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Fantasy The Extraordinary League of Adventurers


Groovy Dude
Posting this interest check as a means to find a group of people at any time who wishes to join the RP. Despite the detailed tag, I want things to be more on a casual tone and feeling if that makes any sense. Generally looking for 4-8 players. Posts should have at least 1-2 paragraphs with some emotion and dialogue in there if not to just have a bunch of one line posts.


"The guild tavern is a bit quiet these days..."

Most of the player characters should be new recruits to a local adventurer guild in what we can have as a typical fantasy medieval world. Things like magic, monsters, chivalry and swordsmanship. Etc. However, note that if you come in with a new recruit the character is likely inexperienced and not super powered. While I want this to be a generally relaxed RP I also want the bits where the characters discover things, gather loot, and grow to feel rewarding rather "I'm already the biggest bad ass out here so none of this was a challenge." I'm not against older, more experienced characters being stronger by any means. It makes sense if the 40-60yr old vet is more skilled a swordsman than the upstart kid. What I'm trying to say in a rambling way is power gaming is bad so don't do it.

I'd also like to build up on character relationships as a big focus of the RP. Not romance, necessarily, but just people developing normal friendships with one another. Romance is fine of course so long as it makes sense (Instant Romance is silly) just don't make it the focus of your RP. This ain't a dating sim, fam. I guess this paragraph makes the RP kinda slice of life-ish doesn't it. If that ain't your style, don't worry. I plan to throw in randy fun quests for the characters to embark on.

So in short bullet form:

  • 4-8 people (likely 6 but I'll see how things go)
  • No power gaming or OP characters (be reasonable and just ask if you're unsure)
  • Character relationships are fun in stories. So let's build on them
  • The party members will take up quests to do that bring us on adventures. Be sure to use these to grow and develop your character
  • If we want we can have an overarching quest line that slowly creeps up on us
  • I want player input from those who join in OOC. Suggest fun ideas for quests (if we want we can cycle quest ideas between people so everyone is involved)
  • I'm pretty chill but I won't hesitate to kick someone

This post is long enough so feel free to express interest and ask questions.
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I'm down for this. Doing a fantasy slice of life seems nice for a change. I hope I can contribute with the brain I have.

Btw, since you've mentioned quests and loot is there going to be game like features in this such as levels and experience?
This sounds fun! I don't normally toil with medieval settings, but I love the slice-of-life aspect here. I have a couple ideas that could be fun to throw into the mix - will share later when you've gotten more interest. :) Also, how often would you like your partners to post? I'm pretty active in OOC discussions but when it comes to IC posts, I like to take my time and mull over what's been written (plus, you know, work and my non-RPN life). I can't promise daily posts, but maybe one-three per week? If you're okay with that, then I'll stick around until you have your group. If not, no hard feelings and best of luck!
Take me along. It would be an honor to add my pen to your company.

For my own brainstorming needs, pray tell me what plans, if any, you shoulder in building the world. Ought I seek out some source of mutual inspiration so that my character aligns? Or would you prefer I participate in the world's forming?

Either case I am eager to pursue.
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Pigeon said:
This sounds fun! I don't normally toil with medieval settings, but I love the slice-of-life aspect here. I have a couple ideas that could be fun to throw into the mix - will share later when you've gotten more interest. :) Also, how often would you like your partners to post? I'm pretty active in OOC discussions but when it comes to IC posts, I like to take my time and mull over what's been written (plus, you know, work and my non-RPN life). I can't promise daily posts, but maybe one-three per week? If you're okay with that, then I'll stick around until you have your group. If not, no hard feelings and best of luck!
I am similar to Pigeon, my post rate is usually 1-3 posts and if that is okay then I am interested in joining.
I am definitely interested in joining this, though I'd like to ask what you have in mind for the fantasy setting? If its as basic as you've said can I just expect a tolkien styled world?
Wow I didn't expect so many replies so quickly. I tabbed out when I finished this to play Civ5 then bam! Lemme break it down one at a time.

Btw, since you've mentioned quests and loot is there going to be game like features in this such as levels and experience?
Personally I think that might make the RP feel too RPGish for my taste. The adventurer guild will have quests for the party to take up and they can find equipment based on what the quest maker decides should be there. I think that sounds reasonably fair although if the majority wants a progression system like that I'm not 100% against it.

I can't promise daily posts, but maybe one-three per week?
I am similar to Pigeon, my post rate is usually 1-3 posts and if that is okay then I am interested in joining.
Honestly I think 1-3 posts a week is best. If we have around 6 people making 3 posts a week that gives us 18 posts which is plenty. We all have time constraints. I personally have college to stress my entire life over. 1-3 is fine especially considering the type of RP we're going for.

For my own brainstorming needs, pray tell me what plans, if any, you shoulder in building the world. Ought I seek out some source of mutual inspiration so that my character aligns? Or would you prefer I participate in the world's forming?
What types of races are allowed for characters?
(lumped these two together since they're related enough)

As far as world building, well, that can span a LOT of lore and whatnot. Believe me I can write up a whole fantasy world with limitations and explanations but I'd prefer to let things be more free in this RP.

As far as current plans I have in mind the first town and locations the heroes will spend most of their time in. I'm currently brainstorming the build of the town, what kind of people live there, how it fairs economically, why the guild currently lacks members, etc. etc. If you want to seek out inspiration, a general idea of this RP came to me from the beginning episodes of Log Horizon. If you want to help in building the world feel free to shoot ideas around. For the most part I planned on using generic fantasy elements without excessive depth to make the RP accessible for players.

On the subject of races I'm pretty open but just expect the usual stuff from medieval fantasy type RP. Humans, Elves, Half Elves, Dwarfs , Half Dwarfs, Orcs, and I was thinking Varls as seen in The Banner Saga, would make addition. Don't be shy to ask for anything in particular because I could very well be forgetting something.

Thanks for the replies y'all. :)
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@Disco Sounds good to me! I know you mentioned earlier about this being a casual roleplay in tone, but would you mind expanding on that? I'm curious where this falls on the spectrum of serious to silly. It sounds like somewhere in the middle, but after I watched a clip of Log Horizon I'm wondering if you wanted it to be on the sillier side.

Also, would wizards and magic folk be an acceptable race?
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Disco said:
Dear me.

You've played it. You like it.

Ohh. We'll be fast friends, we will.

I'll feast my eyes on this Log Horizon and come back to you with some world-building thought strings when I've had my fill. Not to leave you empty-handed, my preemptive suggestion is to incorporate a supernatural power, in replacement of or an option besides magic, that has a dual nature. Fire as light and pain, for instance. Water as mirrors and death. Dividing up a populace between fire affinity and water affinity, then their particular concentrations in the aspects of either element. Anything along those lines, really, would intrigue me.

Ah, and knighthood. Chivalry, artifacts, anything Arthurian in nature or detail would have me chomping at the bit.

Full suited knights or chain mail, ah yes. Crusades, warlords, plenty of inspiration.

No obligations, of course. My only intent is to express these, my greatest pleasures in writing topics.
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Uh, this is very much of interest to me.

Just saying anyway, though I fully understand you already have the eight. ^^
This partially makes me think about Dragon Age, starting off weak, advancing to be the best, etc... But what I like is that you are mentioning guilds, which can or can not be too similar to Academy where students go learn stuff, are forced to do tests etc. While I enjoy hearing a story about a school, I think it's overdone, I wouldn't mind doing one but it's been done to death.

I recently watched an anime that was very similar to what this idea is about, I think it's name was Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, if we were to roleplay anything even remotely similar you can count me in, mage please. Seriously if there was a story going on where people would have to put in more effort than the typical God character (Ahem Goku) I would join, it'd be good practice for my story.
I'll make another large reply to everything around 1-2 PM EST today so hang tight everybody.
I know you mentioned earlier about this being a casual roleplay in tone, but would you mind expanding on that?
I imagine characters building friendship and township together. What I mean by casual tone is instead of having dark themes constantly brooding on the horizon is to instead focus on what improves the lives of the characters we play. A big overall goal will be making the guild and its owner great and worthy once again. Instead of constant threat of death an emphasis will be put on more simple things that build the guild, their homes, and liveliness. In order to do so, however, they need to take on dangerous quests and rebuild an honorable name.

I'm curious where this falls on the spectrum of serious to silly. It sounds like somewhere in the middle, but after I watched a clip of Log Horizon I'm wondering if you wanted it to be on the sillier side.
I'm aiming to the middle. When I mentioned Log Horizon I was referring to more of the easy going tone it carries along with the elements of town building and establishment in the world rather any particular humor. I wasn't very clear with such and that's my b.

Also, would wizards and magic folk be an acceptable race?
Mages/Wizards are fine, yes.

to incorporate a supernatural power, in replacement of or an option besides magic, that has a dual nature. Fire as light and pain, for instance. Water as mirrors and death. Dividing up a populace between fire affinity and water affinity, then their particular concentrations in the aspects of either element. Anything along those lines, really, would intrigue me.
Could you give me an example of this so I can get a better grasp on how it would play out? It does sound interesting and I want to hear more.

As far as everything else...

Okay so a lot of people expressed interest in the RP in less than 24 hours which is kind of insane. I will make an official thread for this RP then invite the first 7 (I will be the 8th) who expressed interest. IF YOU SHOWED UP LATE DO NOT WORRY. Since so many people are interested I plan to see if it can be further accessible for people joining later in the RP. Unfortunately people tend to drop RPs once the actual RP has started so I will keep open tabs on any others who came up. So I will see if room allots for more people (I intend on such) and keep tabs if anyone drops and needs replacing.
Disco said:
Could you give me an example of this so I can get a better grasp on how it would play out?
For demonstration's sake, I'll speculate on fire as the cultural element.

In the case that you desire complications, these 'doctrinal' statements could be mere dogmatic beliefs, and not necessarily reflective of reality.

Rather than any spontaneous generation of an element, supernatural abilities communicate with what already is. From the soul of a person to the spirit of a mindless force, communication makes the fire bend to your will. I use communication in a wide-sweeping way; it is the same communication you would have with a stick on the ground. Picking it up, hefting it high, swinging it about, these things can be done provided your body does as you ask of it. In the same way, so long as your soul functions in a supernatural-bodily way, fire may bend to your "will."

1) The light of fire is good. That is, it is of benefit to humanity as a whole. Physical illumination brings knowledge of an area, for instance. Focus of thought and solemnity cool the fire, amplify its light. Because of this societal stance, light reasoning techniques are taught in all monasteries and colleges.

2) The pain of fire is evil. That is, it brings only harm to humankind. Seen as heat in the flame, pain of fire is destruction, the eating fire does of all things, leaving only a black husk. Anger, bitterness, these things amplify the pain of fire when in communication with it.

Say four children are born with fire affinity. Say people know this because of the char mark on their stomach, or something of the sort. At the age of, oh, thirteen, each one begins to show unique capability. One might show talent to make a flame hotter, the other to change its colour, the third to brighten it, the fourth to change its shape. Great variety of use of the same skill -- just as in our command of English, some of us may express emotions naturally, another naturally makes a smooth flow of words, and so on. Same concept, different content.

Then would of course come the cultural implications. Say this affinity is viewed as a curse, and in order to make good out of one's supernatural power, one must undergo harsh training to remove any temptation of inflicting pain, and only emit the light of fire, which is the only redeemable feature.

(Alternately, it's the sign of a gifted one, and the belief is that fire is only light, and to beware temptation of the fire's painful embrace.)

Ha, now I've grown tired of my own explanation. Take it and use it as you will, or discard it if it serves not your purpose; I'll take no offense, for there is no pride in pursuit of creative ends.
Hey, I know the actual rp thread is already up as WIP, but I was wondering if I could throw my lot in with you guys...if you'll have me. I love the premise you have set and I already have a basic idea of a character I put forward. But I didn't just wanna bumble in and make a mess, wanted to ask first :P

(side note: I'm also in uUni so 3-4 posts a week is perfect for me. I'm a little rusty though and my style needs an awful lot of work, just as a heads up :P )

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