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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Elaena shut her eyes tightly as they came closer to hitting the ground, only opening them when she felt all the movement stop and she was set on the ground. Looking at the boy trying to stand she frowned slightly, was that a thing he always did? "I do hope your legs will be okay. I don't have healing powers otherwise I would help with that too..." she said softly before looking over her shoulder at the view behind her, they were pretty close to the main courtyard, luckily the police were only just pulling their cars into the driveway outside the gates of the school. This gave her plenty of time and she knew that, though at the slow and calm pace she moved at, it would make anyone a bit panicky that she wouldn't make it in time. She walked to the corner of the building near where the bullet had hit ((If her memory had served her correctly)). After about a minute of examining the area she looked back at the boy and gave a thumbs up, letting him know that she in fact, found where the bullet went. With that she made a movement with her hands and a portal with a gold-ish coloured border opened. Inside the portal, looked almost the same as the real world but the colours were a bit off as well as all kinds of odd creatures big and small being seen walking back and forth around the area inside the portal. She stepped inside, the portal quickly closing up once she went through. Right next to where the bullet was a second portal opened, this one only big enough for a made to appear out of. She had quickly put up a weak illusion to cover up the portal like it wasn't there. The portal was strong enough to work against humans no problem so she was fairly confident she wouldn't be spotted. She grabbed the bullet, pulling it from where it was and taking it back into the portal. By the time Elaena had returned back to where Everest was and made another portal to step out of. The authorities had almost made their way to where the gun was shot at the first place. Stepping out of the portal and making it disappear she showed the bullet that was now placed in her hand "I got it." she said offering a smile at the boy "Do you want it? or do you want me to throw it back into the dream realm, I don't think they'll ever find it there if you want to be extra safe" she offered before pausing and looking the boy over. Blinking she extended her free hand to the boy "Elaena" she said simply, her smile growing a little "It would be odd to be talking this long and still not knowing any names, no?"
((think ya might have restated the stuff twice there XDD ))
Everest sighed as he dusted off his knees, "Nah, super hero landings are just really hard on the knees. Don't worry yourself about it, I'll just be a bit wobbly on my feet until i regain feeling in my legs." Then steadying himself against the wall Everest watched as the girl opened a portal in front of her and walk towards where the bullet was before pulling it out from the wall and returning it to him. Taking the bullet from her hand Everest looked at her and sighed thinking about the portal. "You never know quite what you're going to get from people these days now do you?" Then slightly clenching his fingers Everest's hand shook slightly and when he opened his hand all that was left was a copperish powder. "Nope, complete obliteration is far more effective. While you don't look the type miss sleepyhead, I would rather not give you any form of black mail material." Pouring the powder out of his hand onto the ground, Everest noticed her stretching her hand towards him and took it within his. "Everest D Avalon. A pleasure to meet you Elaena."
Yui walking alomg side him heard the question "Its...something to do with my emotions" she said in boice bearly louder then a mumble stairing at the floor her hair casting a dark shadow over her eyes "There was a chip put into my brain...they said i wanted it they promised it wouldent hurt" in her eyes began an icy shine as they became a bluish grey color "they lied" she said finally after a couple of seconds of slilence.
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus

Tiger blinked. And he thought he had it bad...
"Oh wow... I'm sorry," he said lamely. He continued to walk in a moments silence, before picking up again. "But hey, that's what this place is for right? Helping us deal with that kind of thing? And if you ever need a friend then don't hesitate to speak to yours truely." He flashed a brilliant smile and gave a thumbs up. Tiger had always been one to try and cheer others up.
Tiger blinked. And he thought he had it bad...
"Oh wow... I'm sorry," he said lamely. He continued to walk in a moments silence, before picking up again. "But hey, that's what this place is for right? Helping us deal with that kind of thing? And if you ever need a friend then don't hesitate to speak to yours truely." He flashed a brilliant smile and gave a thumbs up. Tiger had always been one to try and cheer others up.
She looled over at him her eyes wide "O-okay" she said casting a small relatively normal smile "will you tell me your ablility?" She asked hopefully as they nearned the main building.
She looled over at him her eyes wide "O-okay" she said casting a small relatively normal smile "will you tell me your ablility?" She asked hopefully as they nearned the main building.
Tiger gave an almost sarcastic chuckle. Ability? "Well... I'm a shape shifter, though I've never really gotten a handle on it. I sometimes shift without meaning too, and when I do shift it's sometimes hard to get back to normal again." He looked a little sheepish. "It got me into a lot of trouble, I've had to move schools a lot and such."
He hoped this place would be able to help him control his abilities. The shifting wasn't his only issue - the heightened senses could cause him bother too.
Tiger gave an almost sarcastic chuckle. Ability? "Well... I'm a shape shifter, though I've never really gotten a handle on it. I sometimes shift without meaning too, and when I do shift it's sometimes hard to get back to normal again." He looked a little sheepish. "It got me into a lot of trouble, I've had to move schools a lot and such."
He hoped this place would be able to help him control his abilities. The shifting wasn't his only issue - the heightened senses could cause him bother too.
"Thats so cool it must why your nicknames tiger right? She said looking exited. " and dont worry about getting moved from this school if you change uncontrollably ill stop you" She said this with a slightly scary but trying to be nice smile .She wondered how he got his abilitys but decided bot to ask as she dident want to be annoying. After a couple more seconds they ended up at a door "This it?"
"Thats so cool it must why your nicknames tiger right? She said looking exited. " and dont worry about getting moved from this school if you change uncontrollably ill stop you" She said this with a slightly scary but trying to be nice smile .She wondered how he got his abilitys but decided bot to ask as she dident want to be annoying. After a couple more seconds they ended up at a door "This it?"
"Partly yeh. In truth the first time I shifted, my stripes got kinda ... stuck. I liked 'em so they're there to stay." He smiled reassuringly, "The sentiment is appreciated." Though he doubted anyone could stop the shift once it's started, he was beginning to doubt if even he could.
Having reached the main entrance, he held the door open. "Yep, this is it!"
"Partly yeh. In truth the first time I shifted, my stripes got kinda ... stuck. I liked 'em so they're there to stay." He smiled reassuringly, "The sentiment is appreciated." Though he doubted anyone could stop the shift once it's started, he was beginning to doubt if even he could.
Having reached the main entrance, he held the door open. "Yep, this is it!"
yui walked through the door "thanks, the stripes are cool " she said with a smile as they got closer to the desk "they suit you" she then asked the person at the desk for her room number. The person began to look through the files.
((think ya might have restated the stuff twice there XDD ))
Everest sighed as he dusted off his knees, "Nah, super hero landings are just really hard on the knees. Don't worry yourself about it, I'll just be a bit wobbly on my feet until i regain feeling in my legs." Then steadying himself against the wall Everest watched as the girl opened a portal in front of her and walk towards where the bullet was before pulling it out from the wall and returning it to him. Taking the bullet from her hand Everest looked at her and sighed thinking about the portal. "You never know quite what you're going to get from people these days now do you?" Then slightly clenching his fingers Everest's hand shook slightly and when he opened his hand all that was left was a copperish powder. "Nope, complete obliteration is far more effective. While you don't look the type miss sleepyhead, I would rather not give you any form of black mail material." Pouring the powder out of his hand onto the ground, Everest noticed her stretching her hand towards him and took it within his. "Everest D Avalon. A pleasure to meet you Elaena."
((Shhh I forgot to proof read it first xD))
Elaena tilted her head, her lazy grin still present on her face when he called her miss sleepyhead. That was a name she heard on a regular basis from many people, so much to the point that she actually responded to it almost as quickly as she would her own name. "It is nice to meet you too, Everest" She shook his hand before slowly pulling her hand away. "Blackmail is not my style. I do not hold grudges nor do I think I'd ever be in a situation were I would need to blackmail you." She closed her eyes for a moment, shrugging her shoulders ever so slightly "Besides, If I really wanted to blackmail anyone, it would not be difficult for me, dreams have so much information in them all I would have to do would be enter a few and dissect them a little" she said, her tone nonchalant before opening her eyes again. "The bullet is gone. I am forgiven now, yes?" She asked, looking up at him.
yui walked through the door "thanks, the stripes are cool " she said with a smile as they got closer to the desk "they suit you" she then asked the person at the desk for her room number. The person began to look through the files.
Tiger blushed the slightest shade of red and mumbled a, "T-thanks."
He awkwardly stood and waited as the person behind the desk looked for Yui's door number. He liked this girl, she seemed... quirky.
Tiger blushed the slightest shade of red and mumbled a, "T-thanks."
He awkwardly stood and waited as the person behind the desk looked for Yui's door number. He liked this girl, she seemed... quirky.
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus
Yui turned her head a smiled before turning back to get her slip of paper. She back over her paper in hand "got it" she said holding it up "so you need any help with anything ?" She asked feeling bad hes done so much for her and shes done nothing for him
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"What could you possibly do to show me remorse? I don't even know your name. But you do look interesting." she said tilting her head in thought as she could hear the second target cry out in discovery of her handy work. "Well I know how. you will be my lackey. And your first task is to find someone for me. But this is kind of hard, since it can shift between being a boy or girl. Its name is Ashukira, and I really need to talk to it." she said with a sweet smile as she fished something out of her pocket. It was a piece of candy. She tossed it to the catboy. "Here, there is more where that comes from if you do not fail me." she finished as she skipped off to peek in on the girl screaming about her butterfly. She joined the growing crowd as the chopsticks crackled as she predicted. The boy was of the mystic sort and the psychic venom of his energies reacting to the pure jade of the chopsticks was weakening him and whittling his will away. Soon, like a ripe apple he will be ready to pluck. Hopefully there is enough scraps left of him for his girlfriend to bury. Now she had a ninja robot girl to find...


He felt everything slipping away. The pain would not stop. It was burning through his body and burning up his brain. Mercifully the things pinning him to the wall vanished and he fell on his face in front of Rini. He could not even move...

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester
Rael stared up at her with wide eyes as she turned back to look at him. She was so confident in herself, but he was always so nervous, he never got himself into trouble and was always afraid to draw attention to himself, but she acted so sure of herself and confident! Staring at her he wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying, just listlessly listening and admiring her he stood in front of her like a lost child when she suddenly threw a piece of candy at him. Surprised he caught the piece of candy and snapped back to reality, hearing her comment about him finding a boy/girl thing and more candy if he did so. Rael didn’t mind helping her find this person if she wanted to talk to them, but how where they supposed to find them? The girl didn’t describe them at all. Oh well, if fate wanted them to find this person they would, and fate was nice to Rael usually. Placing the candy in his mouth wrapper and all Rael licked the wrapper a few times, his tongue shredding the thin plastic covering with sharp barbs on his tongue and the rest was dissolved by his saliva. Then another layer of teeth appeared on top of his as he bit down on the candy easily crushing it with razor sharp canines as he walked down the hall wondering where he would find this boy/girl thing.
Rael stared up at her with wide eyes as she turned back to look at him. She was so confident in herself, but he was always so nervous, he never got himself into trouble and was always afraid to draw attention to himself, but she acted so sure of herself and confident! Staring at her he wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying, just listlessly listening and admiring her he stood in front of her like a lost child when she suddenly threw a piece of candy at him. Surprised he caught the piece of candy and snapped back to reality, hearing her comment about him finding a boy/girl thing and more candy if he did so. Rael didn’t mind helping her find this person if she wanted to talk to them, but how where they supposed to find them? The girl didn’t describe them at all. Oh well, if fate wanted them to find this person they would, and fate was nice to Rael usually. Placing the candy in his mouth wrapper and all Rael licked the wrapper a few times, his tongue shredding the thin plastic covering with sharp barbs on his tongue and the rest was dissolved by his saliva. Then another layer of teeth appeared on top of his as he bit down on the candy easily crushing it with razor sharp canines as he walked down the hall wondering where he would find this boy/girl thing.


"She" today was enjoying the feel of her freshly pressed skirt on her bare thighs. Sometimes sticking to a sex had its benefits. Of course it could not breed so it did enjoy the best of both worlds without really any consequence. So the swishing of her skirt and the cool autumn morning made her feel somewhat better. The events of completely making an ass of itself yesterday drifted away as she waved to some girls who waved at her. But something was making her feel really uneasy. Like something was off. Then she heard the scream of a classmate as she headed over to where the commotion was.

--Serra and Ruri--

"Oy, little sister. Gimme some poison." Serra said as she held a sucker. Ruri was startled and afraid of the voice. She knew the voice very well, as it was in the lab at the time of her creation. it was mercilessly cruel, but unnaturally charismatic. "I dont make poisons for bullies." Ruri said resisting and resting her hand on her hidden kunai. "You know as well as I that I will have you taken apart before you can use that over glorified butter spreader." she said as she took the steps closer to Ruri until she was face to face. "Just give me a vial of Fenrir's Bite. You know what it is and how to make it." she prodded further. "Or I can just take you apart and use your torso to make it. Either way I win. My way involves less messy work." she threatened, pushing her "sister" against the wall. A little pocket in her side opened and a vial of green liquid with red flecks was produced and taken by Serra. "Whom ever you use that on, better not die. It is only because we are at school I choose not to fight you." Ruri said, Trembling. "Psh, none of you rejects can nor ever beat me. Ever. Toodles." Serra said asshe blew Ruri a kiss and escaped into the crowds. Ruri collapsed to her knees and started sobbing. It was true, she could not beat Serra.

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

It was a little hard to keep a calm head. Seeing how crazy strong this guy was down there in the arena was a little intimidating, so it took a lot of effort to keep a straight face and keep up a confident facade. Astrid knew she wasn't weak, really she was actually quite strong, so it's not like she lacked confidence in her abilities or anything, but the guy down there was so... Astrid wasn't sure what the right word was, but he was something alright. As she watched, her form changed to her sword-wielding one, figuring she might have the best chance with a sword if she was going to be fighting one-on-one in such close quarters. Her eyes stayed glued to the field as she watched Hyou attack the guy, with what seemed to be no effect. Eventually, Hyou made his way up here, and was telling her it was her own turn. A part of her didn't want to go, but it was their mission, and she knew she had to. Flicking her gaze from Hyou back to the field, Astrid stood up, keeping her composure. "Right. If all goes well, Blue won't even get a turn." If she could help it, she'd keep him out of harms way as much as possible, regardless of what happened to her. With that, she hopped down the cliff and made her way to the arena, stepping on to it not long after. Taking a few steps closer, Astrid looked Perfect up and down, taking her sword in hand as she grimaced. "Hoo boy, you are much uglier up close."

Roman Roman
Zenya smiled before she walked over to Talia and took her hand. "Alright, let's go~" She then opened the door before she walked outside and walked with Talia. She wondered what they will encounter today. Hopefully nothing bad happens. She then wondered if the guy Talia kissed passed out or is roaming about. "Hey, did the guy you kiss pass out? I'm just curious of the after affects from being fed upon."
Talia smiled as she felt Zenya's hand in her own, happily following her out once they did. She had used her powers to close the door behind them, locking it right after before they made it outside. When she was asked about the she had used to feed, she chuckled a little, "I'm not sure actually. It was my first time going out to do so, but I made sure to find someone with a suitable amount of energy. He had a lot so I'm assuming he's sleeping it off... Hopefully."
Talia smiled as she felt Zenya's hand in her own, happily following her out once they did. She had used her powers to close the door behind them, locking it right after before they made it outside. When she was asked about the she had used to feed, she chuckled a little, "I'm not sure actually. It was my first time going out to do so, but I made sure to find someone with a suitable amount of energy. He had a lot so I'm assuming he's sleeping it off... Hopefully."
"Well... Haha, alright." She hoped he was just sleeping or something. At least they won't have the weird encounter of them meeting the one Talia fed upon. That would've a bit awkward. "So, we're just walking around right?"

It was a little hard to keep a calm head. Seeing how crazy strong this guy was down there in the arena was a little intimidating, so it took a lot of effort to keep a straight face and keep up a confident facade. Astrid knew she wasn't weak, really she was actually quite strong, so it's not like she lacked confidence in her abilities or anything, but the guy down there was so... Astrid wasn't sure what the right word was, but he was something alright. As she watched, her form changed to her sword-wielding one, figuring she might have the best chance with a sword if she was going to be fighting one-on-one in such close quarters. Her eyes stayed glued to the field as she watched Hyou attack the guy, with what seemed to be no effect. Eventually, Hyou made his way up here, and was telling her it was her own turn. A part of her didn't want to go, but it was their mission, and she knew she had to. Flicking her gaze from Hyou back to the field, Astrid stood up, keeping her composure. "Right. If all goes well, Blue won't even get a turn." If she could help it, she'd keep him out of harms way as much as possible, regardless of what happened to her. With that, she hopped down the cliff and made her way to the arena, stepping on to it not long after. Taking a few steps closer, Astrid looked Perfect up and down, taking her sword in hand as she grimaced. "Hoo boy, you are much uglier up close."

Roman Roman
Perfect watched as Hyou left the ring. He put up a good fight, though he could tell something was on the dragon's mind the entire time, hindering his skill. That aside though, he went back to focusing on the sky, humming a tune in his head as he did so. He didn't care who was next, just only if someone else was going to fight. "Humans." Perfect chuckled a little, returning to the hum right after. Meanwhile, up on the cliff where Hyou and Astrid were making their tag, he grinned, "Kick his ass for me. He's lucky all I could think about was finding Skylar or I'd have done it myself... And good. I see you want to protect him." He said, smiling as she went off. "He wants to do the same after all." Hyou had said that once she was out of hearing range though, just to make sure she didn't hear it. Alejandro has heard none of it. In fact, all of his focus was on Perfect. Watching his every move, so when it came to his turn... If it came to his turn, he'd know what to expect. "She better not goof around down there." He thought, watching her every move now.


Back in the ring, upon Astrid's arrival, Perfect stopped humming and turned to face her. "I'm ugly? Well then, princess, you come here and disrespect me in my ring... Shame. I kill worthless punks like you for fun. You and you're pathetic friends are gonna die after this, and I'll tell them it's all thanks to the little missy." Perfect shook his head in disappointment. "But first, let me teach you some manners so a brat like you can die with dignity when this planet goes up in flames." He then raised a hand and aimed it at Astrid. He saw she had a sword, which he automatically assumed she'd try using against him. Out of nowhere, a barrage of yellow beams of energy were being shot at her. Perfect showed no signs of holding up, and was prepared to break this stupid little girl in front of her friends. Then after that, the boy was next.​
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Rosalie nodded at his words "That's pretty cool you have some kind or idea at least" she said after she had finished her breakfast "I have absolutely no idea what I do after all this" she shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly "Well, actually, thats not entirely true... I'd love to become a writer, you know, write my own book and stuff. But unless that goes extremely well, It's not much of a plan for the future so I'm told" she smiled sheepishly. If that's what she could do, she'd definitely do it, she was one to dream big like that, but her parents had advised her over and over that it wasn't the best idea, which she told them she understood, but that didn't stop her from chipping away at a few stories she had stored in her noggin just in case.

Kane simply nods at her, not really knowing what to say to her. "Well...I don't know anything about that...I don't know any writers. But, I imagine, writing doesn't have much income? At least, at the beginning? Still, if that is your dream...I'm sure you could figure a way to make it work." He says with a smile, cleaning the pan and the jug he used. He preferred to wash dishes as he uses them, rather than wait until the pile is high.
Levi turned back into a human again, the ball still resting on his stomach as he lay on the floor. He grinned up at Tuesday from where he lay on the floor "Yep! And that's what I did." He said lifting the beach ball and throwing it towards her. He sat up again looking to the girl "Just letting you know, being a sealion isn't that fun, flippers are really awkward to use" he joked.
Tuesday caught the ball. "Really? I mean, I certainly wouldn't know." She chuckled. "Okay, now this is killing me. I really wanna know what I can do." It was eating her up. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She jumped in the water. "Is there anyone else here without powers?"
Nona Nona (I don't think their gonna join us anytime soon.)
"Well... Haha, alright." She hoped he was just sleeping or something. At least they won't have the weird encounter of them meeting the one Talia fed upon. That would've a bit awkward. "So, we're just walking around right?"
"Yeah... I hope at least." Talia said, sighing before looking at what was ahead of her. That's when she heard Zenya say something, in which she agreed to with a nod.
((Shhh I forgot to proof read it first xD))
Elaena tilted her head, her lazy grin still present on her face when he called her miss sleepyhead. That was a name she heard on a regular basis from many people, so much to the point that she actually responded to it almost as quickly as she would her own name. "It is nice to meet you too, Everest" She shook his hand before slowly pulling her hand away. "Blackmail is not my style. I do not hold grudges nor do I think I'd ever be in a situation were I would need to blackmail you." She closed her eyes for a moment, shrugging her shoulders ever so slightly "Besides, If I really wanted to blackmail anyone, it would not be difficult for me, dreams have so much information in them all I would have to do would be enter a few and dissect them a little" she said, her tone nonchalant before opening her eyes again. "The bullet is gone. I am forgiven now, yes?" She asked, looking up at him.
Everest smirked as she removed her hand from his and spoke, shrugging as she finished her speech about blackmail and grinning he reached out and ruffled her hair. "Well don't try to get into my dreams, you might find a bit to much." Then turning away now to head off in the direction of his first class he smiled as he began to walk off while speaking over his shoulder. "I can tell your a good kid Elaena. You ever need my help you can find me in dorm 260A."
"Yeah... I hope at least." Talia said, sighing before looking at what was ahead of her. That's when she heard Zenya say something, in which she agreed to with a nod.
Zenya looked at Talia a bit worried. Zenya was thinking that Talia was depressed about something. Maybe she didn't want to kill someone before she just smiled and nudged her a little. "Hey, maybe we can stop by a crepe truck and buy some. How's that sound~?"
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus
Yui turned her head a smiled before turning back to get her slip of paper. She back over her paper in hand "got it" she said holding it up "so you need any help with anything ?" She asked feeling bad hes done so much for her and shes done nothing for him
Tiger smiled, happy she had finally got her room number. "Great, I can walk you back if you like?"
He thought about her question for a moment, unsure if he actually did need any help. To be honest he hasn't really thought much past taking a look around this morning before he had bumped into his new friend. "Nah, I think I'm good. I was really just gonna have a wander around and explore a bit."
Tiger smiled, happy she had finally got her room number. "Great, I can walk you back if you like?"
He thought about her question for a moment, unsure if he actually did need any help. To be honest he hasn't really thought much past taking a look around this morning before he had bumped into his new friend. "Nah, I think I'm good. I was really just gonna have a wander around and explore a bit."
"okay" she said repliying to his offer of walking her back "want any help exploring ?" She asked she dident know they way around the school so this should be a good way to learn and she got to talk to someone for a change. "so are you staying in the dorms too?" She asked wondering if some people had family nearby they could stay with
"okay" she said repliying to his offer of walking her back "want any help exploring ?" She asked she dident know they way around the school so this should be a good way to learn and she got to talk to someone for a change. "so are you staying in the dorms too?" She asked wondering if some people had family nearby they could stay with
"Great," he grinned and began walking her back toward the dorms. "Sure, the company would be nice." He liked having someone to just chat away to.
"Yeh, my father lives a few towns over, so he's too far to live with. Though I guess neither of us care much." Tiger shrugged, thinking of their somewhat tense relationship. It wasn't that he or his father hated each other... they just never saw eye to eye.
"Great," he grinned and began walking her back toward the dorms. "Sure, the company would be nice." He liked having someone to just chat away to.
"Yeh, my father lives a few towns over, so he's too far to live with. Though I guess neither of us care much." Tiger shrugged, thinking of their somewhat tense relationship. It wasn't that he or his father hated each other... they just never saw eye to eye.
"when my family found put i got a dorm they were ao mad..."!she mumbled looking at the floor as they walked rowards the dorm buildings "i dident tell my family my dorm number they dident even want me coming here...they could arrive at any second to take me away" she said with a slight scared sounding giggle

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