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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Um.." was all Tiger could think to say. What was it with him and lame responses today? "Hello?"
This was weird. Beyond weird. He'd seen plenty of abilities during his time but this particular... whatever is was, was completely new. He fidgeted, not sure what he should be doing. It looked like her just... less.
The spirit walked towards tiger "Yui will not remember what i am about to tell you...and if you tell her i will kill you" said the spirit to tiger "Yui will cause a death....possibly her own i know this as her emotions are becoming cold...she will murder someone close to her....someone who abandoned her" the spirit said looking right at him before yui unconscious body flew towards the spirit and they became one again. "What did it say?" Yui asked worried it told her secrets
Acasia Sei
Acasia was casually walking on her own way when she suddenly heard a loud crash from the room with the swimming pool. Her head whirled in the direction of the crash and, suddenly, two large wings made of fire flared from her back. With one powerful sweep, she went flying forward, zipping through the halls at tremendous speed before crashing through the doors.

Acasia's hands cupped over her mouth as she turned to the two people in the pool. "W-What the hell happened here?"

h2h0e h2h0e Nona Nona
Tuesday knew someone came in, but she didn't care. What she cared about was why and how she knew to look up at the ceiling. A tear formed in her eye, and it fell down her face as she turned to the person in the room. "Honestly, I have no damn clue. I-I..." She faltered, then thought of the crash when the chandelier came down, then flashed back to the crash that her father didn't make it out of. Another tear rushed down her face, then another, then another, until she was crying to the point where her body was shaking. She wanted the truth, for once in her life. She didn't want anyone lying to her. She was fed up with it. But that wasn't why she was crying. She was crying because if she had the power to save lives, than how come she couldn't save her dad's? Was he not important enough? She sobbed on the side of the pool, looking like a wreck.
Tuesday knew someone came in, but she didn't care. What she cared about was why and how she knew to look up at the ceiling. A tear formed in her eye, and it fell down her face as she turned to the person in the room. "Honestly, I have no damn clue. I-I..." She faltered, then thought of the crash when the chandelier came down, then flashed back to the crash that her father didn't make it out of. Another tear rushed down her face, then another, then another, until she was crying to the point where her body was shaking. She wanted the truth, for once in her life. She didn't want anyone lying to her. She was fed up with it. But that wasn't why she was crying. She was crying because if she had the power to save lives, than how come she couldn't save her dad's? Was he not important enough? She sobbed on the side of the pool, looking like a wreck.

Acasia noticed the girl began to cry, but that was because she thought there was a different reason for it. Acasia suddenly ended up next to the fallen chandelier and began to examine if anyone was under it. "Stand back." Acasia picked up the chandelier and began to walk it away from the area.

h2h0e h2h0e Nona Nona
Tuesday nodded. That made sense. Neither did she, really. She noticed that he didn't get in the water. "Why not get in? The water's perfect!" She wondered if he had a phobia of water, but if he did, then why come to the pool in the first place. Then she remembered his sisters. All of a sudden she saw an image flash in front of her eyes. She looked up. There was a chandelier that looked like it was about to fall. It was right above Levi. "Look out!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the water just as the chandelier fell right where Levi was sitting.

Tuesday was breathing heavily.
"W-what? How... what?" She couldn't grasp what just happened. She got out of the water and sat next to the fallen light fixture, her eyes wide. I just saved a guy's life, she thought to herself. Her mind went to her father's death. This exact thing had happened, except for the fact that she wasn't fast enough. She hugged herself, trying to get rid of the goosebumps.
Acasia Sei
Acasia was casually walking on her own way when she suddenly heard a loud crash from the room with the swimming pool. Her head whirled in the direction of the crash and, suddenly, two large wings made of fire flared from her back. With one powerful sweep, she went flying forward, zipping through the halls at tremendous speed before crashing through the doors.

Acasia's hands cupped over her mouth as she turned to the two people in the pool. "W-What the hell happened here?"

h2h0e h2h0e Nona Nona

Levi had shrugged his shoulders when she asked. He was only here because his sisters nothing more than that, but he supposed maybe a swim wouldn't hurt. When he was just about to answer, he heard Tuesday cry out and felt himself being pulled into the water too quickly for him to react to it. He fell into the water with a loud splash. Popping his head out of the water, he was about to ask Tuesday what the hell did she do that for before hearing a crash. He quickly turned around to see the chandelier smashed in pieces exactly where he was sitting just moments before. He stared at it, mouth agape before looking back at Tuesday, who had pulled herself out of the water to sit beside the chandelier. "Y-You just..." He started the shock of the moment wearing off, before she had started to cry...why was she crying? He furrowed his brows before hopping out of the pool and sitting next to her "Hey...Uhm..." He had paused, placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. He didn't know what to say, he was never good at comforting, not to mention that he had no idea what was going on. He stared at the person who came into the room for a moment but had no answer for them ((since he was pretty confused about it still)). He watched them carry the chandelier away before he turned his attention back to Tuesday, trying to coax her away a bit from the area the chandelier fell.
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Zenya looked at Talia a bit worried. Zenya was thinking that Talia was depressed about something. Maybe she didn't want to kill someone before she just smiled and nudged her a little. "Hey, maybe we can stop by a crepe truck and buy some. How's that sound~?"
Talia had been lost in thought for a moment, thinking back to the guy she could have possibly killed. It left a bad taste in her mouth. She was going to have to talk with her mother about it. If anyone could help her, it would be Celia. Hands down. When Zenya nudged her, she blinked a few times before looking in her direction, tilting her head a little, "Hmm... Sure. I've never tried a crepe before, so this'll be new for me." Talia said, smiling a little. It wasn't one of her larger smiles, like she usually has, but it was something.
The spirit walked towards tiger "Yui will not remember what i am about to tell you...and if you tell her i will kill you" said the spirit to tiger "Yui will cause a death....possibly her own i know this as her emotions are becoming cold...she will murder someone close to her....someone who abandoned her" the spirit said looking right at him before yui unconscious body flew towards the spirit and they became one again. "What did it say?" Yui asked worried it told her secrets
Tiger shuddered. Not much scared him, but that was kinda creepy. Thankfully he'd gotten real good at hiding his emotions - putting on a mask so to speak.
He looked at Yui and smiled reassuringly at her, shrugging. "Not much, just a hello really. Sounded weird though, kinda... not you." He gave a quick chuckle, trying to gloss over the very real death threat.
Tiger was confident he could handle himself in a fight. His own dad had taught him hand to hand combat when he realised Tiger's shift wasn't reliable. However, he knew how to pick his battles and he really didn't feel like pissing the thing off.
Tiger shuddered. Not much scared him, but that was kinda creepy. Thankfully he'd gotten real good at hiding his emotions - putting on a mask so to speak.
He looked at Yui and smiled reassuringly at her, shrugging. "Not much, just a hello really. Sounded weird though, kinda... not you." He gave a quick chuckle, trying to gloss over the very real death threat.
Tiger was confident he could handle himself in a fight. His own dad had taught him hand to hand combat when he realised Tiger's shift wasn't reliable. However, he knew how to pick his battles and he really didn't feel like pissing the thing off.
Yui smiled "really? Thats nice want a cup of coffee or tea?" She asked dropping her bag off by the door walking over to the kettle "it dosent sound like my because its not connected to my vocal box it uses a soundboard"
Meanwhile hideaki entered the campus looking around for any signs of yui "tch always a hard one to catch " he muttered to himself as he crounched down on the ground.
Kaz groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and pulled himself off the floor before he looked around. There were bodies everywhere. They weren’t dead of course, just wasted like him. Stumbling swiftly to the bathroom Kaz lifted the lid of the toilet seat and began to violently throw up inside. A few minutes later he left the bathroom and stumbled out side the front door of the house he was in. Squinting against the blaring light of the sun which began to cause his head to begin to pound. Groaning he spun around a few times to try and get his bearings and remember how he got here when he felt the whole world suddenly tilt and he went crashing to the ground. “ughhh……..” moaning pitifully Kaz tried to stand back up however it felt as if all the strength fled from his limbs leaving him motionless on the side of the road.

Roman Roman
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Talia had been lost in thought for a moment, thinking back to the guy she could have possibly killed. It left a bad taste in her mouth. She was going to have to talk with her mother about it. If anyone could help her, it would be Celia. Hands down. When Zenya nudged her, she blinked a few times before looking in her direction, tilting her head a little, "Hmm... Sure. I've never tried a crepe before, so this'll be new for me." Talia said, smiling a little. It wasn't one of her larger smiles, like she usually has, but it was something.
"I'll pay for the crepes since it was my idea." Zenya smiled as she still knew that something was still up in Talia's mind. She lead Talia over to the crepe stand and bought two crepes. She gave Talia her crepe and then paid for them. She then took a bite out of her crepe and looked at Talia and then spoke. "It tastes good. Go on, try it."
Kaz groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and pulled himself off the floor before he looked around. There were bodies everywhere. They weren’t dead of course, just wasted like him. Stumbling swiftly to the bathroom Kaz lifted the lid of the toilet seat and began to violently throw up inside. A few minutes later he left the bathroom and stumbled out side the front door of the house he was in. Squinting against the blaring light of the sun which began to cause his head to begin to pound. Groaning he spun around a few times to try and get his bearings and remember how he got here when he felt the whole world suddenly tilt and he went crashing to the ground. “ughhh……..” moaning pitifully Kaz tried to stand back up however it felt as if all the strength fled from his limbs leaving him motionless on the side of the road.

Roman Roman

Hansuke Ishida
~ Demonic Angel


Mood - Bored

Currently Doing - Taking a walk

Location - Random neighborhood

Interacting with - No one yet

Tags - Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

Theme -

"Another boring day. The people in this city don't really do anything now do they?" Han asked himself as he walked down the sidewalk of some random neighborhood. He was unaware of the name of the street he was on, but it didn't matter. Getting home wouldn't be a problem at all, but what would be a problem is what to do before going home. There wasn't much to do when all your friends were busy with their own thing. At this point, he was barely able to spend time with his own family as Celia was busy working, and so was his daughter... Even he himself. When they weren't busy with work, he was. It was rather annoying in his opinion.

After awhile of walking, the smell of alcohol became unreasonably strong. So strong it bothered his nose to the point where he covered it. "Someone is either sad or there was a party nearby." Keeping his nose covered, Han continued to make his way towards the smell, and soon he laid eyes on a familiar face. This face looked like it wasn't doing so good though. "Hey, are you dead?" He asked, looking over at Kaz from the sidewalk. "If you are, then that sucks. You would have died smelling like the bottom of a bottle."


Hansuke Ishida
~ Demonic Angel


Mood - Bored

Currently Doing - Taking a walk

Location - Random neighborhood

Interacting with - No one yet

Tags - Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

Theme -

"Another boring day. The people in this city don't really do anything now do they?" Han asked himself as he walked down the sidewalk of some random neighborhood. He was unaware of the name of the street he was on, but it didn't matter. Getting home wouldn't be a problem at all, but what would be a problem is what to do before going home. There wasn't much to do when all your friends were busy with their own thing. At this point, he was barely able to spend time with his own family as Celia was busy working, and so was his daughter... Even he himself. When they weren't busy with work, he was. It was rather annoying in his opinion.

After awhile of walking, the smell of alcohol became unreasonably strong. So strong it bothered his nose to the point where he covered it. "Someone is either sad or there was a party nearby." Keeping his nose covered, Han continued to make his way towards the smell, and soon he laid eyes on a familiar face. This face looked like it wasn't doing so good though. "Hey, are you dead?" He asked, looking over at Kaz from the sidewalk. "If you are, then that sucks. You would have died smelling like the bottom of a bottle."

Katz continued to lay on the ground even a he heard someone approach, their footsteps resounding like peels of thunder in his head as they got closer, then he heard them speak. It sounded as if the noise was amplified and rang through their head. Moaning Kaz curled up into the fettle position and clenched his head between his hands, tying to bloc out all the mouse he could as he moaned pitifully at the figure silhouetted by the sun and indistinguishable because o the glare. "umu... not so loud"
Alex sighed as he looked at the chemistry set in front of him, clearly a complex set and opened a steel contained containing pellets of diatomite into a funnel like opening Alex watched as the pellets fell into a solution of prussic acid where they dissolved and moved along to another chamber where they were fused with another chemical. Continuing along in this matter, the gasses finally became pressurized and were trapped behind a valve. Pulling a metal cylinder from a box by his feet, Alex attached the empty gas grenade o a hose and opened the valve, quickly filling the cylinder as he looked away and thought about how he got to this point. Honestly this was scraping rock bottom for him, he already had perfect control over his abilities, and so the only reason he was here was because of jack. And the only reason jack was here was to have fun of course. Sighing Alex turned back to the grenade he was filling only to find the metal cylinder bulging to the extremes right before his eyes. "well shit." just as Alex finished speaking the gas grenade exploded with a loud BANG AMD a whoosh of gas. Sighing as the extraordinarily toxic gas Zyklon C, one of Alex's original recipes based off of the ones used by the Nazi's in WWII zyklon B, began to fill the room Alex sighed and calmly shut off the valve stopping the flow of gas as he breathed in deeply, completely uneffaced by this horrendous gas. If it was anyone else, they would have been on the floor bleeding from all seven orifices, but of course Alex's blood alone was far more potent than this, so why would he be affected. No what he was really worried about was waking up the neighbors, he enjoyed sleep just as much as the next guy so he felt it would be sincere of him to step outside and apologize to anyone he may hate disturbed. Poking his head out the door, Alex looked around to see if anyone was coming out.

CasualTea CasualTea
Rosalie nodded, she didn't think he'd know what to say, being a writer was one of those things that either worked extremely well or just didn't work at all. "It doesn't. That's why so many people tell me not to try it" she walked over near where Kane was working, taking her now finished plate with her. The least she could do as a thanks was clean her own plate so that's what she'd do. "I obviously will have a plan b in place. I already work as a waitress part time to help pay my dorm fees and stuff, so it's not like I've never worked." She shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly. She was optimistic, not an idiot.

Kane finished cleaning the pan, and moved away to dry it. As he does so, though, he nods towards Rosalie. "Well, it's something for your CV I guess." He says as he looks towards her. Kane soon realizes though that he has never really worked other than at his family business back home. Hmm. He'd have to go see his progression leader about that - he didn't want to work if he didn't need to, but at the same time...he liked the idea of a shiny star of work experience on his CV. "Well, good luck to you! It's getting close to lesson...so..." He says, awkwardly. He didn't want to seem like he was kicking her out, but at the same time he needed to go to class.
Alex sighed as he looked at the chemistry set in front of him, clearly a complex set and opened a steel contained containing pellets of diatomite into a funnel like opening Alex watched as the pellets fell into a solution of prussic acid where they dissolved and moved along to another chamber where they were fused with another chemical. Continuing along in this matter, the gasses finally became pressurized and were trapped behind a valve. Pulling a metal cylinder from a box by his feet, Alex attached the empty gas grenade o a hose and opened the valve, quickly filling the cylinder as he looked away and thought about how he got to this point. Honestly this was scraping rock bottom for him, he already had perfect control over his abilities, and so the only reason he was here was because of jack. And the only reason jack was here was to have fun of course. Sighing Alex turned back to the grenade he was filling only to find the metal cylinder bulging to the extremes right before his eyes. "well shit." just as Alex finished speaking the gas grenade exploded with a loud BANG AMD a whoosh of gas. Sighing as the extraordinarily toxic gas Zyklon C, one of Alex's original recipes based off of the ones used by the Nazi's in WWII zyklon B, began to fill the room Alex sighed and calmly shut off the valve stopping the flow of gas as he breathed in deeply, completely uneffaced by this horrendous gas. If it was anyone else, they would have been on the floor bleeding from all seven orifices, but of course Alex's blood alone was far more potent than this, so why would he be affected. No what he was really worried about was waking up the neighbors, he enjoyed sleep just as much as the next guy so he felt it would be sincere of him to step outside and apologize to anyone he may hate disturbed. Poking his head out the door, Alex looked around to see if anyone was coming out.

CasualTea CasualTea
(((I... don't understand)))​
Levi had shrugged his shoulders when she asked. He was only here because his sisters nothing more than that, but he supposed maybe a swim wouldn't hurt. When he was just about to answer, he heard Tuesday cry out and felt himself being pulled into the water too quickly for him to react to it. He fell into the water with a loud splash. Popping his head out of the water, he was about to ask Tuesday what the hell did she do that for before hearing a crash. He quickly turned around to see the chandelier smashed in pieces exactly where he was sitting just moments before. He stared at it, mouth agape before looking back at Tuesday, who had pulled herself out of the water to sit beside the chandelier. "Y-You just..." He started the shock of the moment wearing off, before she had started to cry...why was she crying? He furrowed his brows before hopping out of the pool and sitting next to her "Hey...Uhm..." He had paused, placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. He didn't know what to say, he was never good at comforting, not to mention that he had no idea what was going on. He stared at the person who came into the room for a moment but had no answer for them ((since he was pretty confused about it still)). He watched them carry the chandelier away before he turned his attention back to Tuesday, trying to coax her away a bit from the area the chandelier fell.
"My dad," Tuesday sobbed. "It happened with my dad, too. But," She looked up at Levi. "I couldn't save him. Not like you." Her mind was spinning. What did this all mean? She had to talk to someone who knew about these kind of things. But she couldn't get her mind off of her father...
Nona Nona Aminora Aminora
Kane finished cleaning the pan, and moved away to dry it. As he does so, though, he nods towards Rosalie. "Well, it's something for your CV I guess." He says as he looks towards her. Kane soon realizes though that he has never really worked other than at his family business back home. Hmm. He'd have to go see his progression leader about that - he didn't want to work if he didn't need to, but at the same time...he liked the idea of a shiny star of work experience on his CV. "Well, good luck to you! It's getting close to lesson...so..." He says, awkwardly. He didn't want to seem like he was kicking her out, but at the same time he needed to go to class.
Rosalie had washed her plate off as he spoke. She blinked, drying off her hands and checking the time on her phone after he had commented on class "Oh snap. I didn't even realise" her voice answered as she glanced over the screen of her phone, seeing how close it was to her first class. She didn't feel offended or put out that he was commenting on leaving honestly, after all, she didn't really want to be late for class either. She dried off her plate and looked over at Kane. "Thank you for breakfast, I enjoyed it" she smiled brightly at the boy, setting her plate away tidy before grabbing her school bag. "I do hope we see eachother again" she nodded her head, her voice sounding in a slight singsong like tone as it sometimes did. She made her way over to the door to leave.
Acasia Sei
Acasia wanted to leave the girl alone, but couldn't help but wonder why a chandelier fell from the ceiling next to a swimming pool. "Do you mind if I join you two? I just want to get a better look at what happened to the chandelier."

Nona Nona h2h0e h2h0e
"My dad," Tuesday sobbed. "It happened with my dad, too. But," She looked up at Levi. "I couldn't save him. Not like you." Her mind was spinning. What did this all mean? She had to talk to someone who knew about these kind of things. But she couldn't get her mind off of her father...
Nona Nona Aminora Aminora
Acasia Sei
Acasia wanted to leave the girl alone, but couldn't help but wonder why a chandelier fell from the ceiling next to a swimming pool. "Do you mind if I join you two? I just want to get a better look at what happened to the chandelier."

Nona Nona h2h0e h2h0e

Levi paused, listening to what she was saying. He had remembered what she had said about trying to stop the car crash her father was in, but couldn't fix it. A frown spread across his face, not really knowing what to say. He heard a voice and stared over at the girl who asked about the chandelier with a slightly confused expression. He wasn't sure why she wanted to know why it happened but who was he to tell her not to "Uhh... Go ahead." He gestured his head towards the chandelier for a moment. He turned his attention back to Tuesday. He held a breath, trying to think as the girl next to him sobbed "I'm sorry that you saved me but not him... But you shouldn't beat yourself up about that. It wasn't your fault it couldn't be stopped, some things just... can't be stopped." He said eventually, thinking that maybe she felt guilty that she couldn't save her father. He felt kind of guilty for indirectly making her feel bad too. He let a heavy sigh as he pushed his now wet hair out of his face "I-I'm sorry, I'm not that good at pep talks..."
Rosalie had washed her plate off as he spoke. She blinked, drying off her hands and checking the time on her phone after he had commented on class "Oh snap. I didn't even realise" her voice answered as she glanced over the screen of her phone, seeing how close it was to her first class. She didn't feel offended or put out that he was commenting on leaving honestly, after all, she didn't really want to be late for class either. She dried off her plate and looked over at Kane. "Thank you for breakfast, I enjoyed it" she smiled brightly at the boy, setting her plate away tidy before grabbing her school bag. "I do hope we see eachother again" she nodded her head, her voice sounding in a slight singsong like tone as it sometimes did. She made her way over to the door to leave.

He smiles back at her, as he also makes his to the door after grabbing his bag. "No problem", he says warmly, "and I hope we see each other as well." He opens his door, waiting for her to pass through, then locks it again. After nodding farewell to Rosalie once more, he heads to class.
(((Basically he made the gas the Nazis used in the gas Chambers, was filling it in a gas grenade, over perssurized the grenade and caused it to exploded causing a loud boom, likely to wake up any sleeping neighbors.))
(just appearance for now...)

- Seoul Haeundae -
~ Cataclysm God Eater Empress ~
Seoul was just trying out her new form. It was a little better than she had expected, but it didn't as much suit her well. This was a form of a vampire. A vampire she stolen a trait from. She wasn't sure where this vampire had gone off to, but it mattered little to her. She soon heard the explosion and went outside of her dorm to peek. She saw that down the hall from her dorm that there was someone peeking out. As an assumption, she looked at Alex and gave a quizzical look that would say, "Really bruh?" She was not really pissed about the explosion, she was more pissed why Alex made an explosion in the first place. She then saw some of the gas peek out of the dorm and then she face palmed. Why the hell is there gas in his room? Did he make some sort of gas bomb that went off? Why the hell is he up this late? She was really pissed at this point. She then inhaled the uncontaminated air before pointing her hand at Alex before she whispered a bit loudly. "Boy! What the fuck are you doing?!"
Levi paused, listening to what she was saying. He had remembered what she had said about trying to stop the car crash her father was in, but couldn't fix it. A frown spread across his face, not really knowing what to say. He heard a voice and stared over at the girl who asked about the chandelier with a slightly confused expression. He wasn't sure why she wanted to know why it happened but who was he to tell her not to "Uhh... Go ahead." He gestured his head towards the chandelier for a moment. He turned his attention back to Tuesday. He held a breath, trying to think as the girl next to him sobbed "I'm sorry that you saved me but not him... But you shouldn't beat yourself up about that. It wasn't your fault it couldn't be stopped, some things just... can't be stopped." He said eventually, thinking that maybe she felt guilty that she couldn't save her father. He felt kind of guilty for indirectly making her feel bad too. He let a heavy sigh as he pushed his now wet hair out of his face "I-I'm sorry, I'm not that good at pep talks..."
Tuesday sniffed. She watched as the fallen light fixture got dragged away, then nodded when the girl asked if she could stay. "It's okay." Tuesday directed toward Levi. "It's just, I knew to look up, because I saw the chandelier falling before it actually did. And then it fell." Another tear rolled down her face. "The same thing happened with the crash." It suddenly dawned on her, and her eyes widened. "What if," she said slowly. "What if this is my power? Seeing the future?" She looked at Levi.
Nona Nona Aminora Aminora

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