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Fantasy The Fairy War Characters Page

Dawn is a Changeling

Junior Member
Please use the sheet below. If you aren't sure what to name your fairy, try an Irish name. Some of them are weird at first but they grow on you. You're character will be about the size of a human with wings. Appearances vary by season- no fairy looks human.

Spring- tend to be innocent, playful, and carefree. Usually look younger than they are. Hair colors pink, yellow, orange, purple, and green. Skin colors green, yellow, and pink. Eye colors green, yellow, or pink. Wings shaped like flower petals or leaves. Often a little bit shorter than everyone else. Powers are making things grow and healing.

Summer- usually loud and boisterous. Tend to be strong, hardworking, and often bite off more than they can chew. Hair colors green or brown, skin colors green or yellow, eye colors green, yellow, or brown. Powers are heat and strength. Wings are usually leaves.

Autumn- Tend to be kind and warm, like to celebrate and laugh. Most enjoy warm meals. Hair colors red, brown, or gold, skin colors red, orange, or yellow (sometimes have gradient arms and leg that start one color and end another, usually accompanied by some sort of pattern on the face). Eye colors brown, gold, red, orange, or yellow. Powers- multiplying food and putting things to sleep. Wings are leaves in their autumn glory.

Winter- often quiet and contemplative. Can be very solemn and serious or might just be daydreaming. Hair colors white or blue. Skin colors also white or blue. Eye colors pale purple or blue. Powers are withering things and creating cold/snow. Wings are snowflakes or frost patterns.

Character sheet-



Personality Type:



Side: (summer/winter)







Practical Skills:





If you can't find an Irish name you like I would suggest the site namenerds, irish names by meaning. Google translate works too. You don't have to use an Irish name, of course, I know they aren't for everyone. They really do grow on you though.

IC: Fantasy - The Fairy War

OOC: Fantasy - The Fairy War OOC

Locations: Fantasy - The Fairy War Locations
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This is my character. Keep in mind that all of the questions above are optional.

Name: Kearney

Age: 17, looks 13 (fairies are adults at 15. Spring fairies look younger than they are.)

Personality Type: ENFP

Appearance: Pink hair, Green Skin, Yellow eyes. About 5'2. Very long ears. She's usually smiling to herself about something, you probably won't know what until her prank springs and you're dripping wet or knee deep in mud. Her wings are orchid petals.

Season: Spring

Side: She's just here for the chaos

Personality: She's mischievous and can come across as mean or rude, but when it comes down to it she has your back and is sweet as honey. But when nothing serious is on the line, it's probably wisest to pass on her poultices. You could try risking one of her healing thingys, or you could just wait a week for the scar to heal naturally, since if she was in a tricky mood you could be out for two week from whatever watered down poison she handed you. Still though, when it comes down to it, there's no one more reliable to have by your side when you need it most.

Connections: Younger brother, Gaire. Parents, Owen and Muirin. Has a pet fox named Sionnach.

Backstory: Ran into (insert foreign friend here) around 7 and thought it would be delightful to start a secret club. Over the years a few more joined. She moved out of her parents house a couple years ago and now spends her time frolicing, causing trouble, and sneaking out of the isles to make trouble for the other races.

Fears/Flaws: She can take the joke to far and has too little respect for authority.

Talents: Trouble. Also very good with poisons and herbs. Very good liar.

Interests: Trouble.

Practical Skills: Poison, magic, especially healing magic.

Likes: Water, foxes, cats, poison (she has an immunity... probably... maybe. She says she has an immunity), pranks

Dislikes: authority, cheese, people who can't take a joke, people who mess with her friends

Hobby: Causing trouble and playing with things that she really shouldn't.

Other: People who've known her for a while will know that her wings flick a lot when she's lying. She does this at other times too though, so it's hard to be certain.

Interpersonal realtionships:
Maple- Thinks of her as a bit of a chicken and a gullible target for mischief but will beat up anyone else who dares bother her.
Oergonus- She looks down on him for being human (though for a human he's descent enough) but thinks that leading him into some kind of death trap would be hilarious (she doesn't think that human life holds any value. There's no malice, she's just being a fairy.) so she's towing him along for now.

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Name: Oergonus the Starwatcher

Age: 20

Personality Type: INTJ

Appearance: Brown hair and grey eyes, a face that is frequently lost in thought. Though there are a few calluses and marks of wear on him, they're very recent. It's clear he is mostly a cushy, ivory tower scholar who was dragged out of his studies for one reason or another.

Season: N/A

Side: Summer, very technically?

Personality: He is a studious young man who tends to have his head in the clouds, losing himself to deep thoughts and ruminations. When his attention can be roused from contemplating the mysteries of the universe, one finds him a very fastidious and fussy individual, very focused on maintaining some semblance of order in his life. He is also very single-minded, tending to hyperfixate on one thing or another. But he is also a deeply curious and empathetic individual, who loves to learn more about others' lives and worlds.

Kearney, a fairy who pranked him on one of her trips to the other continents.
The Oak Astrologer, a fairy sage who helped discover his particular brand of magic. Oergonus is, technically, his great-great-great-grandstudent.

The Scholars' Traditions of the Human Continent are a group of magic users that derive their magic from the seasons, but in a way unlike any of the fairies' magics. They learn through rigorous academic study and discipline, philosophical insight and careful thought, to channel the light of the night sky's constellations into various shapes, with a Tradition existing for the constellations of a particular season. The Winter Tradition creates scythes of shimmering ice, the Autumn Tradition crafts bulls of ethereal winds, the Spring Tradition forges glowing combs of ghostly flowers and Summer, well, Summer works with starfire.

Oergonus is an apprentice of the Summer Tradition, not very well versed in its deeper mysteries, but he has made the long voyage to the Fairies' Lands on the investigation of a rumor, a whisper, but even the threat of which was dire enough. That the Fairies were at risk of separating and throwing all the world's magic in disarray. Needless to say, this would be bad for Scholars.

Fears/Flaws: Tends to severely tunnel vision when fixated on a certain idea or fact, to the point that he can be blinded to the bigger picture.

Talents: Research, Star-watching, Navigating, Philosophy, Scholarship, Magical Theory

Interests: Understanding magic, keeping the world safe, exploring the lands of the fairies.

Practical Skills:
  • The Constellations of Therinos: Oergonos's sorcery is based upon drawing power from the night sky and the burning flames of the stars in a set of mystical constellations that are seen during summer nights. With it, he is capable of creating mystical outlines, consisting of little points of starlight connected by burning lines, each one representing a different constellation, before moving them around.
    • The Eye of Aestas: A shape that is a simple curved disk, like a lens. He tends to sit in it and use it to carry him around, so that he can keep up with a certain trickster.
    • The Hand of Zephyrus: A shape that is, well, a hand. Very useful with its articulated fingers and all.
    • The Wheel of Seasons: The shape that all four of the Scholars' Traditions share, a magical constellation visible all year round. A wheel marked with each of the four seasons upon it. He like to use it to grind things up while preparing a meal, keeps him from getting his hands dirty.

Likes: Astronomy, Astrology, Philosophy, Good Food, Reading, Cats

Dislikes: Chaos, Confusion, Being Ignored, People who mistreat books

Hobby: The Culinary Arts are what he perfects in his free time.
Name: Maple

Age: 15

Personality Type: ISFJ

Appearance: Gradient skin: orange on the shoulder, elbows, & knees joints and palms, and spreads out & gradients to red. Big brown doe eyes. Subtle but visible yellow leaf's midrib pattern along her limbs (like seams on pants) with veins going to the sides. Face pattern: orange veins from the jaw creeping upwards and from the hairline down. Hair is brown with gold highlights. Eyes are spectral heterochromia: brown with gold inner rings. Moderate long ears. Wings are maple leaves in autumn. Resting smiling face. Motherly vibes but is actually a klutz.

Season: Autumn

Side: Neutral for now

Personality: Maple is a klutz, and a bit of an airhead. But she's caring and is a good listener, though won't give advice unless you ask for them, and sometimes her advice are a bit impractical or insane. Always seem to be munching on something. Doesn't like critical thinking. Usually she's got no thoughts in her pretty head but whenever she does she just says it aloud no matter how bizarre and random it is. Scared to be spontaneous but doesn't like planning. Superstitious. Heavily introverted and shy, so she probably won't make introductions first, unless approached.

Connections: Older sister Caelia. Younger sister Pippa. Parents Fawn & Wren.

Backstory: Probably just stumbled on the group one day when she's out and about wandering around, and was coerced into joining. Not that she didn't want to, she was gonna ask to join anyway but was still gathering the courage to do so. Maple still lives with her parents, but almost never home, tired of being around her sisters' overwhelming presences. Her parents are kind to her, though they're slowly urging her to move out, so she's looking around for a new place, but she's not in a rush, as she still like living there.

Fears/Flaws: A bit slow. Not confrontational. Hates fights.

Talents: Good at finding things. Is a walking encyclopedia of mushrooms. Makes excellent baked goods (and does so without proper measurements).

Interests: Baking.

Practical Skills: Multiplying food (because she practices a lot, it's second-nature to her now), Warmth (can make anything warmer, just nothing too far from her). Changing the colors of things using magic.

Likes: Mushrooms. Chocolates. Cookies. Birds (from afar). Easy puzzles. Patterns. Being under the sun. The woods. Being outdoors. Hats.

Dislikes: Being wet. Dry heat. People who takes things too far. Felines. Being cold.

Hobby: Baking. Foraging (especially mushrooms). Sleeping.

Other: You'd think she's a bad liar but people tend to believe anything she says because of her big doe eyes. Somehow gets visibly redder when she's angry (though she very rarely does).

Imagine this is her but with the skin and hair as described.

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the little rose
  • i
    full name
    16, looks 12
    Female | She/Her Pronouns
    personality type
    She's hesitant to pick sides until she knows the full story.
coded by natasha.

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