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Fandom The Fellowship of The Ring.


Friendly Neighborhood Gem-Collector
What if the fellowship was never formed?

What if the burden of the ring, was left to another?

What if the fate of Middle Earth depended on a vastly different group of adventurers, who are chosen to band together, in order to destroy the One Ring?

Will they succeed, and free Middle Earth from the destruction Sauron threatens? Or will they be defeated by the Dark Lord, as he ushers in a new age of unimaginable suffering?

Only we can decide.

You have been chosen to be a member of the fellowship, your goal: To take the One Ring across the land, and destroy it in the heart of the beast, Mount Doom. You and the others chosen have recently left Rivendell, and your journey, only truly begins now.

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Erathrain still couldn't get used to the magnificence of the Elven walls that surrounded him... Both beautiful and imposing in their own nature, chiseled and built as if they were the most valuable things in all Middle Earth. Most certainly a far cry from the lazy building skills of men, no matter how strong no matter how wide, they would never rival these majestic walls. All that could would be those of the dwarves, who he had only heard about in his travels. although he suspected many of his future companions would be drooling over the new, stronger makes of weaponry, and armor the elves had to offer, Erathrain had nothing to take. All that he bore was of great sentimental value, and though his weapons and shield were nothing special, they were familiar. A sword was a sword, but he had trained in the longsword and shield, trading those for a fancy curved elf blade or golden majestic shield almost seemed like... A downgrade to him.

The meeting Elrond was to hold was certainly of great importance, famous, renowned warriors from across the land all gathered to determine who which were brave enough to walk into the fiery heart of Mordor, where the great Eye of Sauron, ever watchful, gazes, always gazing, it's vision poisonous, it's will evil. The path to Mount Doom, littered with more dangers than possible to count, thousands upon thousands of twisted forces of darkness congregated in the mountains, and in Mordor. War, was coming, and it may very well be the death of all the world, should he fail. No. Should they fail, the Dark Lord would usher in a new age of dread and despair, those who lived to see it would wish themselves dead...
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Kerrigan walked aimlessly through the halls of Rivendell taking in the beauty of elven culture and the elven people themselves going about their daily lives. She had heard stories about the elves, about Glorfindel and Elrond, there was so much history in this place such tradition. She felt like an insignificant spec, a pollutant int this perfect place never before in her life she felt that out of place. However she was here for a reason, she would help with the destruction of the one ring and she was gathering supplies for the trip to Mordor. She was almost done but before she would meet the others she would see something she longed for. She came upon a statue with bowl in her arms on it was the shards of narsil. She looked at it with awe trying to resist the urge to grab it.
Tesol the Violet stood on a balcony, overlooking the Council. He was smoking pipeweed, his thoughts lazily gazing on the vast journey that would confront whoever was chosen for this Fellowship. He put down the pipe and walked around the halls of Rivendell, eventually he came to a stairway. He climbed up the stairs, staff clanking on the steps and reached the top. There was a small statue holding something, he eagerly walked towards it. It was a broken blade, yet it still looked sharp. He gazed at it fixedly.
She looked back when she got the wiff off burning weed and the sound of the tabbing of a staff. He looked to see the wizard that was with in the council and offered his services along with the others in finding the ring. She nodded at him before looking at the blade. "Ant that something, the remains of a sword that did the dark bastard the first one. A lucky strike from what seemed insignificant... You think our journey would be the same?"
"I pray to Eru that it does go all well..." he kept his gaze on Narsil then turned his sight to the woman in front of him. "Perhaps I should introduce myself, I am Tesol. And you are?"
"Screw pray, praying to a god does nothing. I wouldnt be here if i just prayed. What happens is what we make of it." She said with a frown and looked at him." Its kerrigan by the way, Shield-maiden of Rohan."
"Tesol the Violet... Wizard and lettuce grower of the Shire." He stuck his hand out for a handshake. "Rohan, you say? Tell me, how is King Theoden?"
((((Guys, try for three lines at least, five if possible, just add a little detail, like what your character is thinking, how they feel about the environment, how they feel about the person they're talking to. Etc...))))

She snorted and chuckled at the mention of the wizards full title, finding the combination funny. She accepted his hand and shook it firmly "Wizard AND Lattice grower? Never thought I would here the two jobs in the same sentence. Kinda a waste of your magic to grow vegetables?" The smile disappeared when she heard him mention Théoden." He had fallen ill when I left Edoras, I don't know how he is now. "
"My dear girl, there is no such thing as a waste of magic. Why just yesterday I was in the Shire having a pleasant day but to my anguish I saw my rather annoying neighbor Truble Sackvile-Baggins coming up the hill towards my home. So I caused the hill to make him slip. After a few tries in getting up he gave up. Not a waste of magic eh?" He chuckled heartily and walked with the girl, "I am saddened to hear this about Theoden. He was a good friend of mine and his support may be needed somewhere down the road..." he said before suddenly being silent.

(Sorry uh forget Truble, pretend that says Lobelia)
"Sometimes you waste talents in favor of a more normal life."

Erathain had remembere the tales throughout the ranks of the rangers, and the other Dunedain, the blade that felled Sauron's finger, allowing Isildur to claim the ring, but fall to it's power. Narsil. It's shards still powerful, the blade itself masterfully forged. Only a King of Gondor could wield such a blade. He rested his gaze upon it's beauty, admiring the sharp edges. He lifted the handle, and drew his finger across the steel, causing it to cut his finger, even in shattered pieces the blade was sharp.

"Still sharp." He turned to the two individuals now beside him. And gave a respectful nod.
Tesol bowed to the man in front of him, "Erathain of the Dunedain. It is an honor. Tell me, what brings you to Rivendell?"
"Meh.. Kind of." She said shrugging at the wizards comments of use of powers. Her mind was thinking of Rohan and its king, there seemed to be dark times in her country. Especially the arrival of the creep Grima in court and talk of orcs moving through the plains. Worse still when word came then Isegard has turned against them. She forced a treatment look."Théoden is strong man he will pull through. Also I know Theodred will help if the worse would happen..." She added with a sense of longing when she mentioned Theodred. She missed him... Her thought was interrupted by the man marching in. "That is what you get for mishandling a relic."She said with a smirk when he cut himself.
Tesol wandered away from them, his mind drifting with the new information he had been given. So the rumors were true, something was wrong with Theoden, but what? The Theoden he knew was strong and could not be brought down by neither blade nor illness. The thought of him ill discomforted him. Something was wrong here, he would have to investigate it later. But for now he had a different job to plot, the navigation of their Fellowship through the dangers of Middle-earth would be a dangerous one...
He smiled at the wizard, before speaking. "Ah Tesol, you'll have to forgive me I don't recall your full name..." He remembered Tesol, a wizard who lived in the shire. The Dunedain traveled though the shire on many occasions, he had never spoken to Tesol besides simple one word greetings. He weighed his next words before speaking, wondering if they were here for the same reason. "I'm here for the meeting Lord Elrond will be holding, as are you I presume?" However, Tesol rudely walked away, probably having a deep thought like most wizards do. He then turned to the woman, a shield-maiden of Rohan, fine warriors. "Aye, that's what I get for mishandling a relic, are you here on behalf of your king? From what I believe Theoden himself hasn't been able to attend?"
As she headed for the meeting place Alda gazed around herself at the hustle and bustle of her fellow elves as they went about their daily business. Many she recognized from her many years of living in Riverdell and they shared smiles of greeting and fond memories as she passed. She had just got back from Bree where she helped some fellow healers and taught a few of the newbies some tricks to help them in their trade. She always enjoyed her stay in Bree but as she gazed at the majestic buildings of Rivendell she knew there was no other place she would dare call home. This is were she was raised and flourished and no matter how many places she travelled she would never find another place to replace it in her heart. Making it to the meeting place she took a deep breath to gather her courage and determination before entering. Here she swore on her needle that she will help protect and care for the ring barrier and any who volunteered. It was time to end this war. She wanted a taste of peace.
Tesol went out to the courtyard, the scene was beautiful. The sea nearby, mountains and waterfalls to his left. Butterflies flew by and birds sang. If he closed his eyes he could almost he was back home in the Shire. He opened his eyes and turned around, the elves looked grave and were speaking in hushed tones. "I am not home," Tesol said quietly. Then someone caught his eye. It was a young female elf. He had seen her once while passing through Bree though he had not picked up her name. He walked towards her.
The dwarfs finally arrived at Riverdell late as normal the dwarfs own fault after all they didn't even want to head to the stinken Elven place, the whole lot couldn't stand it but upon being order they had to as ambassadors of the dwarfs as they were called. The first thing Telchar did was inspected the architect sure it looked all fancy but in his mind it didn't hold anything compared to the grand crafts of the Dwarfs. Telchar touched the nearby wall and let out a smirk as a craftsman he could tell the strength of things with ease. "HA just likes the elves they create a fancy wall with no backbone." Telchar shouted as he punched the wall with all his force. Instantly regretting the decision as when he pulled back his hand he began shaking it about showing it clearly hurt. "Okay maybe it does have some..." Telchar said before noticing a rather sizable crack forming on the wall. "See no backbone." Telchar shouted rather proud of the fact he just cracked an ancient Elven wall.
Celegóst Randír

Winter again. It won't be long.

The dirt crunched under his booted feet as the elf made his way down the road to the Ford of Bruinen, followed closely by two hobbits. He could already hear the bubbling of the river flowing happily over the river stones. It was a peaceful sound, intermingled as it was with the gentle breeze caressing the dying leaves of the trees about him, and very little belied the trouble the world now felt.

But trouble there was indeed, and Celegóst knew it. He'd left the Grey Havens some weeks ago, only bothering to bid farewell to his Lord Cirdan. The bearded elf had given his blessing, warning him against unguided rash action against the Enemy. So Celegóst had turned his feet toward the home of Elrond Half-Elven to seek his council, and his leadership. For Sauron was active again, and Celegóst finally felt it his time to act.

It hadn't taken him long to do so. As he traveled through the Shire, the elf fallen in with two halflings, one of whom bore what he knew immediately to be a Ring of Power. The sight recalled many a fierce memory, but he had had to put off his nostalgia, for he found the hobbits as they were being pursued by Nazgul. It was only through good fortune and Celegóst's minor wood craft that they'd escaped. But he had determined to accompany them, and to bring them safely to Elrond, as seemed to be their goal anyway. The trio pressed on, not pausing for longer than needed for supplies in Bree, never sleeping in a city, and never stopping for more than five hours to rest. But the journey to the Ford of Bruinen had been fortunately uneventful. The Ford was easily crossed, and they was soon approached by two soldiers of the Forward Guard of Imladris.

"Hail, brother, and guests, and welcome to the Last Homely House! Please, state your name, your origin, and your business here."

They spoke amiably and openly, greeting him in the Sindarin tongue, but their postures were tense and their hands rested readily on their sword hilts. These were dangerous times, and though Celegóst was clad in a tattered cloak, they had certainly seen the arms and armor he bore. He in turn smiled and placed his hand on his heart in greeting in Sindarin as well.

"Hail and well met. I am Celegóst Randír, lately of the Havens and here with my lord Cirdan's blessing to seek the wisdom of Lord Elrond. And these are hobbits of the Shire, here bearing a thing of great import, also seeking Elrond's wisdom."

One of them narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by his companion.

"The Havens? Indeed! Will be good to have one of our coastal cousins here! And sure I am that your friends are welcome, also. Many a story I'd wager you could tell." Grinning, the soldier gestured for Celegóst to follow and began leading him back down the way he'd come. His more dour companion brought up the rear, still scowling. The leader glanced back on occasion as they walked. "Be sure to visit the Hall of Fire tonight. I imagine many are curious to hear of the doings on the coast."

Celegóst nodded, returning the smile. "Aye, it would be a pleasure, though I'm afraid the tales are mostly depressing in tone. Here, allow me to give a brief summary!"

And so Celegóst spoke of tales of the Havens as they made the trek to Rivendell, and in time even the grumpy expression of the rear guard improved. Eventually they made their way within the House, and their guides left them. Celegóst breathed in the air, glad to be back in such a wholesome place. Suddenly he scowled. A coterie of dwarves had walked through the main gate, and one of them had punched a wall as he passed it, muttering to himself and leaving the wall slightly damaged. Celegóst approached, frowning.

"I've never seen a dwarf so disrespectful of stone craft before."

@TheWretchedEgg @Bills352
Telchar and his fellow dwarfs were planning to have a great time oh the joys the laughter that would occur after all its hard to have a good laugh on the road now isn't. They continued walking down the corridor telling jokes and stories much like dwarfs were know for. Most of them were still laughing about the stunt that Telchar played hitting one of the walls it was common for Telchar to hit walls he thought were structurally weak more to probe that they were weak more so than anything else. One of the merry little dwarfs turned around and saw an elf not looking so happy heading towards the group probably one that wasn't so happy about the damage Telchar caused. "Angry elf in bound." The dwarf whispered so that the whole group could hear.

Telchar smirked at what the elf said he's never seen a dwarf being disrespectful of stone craft before. it caused Telchar to burst out laughing. "You hear that lads he's never seen a dwarf be disrespectful of stone craft before." Telchar said as the whole group started laughing. "Ah the innocence he clearly knows less about dwarfs that he thinks he does." Another of the group said as the laughed continued. "You see lad we are not disrespectful of stone craft just Elven stone crap." Telchar said looking up at the elf as the whole group around him were still laughing.

@Red Thunder
Celegóst Randír

"You see lad we are not disrespectful of stone craft just Elven stone crap."

The hobbits had been all but forgotten by the warrior elf as he stared down the hoard of dwarves, and the one dwarf in particular. His eyebrow raised as he sucked on his teeth in thought, considering the circumstance.

"Mm. Yes. Leave it to a dwarf to mistake the beautiful for ugly, and the elegant for crude."

He sniffed then suddenly glanced over his shoulder, checking to ensure his wards were still unharmed. Satisfied, Celegóst turned back.

"It's generally impolite to vandalize the homes of those you visit, whatever you may think of them. Even I know that.

"Nevertheless, any guest of Lord Elrond's is welcome here." The elf extended a gauntleted hand out from under his cloak. The armor was faded, worn, and the light fell dull and harsh upon it. Despite this, it was plain to see that it was well made and had once likely been beautiful in long years past. Celegóst cleared his throat. "Mae govannen. I am Celegóst."

Telchar laughed at his reply."Mm. Yes. Leave it to a dwarf to mistake the beautiful for ugly, and the elegant for crude."Telchar clapped sarcastically he hated Elven architecture it all looked the same in his eyes and he couldn't do with it. "HA you think this is beautiful and elegant, come to the blue mountains before you start thinking this is beautiful" Telchar said smiling, ah the blue mountains the greatest and best looking place around. "Oh really i'm not allow to vandalize randoms people houses well you learn something new everyday." Telchar said smirking looking at his companions who seemed to have all vanished. Telchar decided to shake the hand of the elf a rare sigh indeed not something that would be seen often.

"I swear if you just insulted me in your elvish tongue I will kill you, names Telchar."
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]He smiled at the wizard, before speaking. "Ah Tesol, you'll have to forgive me I don't recall your full name..." He remembered Tesol, a wizard who lived in the shire. The Dunedain traveled though the shire on many occasions, he had never spoken to Tesol besides simple one word greetings. He weighed his next words before speaking, wondering if they were here for the same reason. "I'm here for the meeting Lord Elrond will be holding, as are you I presume?" However, Tesol rudely walked away, probably having a deep thought like most wizards do. He then turned to the woman, a shield-maiden of Rohan, fine warriors. "Aye, that's what I get for mishandling a relic, are you here on behalf of your king? From what I believe Theoden himself hasn't been able to attend?"

"No, he had fallen ill but send me with his blessing. " She said though it was a lie. In truth, Theoden through Grima refused any envoy to be send to Rivendell on the matter, or at least Grime didnt want any one to go. She came on her own when she overheard the news with only Eowyn as confident to it, technically she was back in her village on leave. She studied the man unsure what to make of him, on all outward appearance he seemed like destitute mercenary but there was striking regal bearing to him."Yourself?"
Celegóst Randír

"I swear if you just insulted me in your elvish tongue I will kill you, names Telchar."

"It's a greeting," Celegóst replied as he grasped the dwarf's hand, his tone clearly showing his exasperation. "If you'd been paying the slightest bit of attention as you entered Imladris, you'd have heard the gate guards greet you with it. It means 'well met'."

'Come to the Blue Mountains to see what beauty is', he says. Amada. Anything worth seeing was destroyed at the end of the First Age. But he didn't give voice to his thought. Instead, he merely turned away, calling over his shoulder to the dwarf as he made for a nearby hallway.

"I'm certain I'll see you again, Master Telchar. In the meantime, pray do your namesake better honor and don't abuse the work of craftsmen who, whatever their skill, have put their heart into their deed."

With that retort, the elf strode away, seeking Elrond to report on the circumstances surrounding his arrival. The hobbits he left to follow him or not, considering them perfectly safe within Rivendell's walls.

@Bills352 @TheWretchedEgg

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