• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Fallen CS

[class=fyuri11wrapper] max-width:400px; height:500px; margin:auto; [/class] [class=fyuri11imagebox] width:100%; height:500px; background:url('https://image.ibb.co/csA1Yn/editimg.png') no-repeat; [/class] [class=fyuri11overlayparent] display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; max-width:400px; height:500px; [/class] [class=fyuri11overlay] display: flex; width:200px; height:200px; margin:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0, 0.8); color:#fff; [/class] [class=fyuri11header] display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-flow: column nowrap; text-align:center; width:100%; font-family: 'Sigmar One', Impact; font-size:30px; color:#fff; [/class] [class=fyuri11parent] opacity:0.0; position:relative; margin-top:-500px; width:100%; height:500px; background:#000; transition: all 0.5s ease; [/class] [class name=fyuri11parent state=hover] opacity:1.0; width:calc(100% - 20px); height:480px; background:black(218,20,69, 0.8); padding:10px; [/class] [class=fyuri11content] width:calc (100% - 20px); height:460px; background-color:#fff; overflow:auto; padding:10px; text-align:justify; color:#313131; [/class] [class=fyuri11credit] max-width:400px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]
[div class=fyuri11wrapper][div class=fyuri11imagebox][div class=fyuri11overlayparent][div class=fyuri11overlay][div class=fyuri11header]The

[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11parent][div class=fyuri11content]


AGE: (18-22)
ROLE: Fallen
SPECIES: Fallen angel
ANGELIC NAME: (if they are a fallen. It can be made up or one of the known names)

PERSONALITY: (list of traits or paragraph/s)


BIOGRAPHY: (2+ paragraphs, can be small or one big para)

In the beginning -
Later in the RP -
At the end -


RELATIONSHIPS: (TBA once you are accepted)

OTHER: (anything else you want to add)


AGE: (18-22)
ROLE: Redemption
SPECIES: (Nephilim, human, gifted human)

PERSONALITY: (list of traits or paragraph/s)


BIOGRAPHY: (2+ paragraphs, can be small or one big para)

ABILITY/S: (if they don't have powers then skills they have)


RELATIONSHIPS: (TBA once you are accepted)

OTHER: (anything else you want to add)


* If your CS gets a like (cookie or heart) your OC is accepted.
* At the beginning they don't have wings since their powers and former selves are sealed but later on they will be able to manifest them (when they meet their redemption).
* You can post more than one CS but only one character will be accepted (or two if there will be spots left open)
* No too powerful powers, they only have abilities at the beginning and cant do miracles or something.

[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11credit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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[class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 19 yr////////////////// Female///////////////// Gifted human ///////////////// Redemption ⇔ ⇔ ⇔

Letitcia Lynch

NAME ⇔ Letty "Leh-th-ie"

S. ORIENTATION ⇔ Straight, values personality most, but extremely sent oriented which means she appeals most to those who smell really good in her book. (in her 'Likes')

LIKES Being kept busy so shes never idle, clean spaces and prolonged friendly chats with strangers, pleasing the people around her and making them happy, fresh brewed coffee mixed with creamy steamy coco, the smell of leather and cloves, soft lavender and citrus or vanilla, warm blankets and cool pillows in a cuddle, endless thunderstorms she can watch through the window, a challange.

DISLIKES Prolonged periods of silence, the heat of a day without a breeze, the scent of most chocolate alone, Axe body spray, being made irrelevant and shut down when speaking, forced tension when its not necessary, crossing the road, being pushed away, being called 'Legs' since she has long legs to her asset its a joke between her family and her.


In the beginning Small healing abilities, limited to scrapes/moderate cuts she "Kisses away the owie.", headaches "Her magic fingers make the pain fly bye bye!", and most bruising. The worse the wound the longer it takes and more energy it drains, for the most part she doesn't know she doing it. All she knows is when she helps things get better faster.

Later in the RP Moderate internal bleeding & fractures, causes her painful headaches and occasionally bloody noses, depending on severity.

At the end Fairly quick regeneration for things like nails/dead cells and such, Slow regeneration for larger bits like missing chunks of skin.. (eew) still strenuous likely ends with her temporarily anemic with migraine.

STRENGTHS Extremely patient and willing to aid those she is around as best as she can. Extremely loyal and willing to see both sides of the picture.

WEAKNESSES Too trusting, this can lead to complications, despite her past she still feels the need to try and trust.. Even if it usually ends in chaos.


Letty is a simple individual, and while having lived a life a bit more rough than sheltered, she is still naive. She prefers living her life one day at a time, so she can value the moment shes in. She is a rather clingy when it comes to friendships, that mentioned lets try not to imagine why her love life is so sparse. Yet somehow she still manages just fine in the world using sarcasm and a nonsensical flirty vibe to break down the barriers people present. She lives to joke and overall make those around her feel happier, even if it is for just a short lived moment, if a temporary fix is all she can provide its better than none.

Letitcia is a normal girl, 19 year old or at least she thought she was. She grew up in a semi-chaotic world, her childhood spent in the depths of Chicago, specifically the Shameless personified Chicago. Her family was an interesting scrap book of one basket-case after another, however, this didn't stop her from loving them for who they wanted to be. As time went on her family, mother, father, three brothers one older and two younger, grew more distant leaving Letty to be on her own most of the time. With this newfound free time outside of classes, she began volunteering and working several places, a retirement center, a childcare place, and several others off and on. Eventually she was known by the children and the Alzheimer patients for her 'Magic Hands' making teachers laugh and CNA's chuckle as the continued doing their jobs. Little did they know she was kinda magic after all.


APPEARANCE SPECIFIC Born of Asian american decent, Letty's mother was an immigrant from Vietnam, while her father a watered down 3rd generation Hispanic creating an odd combination of all 3 culture faces. A sizable 5' 4" girl with long wavy blackish auburn hair which frames her face in a mass usually pushed behind her shoulders or done up in some fashion. Weighing in at around 103 lb's most of her weight is carried in her height, which is made up mostly of her seemingly endless legs. Her expression often rests somewhere between "Resting B--", "I'm too tired for this s---" and "Oh mY gOoDNeSs iS THat a PUppY?"



[div class=credits] NexNight NexNight I think I did it? If not please help me figure out what I did wrong![/div]
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Name: Jordan Michael Angeles
Age: 22
Gender: Male
S. Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Fallen
Species: Fallen Angel
Angelic Name: Raziel, Angel of Mysteries

Mysterious - As his angelic name states, Jordan is very mysterious. He likes to keep mostly to himself, and very rarely talks about himself, so very little is known about him. He also loves to solve and create mysteries, two things he is very skilled at.

Intelligent - Jordan is, you could say, wise beyond his years. He spends a lot of time reading simply just to soak up knowledge, and can often be heard speaking in a variety of different languages, or studying some ancient text.

Curious - Jordan is as curious is a cat--which can be a bad thing for him. Often, his curiousness makes him careless, and he ends up getting himself into bad situations. Ever heard the term, 'Curiosity killed the cat'? That is Jordan.

Likes: Mysteries - Suspense/crime novels - Scavenger hunts - Reading
Dislikes: Predictable books/movies - Lies - Feeling powerless - Being Fallen

Strengths: Intelligence - Patience - Loyalty
Weaknesses: Curiosity - Stubbornness - Impulse

Relationships: TBA



In the Beginning - Since he was a child, Jordan has been getting visions. Sometimes they are of the past, sometimes the present, and sometimes the future. They depict anything from a single symbol, to an entire, detailed view of something. Despite multiple attempts to control when they happen, Jordan's visions can come at any time.

Later - Enhanced strength and senses, as well as manifestation of his angel sword. Jordan is known specifically for his unique affinity for decodification, which is the ability to decipher cryptic or confusing codes and messages that allow him to solve problems and mysteries.

At the End - As a fully restored angel, Jordan becomes Raziel, the Angel of Mysteries. Raziel has large, black wings with streaks of gold running through them, and a wingspan of twenty feet on either side. His angel sword is lit with a golden flame, and his powers consist of a powerful six sense, visions, power over time, and decodification. Unlike most angels, while he does live quite a few centuries longer than humans, Raziel is not immortal.

Code by apolla apolla
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[class=Notes] //So this is an older code that i tried to fix up to look nicer// //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well // //These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //DO NOT EDIT THE CODE IN RICH TEXT MODE// //This causes the Accordion title's to be moved down and you will have to move them back up yourself// [/class]

[class=notes] //so above is the background image// [/class]
[class=notes] //above is the white transparent background the "0.8" controls the opacity// [/class]
[class=notes] //The character image as well as the border for it// [/class]

Irene Gallagher

[class=notes] //The Name and the background for it// [/class]
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role: Redemption

Species: Gifted Human

[class=notes] //the transparent t box on the left and its border// [/class] Hair color: Medium brown with a blonde ombre

Eye color: Blue

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 120 lbs

- Art
- Stargazing
- Dark chocolate
- Nature

- Sweet things
- Nosy people
- Being asked too much questions
- Loud music

[class=notes] //the transparent box on the right and its border// [/class] Abilities: She can see souls and has been having vague prophetic dreams that she could remember perfectly the next morning.

- She's a quick thinker.
- She could be cooperative, if properly explained the situation.
- She's able to show just what it is that she saw through drawing.

- She's easily overwhelmed.
- She's stubborn.
- She has a short fuse.

Relationships: TBD

[class=notes] //the box around the accordions// //and in the slide title's I put a div around them to add the purple background// [/class]


Ira tends to be a bit cold, cynical and kind of snobbish at first. She's soft-spoken however brutally straightfoward to the point of being over the line at times but she tries to limit herself from time to time. When it does come to that point, she would graciously admit to her faults and apologize. She doesn't take to new ideas fairly easy and it takes her a while to fully grasp and accept the concept, since she would much rather cling to what's familiar. As much as she could, she would rather do things on her own as not to be a burden to others.

When she finally gets used to a person, she sheds her cold demeanor. She tries to be patient and be a bit more considerate in choosing her words when around people she cares about, although her sass tends to rear its head at times. She's protective of her friends and family, and despite how much she would protest, she actually listens to what they have to say.


Ever since the beginning, it had always been just Ira and her mother. Despite their situation, her mother made sure that her needs were catered to and she made sure never to miss a chance to spend time with her daughter whenever she could, ensuring that she would be able to live a normal childhood, therefore filling her with a sense of child-like wonder and optimism. Growing up, her mother would always tell her stories under the stars which always end happy, it was practically their routine.

At age four, her mother had to take on more jobs in order to be able to send her to school. At first, she was a bit iffy with the whole set-up, being that she had never spent much time out of the house and away from her mother then, but eventually, she grew to understand their situation and so, she spend most of her time staying at her grandmother's house. Once she was old enough to be able to help around, her grandmother patiently taught her how to do simple chores, which she found rather interesting and fun. Since then, she graciously helped around whenever she could, before her mother would pick her up.

One fateful night, her mother took her time coming to the house that she didn't even notice that she had fallen asleep on the couch, waiting. At the time, she dreamt of a white butterfly, brushing on her nose before flying away to the distance and up to the starry sky. She didn't make much of it until the next morning when she woke up and she was still on the couch. Confused, she went to look for her grandmother and decided to ask her instead, however she was surprised to see that she had been crying, which made her worry. When she finally found it in herself to ask, her grandmother just took her in her arms and gently told her that her mother met a terrible fate on her way home last night and had passed away this morning. Upon hearing those words, all she could hear was ringing and before she knew it, she was crying as well, questioning everything that had led up to this development. She couldn't quite accept it that her mother was truly gone, her world suddenly shattered right from under her. Since then, she lost her faith and instead grew a hatred of fairy tales and their perfect endings. She has grown cold and bitter of the world, her only outlet was her art.

On her mother's third death anniversary, she began to notice a white wisp floating by the grave, which would disappear whenever it was time for her to leave. She didn't think much of it at first, chalking it up to her eyes playing tricks on her, but the following times she came in, the wisp was still there. Soon after, more white wisps started appearing, not just in the memorial garden, but wherever she would go. In her school, her grandmother's house... She didn't remember exactly how, but she eventually came into terms that she was seeing souls. She couldn't believe it at first but after an intensive research about it, she learned to live with it and went on ignoring its presence, so long as it doesn't affect her, though from time to time, she would see a rare, different colored soul among the sea of white and blue.

code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
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This Ones Gonna Hurt


▾ ▾ basics ▿ ▿

name Dominic Padakles
alias Dom

age 21

sex Male
s. orientation Questioning, leaning straight, but if the opportunity arises he'd more than likely accept.

role Redemption
species Nephilim



c o d e d b y reminiscent
Despite the change in his scenery as a child, he kept a small amount of his previous personality through quirks not often seen by those in the urban landscape. While more guarded and cautious with providing his skilled comfort, he still has the ability to lend a helping hand to those who truly deserve it. However in the day to day circumstance he tends to have a laid back calmness covered in the sarcastic appeal of someone who has seen some, yet not all, and is willing to do what he must, but not much more.

Likes Chill music, Driving long distances, Maintenance on vehicles, Listening to children talk about their future, Seeing happy old people, Black coffee.

Dislikes Music thats just rage, cold snowy days, sugary products, loud people with no base, Being forced into a situation, his replacement family, being considered too weak or too much.

His mother a fallen having long passed, his father a forlorn human who lost his soulmate and died not long after. The assumed cause was of acute alcoholism and heart failure. The morbid joke passed through the uninvolved was, he had died of a broken heart, Dom mutely agrees. Having been nearly 12 years old when all of this happened, he couldn't quite understand most of his heritage, and to this day has so many questions he wished he could have had answered by his mother, father or both. To his unfortunate circumstance, he was sent from his homey rural town to the crowded urban streets with his aunt on his fathers side. He lived along with her, her boyfriend of 14 years, and his three bratty cousins ages 10, 14, and 18 all girls all evil demons spat from hell itself. The change in scenery made an alter in his personality, his helpful open self altered to a caged sarcastic individual a shell of the sweet teen he might have become.



Current Its an accident, he never means to do it, but when he does it scares him the most. He can enter the minds of those he touches, as he has no control over this event, he avoids contact frequently wearing sleeves and keeping space so as to not reveal the thoughts of those he is around. Although this doesn't always stop it.

Mid By now he cant stop the invasion of other peoples thoughts just by remaining at a distance, no contact is no longer necessary. His only relief is to tune it out as best he can. All these thoughts not his own.. Its chaos in his pretty little head.

Future Dom is now accustomed to the voices of other peoples thoughts and can block them out, or tune into specific peoples thoughts depending on their distance. Since his mind is so much more open, he has learned that since he can reach into other peoples minds, it is that much easier for his body to be taken over if say another individual (fallen) has the ability to possess a body. This is an eerie thought to him and he dwells on it infrequently.

Strengths Mentally strong, Physically fit, Kind when it counts, Protective

Weaknesses Stubborn at times, Loyal to a fault, Easily swayed


▾ ▿ looks ▾ ▿

height 6'

weight 190 lb

e.color Icy blue grey

h.color Short brownish with natural blonde highlights

& lauren godfrey
lauren— laurel tree; honor.
nineteen; female
redemption; gifted human.
& stats
Likes the sound of the ocean, coffee, sunrises, music, raspberries, laughing, driving on an open road, snuggling with a warm blanket, getting up at noon, and bendy straws.
Dislikes cigarettes, being in one place for too long, commitment, animal cruelty, romance novels, ketchup, overly-negative people, alarm clocks, large cities, and small spaces.
Strengths consist of being loyal, being adventurous, being hospitable, and being creative.
Weaknesses consist of always procrastinating, being nosey, being indecisive and being hypocritical.

Has the ability to see into someone's past via physical contact with them or an object of importance. Visions are stronger when in contact with a person but are also more emotionally and physically draining. With practice, past events can be "re-experienced" but requires a significantly higher amount of energy and focus. Overuse of her ability can have a negative impact on her health.

Lauren is a happy and fun-loving individual. She doesn't believe in wasting time and instead tries to dedicate every moment she can to doing something she enjoys. She thoroughly hates working and cannot keep a job for a long period of time, if she even decides to get one at all. She loves meeting new people, especially new romantic interests, but doesn't enjoy long-term relationships and will avoid them at all costs. She has a big heart and will often show kindness even to strangers. She is always late. She's always open to trying and experiencing new things and vows to try (almost) everything at least once. As a friend, she is easygoing and typically fun to be around. However, she can become distant and withdrawn, often shortly before she decides to pack up and start over again.

& bio
Lauren is an only child to a very religious yet wealthy couple. Her childhood was stable and generally happy with all the love, attention and toys she could ask for. She had no trouble making friends in school and performed well academically. She even pursued an interest in the violin from sixth to eighth grade. Although her parents had noticed her keen ability to "remember" things (even if she didn't see them), they chose to overlook it. As she grew older she realized it was something unique to her and vowed to never speak about it, especially not to her parents. Her ability, however, began to interfere with her day to day life and uncovered some horrible lies within her family: her father's infidelity and her mother's alcoholism in particular. That was just the beginning. Her ability seemed to be determined to ruin her life, uncovering the truth about her best friend lying about being abused by her father, her eleventh grade English teacher who got a little too comfortable with his students, and even an unsolved hit and drive accident. By the time she graduated high school, she felt burdened with all of the information. With the constant pressure of her parents, she enrolled in a university to study psychology, a subject she had no interest in. After the first semester, she dropped out and began a life of travel. She survives only off of the funds her parents deposit regularly into her account. They have no idea she has dropped out of school and she has no plans on telling them. Instead, she spends her time volunteering at animal and homeless shelters, participating in protests, and searching for new experiences.

coded by dwale
Maia Asim
“I don't want to be adrift, I want to be where I'm needed most.”

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay as a rainbow

Role: Fallen

Species: Fallen Angel

In the beginning:
Brief feats of strength and speed.
Able to break things by touch.

Ability to manifest an angelic sword and wings for a limited time.
Supernatural swiftness and durability in battle.
With considerable effort, can call down lightning or fire.

Can manifest her angelic sword and wings at will.
Can invoke the Wrath of God.

Maia is a competitive (if not exactly top-tier) practitioner of Jeet Kun Do. She also multi-lingual. Maia's family was originally from Egypt and spoke Arabic. She grew up on London and learned English. She studied Mandarian Chinese for her A levels and she learned Cantonese to study Jeet Kun Do in Hong Kong.
Appearance & Personality
Appearance: Slim, athletic, Maia's face can radiate energy when she can summon it up. With a slightly darker complexion, wispy brown hair and eyeliner-accented brown eyes, she dresses down in a tan coat over a pink t-shirt with "Jem and the Holograms" embossed on the front. Blue jeans, sneakers and a blue pulldown stocking cap make her seem little more than a stray college student or perhaps a young working stiff on an off-day. Exactly the kind of unassuming young woman no one notices or takes seriously until it's too late.

Personality: Maia is quiet, charming and introspective. She can come across as someone often deep in thought. In reality, she's struggled with persistent depression for years and finds it takes energy to deal with people. When doing something physical with or around others, though, she returns to being the vibrant, enthusiastic girl she was in her youth and she smiles and laughs easily. She has a natural affinity to study, having always found books and grades easy to manage.

The recent rediscovery of a few memories has shaken up her worldview and she finds herself quietly contemplating, even praying to God.

Likes & Dislikes
Likes: Sunbathing, her stuffed bear Sebastian, flowers, rain, coffee and excellent company.

Dislikes: People telling her how she should feel, hatred (racism, religious intolerance, homophobia) and herself. Also, skinny bitches.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: Charming, likes people, an excellent student and is in excellent physical shape.

Weaknesses: Depression, motivation, lack of energy for people.

Maia's life should have been spectacular.

Her father Khui manages a corporate support team in Cairo, Egypt, providing business analysts to American companies. Her mother Rai is the Vice President of a pharmaceutical company in London. Maia grew up ferried back and forth between London and Cairo, with tutors in both homes. She finished her A-levels in Biology, English and Modern Languages at the age of 17 at which point...things began to fall apart for her.

In the past four years, Maia's drifted from one school to another but without any real passion or motivation. Her parents find her malaise inexplicable, as does Maia herself. Despite being treated for depression, medication has done little for her except make her sleep a long time and feel more consistently awful. The only time she's come alive is in studying Jeet Kun Do, a martial art she still has some passion for even if she struggles more in competitive matches than ever. Two years ago, she dropped out of college and moved to Hong Kong to study and, for a brief time, she finally found a purpose she could work towards for more than a few minutes at a time.

A year ago, a match in New York led to a knock out for Maia, at least as far as the judges were concerned. For her, the impact of fist against her head jarred something loose; a searing, impossible memory of exacting God's vengeance upon the unrighteous. She threw herself into training and aggressively pursuing more tournament matches, for she found each blow she took woke a flash of memory, of an impossible history she couldn't understand. A month ago in Seattle, she struck down her opponent and, as she stood over their unconscious form, she remembered slaying someone who hadn't deserved it, killing someone without orders.

In that moment, she realized she'd once been something else. Someone who'd wielded the power of God, who'd misused that power and been brought low because of it. Within the week, she had an invite to Winsford Academy. Now she hopes to learn more about who she really was, who she is, and what the future holds for her.

Maia was once Mashḥit, the destroying angel, one of the spirits God sent to annihilate those who came against his chosen people. She has only the vaguest sense of who she used to be, and no memories of Heaven (yet). Still, she feels the draw to discover her past and rise above it.

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[div class=fyuri11wrapper][div class=fyuri11imagebox][div class=fyuri11overlayparent][div class=fyuri11overlay][div class=fyuri11header]Shey

[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11parent][div class=fyuri11content]


NAME: Shey O'Connor
AGE: 19
ROLE: Redemption
SPECIES: Nephilim


Bitter or sour foods and drinks, fire, watching TV, hanging out with close friends, camping, music, running, caving or rock climbing, painting and other art,...

Talking about his past, total silence, judgemental people, waiting in lines, being lectured, the cold,...


In the Beginning: Sensitive to evil (he feels pain when something/someone evil is close)​

Later on: Heightened senses and speed.​

At the end: The before mentioned as well as slightly faster healing.​

Good instincts and creative, good fighter.

Has claustrophobia, feels pain when evil is too close to him, the severity of it depends on how powerful the evil is or how close to him it is.


OTHER: (anything else you want to add)

[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11credit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Ely Weiss
Role: Redemption
[div class=fyuriheader] Basics[/div]
Gifted Human

[div class=fyuriheader] Stats[/div]
Mashed potatoes, root beer, the sound of a train passing by, cold weather, 3's.
When people interrupt his counting, people not washing their hands, awkward silences, people not respecting his personal space.

[/div][div class=fyuribox2][div class=fyuriheader] Personality[/div]
○ Clean
○ Cautious
○ Clever
○ Firm
○ Neat
○ Perfectionist
○ Resourceful
[div class=fyuriheader] Ability[/div]
Ely can sense danger by goosebumps appearing on his arms. At first, he can sense little things that happen around him but as his power grows he'll be able to sense danger for miles. The endgame of sensing will allow Ely to have adrenaline rushes to slow time to, hopefully, fix whatever is causing the danger.

[div class=fyuriheader] Biography[/div]
Aliquam velit nisl, iaculis sit amet dolor in, dictum viverra purus. Quisque quis dapibus tortor, et imperdiet tellus. In nec dapibus metus, vel varius erat. Ut in nisi turpis. Sed in porta arcu. Donec venenatis eu lectus non congue. Nunc at cursus dolor. Nulla pretium velit id enim condimentum elementum. Vivamus pulvinar orci at magna posuere faucibus a vel velit.

[div class=fyuriheader] Other[/div]
Sed sit amet pharetra eros. Etiam erat turpis, pulvinar et dictum quis, vehicula elementum nibh. Aliquam quis vestibulum sapien. Duis ac eros ipsum. Nullam tristique nisi nec tortor efficitur molestie. Pellentesque odio lectus, facilisis id quam quis, eleifend bibendum erat. Cras pharetra turpis eget odio imperdiet lobortis. Aenean at lorem magna. Integer quis auctor mauris, non elementum lectus. Duis facilisis aliquet turpis, id tincidunt urna rhoncus id. Aliquam quis tellus purus.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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