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Fandom The Fellowship of The Ring.

"Ah, he has my sympathies. A poor time to fall ill, an unfortunate coincidence I'm sure, I can see why he sent you though, with all due respect My Lady I wouldn't want to tangle with you." Erathain could respect a woman who knew who to fight, especially a shield-maiden. Considering she was here at all seemed a large indicator that she was certainly capable. He then gave a light chuckle at her own inquiry about himself.

"Ah, not much to myself I'm afraid. I'm merely a simple ranger, who fell from his prime long ago, the only reason I'm here is because Lord Elrond seeks the man who had two eyes twenty two years ago, instead he has this one."

"Damn right you wont want to tangle with me, 60 wild-men are not around because of me and old choppy behind me. And please no lady i am not nobility and dont want to be seen as such." She with an air of confidence in her as she pointed to her axe on her back. She looked at him when he said he was a ranger and somehow didnt believe that was all." A ranger? i heard the name before but i dont know anything about it."
"Ah, I meant no disrespect. And I most certainly won't be standing in your way, I do quite like my head attached to my shoulder, and I wouldn't enjoy them being separated by the bane of wild-men. Though I must confess, wild-men are little when compared to any man who knows how to wield a sword." He smiled in a friendly manner, whilst speaking as if such things were known facts, before continuing to answer her inquiry. "The Rangers are mostly Dundedain, who're descendants of the old Numenorians. I wasn't born a ranger, but I was born a Dunedain. We live longer than other people, and act as a stealth like military group, defending the innocent from the evil. I am a special case, most rangers don't wear armor or carry shields."
"And who said i havent beaten a man with a sword, huh? Looks like someone is picking fight." She said though it was banter more than really meaning anything by it. She listened intently at the statement nodding intently as he explained about the rangers. Suspected as much, though she didnt know details the impression she got when their mentioned as being dangerous and mysterious fold. " I see so you are really are big deal, i would like to see you in action. As good as i am i could get better with my sword and shield. "
Tesol meanwhile was having a small little nap on one of the many benches lying around. It was a strange dream, in it he saw a forest. Life was teeming in it but then there was a horrible cry and the animals flew. The trees fell and a fire raged. The fire then formed into an eye and a cackling was heard. Tesol woke with a jolt, "Sauron!" He quickly gathered his robes and ran to Elrond.
Celegóst Randír

"They are here, then. As is the Ring."

The stately figure of Elrond stood tall and regal at a balcony, its rail ornately carved from white rosewood. A gentle breeze had entered the valley of Imladris, and it caught the elf lord's clothing and hair, pulling at them. His robes were of fine and intricate make, decorated with weaving vines and leaves and gems like stars. He surveyed the valley below him, watching the trees and the elvish buildings with keen eyes. Behind him, standing at parade rest behind the former standard bearer of his dead king, Celegóst watched him closely, trying to discern the Half-Elven's reaction to his report. But Elrond revealed nothing. Finally the Lord of Rivendell spoke again, addressing Celegóst in Sindarin.

"It must be the One. I think you realize that. The Nine are accounted for, as are the Three, and any survivor of the Seven would not be pursued so by the servants of the Enemy."

"Of course," Celegóst answered matter-of-factly. "The question is: what shall become of it?" The warrior's tone betrayed the eagerness he'd hidden in his features. At last he could strike a blow to Sauron, and he was ready to act. Elrond shook his head and finally turned to look at Celegóst, an understanding expression on his face.

"Peace, my friend. I know you're eager. But this decision is not just for the Eldar. Others must have a hand in its making. Representatives from all the Free Peoples are in Imladris, and I will hold council soon to determine the fate of the One."

Celegóst's brow furrowed. He was obviously troubled by this course of action, having seen the delay that such debate often brings, and he was not eager to allow the rash dwarf from before, Telchar, any input in deciding the fate of the Weapon of the Enemy. His mouth opened as if to give a rebuttal, but Elrond raised his hand.

"Again, peace. We have a guest."

A figure came sprinting into the open room in which the two elves stood, robes flowing behind him like wings. His garb was violet and he seemed in a panic. Elrond opened his arms in greeting and smiled, addressing the newcomer in the common tongue of Westron as he approached him.

"Welcome, Tesol, and mae govannen. What brings you to me in such a state?"

Curious about the visitor, Celegóst watched him warily from where he stood.

The shield-maidens confidence was quite uplifting, her sense of humor may have been blunt, but he was accustomed to such banter, and took it in goodwill all the same, whilst smiling a little more. "If I ever picked a fight with you then let me state now that I surrender. And personally it would be my honor to train with you shield-maiden. I do believe I could learn much from you, the rangers do not use the same techniques as the men, and women of course, of Rohan. But we're not a special people, we live a little longer, but we bleed all the same."

His words bore deeper meaning to him than she might realize, rangers weren't special, nor were the Dunedain. Past memories were proof of that, as was his missing eye, the nightmared of that day would not heal, the loss of an eye was only menial, yet mentally? His mind was scarred beyond repair.

"The fact that you Dunedian doesn't make special no, however how you use you extended life as a protector... That is something to be respected. Thats more than piss poor asses i know." She said with a confident smile and giving him a quick wind. "I doubt a can teach you much, i just swing an axe 0r put it in the way on the way of a person trying to hit me. It seems to work for me that is all. Also you look like you been through more shit than i did. "
Tesol caught his breath, and stopped running. It would be foolish to appear... well so foolish to Lord Elrond. After all he was a Wizard, not some blockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle! He bowed to Elrond, "Lord Elrond... I have had a... dream." He realized how stupid the words sounded. He got up, "Well it wasn't really a dream, it was a vision! A vision of Sauron!"
Erathain shook his head slightly at her words, still drawing on past experiences as proof of his words. "Not all rangers are protectors all their life, I'm afraid, I don't deserve your respect. I've spent the last twenty years of my life chopping wood, not protecting, and perhaps my horrid appearance is all the more reason to learn how to swing my sword like you do your axe, maybe if I knew how to before I'd still have two eyes."

Erathain had kept his posture steady, and as much as he enjoyed conversing with this shield maiden he was aware that it wouldn't be long until Elrond held the council.
Celegóst Randír

"A vision?" Elrond's brow furrowed as he paused in his advance. "This doesn't bode well. Visions are most often gifts of the Valar, sent to guide those who receive them. Yet they have not interfered in Middle Earth in millenia."

The tall elf walked up to Tesol and placed a hand on his shoulder. From his place behind them, Celegóst grit his teeth. Sauron. The name was like fire in his ear. But he remained silent for propriety's sake.

"What was it you saw?" Elrond queried as he looked into the young wizard's eyes. "And please be quick; I would hold council soon with those who are here. All the sooner, if your vision portends worse yet to come."

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Erathain shook his head slightly at her words, still drawing on past experiences as proof of his words. "Not all rangers are protectors all their life, I'm afraid, I don't deserve your respect. I've spent the last twenty years of my life chopping wood, not protecting, and perhaps my horrid appearance is all the more reason to learn how to swing my sword like you do your axe, maybe if I knew how to before I'd still have two eyes."
Erathain had kept his posture steady, and as much as he enjoyed conversing with this shield maiden he was aware that it wouldn't be long until Elrond held the council.

"And what is wrong with chopping wood? I am lumberjacks daughter you know, and worked that way in a previous life. You really trying to pick a fight arent you?" She said before giving him a playfull punch on his arm." Good thing you leave so long than. Can make up for being a sorry excuse of a ranger. Being here i guess is a good step. " She frowned. "I really wish the meeting would start... For a meeting to prevent the return of Sauron, we are really not getting to any time soon."
Erathain smirked at the strange humor she was emanating, and even more at the playful insult, even if he was a sorry excuse of a ranger. At least she was accurate. "Nothings wrong with chopping wood unless you're a ranger, I'm not doing much protecting when working as a lumberjack. Hopefully you're right though, here is a good place to start for redemption..." Erathain shifted on the spot, agreeing with her, the longer they waited the more dangerous Sauron got, and the more anxious he got, he realized that the meeting would begin very soon anyway.

"The meeting will begin soon, perhaps we should attend a few moments earlier than the rest? Perhaps we'll get the comfortable seats." Erathain smirked once more, almost sighing at his own failed attempts at humor, he simply waited for her response though, if he was going to be going their slightly earlier than the rest then it wouldn't be alone.
Tesol inhaled deeply and whispered in Elrond's ear, "there was a forest. It was living and breathing... and and..." Tesol's eyes widened and were fearful. He cleared his throat and spoke in a low voice, "there was fire. Fire like has not been seen since the days of Smaug, the wicked worm from the North. There were deaths and then... I saw it. His eye.." his face paled and the room seemed to dim in light.
Lalaith rid into Rivendell. She was just returning from a brief trip to Bree. She saw the sighs that their were a lot of strangers at Rivendell currently and she frowned. So many could not mean a good thing and she knew it. She put her horse away quickly, asking a friend if they'd brush it down as she rushed into the last Homely House. She wasn't dressed as elegantly as other maidens were. Her hair was messily braided and their was dirt on her face. She wore riding clothes instead of a gown and yet she could not feel more comfortable and confident.
"Even if it isnt you better getting going on protecting people, life wont just hand you a "redemption" thing willy nilly." She said firmly, looking at him directly in his one, she never liked people who sat around feeling sorry for themselves for whatever reason. It just rubbed her the wrong way especially when she noted how far she came after following her own advice just once in her life. She would push a person to do the same, though that didnt make her popular to some." Yeah lets go, maybe we can find our host and push for a start. I was promised evil cleaving and i will get it!"
Celegóst Randír

At the wizard's news, Elrond's expression darkened.

"The Dark Lord moves soon, then. Thankful we should be that Smaug is beyond Sauron's reach; if he still lived, things might well be hopeless for us. Things may yet still be, even if the forests of the world resist the Enemy at last."

He paused, deep in thought. Celegóst, thinking he saw fear and panic still on Tesol's face, smiled.

"Don't worry, friend! This foe has not gone unchallenged or even undefeated before, and Lord Elrond is a mighty champion himself. Surely a force can be mustered to push back the darkness!"

Finally Elrond broke his silence and glanced at his elven comrade.

"Be not so headstrong, Celegóst. The way of the past may not be the way of the present. But come, this is a matter for more than we here to know of, and to decide upon. I shall soon hold council soon, and in it shall be determined our path."

Celegóst saluted the lord, recognizing the dismissal, and left. Once he had, Elrond turned back to Tesol and smiled.

"He is right, though, to say Sauron can be overthrown. Do not fear; the darkness shall not smother the light forever."

As he spoke, the room seemed to regain its brightness. Elrond turned away, leaving the wizard to his thoughts as he went to go prepare for the Council. Soon thereafter, messengers were sent to those in Rivendell whom Elrond determined should know to report that the meeting would take place in two hours' time, in the outdoor Council Chamber.

@Archangel Galdrael @Bills352 @TheWretchedEgg

Lalaith only had time enough to quickly wash up and change into appropriate clothes. She knew Elrond would dissaprove if she came in dirty and wearing riding gear. Her dark hair was brushed and a small braid was clipped to the side. She wore her usual dark blue gown and silver vine bracelet. All in all, she looked the proper maiden. And she hated it. She much preferred being on the road and exploring Middle Earth. She left her chambers and head to the Council.
Tesol's staff clanked on the ancient and stone floors as he made his way to the circular courtyard, benches had been drawn but he did not feel like sitting down. He chose to stand near an old oak tree, its leaves were falling at a surprising rate and it was a beautiful scene, really. But the Wizard found no comfort in it. His mind kept seeing that horrible flaming eye and he thought that in the background he could hear a dark raspy voice... He shuddered and waited for the council to start.
Can I remain here for the rest of my life…the Shire is quite lovely but the sound of trickling water and birds a’flight in clear blue skies is tranquility. The Hobbit took in a fresh long inhale, soon to release its hold as he stretched up high, taking in the slight breeze and smells of plants and possibly, herbs? The Elves always cooked wonderful food and used the most exquisite of medicinal herbs, or even any herbs for various functions. Yes, please, let me remain here for a while until I see the need for my chair once again.

The Hobbit wandered about the halls of Rivendell, not too far from the location of the council he unknowingly would attend. His feet dragged at this time, scrape scrape, as they went along the hard pathway up to a clearing where the waterfalls were in full view and the horizon. “Oh, just lovely. I haven’t seen anything like this in my life.” He lips curved upwards, remaining this way for quite sometime – he was in a trance.

Suddenly he jumped – a messenger had appeared out of nowhere, it felt and knocked the Hobbit back into reality with simple words. “A meeting? Oh…um, thank you. Thank you.” he said and awkwardly bowed two times, as if not knowing who is an authority figure and who is a friend or ally. At least it isn’t for a couple hours. Oh dear but others are making their way in! He made a small sound, stumbling a bit over a plant pot though caught himself, before he made his way towards the council location. His hairy feet yet again dragging, and lifting as long as they would take him per stride.
Tesol lit his pipeweed as he looked around him. He saw an elf and a hobbit. He puffed out and made a smoke ring. He had known Hobbits for most of his life, he was friendlier with them than most beings but he knew that the untamed wilds of Middle-earth were no place for a Hobbit. He kept his eye on the Hobbit as he smoked.
Kerrigan walked with Erathein to the hall before they were meet with two elf messages telling them the council was about to start." Thank you for the message and bloody about time this happened." She commented back to the messagers before continuing on to the council hall. She saw the wizard she met earlier also an elf and to her surprised a hobbit. From little she was aware of hobbits were they were isolated and not really militaristic in any way, she was curious in what role she would play. Kerrigan picked one of the seats set out for them and seat down waiting for precidings to begin.
Lalaith looked at the pacing wizard. She wished she could say something to calm him, but she had no words of comfort to offer. She only had a bare idea of what this Council was about and it was not a matter that could be easily brushed aside with comfort. She knew better. She glanced at the halfling and couldn't help but shake her head. In such a rush. She heard footsteps approaching and glanced up as others entered.
The walk Erathain shared with the woman towards the hall was coincidentally cut off by two well-dressed elven messengers who had notified them of the start of the council meeting, pleased by the timing he let out a breath, and thanked the messengers for finding them and telling them of the information.

However, upon entering the lush, beautiful courtyard, he was astonished by the scale of dwarves present, and the two hobbits who were also here, why they were present was beyond him, yet luckily all his questions would be answered in the gathering, he followed the shield maiden and took a seat beside her, realizing they were possibly the only humans present, unlike the dwarves and elves... And it made him wonder, had Theoden sent her at all? Surely he would have sent a party, much like the durins folk?

He gazed at the large party of dwarves who had recently entered, each one sitting in a crowd, coincidently opposite from the elves. Perhaps that wasn't a coincidence considering their rivalry. To his surprise, his eyes had confirmed that he and the Rohan knight were in fact the only humans at this meeting, neither of them in relative importance either, he was a ranger, she was a warrior. Neither were highborn princes or princesses, his suspicion that she wasn't sent by Theoden was far higher now. He glanced at her and gave her a nervous smile, at the fact they were the only humans here in the crowd of dwarves and elves .
Tesol touched the tree bark with the tip of his staff, a small light glowed and runes was embedded on the tree. He nodded to the runes and finally sat down. The dwarves had finally arrived and they made no motion to greet him, they were a rowdy bunch, laughing and making fun 0f the Elvish work. He paced around the group, unnoticed, watching each of them carefully.

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