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Fantasy The Family

Esmie looked curiously at this shadowy figure. "Who are you?" She asked, having never seen this creature before. Maybe she just hadn't been paying enough attention. After all, this being seemed quiet. And Esmie knew from past experience that she sometimes forgot about the quiet ones. She stepped forward and held out her hand as a friendly gesture, smiling widely. Then she heard Yang coming out of the treehouse. She looked at him and smiled. "Hey there Yang. Where's Yin?" Esmie asked while glancing at the stranger in front of her. @RedRosesrp @NightCasterZ
Kurai stayed silent and turned there head to the nine tail, there face was blank but they felt slightly excited. Yang they thought so they wouldn't forget, but now they wanted to know the girls name. They instantly felt fond of her, she was kind, like a sister, but maybe that was because they were getting caught up in the moment. they tapped her hand slightly then retracted it, despite there calm aura, they didn't quite understand formal greetings.

"kurai" was the small quiet word they spoke, and shifted there red eyes down and popped another candy in there mouth, slightly nervous.
Destin smells the blood before he hears Kyoshi's gasp, and he frowns deeply. "I didn't know you were hurt... Crap." He looks around, "Okay... I-I don't know if the Medic is in, but we'll go see now, okay?" He gives a small smile, trying to help the younger male possibly not feel so bad.
Kurai stilled slightly as they bit down on the candy, the sweet smell of blood wafted into there nose, they couldn't figure out if it was an animal, or an advanced. They looked up at the two and pointed at there own nose, and scrunched it up slightly.

"smell.. blood" they uttered quietly and looked around, kurai was a medic in the family, but since they werent the only medic, they didn't have to many jobs.
Esmie nodded to Yang. "Okay. Do you know where Yin went or when he'll be back?" She asked. She then paused as the stranger said something. "Kurai?" Esmie asked curiously. She could hear this Advanced words clearly, as she had a heightened sense of hearing. "Is that your name?" Esmie asked. She then stopped again, as she smelled the blood too. Again, heightened senses. "Yes... I smell the blood too..." She said, taking a careful step in the direction of the scent. She turned back to Kurai. "It's nice to meet you. I am Esmie Smith. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier." She said, cracking a small grin. @RedRosesrp @NightCasterZ
Kurai thought they should smile back, but refrained from doing so and gave a nod instead. Esmie smith, pretty name.. they thought, but was glad they weren't the only ones smelling the sweet nectar. Kurai was slightly disappointed they couldn't talk to the girl much longer, even though they hadn't talked much at all. Kurai bounded off into the direction, though kurai wasn't the most sociable, they knew if someone was injured they'd do the best to help. They were quick, but there speed only lasted seconds as they slowed down, but had already reached there destination, and blinked when they spotted the new chief and a young boy, the one covered in a sickening sweet scent.
Yang shrugged. "She's coming back now." He said as he felt his back coming back.

Yin climbed up the treehouse. "I'm back."
Destin tries to give a small smile, just as Kurai appears. "Kurai, thank gods!" He says, giving the Medic a wide smile. "Could you help? Kyoshi got hurt, a cut just opened on his side.. I don't have the stuff at my house to help him, so could we possibly go back to yours to get him stitched up? And possibly, if you could, look him over to see if there's anything else?"
Kurai was shocked at his question, they'd ask them? really? They walked close to him not saying a word, and inspected the cut, the wound was simple enough, but large enough for you to feint from blood loss, they boy, kyoshi looked in pain, and though kurai didn't show it they were saddened. They had no time to go back all the way home... but esmie and yang's place, was very close.

"follow" as they motioned him to follow, heading back to the placed where they spoke with the kind girl. They must have some supplies, a needle and thread is good I'd you disinfect it, and a piece of cloth.

"is the wound poisoned?" they said quietly, hoping esmie smith would help them all out. Hopefully it wasn't, kurai wasn't good with cures.
Esmie shrugged as Kurai ran off at top speed. The scent of the blood followed Esmie as she climbed back up to the treehouse. She motioned for Yin and Yang to follow her. "Where had you run off to Yang?" She asked curiously as she entered the kitchen. She had forgotten about the fact that she needed water. Esmie bustled around the kitchen with her adopted family watching her, preparing breakfast. Esmie stopped suddenly and sniffed the air. Kurai was back. But she was accompanied by two other Advanced beings... She recognized one scent as the new Cheif, but the other Advanced's scent was masked by the smell of blood. Esmie poked her head out of the window to see what the visitors needed as they approached the treehouse. @NightCasterZ @RedRosesrp @Firetail606 @Ldybug123
Kurai looked up to see esmie in the tree house, there eyes locked with hers and they tilted there head towards the wounded, and motioned for her to come down. Esmie must have bandages, or something of the sort..They turned towards destin, and ripped off a part of there jacket, a long strip of cloth. They need to clean the wound before it gets infected.

"put him down" they said calmly, there face never once showing emotion, as if there were a brick wall.
Yin giggled slightly. "I was the one out for a stroll." She sighed, smirking slightly as she followed.

Yang giggled too, following Esmie. "You still get us confused." She smiled.
Esmie facepalmed. "Even after all these years I still can't tell the difference!" She said playfully. She ruffled Yin and Yang's fur on their head and smiled. "Listen, I gotta go outside and help someone who's wounded out there. We'll eat breakfast later." Esmie explained as she set the plates with food on the table to be dealt with later. She grabbed a medical kit from a cupboard in the living room and rushed outside to help. @NightCasterZ @RedRosesrp @Ldybug123 @Firetail606
The two smiled and waved with there paws.

Yin smiled. "We have to do something special for the anniversary of when she adopted us!" He exclaimed.

Yang raised an eyebrow. "Sounds good."
Kurai nodded, good. They lifted up the shirt of kyoshi and gently wiped against the outside of the wound, they are gonna need some alcohol, to sterilize the wound. At the sound of feet and the sound of leaves breaking, Kurai turned around, seeing Esmie with an aid kit, they knew they could count on her.
Esmie hurried over to Kurai and the injured boy. She set down the medical kit. "What do we have here?" She asked, watching Kurai examine the wound. "Any infections or poisons?" She asked, peering at the cut herself. Esmie rummaged through the kit and grabbed some alcohol to clean the wound as she waited for Kurai's reply. She wasn't the greatest medic, as she was more advanced in fighting skills, but she knew enough to help someone in an emergency. @Ldybug123 @RedRosesrp
Kurai gave a nod, and glanced at esmie as she grabbed the alcohol, then kurai grabbed the thread and needle. After esmie disinfects the wound they'd stitch it up, but first kurai placed there hand on top of kyoshi. The alcohol will sting and not be a pretty sight, I wonder how he got such a large wound..

"squeeze, when in pain" kurai spoke quietly to the boy, having him squeeze there hand was a comfort tactic, hopefully the pain wouldn't be to bad.


ayumi came falling from the sky where she'd been fighting. crashing into a building she looked around. she had fallen within some part of the 'safe walls' as she'd heard others call it. ayumi was bloody and covered in injuries from non stop fighting for two days and nights. she'd finally taken revenge on the demon that caused her to lose everything. she'd taken pride in her work when she was still a guardian celestial beast. but now due to her being deceived by the demon. she had become a fallen celestial beast. she laid where she'd fallen from killing the demon. ayumi didn't know if her regeneration would her her this time. trying to move she found that she couldn't. "i might actually die this time." she thought to herself as she closed her eyes for a moment before staring at the sky. she was too exhausted to shift back to her human form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/demon_girl_by_whexo-d64zj4c.jpg.baefd2bcc73fa9852754eb98a8b317c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/demon_girl_by_whexo-d64zj4c.jpg.baefd2bcc73fa9852754eb98a8b317c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Esmie was impressed by Kurai's tactic of having the patient squeeze her hand. Normally she would have the patient bite down on a piece of cloth or something, that way no one else would be in pain. Esmie took a swab and started dabbing the wound with the alcohol. It was a lot worse than she had expected, and if they didn't get it dealt with soon, it would probably get infected. She glanced up at Destin. "Do you know how this happened?" Esmie asked. @Firetail606 @RedRosesrp @Ldybug123

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