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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }


⚔ Endure and Survive ⚔
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The Farmhouse Dream

Alternate Universe of Tale of Two Survivors Alternate Universe. Alexander and Nathaniel have met Carlos and Kaleb from Denver and they survive Washington State instead of losing Kaleb and Carlos there and end up in their farmhouse with Jordan from Boston and Asher from Pittsburgh. The three pairs live together in their Farmhouse in Jackson Wyoming.

*This AU of the AU picks up after page 88, post #2,177 of Tale of Two Survivors*

A 1x1 The Last of Us Rp with icedthemoon


• Carlos and Kaleb from Life in a Quarantine Zone and Tale of Two Survivors,
• Jordan and Asher from Getting out of Pittsburgh and Life in a Quarantine Zone
• Alexander and Nathaniel from Tale of Two Survivors.
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb, admittedly, was taking his time. He had a lot on his mind up to and including the weird feeling in his dreams the last two nights. He didn't hear the clickers, didn't think much about Carlos up ahead. He knew that they'd survive and be together, nothing would come between them. So Kaleb was working through things, trusting the three ahead of him would either call for him if they needed help or take care of whatever popped up.

Alex looked beside him at Nate and then heard the clicker up ahead. Worry flooded his veins as he moved forward quickly, seeing the infected that had been left behind. "Nate.." Alex whispered, his uncertainty and worry in his words as he looked for Carlos. "We need to find him.." Alex added as he walked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Nate whispered back, because Carlos always was. He and Kaleb were always fine. They got shot with various weapons in various spots and somehow were always fine. They could take down infected and hunters alike with ease. Nate had never met anyone as efficient or capable as these two. But even then, as much as nothing seemed to happen to them, as much as they seemed incredibly capable, he could not help but think about everyone he lost and how much he thought they were everything amazing in this world to. From his mom to his brothers. Even his dad he never got to meet. They were all supposed to make it, and they didn’t. So what about Carlos? Was he worrying for no reason?

Nate heard the sound of the scrambling combat before they actually caught sight of it. It started with a yell of surprise from something very human. That was what made his entire body run cold. He ran down the hall as Carlos ran out of a room ahead, looking like he was about to run into another room when his eyes diverted to Nate and Alex and instead chose to run that way instead. Nate was about to ask what was happening when the bloodcurdling screams of an infected - a stalker - rang through the air. One came screeching its way into the hall, and upon seeing so many people ran into the room across the hall. Carlos breathed heavily as he slowed. “So I found a wall friend.” He shrugged and smiled like he wasn’t mildly freaking out. “And stalkers are hard to deal with when I’m lacking in a melee weapon.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex flicked his gaze over to Nate and bit his lip. "I hope so." He admitted softly as they moved. They'd come so far, all of them and survived so much. Alex saw Carlos run out of a room and towards them. He pulled his bow out and looked just behind him seeing the stalker run into the other room. “Yeah. We need to get you a melee weapon.” Alex agreed, as he moved forward. “Let’s get rid of this stalker, then we’ll regroup with Kaleb.” He said, heading towards the room and bow drawn with an arrow nocked as he approached the room.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

This was perhaps not his finest hour. Carlos was better at this than running for his life, but if there was anything he had learned from his time traveling outside the quarantine zone, it was that sometimes the best defense against those who wished him ill will was to run. He had forgotten that over the years. He got so good at what they did, that he stopped running. He knew instinctively that he would be fine even in the toughest situations. But this time, he almost got bitten. And earlier when he went through that hole. That was a close call. He had a lot of close calls. As Alex and Nate dressed towards the room the stalker ran into, Carlos hung back. This kind of cocky attitude was going to make him a liar. He turned, looking for Kaleb who he assumed was still further behind. That kind of impulsive action was going to pull them apart. He didn’t want that. He couldn’t stand that.

Nate followed close to Alex. Stalkers were the actual worst. They could come out of nowhere. He could not do much when it came to actually getting rid of them, but he was very good at spotting them. He bent down low and crept inside. He was not going to go far. He just needed to go far enough to find… bingo. He waved a hand and gestured back behind something overturned. Just barely, he could see that creepy little head popping out to check on them.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb was still further behind, having found a room with a hole in the ceiling. This would take them to the fourth floor. He headed out of the room and down the hall towards the other three. He kept a hand on his knife, he’d found it a year ago and had it on him ever since. “Carlos?” He whispered, looking around.

Alex followed Nate in, crouched as he saw the gesture. He slowly walked around the edge of the room and ah. There was that creepy infected. Alex drew back his bow and fired. His aim was true as always and the stalker dropped dead. He looked around and didn’t see anymore so he stood up and walked back to Nate. “That was way too close.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos moved less quickly down the hall than he would have liked. He needed to be more careful than he had been. He moved back around the corner, and his body relaxed. His pace sped up until he was by Kaleb’s side again. “Hey gorgeous. Mind if I stick around? I, um, think I’d rather be with you.”

Nate too stood, his brows knitted into an almost painful furrow. “That was reckless,” he corrected. “What is he thinking running off like that? Speaking of which, where did he go?” He whipped around and moved out of the room and looked down the hall. “If he ran off to yet another room, I am going to kill him myself if he doesn’t get himself killed.” Nate drew in a ragged breath and willed himself to calm down. He turned back to Alex. “What would we do if he was stupid enough to get himself into some serious trouble?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb smiled big as he saw Carlos come back around the corner. He tilted his head a little at the comment but brushed it off. “I don’t mind if you stick around. Everything okay? Oh! I found us a room with a hole up to the fourth floor.” Kaleb said, looking at Carlos with that same warm smile he always had on.

Alex nodded as he listened to Nate. “Nate.. calm down a little. He’s always been that way. And I’d love to see you try and kill him.” Alex told him, following him out of the room. He tilted his head and sighed. “If he had, we’d try and save him and take care of Kaleb if not. That’s all I think we could do.” He said, heading down the hallway. Once he turned the corner he chuckled softly. “See? He’s safe with Kaleb.” He said, seeing the two of them up ahead.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate sighed but nodded. Was he overreacting? Maybe. Was it worth it though? Probably. “I know. I just… I don’t wan to lose everyone again? This place… it just doesn’t feel right.” As the other two appeared, Nate decided that he was not done. “Carlos.” He stomped his way back to them. “When we aren’t in places where stalkers can almost kill you because you’re being too cocky for your own good, I am going to give you a piece of my mind. And you can’t stop me because Kaleb will agree that you’re being reckless.”

Carlos shrugged. “eh, it is when I choose not to be so reckless apparently.” He smiled sheepishly at all of them before looked back at Kaleb. “Okay, show us where the hole is? Because I think we should leave before Medicine Man has an aneurysm.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex nodded as he heard that. “I know what you mean. This city is off. I think we should get through as quickly as possible.” He said in agreement as they came up to the other two. Alex raised an eyebrow at Nate’s words and then looked over at the other two.

“Carlos..” Kaleb said quietly, agreeing with Nate. “Yes. Feel free to give him a piece of your mind.” He added before turning to lead them back down the hall and into the room with the hole. “Now.. how do we get up there is the question.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos knew that this could get him in trouble. His recklessness had on more than one occasion caused problems for not just himself. They followed Kaleb back to the room. Carlos examined it, and then suggested, “what if I toss everyone up there? Sounds fun right?” Nate just stared around him incredulously. He threw his hands up. “I’m very strong!”

“Or,” Nate suggested, “we be smarter about this and drag some of the furniture to the middle and then climb up? But you can probably help lift people if that makes you feel better.” He moved to the side and pointed to several things. “We can always get one person up to be able to pull everyone else up as well. Teams are always better.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked at the hole, heard the suggestions and took a minute to think. “Oh. Here.” He said, looking at Kaleb and beckoned him over. The former officer walked over and helped push the dresser over that Alex had found. “Okay. Carlos. If you want to help lift us up, then come here. You can boost us onto the dresser and then we can get up there. How does that sound?” Alex asked as he stood there, looking at Carlos. Kaleb had to admit that it was a good compromise. “You can even boost me first.” Kaleb told him, standing beside the dresser with a smile.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“Don’t you love when everyone comes together to make one, solid plan?” Nate asked. Was it a little rude. Maybe. He smiled and patted Carlos on the shoulder. “Come on, big guy. You know you can’t say no to being everyone’s stability down here.” Just because it was a good compromise did not mean that it was his preference. But they were right. It probably would be better to do something that would be useful. He doubt he could actually throw them that far up without a boost himself. He moved over to the dresser and bent down, hands out. “You are all correct, and yes, I do like this plan. Come on my most beautiful blue eyes. You’re next, Handsome.” He winked at Alex.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex and Kaleb both shook their heads as they smiled. “Yes. One solid plan.” Alex agreed as he felt a small blush cross his face at the wink. Kaleb chuckled and put his foot in Carlos’ hands to allow him to boost him up. Once Kaleb was up, he crawled onto the fourth floor. The room was clear and he looked down. “Clear up here. Come on up.” Kaleb called as Alex stepped up, foot in Carlos’ hands for his own boost.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos may or may not have gotten mildly distracted by Kaleb. Briefly. A little. Or maybe a lot, because he was shaking his head and moving back to look at Alex as he moved over to be next. He boosted Alex up, and as soon as there was space, he waved over for Nate next. “Thanks for keeping me in line.” Nate grinned. “No problem, big guy.” He plucked the hat off of Carlos’ head and plopped it on his own as Carlos boosted him up too. When Nate too was out of the way, he jumped, grabbed the edge of the dresser, and pulled himself up. He wanted to show off some muscle for mostly silly reasons. Then he too joined the rest of them on the fourth floor.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb waited at the top to help Alex up. He took the youngest’s hand and helped him into the room. The two of them looked back to see Nate boosted up and then it was Kaleb’s turn to be distracted. He watched Carlos pull himself up, his face clearly one of adoration as he saw those muscles. The ones he fell in love with. Attached to the love of his life. Alex looked at Nate and laughed. “That’s a good look on you.” He said, as he moved further into the room to give the other two a chance to get up. Once they were, Kaleb pulled himself out of his distracted state and nodded. “Right. Let’s go find those stairs.” Kaleb said, a smile on his face.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate moved quickly so that he could take Alex’s hand as was the unspoken rule. No more than five feet became hand in hand, and he was absolutely okay with that. As he walked, he tipped his stolen hat. “It makes me feel like I should be doing cooler things than walking.” Carlos, definitely aware of what he just did there, scooted himself to Kaleb’s side and grinned. “You’re supposed to use the hat to woo your man. You know, tip it in a gentlemanly way. Smile and make them swoon.” He cocked a brow towards Kaleb. “It works. Promise.” He followed after the other two so that they could actually move and find the stairs.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex smiled at Nate as he took his hand. The unspoken hand in hand, no more than five feet. He heard Nate and chuckled, before he glanced at Carlos. “I don’t think you need the hat to make me swoon.” Alex said with a smile as he winked at Nate. Kaleb rolled his eyes and looked at Carlos. “Yeah.. unfortunately it does work. Sometimes too well.” Kaleb teased him as he walked out of the room. He looked around but didn’t see anything. There was a door at the end of the hallway, and he walked over to it. Pulling it open, he grinned. “Found the stairs.” He said, stepping one foot on it and the whole thing creaked.

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