

@Archangel Galdrael
His nervous look soon dissipated when a friendly elf woman-or half elf woman, had interrupted his thoughts. She likely saw the worry on his face and decided to try and ease it, he certainly appreciated the gesture and the attempt was successful. He would never have guessed the woman was half human, she looked like an elf in every aspect, pointed ears, flowing well made hair, the appearance of well kept and clean skin, the beautiful dark blue gown that hugged her petite frame.

"Is that so? Then you have my greetings My Lady, though I would never have guessed you had a drip of human blood within you, you do look much like an elf-perhaps one of status? He gave her a smile, his friendly social attitude showing once more. "And as for the halflings,I do believe less is expected of them, you may be half human My Lady but there are but two of us here speaking for all the men in Middle Earth. Such a thing... It is unnerving, to say the least."

She smiled and shook her head, "Not really one of status. My father was a respected warrior and friend of Lord Elrond. My mother was a farmer's daughter and it was she who raised me. Now I am a charge of Lord Elrond's." She smiled, "But do not despair. A man like you has enough nerve to stand for man. And the woman has a more daunting task then you for she must stand for man while demanding respect since she's a woman. Many here would look down on her for her gender. I commend both of you for your task, and may stand to help you. I will speak in my mother's name."

@Archangel Galdrael
The woman's friendly nature was very much like his own, and he returned the smile with heart include. listening intently to her words before giving his own reply.

"You are of more status than me, My Lady, though I must confess, I did not come here seeking to stand for my race, If I had my own wish I'd still be living in a small cottage chopping wood all day..." His smile faltered ever so slightly, he had arrived at the summon of Elrond yes, but he had expected many more humans to be present. Which would allow him to simply watch, this would not be possible with only two of them.

"As for the task, any man who looks down upon a woman, is not a man. But a brute, whose opinions count for naught." He answered earnestly, loud enough so the shield-maiden beside him would be able to hear.


She overheard the half elf mention to her to Erithean regarding the sexism she faced. It was true her raise to some fame and maidenhood was not without issue, the horsemen that arrived to relieve her besieged village didn't believe at first she lead the defence though she couldn't blame them. Théoden was good to her though giving her the title but it took alot of elbow grease and lurid comments avoidance to get any one's respect. There was no regrets, she loved the role and loved the challenge. " Are female fighter rare in your community as well?"She asked before turning to the man." There not and I usually unsure there not a man. Still respect is should not be expected to be just earned."
Lalaith smiled at the Shield-Maiden and nodded, "Indeed there is My Lady. I, myself, like to leave Rivendell for spells to go across Middle Earth. I usually hunt orcs or goblins along the way. Sometimes I travel with Rangers or other Elves, but usually I'm alone." She glances around at the male Elves in attendance and sighs, "And I face the same problem from a lot of these elders. 'A maiden shouldn't fight unless absolutely dire.'" She quoted.

"Here I though elves were more progressive, kind nice to know that elves have their own fault. Makes me feel more comfortable being around here." She said smiling back at the elf, understanding what she was going through."You would think that wandering orks, dark men and fire eye, would be considered dire to your so called "wise elders"."
Celegóst Randír

The Hall of Fire, though warmed by the simmering hearth, was silent and still; those seeking tales and songs would emerge later, once shining Anor had hidden her face below the hills and silver Ithil had escorted Varda's stars out into the dark night. Yet not everyone waited for that time. Celegóst sat upon a cushioned bench beside an elf maiden of soft features and kind expression. Her hair fell past her shoulders in waves of bright gold, and her brown eyes shone with a joy that had not been seen in Middle Earth in years. A green dress, simple but beautiful, covered her shapely form, and a family crest in the shape of a golden flower was embroidered over her heart. She smiled as she laid a hand upon his. The warrior looked at her, smiling sadly.

"I don't know, Aglareth. Your father is stern and powerful. A lord among elven lords. He has maintained his authority among all free peoples, whereas I've wandered for ages, dispossessed of home and heritage. I now know only life in the wildness. Lord Glorfindel would never accept me for a son-in-law."

But the she-elf laughed, not unkindly.

"Celegóst, son of Ecthelion of the Fountain, if you have been dispossessed, you at least have maintained your life. You know full well my father's story, that he was killed fighting a Balrog of Morgoth and was reborn into the world. You have parallel tales, my love, and if either of you fail to see this, you are both fools."


He couldn't explain it, but his Aglareth had the ability to shove light upon his fears and show the weak foundation upon which they stood. Nodding in agreement, he smiled.

"I shall ask him, then," Celegóst promised her. At the door some feet away appeared a messenger. It was time. The warrior elf nodded to him, conveying both his understanding and his dismissal. He stood, still holding Aglareth's fair hand.

"But first I've a duty to Lord Elrond. I promise to ask him after."

A kiss on the cheek and he was gone. The maiden smiled, touching the place he'd kissed her fondly.


The Council Chamber was already filling up. Indeed, it seemed that almost all those summoned had arrived. Finding a seat beside one of the two halflings he'd accompanied to Rivendell, he smiled and sat down, silent. There was much to share and much to discuss, and much to consider, once Lord Elrond arrived. In the meantime Celegóst would merely observe. A she-elf glanced at several of his elvish brethren and at him with a bit of venom in her eyes.

What was that, I wonder?

"I never said that they were wise...I just can't directly call them fools without Lord Elrond giving me a ten hour lecture." She laughed and some of the Elves glare at her, "The Rangers of the North are not nearly so foolish. Most of them accept Shield-Maidens as true warriors. Am I right?" She asked the man sitting beside her. She glanced back at the Elves and noticed one male to be looking at her with confusion. Knowing him as Celegost, though they had only spoken once, she knew him to be wise, fair, and kind so she gave him an apologetic look to make up for the venom earlier.

@Archangel Galdrael @Red Thunder
Tesol sat alone on a bench, smoking pipeweed. He felt like odd man out. The only representative of Wizards. Perhaps some of the distress of being part of this Fellowship would have fallen off of his mind if someone were there with him. His purple staff's gem source glowed with a powerful light. He was trying his best to be patient but he was yearning for the start of the Council. He kept smoking and made a magnificent smoke dragon that flew around the circular courtyard. He chuckled at seeing the dwarves look fearful at this recreation of their natural enemy.
Erathain had listened to the exchange between his new 'friends'. Though perhaps to mark them as such was overstepping his boundaries, it wasn't until the half-elf woman had complimented the rangers, his smile faltered at that, and he took a breath before replying to the woman.

"Aye, the rangers are more lenient in who they allow into their ranks, and treat women as equals. Yet the Rangers of the North, are still far more foolish than your elven brethren..." His tone had taken on a more annoyed sort of tone, something he hadn't meant to happen, yet at the same time memories flooded his mind as if they were merely yesterday.

Erathain proceeded to rub his face upon realizing he had said to much, instead he opted to have faith in Lord Elrond and hoped the meeting would start soon, if not just to rescue him from the exchange of words that could potentially happen.
"Lets not moan about our own when we should be moaning about the Enemy." She said trying to change the subject when noting that the ranger wanted to change the subject. She looked around at the others that have settled there, she saw the dwarf and couldn't help but smirk. Theodred had always said she was dwarven man trapped in a woman's body, so she was intrusted if she would get to know one to see if that was true. She looked at the other elves there seeing a she-elf in in a nice white dress. She leaned over to Lalaith and whispered. "Were would a girl get a dress like that huh? Thats nice."

Lalaith avoided the subject politely. She wanted to ease the man's tension, not cause more. Turning to the woman and looking at the other Elf in the white dress. " She had it made by an Elvish seamstress. As I had mine. They do impeccable work." She agreed and looked the dress over, though white was not a color she liked to wear.

Telchar smirked today was interesting he meet an elf one that introduced himself, he seemed alright its just a shame after all he was an elf and

Telchar hates elves. Telchar continued walking about aimlessly after all no one had told him where to go and well he has lost his merry little companions wherever they have vanished too, thinking about it they were probably at the point where everyone was meant to be. What Telchar didn't know was that he had simply walked around in circles or more so a square. Two elves approached him. "Master dwarf you are meant to be at the Council Chamber." One of the elves said as Telchar turned to him. "I would be there already if this place wasn't built like a bloody maze, look here." Telchar said pointing to the crack in the wall he made earlier. "I did that and now i'm back here." Telchar said shaking his head another reason why he hated elvish architecture you think you finally have it and then bam your in someones bedroom. "If you would follow us Master Dwarf we can take you there." The same elf who talked before said. Grunting and nodding his head Telchar accepted.

Telchar arrived at the council chambers as he noticed his companions clearly have been waiting for him as they waved him over, Not even bothering to thank the elf's that escorted him he simply walked over. "Where in Mahal's name have you been." One of his companions asked they all seemed to be minding there voices a little. "Well I took a lovely tour around rivendell and wound up in an elven women bed, in fact thinking about it, it may have been an elven mans bed after all you can't tell the difference." Telchar said, other than drinking and smiting if they was one thing among the dwarfs Telchar was know for it was for insulting the elves whenever he could.
Celegóst Randír

He knew better than to respond. If Lord Glorfindel had been present, Celegóst might have remained silent out of sheer intimidation, and a desire to present a the elven lord with a good impression. But he wasn't: he was chasing reports of orc movement in the foothills of the Misty Mountains and wouldn't return until the next day. Yes, Celegóst knew better. But this dwarf first vandalizes the home of his host and then insults his host's people. Fire in his eyes, Celegóst turned to look toward Telchar.

"I highly doubt that, dwarf, as it requires far lengthier legs than yours to see the top of our beds, let alone climb into one."

The elf's words were haughty, but his expression was merely frustrated and not prideful. Suddenly he chuckled and shrugged.

"But the mystery remains: what kept the wayward dwarf from his brothers? We certainly know you didn't get sidetracked in the bathhouse, or even likely came near it at all. You were announced by your lack of hygiene far before you arrived in this Circle."

Telchar and the dwarfs were having a great time as expected they would be after all they are dwarfs. Well they were until the same elf that interrupted them once before did it again. Was this elf seriously trying to get on the bad sides of the dwarfs of did she simply not know that dwarfs always insult elves on a daily basis but more so than annoyed Telchar was angry he could tell in the elf's voice that he thought he were higher than them.

"Aye but us dwarfs have our ways." Telchar said as he laughed which was true dwarfs did have there ways to get to things they can't reach.

When the elf really seemed like he wanted to know what kept the dwarf Telchar simply smirked after all if they are two things dwarfs are know for liking over everything its gold and alcohol although women did follow close by.

"Well I found where you stashed all you alcohol and broke in after all rule one is too never keep a dwarf away from his day due." Telchar said he ignored the comment on the fact that well he basically stank since well after traveling miles what do you expect its not like he had any time to bathe now was it.

@Red Thunder
SweetCat2319 said:
Lalaith avoided the subject politely. She wanted to ease the man's tension, not cause more. Turning to the woman and looking at the other Elf in the white dress. " She had it made by an Elvish seamstress. As I had mine. They do impeccable work." She agreed and looked the dress over, though white was not a color she liked to wear.
"Truly fine work... Both of you look frigging great. I wish I could pull that off." She said to Lalaith admiringly before overhearing the argument between the dwarf and elf . She shook her head." Haven't even started yet and already started infighting." She thought out loud before looking at the two of them."Sheesh fellas, I have seen ten year olds who more mature then the pair of you! Grow a pair and play nice or they will cut of your ales."
Celegóst Randír

He snorted indelicately at the Shield-Maiden's comment and looked askance at her.

"Don't defend him what vandalizes my people's halls and degrades my people's honor. He is a trouble-maker and a fool, and I am at a loss as to why he is here at all."

Leaning back in his chair, Celegóst crossed his arms and pursed his lips. Impatiently he glanced about, eyes roving.

"Where is Elrond?" he asked to no one. "His presence is sorely missed, and I would this meeting began, that we might learn what he wants of us."
Lalaith rolled her eyes at Celegost's behavior. She could understand why he would be irritated at the Dwarf but he should know better, "While he may be disrespectful and rude, you could always prove to him that Elves are better mannered at least, and yet you show him that you are both at similar levels." She then glanced around at the circle. "Yes, it isn't normal for Elrond to keep a council waiting."

@Red Thunder
Elrond Half-Elven

As if in answer to the brunette she-elf's unspoken question, the great doors to the Council circle opened soundlessly to reveal Lord Elrond. He walked smoothly, pointedly, purposefully, never veering from his destination. His step was silent, as was the wont of the Eldar, to move when it suited them without noise, but none could miss his approach to his place at the head of the Council. Strength was in his hand and wisdom was in his glance. He stopped before his seat, a chair of the exact size and shape of those in which the others sat save that its back was higher, and looked around at those present, his gaze never spending more time on one individual than any other. Finally he spoke, and his voice was powerful, needing no amplification, and his tone demanded attention.

"War is coming. Indeed, as some here know most intimately, it has already come. The Gondorians are attacked at every turn, though they offer valiant resistance, and the Enemy ever presses against their borders from both Mordor and the sea. The Rohirrim," Elrond glanced toward Kerrigan, sympathetic, "strongest ally of their southern neighbor, are themselves harassed by orcish forces that are reported to come from the southern-most reaches of the Misty Mountains, and therefore cannot come to Gondor's aid. Even the north is not free from the reach of evil: I've reports from Dale and Erebor that war stirs on their own borders; the Dunedain," he nodded respectfully to Erathain, "hold back horror across the Wilderness of the lost realm of Arnor; and orcs even come from beneath Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains, to challenge the strengths of the elven realm of Lindon and the ancient dwarven cities of Nogrod and Belegost." The elven lord paused to indicate Telchar's coterie before continuing. "It was for this reason that you were called here, as representatives of your respective kingdoms, for I thought to bond ourselves to each other, to create an alliance nigh unto that of Gil-galad and Elendil of old. Alas, I have since seen my error: Sauron moves too swiftly and wields strength enough to confront our many allies in their own places of strength. I admit; I despaired."

Elrond's head lowered as he spoke this last, as if a great weight of care sat heavily upon it. But suddenly he looked back up, and hope shone in his eyes.

"But then I received news, borne hither by two of the periannath, two halflings, and with that news a thing of deadly strength."

The elvish lord turned his gaze to Blanco, and he raised his eyebrows in expectation.

"Bring it forth, for all must know both the peril and the chance in which we find ourselves." Once the Hobbit complied, Elrond to turned to the Council. "This is the One Ring, the Weapon of the Enemy, and it is through sheer chance, it might be said by some, that it has come to us. He lost it millenia ago, to the great weakening of his power and authority. To complete his strength, to finally overwhelm all resistance, Sauron needs only this Ring, and the Dark Lord will cover all the lands in a second Darkness."

Finally Elrond sat upon his chair.

"The question, then: what shall we do with this thing? Shall it be used? Or shall it be destroyed? It is to this purpose that this Council has now been gathered. So decide now its fate, and decide with it the fate of all Middle Earth."
Lalaith laid eyes on that tiny gold circle. Her eyes were cold and filled with hate. Whoever describes hate by comparing it to fire has never felt a hate like this. It chills her. It chills her so that her whole body feels numb and surreal. As though she sits outside this scene and looks through a Palantir. Her heart is cold and she feels nothing. Nothing but that consuming hate. Her head is clear and she knows that no good will come of using the ring. She keeps her opinion to herself though as the others must think on it.
All these faces...here for this...the One Ring. The small being scanned slowly, eyes glancing at all the unique faces. Some were clean and kempt, others were disheveled and quite atrocious. My gosh, have they no hygiene manners? I would not let one in my house, and neither would dear sweet Aunt Elwise. He nodded a bit to himself before returning his attention to Elrond, the half-elven lord. Oh, he was talking, and Blanco had missed much of it. He was day dreaming possibly amongst his thoughts. "Pardon me...I do hate to intrude upon your speech but what are we to do with the ring soon?" I mean, it was a gift...and I shan't let a gift out of my site.

@Killigrew @Red Thunder
KerrIgan growled at the elf retort and was about to retort before Lilaith did so for her so held her tongue. More and more her liking of Lilaith increased. Soon Elrond came in and gave them the introductory speech and she listened to him intently until the reveal of The Ring. Her eyes were instantly drawn to it, its power... She could swear it was talking to her drowning our other around her, words filled with promise. "Can it... can it be used? The weapon of the Enemy turned..."
Erathain felt the emanating power seething from the so called... One Ring... The same ring Isildur had removed from Sauron's finger, yet failed to destroy... If it's destruction was out of the option, why not use it against Sauron? Such an item, it wields incredible power... Power to be used against its master.

"Kerrigan is right, this... One Ring of Sauron... Isildur failed to destroy it, you know this better than most My Lord. why would any of us fair any better? Should we not harness the Rings power. bring the armies of Sauron down using the very thing that forged them?
Tesol watched the Ring, "So this is the One Ring... the power of the Dark Lord." He kept looking at the ring then reached his hand out as if to touch it. When he made contact with it he saw felt a sharp pain in his mind and he saw that flaming eye again. "Agh!" He quickly withdrew his hand. After making sure he was alright he decreed, "it is obvious what must be done. We need to get rid of it! Hid it! Toss it in the river!"

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