Story The Fall of Carazan

The Fall of Carazan


All according to my Scenario
And in those days, the Eclipse Lord warred against the Lords of Might in the warm North. The greatest of His servants was the Unmaker, the Xiquilion closest to the Void. And the Unmaker was least trusted, and sent forth to subdue the North to be away from the Halls of Embar.

On the Night Road of the South it met the Lady Malian, long set to watch the Southern Lands. Malian sought to avert its passage, and thus wove a Song of Power. She sang of living things, of the glory of new flowers and of eagles, and in her voice was the love she bore for the living.

But the Unmaker sang a song of death, of withered grass, of broken bones and illness. Long they contended, and yet Malian was the lesser. And her voice was drowned in an ocean of black corruption and smoke.

But she was of holy blood, and her Song rent the Shroud of the Unmaker ere she was devoured. Silenced and weak, it fled into the frozen South and troubled not the realms of the First People.

A Dragon of the Eclipse Lord

The Eclipse Lord brooded upon His design, and turned His gaze upon the North once more. And He readied His Dragons for a new assault, unleashing the Winged Dragons upon the City of Carazan. Dragons are spirits of fire incarnate, and their Soul’s Light left their Shrouds of scale and plate aglow. Their passing was thought to be the Sun rising in the South, so bright and luminous were they, and their wings roared like many copper pans clashing.

Over the Guardian Mountains they went, aglow and exceedingly great in number. The City of Carazan wondered at the Dragons, ere they fell upon them like volcanoes.

Fire sprang forth in bright rivers, twisting columns engulfing the beautiful walls and towers of Carazan. Thousands perished in flame, and it was only for the valor of Prince Darien that more were not slain. He died locked in combat with a great Wyrm, Alzarior the Black Storm, crushed beneath its rear talons as his blade pierced its throat, allowing many of the women and children to escape through the Night Road.

The Eclipse Lord Himself marched from Embar, and made the City the hall of the greatest of His Dragons, Glorfangar the Brilliant. Maliar in the North brooded on these tidings, and marshaled his might for war.
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