The Fall of Gaia

War Paint

The Princess



The Lost War of the Tragic World of Ominia.

Hello and welcome to The Fall of Gaia : The Roleplay!

If you haven't already, please be sure to check out the storyline of this roleplay at The Fall of Gaia : The Lost War and The Fall of Gaia : Character Creation for characters and to create your own character. Here is where the story takes place during the Lost War. Thank you for showing interest and joining this roleplay. Have fun!

Until further notice or until other users assume the positions of other succubi, I will be playing all of the succubi as well as Korth until they're claimed and their character sheet is submitted. Until then, when their personas are needed, I will lead the character to move the roleplay forward. For reference until their character is taken, these are the succubi's appearances. Lilith, Lilium, Liliana, Lilian, Lily, Liliese, and Lilia.


Across the lands of Ominia, there was once a peace - a sweet moment of serenity where silence laid over the land and all knew nothing but the inner thoughts within their minds. For once, all could sit still and let their bodies absorb the world around them so they could release a shaking breath to ease their heavy hearts. Weights hovered above shoulders to cause this single moment to become a sweet serenity that tired bodies had ached for. Some bodies rushed to meet their daily agenda while others just bathed in this calm, but what was such a enigma to this time was the fact that no one could even notice that it was about. Wine met parched lips and food filled yearning stomachs, but no one had even paid notice to this single moment of peace. In their minds, chaos still reigned throughout the land. In their minds, someone somewhere was being abused, someone some where was crying for help, and someone some where was dying. It was a tragic fact but one that the beings of Ominia had grown quite acquainted with. It was part of their daily lives and the fact that for just one brief second there was no cries of fear was a mystery for no one could ever possibly know this.

And just like that, the moment was gone.

It has been hundreds upon hundreds of years since the Violet Dusk, and the lands were at war for the claiming of souls. Classes of beings were steadily rising from what seemed to be no where. Horror stories of necromancers and demons of Gloia kept children in their beds at night and kept guards alert at night. Human beings hid away behind the Illuminating Wall of Illuminus that surrounded their beautiful countryside. Anashi kept their children guarded and knowledgeable of the ways of their warrior ways in order to protect their people. Elves resided in the trees, hovering above the land and keeping wary eyes out for the terror just beyond their vision. Demons continued to terrorize the land as faith began to fade from the suffering hearts of Ominia's people, while Gods fight for a new reign over the world.

This is the world that has become Ominia, a world lost to the tragedy of their Goddesses and this is where we lay our scene.


Out beyond, within the horizon, a lilac color began to blush within the clouds as the sun hovered lazily above. Just at the cusp of the opposite side of the sky, the moon peeked over to greet the world with its coming illumination as the sun still argued with rotating around the land to let the aching bodies of tired souls sleep and the restless minds of the night walkers rise to the occasion of their calling. It was almost as if the air changed in this moment, welcoming the coming twilight to cover the land with the promise of tomorrow being left by what light kissed the land. The land began to grow cooler, tickling the skin of those whom stood outside of their houses. The water glittered, celebrating the rise and fall of the sky's lights as the assumed their positions within the sky. The breeze whispered through the rustling leaves of the standing trees a comforting song to those who would stop and listen. It was if the land was too beautiful to be true. Even in the grotesque ruins of Loren, the falling sunlight and rising moon made the land worth baring the sight of.

It was almost like an illusion. A beautiful illusion and reminder of what the world used to be like before such agony plagued the once pure land.

The sight made her stand still. She wanted to absorb this moment, this sight, and the sights and songs of the land. The wind felt different to her as it pushed the clouds across the sky like a gentle shepherd guiding it's sheep. It felt almost new, as if it was guiding her as well with it's comforting embrace. The way it tingled across her skin made her heart pulsate in a way that made her feel as if she was just now feeling her heartbeat for the very first time. Her chest heaved as she inhaled the sweet scent of the grass, the dirt, and the salt of the sea she would come to miss.

As the drums beat on in celebration of her pilgrimage across the land to achieve the journey she had been preparing for her entire life, she looked back as her people danced around the fire, worshiping the lights of the sky. She reached back, allowing her fingernails to grace the gold of her staff that she strapped to herself for her journey. This was a journey she was to do on her own and as she gripped onto the reality of her path before her, she felt the bittersweet sense of the weight placed on her shoulders. This had been preached to her as far as she could remember. For her entire life, she had been schooled to understand her mission and why she was brought into this world.

"Rah, rah mon myo," one of her fellow tribe members whispered to her, bowing their heads as they placed both their hands on her shoulders, slowly falling to their knees. This was how they showed their respect. Their hands would travel down her arm and touch her wrist as they would lower their head to the ground and pray to the stars for her glory. S'aurora brought her and to the man's head and placed it tenderly upon it.

"Mon sar," the young woman whispered back. "Ou'k on mon auroa. Mu shila rah wu ou'k in aul mon sars ish mon auroa."

She watched as he began to weep. It was an emotional time, her parting. She was leaving all she knew and all she held dear and as the old man cried to her, the other members of the tribe all sang their songs of worship to the stars, coming to her to place their hands on her shoulders, or on each other's and pray for her journey. They prayed for her safety, for her glory, and for the freedom of the land, pure of all plagues and abominations to the land. As they all bowed their heads to her and she felt their hands reach for her to embrace her skin. She could feel the love, the power, and the faith flowing through them for her journey and her reign. And within that one moment, she felt all the strength she could ever fathom pulsating through her. A smile crossed her lips, making her raise her head to see her father walking towards her. She came to her knees, lowering herself to her people and allowing Nun'ku to approach her.

Bowing her head, she felt him place his hand on her head. "Beyus ker, sars. Beyus ker, myo. Beyus ker, sorus. Lem ker shuno."

That was the tender memory she was left with before beginning her travels. When she was a child, she expected the journey to be much more elaborate. She expected to walk out of the jungles and come upon Illuminus, preaching the words of the moon and stars and have everyone turn from their worship of Gaia, leading her into the war against the demons to cleanse the land. But as she pressed forth into the forests as felt the sweat of the tropical heat stick against her skin, she found herself much less excited as she was when she was a child. She felt almost heavy. She felt as if she could just kneel over and- she did. Right as the thought came across her mind, she found herself pressed up against a tree, gripping onto the bark with her nails as her head hung low so she could vomit out her nerves.

She was by herself. All the warriors that were once assigned to follow her on her travels she now forced to stay at her home in order to protect her fellow people since the demon attack. But in that moment, she ached for the comfort of another. She had been surrounded by other her entire life and now, she had never felt so alone. For the first time in her life, she was alone. She was just one girl, and here she was, vomiting out her celebration's feast onto the jungle floor.

As she caught her breath and wiped her mouth, she took a step back and inhaled. She had been traveling for about two days by then and still was not outside of Amazi. Nun'ku had told her it would take about two days to finally exit the jungle, but she still had no sighting of the outside world. If only she could just have Koroka next to her, she'd probably be at the gates to Illuminus already.

"I can't fail," she said to herself to reassure her stomach from letting out another go onto the ground. "I can't fail."

She took a deep breath, allowing her chest to heave again before pressing on, whispering to herself reassuring words of her pilgrammage.

"I am S'aurora Myo'sho. I am the gift of the sun and stars. I am the child of the moon, and my wrath will be felt through the light of the stars. I will cleanse the world of its darkness and the abomination its become."
Adela [Larin ruins]

"What am I doing here...?" The words croaked from between Adela's dry and swollen lips. She swallowed hard only to find she could not relieve the dry thirst that parched her mouth and throat. How many weeks had she been wandering the vast ruined battlefield of Larin in search of any valuables that she could cash in for food and/or gold. If not valuables than perhaps a gift from Gloia to aid her poor servant. How many days had it been since she'd had a sufficient amount of water? How many Days since she'd eaten? How many weeks since she'd gotten laid?

"Why have you forsaken me? Is it because I haven't reaped a soul in a little while? Have you forgotten all the basic needs for mere mortals to survive?!" She croaked at the harsh sun. Right then as she attempted to walk towards some shade, her foot hit the bone dry corpse of a long forgotten soldier and she tripped, landing hard on the remains of another corpse. "Curse it!" She spat as she rolled into a sitting position and examined what caused her to lose balance. She squinted hard as something shiny caught her eye. She reached with dirty, shaky fingers into the belt of the corpse and pulled from it an ancient medallion, used back in the old days as a good luck charm for soldiers. It had to be worth quite a bit now. She smiled weakly and stood up with the help of her staff, Oblivion.

"Thank you, I will reap for you tonight!" She shouted into the sky, a prayer to Gloia for today, she was blessed. Now, she could afford to take care of all her needs and she knew just the perfect sinned filled spot to do it, Jai Sai. With that she steadily began to make her way to the cherry blossom filled city of sex with a new strength she thought she'd all forgot she had in Larin.

"Never again will I gamble with Men from Hiren, all of them play dirty and together." She grumbled as she remembered how she got herself into her predicament. It was weeks ago, she'd traveled to the scum of the world, Hiren, to collect some souls. At the time, she was doing really well, she'd just given what souls she'd already taken to Gloia the day before and was feeling adventurous. That's when she ran into a group of good looking, young men. They offered her a seat at they're table inside a little gambling hall near the center of the city. Adela had never been one with a weakness for gambling but recently within the past few months she'd gotten a little knack for it so when offered to play by a group of delicious looking young men well, the elf woman couldn't refuse. As it turns out they were a group who all worked together to cheat unsuspecting victims out of nearly everything they had. They made her believe she was winning until the last round when they took everything; all of her gold she had and left. Pissed, Adela went home to her ruined tower on the outskirts of Larin and attempted to find valuables by scavenging the dead which normally, was a very easy and lucrative for of sewing in money but, Adela just seemed to be down on her luck and, eventually just kind of wandered around that is, until now. Adela gave a little smile as she patted the medallion in her little pouch on the side of her belt.

As she traveled Adela allowed herself to slip into daydreams of Jaisai and all the fun filled beauty it held in store for her. She thought of the food and smells and men and women who were everywhere waiting for her coin and say to pleasure her. She sighed, it's what she needed. "Oh, Jaisai momma's commin'" She purred as she flipped her long white hair over her shoulder and quickened her pace along the long dirt trail that ran along the coast of Omnia. From where she walked she was able to look over her shoulder and off in the distance see New Pearl. She shrugged at the thought of that place. She'd never really cared for it, not a whole lot in store there for her, only a lot of trouble, way too many priests and with the protection of Illuminus, attempting to kill, steal and seduce in the name of Gloia was just a suicide mission.

Adela [Jaisai]

Suddenly Adela's body was starting to feel all the exhaustion and lack of water from before. She could no longer just run off feel goods from faith, she needed to get to Jaisai quickly. Just when she felt she could walk no further she looked up and saw it! The red lanterns of Jaisai like a beacon in the dark, calling out to her and begging her to have a good time there. She took a deep breath and willed her body to keep moving towards the intoxicating scent of the Cherry Blossom plus, it was nice to run into other witches there as well, she knew of all the secret meeting places in Jaisai where she could buy information and trade souls but, that could wait until she got her needs out of the way. "First water, then erotica, first water, then erotica." She mumbled as she took the winding path up to the city entrance. Once she was through the gates she made an exact beeline for the Cherry Blossom and paid no mind to the stares of people, turning to look at a beautiful but withering female elf. Once she was inside the building she walked up to the counter and placed the medallion on the counter. "What will this get me?"

The beautiful Asian woman took the medallion and looked it over. She nodded and slipped it into her kimono. "Two night, free bath, one of our employees for one night and two meals. That's best we can do." She said, her gaze stern, she wasn't one to haggle.

Adela bit her lip, she was hoping for more whores with that but she would have to made due. "Deal." She smiled, coyly.
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~Marisol Illumina; Illuminus; Within the castle~

The exceedingly bright sunlight glaring through the curtains of the window caused Marisol to stir from what otherwise would have been a deep slumber, squinting slightly she rose, from the light outside she could already tell she had woken later than she had preferred to. Drawing herself free from the soft coverings of her bed, she took ginger steps towards the bathing chambers, hand reaching out briefly to touch the book she had left on the nightstand from the night before, she had meant to finish it before falling asleep, but sleep had happened regardless.

She took her time, mulling over the activities she had planned for today, she had meant to join one of the meetings in regards to taxes this evening, but a dull ache in the pit of her stomach reminded her that whatever she said, despite the logic behind it, wouldn't even be taken into account. She blinked at herself in the reflection of the bath water, she knew she had more to offer than this. But with her standings now she knew the best thing she could do was find a suitor that could run a kingdom, despite how much it irritated her to be degraded to that.

Her train of thought reminded her of the meeting she was to attend, a formal dinner with some man, a potential suitor who's name, for the life of her, she could not remember right now. She rose from the tub and toweled off, briefly by herself before a pair of hand maidens approached and began to do it for her,

When she was dry the handmaidens made quick work of dabbing her body in perfume, the sweet smell irritating her nose and coaxing a sneeze from her, before she could adjust to the strong smell her hair was being pulled into an intricate styling, and make-up applied to her face. She sat stiffly, waiting for them to finish, finally letting breath escape as they set the crown on her head. While she had not remembered her little meeting, they obviously had, wincing and touching her hair slightly she offered the two of them a smile.

"Thank you," she said, despite the fact she preferred doing these things on her own. She slipped on a robe and allowed the women to pick her dress, frowning at the frilly undergarments and corset she was helped into, her frown not disappearing when she was eased into a pure white dress, she turned herself around in it, trying to decide if it was maneuverable, with a slight frown she nodded to the two hand maidens and walked swiftly out the room, taking her book and hoping to get some of her studies in before arriving, after checking in with her mother of course.

She gestured towards one of the servants, he quickly made haste towards her, bowing slightly as he stopped in front of her, "Yes princess?" he asked.

"Please prepare a carriage for me and a group of seven guards, if mother allows it I will be off to..." she trailed off, glancing down at the letter she had received for reference, "Lord Therux's home, a little outside of Illuminus," she ordered, placing a hand on her hip and glancing down at the older man.

"Yes princess, enjoy your day," he said, dipping into a low bow again before scurrying off, his intent clear in his rapid footsteps, Marisol glanced after him for a bit before heading down the castle hallways, in search of her mother.
Sarah Osaris


The Winking Bear Bar

" What the hell are you trying to say? " Sarah stared into the man's eyes as he was clearly trying to flirt with him, however he said some rude things, well rude to her. She crunched her hand into a fist as she wanted to punch the man more and more, but she knew her brother was there trying to search for a job. Instead of doing any physical alteration she sat there and listen to the man continue on with his foolish attempt to try to persuade her, let alone get anywhere with her.

" I'm saying, that a pretty girl like you can't fight. " She felt those words echo into her ear for a second as he processed them, she heard this a million times, and she wouldn't accept it. Half the times it would end up the man being half beaten to death or her brother ending up saving her and beating the man to death. She knew he got tired of saving her. She didn't blame him. Instead hearing those words made him increasingly more angry.

She gripped her fist tighter and tighter as she wanted to flip this table out of the damn way and beat his face in with a few punches for saying that she can't fight. The man was obviously drunk, he was trying to impress her as I noticed his sword at his side, it wasn't impressive. Instead she felt doubt for the man as she sat back and crossed her arms and grinned for a second as she watched the man lean in.

" So why don't you.... "

She knew he was going to said that, the question was how he was going to react if she did it, instead she grabbed her drink and downed it and chuckled for a second. She didn't even care, she got up, her physical stature impressively showing and vaulted over the table and tackled the guy, as she landed on top of him, she began to throw punch after punch, beating the man's face in, as a few others ran up to her and tried to restrain her. The man was a bloody beaten pulp, laying on the ground, still conscious, but bleeding obviously. She watched as he got up slowly and stared at her as the two others held her arms. Sarah smiled for a second, as she said.

" I can't fight? Look who's face is a bloody.... " She watched as the man interrupted her with a swift jab into the gut, the two guys were clearly his goons. The question was, when was Thomas going to intervene. Instead she listened to the owner of the bar say. " Not inside... " Instead they didn't listen, no-one ever listens... She got punched again in the gut, and then slapped across the face as she spit out a bit of blood on his face. She was incredibly tough, resilient, but had a bad temper. She smirked for a second as she opened her mouth saying. " That's all you got? " She laughed for a second as a man she recognized stood behind him, he wasn't much taller, but he was bigger, she noticed that it was her brother as blood began to drip from her mouth as she was punched again. She said out loud again, towards the man and his goons. " Your going to need more guys.... "

Thomas Osaris


Winking Bear Bar

Thomas chuckled for a second as he looked at the man, the man was his contact about mercenary jobs. Thomas needed the money, but he didn't trust the guy that much as he was a shady fellow, however they were warriors, bent on proving themselves, and they wanted to make a point proven that they wanted to be remembered, the question was what. These minor jobs didn't cut it, sure a little beast had to be slayed here or there, but it didn't matter.

He finished his drink as he watched a fellow go over to sit down with his sister, this was trouble brewing, he would watch for a second to see what would happen, maybe nothing would happen for once. She was a trouble maker, especially when it came to men. She was doubted multiple times for being too small to be a fighter, she would prove them wrong over and over again. Constantly she fought and fought over again and he had to bail her out. She was a trouble maker, but now this was a different story. He heard something from the man next to him echo through his ear, it was about a job but he watched them just to make sure she didn't get hurt.

" Minor job, just a couple of beasts causing havoc..... "

He watched as he was interrupted by a fight, particularly one between his sister and the guy sitting next to her. He watched as she vaulted over the table and began to beat the guy's face in before two guys of similar stature try to restrain her, and instead the tables had turned. He got up and walked over slowly behind the man, the goons not even noticing him, as he began to beat her. He wasn't going to allow it. Instead he walked up as she said. " Your going to need more guys.... " He smiled for a second as he grabbed the guy by the back and threw him into a support beam nearby and knocked him out could as he punched one of the other guys out cold with his fist and Sarah began to beat the other guy's face in. He watched as she got up her fist dripping blood over and over again as she smiled.

He looked at her for a second and said out loud. " What the hell... Sarah. Now I have to pay for the damage, and plus we have to leave before these guys wake up... " He was mad of course, he had to clean up after her, he was tired of it. He reached over to his side of the hip and grabbed a bag, that was filled with money and handed it over to the owner of the bar, saying. " This should cover it. " He then grabbed another bag, and looked inside he didn't have much money left, they really needed that job. They walked out of the bar quickly, and looked around as they walked down a path. It was off to somewhere else, the question was where, maybe hopefully someone would find him instead and offer him a job.

~Cyrus Altriedes, on the outskirts of Larin, heading to Illuminus~

Cyrus grunted as he dragged himself over the ledge of the ruined wall, his breath coming out in a rapid, heavy, mist-filled clouds from the exertion. His muscles cried out for rest; he had been on the move all day, trying to escape this accursed realm. Sweat covered his brow and stained the cloth beneath his salvaged armor, only adding to his discomfort as he pulled himself over the ledge and rolled onto his back, panting from the effort. Cyrus was a slim-looking individual with pale, peach-tinted skin, silvery hair, and bright blue eyes. Overall his features were rather feminine, and those aspects were only further influenced by the clingy platemail and furs he had salvaged from what appeared to be female corpses. His flat, well-muscled chest rose and fell as he breathed, and his wide hips ached from the constant strain of movement he had been forced to do the last week. Oh how his body cried out for relief...but not yet. Not now.

This was simply not his week; everything about this place was off. First of all, he had to get in a battle of wits with a 'necromancer' who had been looking for him. Secondly, he was being hunted down by horrid-looking creatures for some unknown reason, and lastly, perhaps the worst of all, was the fact that he could not find a single male piece of gear that could fit him. Surely he was a male, right? And yet, why did only female armor manage to be comfortable for his shape? However, none of those difficulties could compare to the single most tragic part of his life; he had no memory of anything before he awoke here. The massive gap in his mind brought hundreds of questions up; who was he? Why was he here? Who in their sick, twisted minds would throw him in this of all places? Alas, there were no answers for him here...but at least not everything was terrible. Cyrus sighed and kept his body laid out on the ancient stone of the ruin, letting himself rest while he could.

Glancing down at his right hand, Cyrus eyed the white-iron gauntlet that encompassed his entire hand, feeling the pulsating energy within the sacred metal with a reverence fit for deity; it felt like a heart beat that was constantly there, filling him with peace and inner tranquility. This gauntlet which he named Compassion, and the sword on his hip he labeled Redemption, were both a set he had discovered a couple nights back in an abandoned temple complex deep within this ruined city. They were important to him...perhaps the most cherished objects he had in his possession; they represented hope for him, and hope for his future. A smile spread across his face and he closed his eyes. All he needed was a bit of rest...just a bit before- an dark arrow with a black feathers struck the stone next to him, the shaft quivering from the strength of the impact. Twisting and rolling his body away from the projectile, he had barely managed to avoid another wicked arrow entering where he once was. However, he had misinterpreted how much room he had and ended up sliding off the edge of the stone, dropping down and hitting the dusty ground roughly and driving the air from his lungs.

After a brief moment of recovery, Cyrus got back up on shaky legs and looked up where he was just at; sure enough, one of his hunters stood their, placing another arrow on the glistening string of a shadow-draped bow. The creature holding it was a lesser demon, with dark-red skin, jet-black heavy armor, curling wicked horns, and pitiless dark eyes. Opening its maw, the demon spoke in a harsh and alien tongue which Cyrus could not begin to understand; "Rok thül mosaig! Daz, Serafriaelum!" At that moment, it loosed its arrow. Cyrus dodged to the side in a desperate burst of speed, only just managing to avoid a black-fletched arrow through his heart and feeling it only graze his left arm. Growling, he withdrew Redemption and raised his gauntlet's palm at the demon, summoning a surge of magical energy and releasing it in a burst, launching a spike of solidified light at the creature and impaling it through its left shoulder. Letting out an angry cry of shock and agony, the demon dropped its bow and fell back and out of sight. Cyrus stiffened at the sound of more bestial voices, and he cursed under his breath before turning away and running to set a distance between him and them.

With his tired legs aching with each footfall, Cyrus traversed the treacherous terrain with a single, simple emotion; excitement. Never did he feel more alive than when he was trying to hold on to his life. The angry howls of his pursuers followed him, driving themselves after him with a desperation he did not understand; why were they so intent on him? Surely there was easier prey for them to hunt...well, it did not seem that these creatures are very concerned with logic. His eyes scanned the horizon for any way of escape, but there did not appear to be any except at what appeared to be the edge of the ruins' limits; a decently-large expanse of grasses that reached back to a forest's tree line. That was his only means of survival. Urging his legs to carry him further and to increase their pace, he kept looking behind him for any signs of his hunters; sure enough, a trio of the blasted demons were a few dozen paces behind with their wicked weapons raised and their blood-thirsty cries filling the air...they would catch him soon if he did not reach those trees.

An arrow zipped past his head as his feet finally struck the spongy, dirt-laced ground of the grassland, the projectile whistling in Cyrus' ear and causing him to summon up a burst of adrenaline to carry him the rest of the way. Even though these creatures were fierce-looking...they were horrid marksmen. He continued his mad dash for the trees, not even bothering to look behind him until he crashed into a patch of brush and rolled into the forest a few moments later. Panting heavily, he raised his head from the brush and stared at the demons...they had stopped at the edge of the ruins' border, just staring and snarling in their dark language at him in the distance. Why were they not pursuing him? It did not seem like they were capable of leaving that place...that, or they had been ordered not to. The predicament confused Cyrus, causing him to question what kept them there. After a few minutes of jeering and cursing, the demons trudged away from the edge...Cyrus did not start to breathe easily again until they were well gone from sight. Sitting down at the base of a tree trunk, he closed his eyes and felt his muscles burn; he needed rest, otherwise exhaustion may end up killing him. Closing his eyes, he attempted to find rest...but he remembered something he had not noticed until just now: he had finally escaped that ruined province. He was free. That thought brought a smile to his face as he slumped into unconsciousness.
-Clippity clop, clippity clop-

The hot and brazen rays showered down from the sun, the heat was sweltering. Cicada's chattered in the breeze, and the dark green leaves whispered their secrets to the wind a their branches danced under the few whit wispy clouds above. The road was quiet except for the clippity clop of
Mina's hooves on the dirt road, it was baked brown by the sun and well maintained considering the times. There were a few potholes but that was to be expected, with demons lurking under every stone and bandits behind every bush. Civil workers were in such short supply nowadays, it was a travesty, repairing the roads was days honest work and well worth the pay that came from working for whoever was in charge.

Inside his armour he was felt like a roasted potato and his tail twitched with unease, there was a slight pinch at the nape of his neck, to him it was the equivalent of a premonition. A storm was brewing, a storm of gods and mortals, of beasts and men fighting over the fate of the world and mayhaps the entire universe to boot. His troubles however lay a yard behind him, he was being followed and had been since he left the village of Gadfellow. He did not know why though, his paranoia however told him they were either bandits or demons or even bandit demons.

There was a sharp bend in the road up ahead and the side of the mountain blocked any sight of the path beyond that point, it was the perfect spot to set up an ambush. However, he didn't want to clue them into his plans and continued on at the same pace. A yard or so distance between himself and his followers would allow him more than enough time to prepare a hasty ambush if it came to such a thing. Otherwise he was fine with waiting to find out who found him interesting enough to warrant being stalked along one the lands main trade roots. It was in their advantage that travelers, traders and peddlers were a rare sight and the world was worse for it.

Tinker Yohann was one of his most favourite people in the entire world, then he died and became an ass. Such things weren't supposed to happen, dead people were supposed to die and not rise up from their bodies all incorporeal and grumpy. He growled low in anger and then without warning barked a single laugh. To his stalkers it would appear as though he were simply laughing but to Nina whom he had trained since she hatched as a tiny dinosaur it was more akin to an order and with a simple snort she began sweeping her tail from left to right along the road, she was effectively wiping their tracks as they plodded along. They were close enough to the bend that their follower wouldn't know their tracks were gone until it was too late.

Around the bend there stood a copse of thick bushes and a few spindly trees with low hanging branches burdened with long slender and pale leaves. He hitched Nina to one of the same trees stand farther back while he returned to edge of the small copse of bushes and trees to lie in wait for his quarry. Over the small rise where the road rose from the common dirt and grass around it like some great royal serpent.
Rered Rafariu inside Hiren in a bar called The Drunken Tavern,

Rered sat at the counter of the bar, not normally a place he would be but he needed somewhere to stay and a tavern that had breakfasts on the menu and this was the only one in Hiren. Hiren a despicable place he normally came here to trade the weapons of his fallen foes for gold otherwise he'd never be in this place filled with drunks,brutes and whores. The one bad thing about this place having beds meant all kinds of people would be lingering here, to pitiful drunks, Gamblers and whores looking to make money off drunk men.

A women had earlier tried to get him to pay for her "Services" only for him to tell them to "Get out of here you wretched whore" It was often drunken brawls broke out between the most drunk of people or fights caused by somebody losing a bounty of gold gambling. He normally never got involved in said fights until a few days back when he stayed for the night and some clear regular came up and demanded he got out of his "Stool". Rered had simply replied, "Unless this is your bar this stool does not belong to you." The man had then tried to throw a wild punch at Rered's face seeing as he wasn't wearing his helmet, He'd easily deflected it all the man could do was throw wild punches and kicks until he was so tired, Rered just picked him up and threw him out the door.

It seemed that man was back for revenge and this time is seemed he'd brought along a little posse of his to get his vengeance, Rered turned to face the man and told him "I see you cannot beat me in a fair fight, are these hired muscle or a bunch of drunken slobs? To me they look like the latter" To that he let out a little laugh and got out of his stool. Seeing as he didn't know if any of them were carrying a knife he waited for one of the trio to lunge towards him and after one of them did so he twisted their arm up until they screamed out in agony, he then twisted their arm behind their back and kicked him into one of his friends. The men both clattered to the ground, both got up fairly quickly but it was clear these people were mere amateurs he was dealing with here but that didn't mean he couldn't be beaten by strength in numbers.

It was only then had he realized that a fourth man had sneaked up behind him and before he knew it a stool was smashed into the back of his legs. He feel to the ground before quickly recovering. He grabbed the fourth man before he had any time to react and gave him a strong punch to the face. Their was a satisfying crunch as the steel gloves Rered was wearing connected with the mans nose. He then brought his knee up to the injured man which connected with his chin sending the man onto his back whacking his head onto the bar, knocking himself out cold.

The initial two "Helpers" now both lunged at him. He saw a knife in one of their hands, before either man had reached him, he ran at the man wielding the knife shoulder barging him up against the wall. The man dropped the knife and curled into the fetal position. He picked up the knife and turned around, both the man from the other day and his last "Helper" had ran off. He put the knife in the spare sheath he had, he'd probably sell it seeing as it felt like some piece of crap, so blunt it could barely even cause a scratch in his armor.

He walked up to the tavern owner, "I do apologies for the ruckus,I just needed to finish up some business with some unwanted "Friends" of mine I can assure you they wont be coming back here anytime soon, now I shall be on my way." With that he left the tavern and went over to the market place to sell the crappy knife to one of the merchants. Once he found a suitable stall that would buy a knife he placed it down on the table. "How much would you be willing to pay me for this knife?"

The merchant replied "I'll give you one gold piece and nothing more for it, its clearly worn and blunt"

"Deal" And with that the merchant handed over one gold piece and took the knife.

He turned to leave when a man ran up to him, "Hey,You! Yes you, You look like the type that's looking for gold, am I right?"

"That is correct depending on what the circumstances are to earn said gold." Rered stated.

"I've got a little errand run that needs doing, nothing hard just need a letter delivered to Jaisai, if you're willing to do this once you deliver the letter to who I need it delivered to they will pay you 50 gold pieces."

"Sure I'm in, where will I find the recipient of the letter?"

"Here's his address and the letter and whatever you do, don't open it because we'll know and they'll be serious consequences."

With that he handed over the letter and address of the recipient and walked away. So he'd have a long treck to Jaisai but then again it was worth the payment. He began his walk out of Hiren, it shouldn't take him that long to get to Jaisai.
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Lanus Nox, near Jaisai

"Witches and mages. Witches and mages. Witches and mages."

Lanus Nox, vampire, whispered his chant reverently as he trudged towards Jaisai. His journey had begun in Beryl, as all his treks did. Korth needed souls. Lanus Nox served that purpose.

Witches and mages. Witches and mages. Witches and mages.

A poison frog from jumped out at Lanus from a jungle tree. Lanus knew it was poisonous because it was a vivid blue and tiny-- it barely covered one of his knuckles. He watched it trek across the back of his hand. With his forefinger and thumb, Lanus pulled the poison frog off his hand and brought it to his lips. It felt cold.

He let it jump away, repulsed. Disgusting, cold-blooded creature. He shuddered.

Witches and mages. Witches and mages. Witches and mages.

It took Lanus a day to trek through Amazi's dense jungle landscape. It had been a full day from Beryl, through the Lost Land, to get to Amazi. He had started off with a hundred gold peices that Korth had given him as payment for a year's worth of Reaping souls. It might have been two years. What did a year feel like? The older Lanus became, the more his grasp on time slackened. Not that his grasp on anything was particularly strong. How many days were in a year? Useless question, since Lanus never counted days, or anything over one hundred.

Speaking of one hundred, he had started off with a hundred gold pieces that Korth had given to him as payment for a year's worth of Reaping souls. Lanus had used some of it to buy a guide. It hadn't been easy to find a willing victim, but everyone has their price. He had paid fifty gold pieces to have an elf show him the way through the dense Amazi jungle-- a sinewy elf with jungle heat and poison running through his veins. Lanus had heard that prolonged exposure to small doses of poison could render a mortal immune, though he hadn't witnessed it first-hand before.

As night fell and the jungle thinned and Jasai drew nearer, Lanus got curious. Alone in the jungle, Lanus had a bite to eat. Or two or ten.

Salty, yet tangy.

Curiosity still not satisfied, Lanus longingly tore off his guide's sternum, revealing a heart racing in the elf's chest cavity. The dulcet tones of his guide's screams reached higher and higher pitches as Lanus broke each rib, allowing easier access to the heart, so full of poisoned blood and struggling valiantly to keep its body alive. For a few moments, the vampire looked at the scene before him contentedly before deftly reaching in to tear out the beating organ. One last time, shrieks of unimaginable pain soared upwards to the canopy, serenading Lanus as he bit into the heart's delicious heat.

After a moment, the scene was over and Lanus was left with was the clean-up. It was his least favorite part of making messes, but it was part of his responsibility as detailed by Korth, who had given him one hundred gold pieces as payment for a year's worth of Reaping souls.

Speaking of one hundred gold pieces, Lanus' skeletal hand crept inside the guide's bloody vest and retrieved the fifty gold pieces that had been the guide's payment. Pity that the elf hadn't been alive long enough to spend it.

Well, not so pitiful, Lanus ammended.

After the vampire had tidied up, he completed his trek to Jasai with an added spring in his step, arriving before morning light. At loss for how to find witches and mages in the sleeping city, Lanus followed his whim and entered the nearest brothel.

"Good evening, weary traveller," the matron greeted her newest visitor in her customarily oily voice. "What is your fancy on this--" She stopped, taking in his height, his thinness, his palor, and most of all the scythe, which was nearly as as tall as the man who owned it.

After an awkward silence had time to stretch and settle between then, Lanus produced fifty gold pieces and placed one in the matron's hand. "Will thissss buy me a wh*re?"

The matron looked over the coin, biting on it just to make sure it was real. The longing for that bag of money held out by this strange visitor seemed to override her fear. "It will buy you several, sir. Or, you could stay in the best room for a month for that much gold."

"You, madaaaam, misunderstand me, I think!" He interjected jovially, the "k" catching on his tongue like a fish hook. "I want
owwwwnership of a wh*re. I do not want to return her."

Perhaps a moment should be taken to explain the speech pattern of this rather vile character. Lanus Nox likes to speak. What he enjoys most about it is the feeling of vowels and consonants caressing his tongue. Sometimes syllables are just so much fun that he stops on them for relish their sound. His appreciation for tonality is much the same, which means the tone of his speech does not always match the intention of his words. The overall effect is one of a rattletrap carriage traversing down a derelict path of language, which produces an overall sound so unusual that it breeds malaise in those forced to listen.

"But sir! A travelling man like you! How could you care for her?"

Lanus responded by giving the woman a sly, cold smile. After a moment, he placed his matchstick fingers on the counter, long and glass-like nails tapping at a maddeningly slow pace. Like wine dripping out of a nearly- closed cask. "I'm
not a patiennnnnt man, matron." He spoke after a minute of silence between the two. "Iiifff you don't have what I desirrrrre, I willll go somewhere else."

The matron wrung her hands. Fifty gold pieces all at once did not come along very often. "Fine!" She snapped. "Mia, come here!"

A few weeks later, a woman was found washed up on a nearby shore. However, no one could be sure of who she was, since the skin on her face and hands had been shredded. But, the discovery was not made until Lanus had already left Jaisai.

((At the starting point of the RP, Lanus is still in Jaisai.))

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Adela opened her eyes and stretched. The silk bedding felt blissful against her soft pale skin. Beside her two of the Cherry Blossom's finest whores stirred in their sleep. They gave small sleepy moans and reached up to entwine their arms around her bare body. She blinked a few times and sighed deeply, registering to herself that she was awake now.

"What time is it?" She cooed softly into the ear of one whore. The young man stirred and sleepily smiled at her. "It's sometime in the evening, madame, only a bit past midnight." He stretched next to her and sat up, running his fingers through his hair. On the other side of her, another whore, one who decided to join by choice, stirred awake as well.

"Well, time flies when you're having fun." Adela smiled and crawled out of bed and walked over to the vanity in the room. "I am hungry, someone fetch me some food." She ordered sweetly over her bare shoulder.

"Allow me!" both of her escorts offered. They shot each other dirty looks but one was quick to reply before the other. "Ehem. Allow me, I will bring you the best meal the Cherry Blossom has to offer." the female whore bowed and quickly took her exit. Within a few minutes she was back with a large tray of food. Her head was bowed low and she sniffled.

Adela raised an eyebrow and walked over to her taking the tray from the pretty thing. "What's wrong, love? You're much to beautiful to cry." She purred, lifting the girl's chin and looking into her green eyes to see tears.

"I'm awfully sorry, miss... it's just my friend... she was purchased by some pale stranger this evening." She sniffled again. The male whore across the room gasped and covered his mouth. "You don't mean... Mia?" His voice wavered and the female nodded in response.

Of coarse, Adela didn't care about their woes in the least but, she saw this as perfect opportunity to take advantage of them while they are weak, for Gloia. She wrapped an arm around the female and gestured for the male to come close. When he was near her she placed a sympathetic look across her pretty face. "It is unfortunate to hear what happened to your friend. She seems like a sweet person..." She started.

" She was beautiful and loving and very popular." The male cried, covering her face.

"Also, a damn good whore, she was very popular, some damn creepy man named Lanus." The female cried also.

Adela's ears perked up at the name. "Lanus you say?" She knew that name.... but from where? She decided to roll with their sadness while she tried to remember a fellow named Lanus. "Oh, I know him..." Her voice grew dark. She did know him, it was all coming back to her, he was a follower of Korth and Gloia and if he was the same Lanus she'd ran into in the past than this Mia woman was not being well looked after.

The two whores looked up at her through blurry eyes. "You know him?! Do you know if Mia will be okay? Happy?" They both were asking her at the same time.

Adela tried not to smile. "Oh... I'm very sorry..." She bowed her head.

The two exchanged terrified looks. "no.." the whisper hung in the air like a toxic gas. She could feel it was hard to them to breathe and difficult for them to grasp the weight of what could have happened to someone they loved.

"I can help her though..." She said coyly and waited for their attention. When she had it in full she slinked away from them and grabbed Oblivion. "Meet me in the flooded Jaisai ruins and I will help your friend Mia..." She lied, knowing exactly what she would do. "Do not waist time, everyone should be sleeping by now, sneak out and meet me in the middle." She said and slipped back into her clothes while the other two quickly snuck to their rooms and got dressed.

A half an hour later they stood in the middle of the Jaisai ruins. Adela stood in the water while the two whores stood in front of her nervously on the dry land. The beautiful elf woman smiled calmly at them. "Do you trust me?" She asked as she slid the blade across her hand and let a few droplets of blood hit the water.

The two whores exchanged glances and nodded. "You've been very kind and helpful, more than any of our clients have ever been." They spoke softly.

"That's right, I favor you two dearly, now step closer." She said sweetly, getting instant reaction from them. They each approached her and she took each of their hands and cut them also, letting their blood mix with hers in the murky ruin water. She smiled as she felt the power rise within her. "You two are a little too trusting." She said sharply and received shocked facial expressions in return. "I cannot save your friend but, believe me when I say you are doing a great deal for me right now." She laughed as she swirled their blood in the water.

The male whore started to cough and he uneasily gripped his stomach. "What-what are you doing?" He asked and blinked back a mixture of tears and blood that began to spill from his eyes. The female fell to her knees and vomited bile and blood all over the ground in front of her, choking back loud frightened sobs. "My Gaia, what are you...?!" She screeched as more vomit and blood spilled from her mouth.

The male whore stumbled away from her and yelled as he frantically wiped the blood from his eyes, the whole time hacking and coughing up blood.

Adela took a deep breath in and smiled. "Please, one question at a time. I'm only sacrificing your soul to Gloia, If you haven't guessed by now I am a witch and don't worry you'll be dead soon from eternal and well... now external bleeding. I must say, I will miss you two when this is all over you guys are exceptional lovers." She shrugged her shoulders and leaned casually on Oblivion as she watched them writhe on the ground, choking on their own blood. When it was all over she gave another sigh and cut their hair, collecting their souls in her gem in Oblivion. "For you my sweet, Gloia." She cooed and caressed Oblivion as she gem shined and glowed, happy for it's new inhabitants.

The elf straightened her posture and waded out of the water and past the bodies. "Now, I am curious as to why Lanus is here." She hummed and made her way back towards the vibrant city of not ruined Jaisai in search of an old acquaintance.
"Please! PLEASE! I'm sorry!"

"You tried to rob a god!"

"We didn't know PLEASE!"

"Why should you survive when the rest have died?"

"I have a wife and kid!"


With a course of yellow and white light the streaks of jagged bladed electricity flowed through his forearm and down the hand of the gauntlet.


The bandit voiced one last time as his eyes welled up in tears painting the ridges of his socket in the red of weeping and sorrow. His whole body shivered in remorse as the dead of his colleagues lined the floor around him as he knelt on the floor waiting for his life to be spared or his execution. They had jumped the wrong man.... no they had jumped a God.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed as the bandits body began to fade through a range of spectrum. As his flesh turned black then flashed clear to show his ivory bones then black again as the lightning pulsed through him.

Dash stopped short of the mans life as the muscles on the bandits body twitched with chaotic spasms his neck rocking violently causing his head to bobble. his mouth forced out gurgle noises as he continued to convulse on his knees in sheer pain.

"Would you like me to stop?....”

The bandit forced out a few more gurgles that were more or less struggles to make sound then even the formation of words. His once white orbs inside his head were stained in the red of popped blood vessels as the tears that once flowed out with water were of a deeper red.

With another surge of light the body flashed again as the once tanned skin became a crisp charcoal the flakes flesh slowly crumbled away from the body and disintegrated into the air around. The gurgle and half scream became muffled then silenced as all that lay before Dash was seared flesh and ash stained bone.

“You know those meat bags atrocious sounds were asking you to stop.”

“His son doesn't deserve a weak father this will make him stronger.”

“Like you?”

“Shut up Weiss”

Dash turned around from the scene as the Grimoire Weiss devoured their souls into his bindings holding their energy and power within him as the life essence fueled him. This was almost a daily occurrence for them death and feeding on the weak.

“Homesick benevolent master?”


Dash looked out towards the horizon just a days walk away from the city of Illumnis.
Xohar Cordalo, Outskirts of Larin

As Xohar walked along the path leading into murky swamp, he sighs, his white hair damp with sweat, he sighs, carrying around one of his regular blades. He swats a large mosquito and sighs, clearly irritated

"Damn things." He says as he wipes the bloody remains of it off his hand.

This was a sad hunt really. So far he found nothing to explain the origins of the cursed blade, on top of that he only found some minor demons that weren't even worth fighting. It was a slow day in reality, the sun was the only thing that was being merciless on his white skin. Luckily he wasn't completely albino and the swamp trees and vines offered shade, although the quicksand, mud, murky water, and large insects didn't really make his trip worthwhile. As he walks he slices a few vines away and decides to cool off Havran, he remembers the First Betrayers visit faintly. It was all a bit of a blur but it still surprised him, he submurges Havran and the blade becomes lighter.. He sighs and he pulls out the blade and starts wiping the muddy water off

"Not the best idea, wonder what I'll do now.."

Xohar finally escapes the swamp, still in the Ruins of Larin he groans as he drinks the last of his water. He should have really saved it up, he goes to where he left his horse but it seems it's already dead. He curses and kicks the ground, a bit mad as he walks towards Illuminus, New Pearl was close so that meant Illuminus must be somewhere around. But walking their would surely be a pain. He forces himself to walk out of the ruins. Carrying only vital things around.

"Left, Right, Left, Right..."

He muttered that to himself as he walked along the road. Sweat dripping down his face and he panted, his steps ached and slowed but he needed to get to Illuminus.

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~Marisol Illumina; Illuminus; Within the castle walls~

Marisol's impatience began to rise as she was forced to travel up and down the halls of the castle in search of her mother, her patience growing thinner with each step. Finally, as she broke free of the castle doors she spotted a familiar mass of red hair, gathering her gowns and breaking into a trot she approached her mother with an exasperated expression, tucking her book into the crook of her armpit she sat down across from her.

Gorgeous lips curved into a smile, and the queen's eyes lit up slightly, "Marisol! Hello dear, you're all dressed up, where are you off to?" she asked, frowning slightly as she spoke the last statement. Marisol shifted to a more comfortable position before addressing her mother with a calm tone.

"A duke of some sorts offered to have dinner with me, no doubt to speak of courting. His house a little outside of Illuminus, I'll be back in three days, Mother," she said, the queen's expression was did not soften in the least bit, though concern did crease her brows, she opened her mouth to speak but Marisol was faster, "I'll bring 8 guards, and I'll be back before three days if I can, I can see you getting worried--I'll be fine, alright? No need to worry,"

The Queen sat in silence for a bit, mulling over her thoughts and running a charm in between her fingers, Marisol shifted and wriggled, not attempting to be subtle in the fact she was displaying extreme impatience.

"Fine, but be swift,"

With that she stood, bid her mother goodbye and made haste to her carriage, heels clicking impatiently as her head guard struggled to keep pace beside her, unfortunately the delay, halfway caused by her own forgetfulness, as much as she hated to admit it, had destroyed her good mood.

"Gorgeous dress, princess," Marvune said, Marisol gave him a thin-lipped smile.

"Thank you," she said curtly, before her eye lightened bit as a topic other then her meaningless dress entered her mind, "Why, Marvune, I finished the book you lent me, what an interesting read, were these true accounts? Also, is there a quiz I could possibly take? Have others taken the said quiz? I'd like to see if my scores are better then theirs. I take my lessons quite seriously," she said, swallowing a smug smile. In fact, she almost caught Marvune roll his eyes before he passed it off as a yawn, before turning to address her.

"No I don't believe there's a quiz on the book, princess," he muttered, Marisol sniffed indignantly before gathering her gowns and stepping into the carriage that awaited her, she fished her book from under her armpit and sat down on the expensively padded seat, the carriages and the horses were a gift to her, one she treasured dearly. Though it was disconcerting that the carriage had no windows, though her guards positioned outside would take care of any threat, and windows would protect from assassination, well secret assassination.

Though she did wish she could look outside and stare at the buildings she'd have to suffice with a nice hole in the wood, the carriages only flaw, and peer out through there. It almost made her feel like a child again, peeping at her father through the keyhole. The memory brought a frown to her face.

"You ready princess?"

"Yes, please do hurry,"

The carriage trotted off, leaving her to peep out of the tiny hole, at her kingdom, in wonder.
-Xohar Cordalo; Outskirts of Larin; A day's walk from New Pearl-

(No idea why people stopped posting so...time to post!)

Xohar decided he wasn't really going to survive a trip that long to Illuminus in this condition, so he turns to the direction of New Pearl first. He would probably get there first and then go to either Jaisai or Illuminus. He might visit the land of Jaisai, he's heard so much from it and has only visited it....well never visited really. It bothers him how little he's traveled from Illuminus, and how he would either end up In New Pearl or back in the comfy walls of Illuminus. He needed to get out of his comfort zone. He seemed to kill time daydreaming and thinking deeply as he walked. HE tripped a few times since he in deep thought and almost fell into a crevice

-"So which way will I go next...Jaisai, Amazi, Forr-?!"- He quickly snapped back to reality as he almost fell forward. Luckily he had some good reflexes and only stayed at the edge "Damn...I should be more alert." he says to himself

He looks towards the direction of New Pearl, the sun seemed to be setting somewhat and the cool winds let out a delightful breeze. But he honestly didn't want to stay here over night. He would be eaten by a beast or a minor demon, which isn't the way he wants to go out or "hit the bucket" as his Old man used to say. He sighed, New Pearl did bring back some good memories, as well as sad but he tried to embrace the good ones. Fishing with his old man, teaching the children. He truly missed it all, as New Pearl came closer into distance an arrow whizzed by his face.

"Oh not now..." he looked back to see a few tribal demons screeching and starting to chase after him.

Xohar curses as he runs now, he was already tired so each step seemed to make his breathing heavier. He drew one of his swords, he might as well try to fight, he wasn't going to lead them into New Pearl. No matter how protected it was by Illuminus. He looked around as the terrain got a bit rougher. He swatted remains of bones towards the demons with the dull side of his blade Eclipse as he ran. He looked at the hilt of Havran and quickly turned, running towards them as one of the demons screech and throws some magic at him, he quick draws Havran, as the spells collide with it the blade glows brighter. He quick draws his blades and slashes about 3 only due to how damn short they are, and how he is always used to slicing upwards. The remaining 4 seem to back away slowly from the man with the powerful glowing blade. But they were obviously going to call more allies as they ran away and screeched, jumping up on their little imp legs. He sighed and walked back to the remains.

As he searched their corpses for something good, all he finds are some trinkets, a small jewel and a symbol of Gloia on the mage. He takes the mage's staff, not wanting for another of them to pick it up, he snaps it and walks away. Looting what was left of them. Growing slightly paranoid he goes at a quick pace, not wanting more of those tiny terrors jumping on him.

"Left, Right, Left, Right..." he repeated

Xohar could see the lights of New Pearl and he was only about a mile or 2 away now. He finally reached some civilized ground and exited Larin. He was ready to return home

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