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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Me? I'm a sophomore, transferred a lot so held back and all." Tiger shrugged, as if this was the norm. "Uhh room... maybe there's someone in the main building who can help? I'm sure someone should be able to." He smiled brightly again, knowing that feeling. He himself had not lost his room number, but he'd had difficulties finding it in the first place. It could be difficult being the new kid.

Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit
"Im a sophomore too" she said, she would of smiled but she dident want a repeat of last time "what ones the main building?" She asked confused it being her first time in a school. "Im assuming its not this one yeah?"
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus
"Nice, at least now there's a friendly face in the year," he laughed at this, realising they'd already made a similar comment.
Tiger pointed outside, "I reckon there's a desk maybe, either in here somewhere or over in the school building?" He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, "I'm sorry, I'm not much help after all."

Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit
"That would be go-" she then gave a strange involuntary movement as he rased his hand that stoped as quickly as it started "your lots of help" she said with another weird smile "id be lost right now" she looked around them "i dident see a desk in here it must be in the school building"
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus
Tiger decided to skip over the jump. He'd been around people enough to know that everyone has their quirks, and not everyone likes to talk about them. It was one of those things he'd learnt it's best to just let them come to you.
"Well, why don't I walk you there? I'm headed that way anyway." And frankly, he thought, it'd be nice to have the company this time.

Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit
Yui cheeks went a light shade of pink no one ever wanted to be around her before this was a first "okay" she said before walking to the door and opening it "shall we go?" She looked through the door window at the outside.
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus
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Levi turned back into a human again, the ball still resting on his stomach as he lay on the floor. He grinned up at Tuesday from where he lay on the floor "Yep! And that's what I did." He said lifting the beach ball and throwing it towards her. He sat up again looking to the girl "Just letting you know, being a sealion isn't that fun, flippers are really awkward to use" he joked.
Tuesday caught the ball. "Really? I mean, I certainly wouldn't know." She chuckled. "Okay, now this is killing me. I really wanna know what I can do." It was eating her up. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She jumped in the water. "Is there anyone else here without powers?"
( Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit if you want to join us now you may!)

Nona Nona
Kane simply nods at her. In truth, he didn't notice that she wasn't using her powers - he just thought she had nothing to say. "Well, it's just a pancake. There's not much you can do to mess up a pancake." He says, despite the fact he is blushing from the compliment. Kane might not admit it but he was a big softie for compliments, despite his Russian heritage, and always enjoyed it when someone likes his cooking.
Rosalie giggled silently, noticing his cheeks colouring at the compliment, she found it kind of cute that he was being humble about it. Yes it was a simple meal, but she felt she was giving praise where praise was due. "I beg to differ, I've had pancakes that were gross before!" She answered, taking another bite of the food before "And this isn't gross, this is really good~" she glanced to him for a moment tilting her head slightly "Do you plan to work in culinary in the future when you leave here?" She asked curiously

Gregory sighed softly as he listened to Ariel speak. As much as he hoped that it was over, he just couldn't forgive himself if she was indeed not okay.
With that said, he pulled her into a warm hug, letting go slowly few seconds later.
"Just wanna let you know that if whatever happens.. you've got someone that can listen to it... and help you out.. alright, sweetie?" He asked softly, his hands taking both of Ariel's now, his thumbs softly caressing her palms as he did.
"I love you, and hearing you had or have had nightmares... it makes me worried..." The boy explained, sighing, soon walking with his love again, holding her hand again, the other one hiding in the pocket of his jeans jacket

Chler smiled widely, taking her plate as well, and following Yuna, sitting right by her.
"Enjoy your meal" She said, before taking a rather large bite into her food, her cheeks puffed out as she did, chewing on the food slowly. She did look kinda comedic with that face

Ariel hugged him back, accepting the comforting gesture he gave her. "Alright" she said softly. She felt relieved that he said he'd be there for her. She had planned on dealing with it herself originally and she still would as best she could but it was still nice to know he was there. She smiled at him as he pulled away from the hug, now walking alongside him as they neared the music rooms.
"Likewise" Yuna answered, soon taking a bite of her own food. She watched as Chler filled her cheeks. She had to hold in a giggle since she sort of looked like a chipmunk storing food or something, which she found amusing.
"Ah haha, I see." She said before she got up to stretch while Talia was finishing her food. It was nice to see that Talia was so happy. She wondered where they would go for a walk. Well, maybe they'll just walk around aimlessly around the city and find something interesting along the way.
Talia soon finished the ramen and looked at Zenya with a smile, "I'll be ready in a moment. Just gonna go get some things." She said before picking up her dishes and getting up herself, walking out of the living room. Talia went and washed the dishes she used and then ran upstairs to get some different clothes to put on. After changing, she came back down, and waved, "Okay, ready to go~"
Talia soon finished the ramen and looked at Zenya with a smile, "I'll be ready in a moment. Just gonna go get some things." She said before picking up her dishes and getting up herself, walking out of the living room. Talia went and washed the dishes she used and then ran upstairs to get some different clothes to put on. After changing, she came back down, and waved, "Okay, ready to go~"
Zenya smiled before she walked over to Talia and took her hand. "Alright, let's go~" She then opened the door before she walked outside and walked with Talia. She wondered what they will encounter today. Hopefully nothing bad happens. She then wondered if the guy Talia kissed passed out or is roaming about. "Hey, did the guy you kiss pass out? I'm just curious of the after affects from being fed upon."

Leaving the classroom, she takes a stroll following the color trail. Everyone around here was up early. It really did not suit her so she wanted to damage the boy further, because he looked delicious when pained. The color trail did not seem to vanish, and she could easily follow it where ever it led. She withdrew her jade chopsticks from their nesting spot in her hair and pursued her prey...


He could barely stand as it was. His balance was so far out of whack that all the energies were coming and going, threatening to rip him to shreds. He left trails of color and colored handprints on the wall as he tried to find a secluded spot to try and meditate before class started. His steps were becoming erratic as he closed his eyes and propped himself on the wall. The world stopped spinning for him just long enough to feel the first stabbing pain. He could finally force open his eyes and look as the second object entered his right shoulder, pinning him to the wall. A melodically psychotic voice cooed to him sweetly "Like a little butterfly. Now my game begins." The owner of the voice delivered a solid kick to his solar plexus before skipping away, to leave his blood to drip and run down the wall.

(Anyone can literally jump in to discover him pinned to the wall, or does anyone think their student character can stop her?)

Nona Nona
Rosalie giggled silently, noticing his cheeks colouring at the compliment, she found it kind of cute that he was being humble about it. Yes it was a simple meal, but she felt she was giving praise where praise was due. "I beg to differ, I've had pancakes that were gross before!" She answered, taking another bite of the food before "And this isn't gross, this is really good~" she glanced to him for a moment tilting her head slightly "Do you plan to work in culinary in the future when you leave here?" She asked curiously

Kane smiled at her, before thinking long and hard about her question...Kane realized he hadn't really thought that much into his future - something he is now starting to regret. "Hmm...most likely. I might go back home after getting my qualifications here, though, but I will definitely be working in culinary. I'm not sure if I'll be working small scale, like in a bakery or something, or more large scale but I think I'll wait and see where my qualifications lead me." He says, with complete honesty. While his mother would want him to stay with the family business, Kane was always told by his father to go live his dreams wherever they may be. But, at the moment, Kane doesn't really have any dreams. He's just doing what he likes to do.

"I dont know. I dont see him to be the type to fail though. But yeah "She" is here" he said finishing off the bottle of water. "And the scary thing is that I was watching the security cameras in the training hall, and the Huge lion man thing is only one of his forms. Boy fancies himself to be an Autobot, turing into a robotic lion thing." he finishes. "Oh, what can be more important than discuss the boy who has stolen your sisters heart?" he asked ribbing his friend.

Roman Roman
Han smiled a little, shaking his head in disappointment at Apollyon's failure to realize Han's feelings about the kid. "What's more important than that boy is my sister. Not that her heart is with this person, but that she's happy. With or without him. I can care less about the boy, he's the last thing on my list of worries... Though if he allows my sister to experience such unacceptable behavior from anyone again, he'll be hanging up on my wall. A fine centerpiece don't you think?" Han then chuckled a little before putting his hands on his head. "Besides, his mom is a teacher here. He does anything to my sister than endangers her, she's my go to person, though our first meeting may have gave her a bad feeling about me, second meetings can always make up."

She was bored in class, so she started to sum up the people around her. What she wanted most was what was precious to them. She watched couples try to focus on school work, but give the googly eyes to each other. She made notes to wreck any and all relationships she encounters. Why? because it was to much delicious fun. It was like stealing the biggest ice cream cone and eating it while watching the kid who ordered it cry. It made her tummy feel all warm. She loved to steal and torture. But these classes were painfully torturous.


Sat in the class with the biggest blush. His power was slowly returning, but the memories of yesterdays incident and being exposed made his face burning hot. He wanted to bury his head in his book, but he was in the middle of class. He tried to focus but seeing Rini in that state made the task of studying nearly impossible.


He was in class, bandaged up and really sore tempered. Kannon had stormed off yesterday and he could not find her. He was truly concerned for her. He really did love her.

-Miyaka and every other one of my characters -

The gaggle of giggly girls had entered the class. Miyaka had lost her sullenness when asked by Rini to go clothes shopping after school. However she was drawn in by writers default into this odd group. A catgirl, a weird girl, Princess, cyborg, shapeshifter, and the envy ire raising hot girl, entered with Miyaka and had taken their seats.

The boys group consisting of Hector and Paris, entered chatting like brothers, until they leveled their gazes at Achilles. They too, had taken their seats.

(I know the day might of progressed but real life waylaid me, so Im just planting them in their classes incase anyone wants to interact.)


On truancy patrol, which consisted of him smoking a cigarette behind the school talking to Han.

(I has loads of free characters.)

Roman Roman
Nona Nona

(just tag me for interactions.)
Rael sighed as he tottered along, hoisting an overly sized back pack on his shoulders and generally looking down as walked through the school halls, a long thin frail looking cat like tail swishing out from under the hem of his short as he went. Honestly for the past few weeks Rael had been stuck with cat ears and a tail, he just couldn't seem to get rid of them, and he had even thought of going to the extremes of cutting them off. But o course he chickened out, just looking at bladed objects made him shiver in fear, let alone touching one. Rounding the corner sharply, Rael gasped as he looked up and suddenly saw a girl about a good foot taller than him, although that could be because rael is exceptionally short, however either way it was still too late to cancel his momentum, so crashing into the girl Rael fell backwards and whimpered as he lamded on his tail. Why did the stupid thing have to grow nerves? "owiee...".
Rael sighed as he tottered along, hoisting an overly sized back pack on his shoulders and generally looking down as walked through the school halls, a long thin frail looking cat like tail swishing out from under the hem of his short as he went. Honestly for the past few weeks Rael had been stuck with cat ears and a tail, he just couldn't seem to get rid of them, and he had even thought of going to the extremes of cutting them off. But o course he chickened out, just looking at bladed objects made him shiver in fear, let alone touching one. Rounding the corner sharply, Rael gasped as he looked up and suddenly saw a girl about a good foot taller than him, although that could be because rael is exceptionally short, however either way it was still too late to cancel his momentum, so crashing into the girl Rael fell backwards and whimpered as he landed on his tail. Why did the stupid thing have to grow nerves? "owiee...".


"Oh dear, this wont do." she spoke after the boy walked into her. Seeing the boy so pained made the warmth in her tummy spread. She dusted herself off. "Its not safe to bump into people around here. Som might bump back." she said as she bowed and curtsied and walked away. Not too far to not keep her new toy in her eyes.

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

He tried to lose himself in the lessons, but his center was scattered. His empty hand on the desk started to glow in a prismatic rainbow release from his fingers. The colors shifted from pink to purple and red, as his thoughts of Rini pushed all rhyme and reason from his mind. He wanted to hold her and kiss her, but that conflicted with his training. His master would have beaten him senseless by now, and that thought made the energy black. The energy started to pop and crackle, as he was lost in thought as his hand was erupting in micro explosions of energy. The burning heat in his hand snapped him back to reality as the wood under the back of his hand was singed. Horror spread on his face as he could no longer contain it and he grabbed his hand and dashed from the room, leaving a trail of threads of energy in his wake....

Nona Nona

*Anyone can react to this too.


She openly laughed at the pained and troubled look the frantically gave as he ran from the room. "Boy, isn't that like a weakling who cannot manage a single power, HAHAHA!" she laughed as she almost fell out of her chair.

Leaving the classroom, she takes a stroll following the color trail. Everyone around here was up early. It really did not suit her so she wanted to damage the boy further, because he looked delicious when pained. The color trail did not seem to vanish, and she could easily follow it where ever it led. She withdrew her jade chopsticks from their nesting spot in her hair and pursued her prey...


He could barely stand as it was. His balance was so far out of whack that all the energies were coming and going, threatening to rip him to shreds. He left trails of color and colored handprints on the wall as he tried to find a secluded spot to try and meditate before class started. His steps were becoming erratic as he closed his eyes and propped himself on the wall. The world stopped spinning for him just long enough to feel the first stabbing pain. He could finally force open his eyes and look as the second object entered his right shoulder, pinning him to the wall. A melodically psychotic voice cooed to him sweetly "Like a little butterfly. Now my game begins." The owner of the voice delivered a solid kick to his solar plexus before skipping away, to leave his blood to drip and run down the wall.

(Anyone can literally jump in to discover him pinned to the wall, or does anyone think their student character can stop her?)

Nona Nona
Rini had picked up on the burning smell of the singed table, scrunching her nose a little as she wondered where it was coming from. It was then that she had caught a glimpse of Misafune dashing out of the room along with some girl laughing at him. Rini's eyes looked to the back of the classroom, first giving the girl a look. It obviously wasn't all that intimidating since this was Rini after all, but It was definitely putting the message across that she was displeased. She looked to the empty desk Misafune had been sitting at her eyes widening at burn mark he had left at it. It must have been at this time that the girl that was poking fun at him had slipped out as Rini hadn't noticed. She quickly closed over her book, standing up and more or less throwing her finished work onto the desk on her way past. She immediately stepped into the hallway, seeing all the coloured trails that stretched the full way down the corridors and around the corner. Rini had began to follow them, knowing they were from Misafune. She wondered on what exactly happened back there. She froze for a moment as her sensitive smell had picked up something she definitely didn't it to. Blood. A further feeling of worry washed over her, adding to the worry she had for him in the first place. She picked up the pace, dashing around the corner to spot where Misafune had been pinned, his blood on the wall and the girl nowhere to be seen. "W-What the hell happened here?!" she spoke in a tone mixed with worry and disbelief, rushing right over, she would need to get him to the infirmary which she would start to do immediately. She couldn't understand why the world was so cruel to this boy in terms of getting hurt or attacked, it bothered her that someone so caring would get beat up this much.
Everest sighed as air pressure caused the two to gradually slow down (they are still moving at a couple hundred miles per hour though) and he began falling towards the roof of a near by building. Pulling his legs in close, Everest let himself continue to fly along the surface, and just as it seemed his legs were to scrape along the roof, Everest's feet kicked out once more, cracking the concrete roof and once more accelerating Everest and the sleepy girl to super sonic velocities. Quickly approaching the school in this fashion Everest saw the school grounds come into view and sighed. "ah man. This is gonna hurt." Then as the pressure of the surrounding air once more began to slow the pair down, Everest transitioned in the air and hit the ground in a one legged kneeling position, kicking up a huge plume of dirt and dust and causing the surrounding grass to be crushed. Slowly standing up Everest set down the girl and focused on standing. "Yep. Doing that is killer on the knees. I can barely feel my legs."
Elaena shut her eyes tightly as they came closer to hitting the ground, only opening them when she felt all the movement stop and she was set on the ground. Looking at the boy trying to stand she frowned slightly, was that a thing he always did? "I do hope your legs will be okay. I don't have healing powers otherwise I would help with that too..." she said softly before looking over her shoulder at the view behind her, they were pretty close to the main courtyard, luckily the police were only just pulling their cars into the driveway outside the gates of the school. This gave her plenty of time and she knew that, though at the slow and calm pace she moved at, it would make anyone a bit panicky that she wouldn't make it in time. She walked to the corner of the building near where the bullet had hit ((If her memory had served her correctly)). After about a minute of examining the area she looked back at the boy and gave a thumbs up, letting him know that she in fact, found where the bullet went. With that she made a movement with her hands and a portal with a gold-ish coloured border opened. Inside the portal, looked almost the same as the real world but the colours were a bit off as well as all kinds of odd creatures big and small being seen walking back and forth around the area inside the portal. She stepped inside, the portal quickly closing up once she went through. Right next to where the bullet was a second portal opened, this one only big enough for a made to appear out of. She had quickly put up a weak illusion to cover up the portal like it wasn't there. The portal was strong enough to work against humans no problem so she was fairly confident she wouldn't be spotted. She grabbed the bullet, pulling it from where it was and taking it back into the portal. By the time Elaena had returned back to where Everest was and made another portal to step out of. The authorities had almost made their way to where the gun was shot at the first place. Stepping out of the portal and making it disappear she showed the bullet that was now placed in her hand "I got it." she said offering a smile at the boy "Do you want it? or do you want me to throw it back into the dream realm, I don't think they'll ever find it there if you want to be extra safe" she offered before pausing and looking the boy over. Blinking she extended her free hand to the boy "Elaena" she said simply, her smile growing a little "It would be odd to be talking this long and still not knowing any names, no?"
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Kane smiled at her, before thinking long and hard about her question...Kane realized he hadn't really thought that much into his future - something he is now starting to regret. "Hmm...most likely. I might go back home after getting my qualifications here, though, but I will definitely be working in culinary. I'm not sure if I'll be working small scale, like in a bakery or something, or more large scale but I think I'll wait and see where my qualifications lead me." He says, with complete honesty. While his mother would want him to stay with the family business, Kane was always told by his father to go live his dreams wherever they may be. But, at the moment, Kane doesn't really have any dreams. He's just doing what he likes to do.
Rosalie nodded at his words "That's pretty cool you have some kind or idea at least" she said after she had finished her breakfast "I have absolutely no idea what I do after all this" she shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly "Well, actually, thats not entirely true... I'd love to become a writer, you know, write my own book and stuff. But unless that goes extremely well, It's not much of a plan for the future so I'm told" she smiled sheepishly. If that's what she could do, she'd definitely do it, she was one to dream big like that, but her parents had advised her over and over that it wasn't the best idea, which she told them she understood, but that didn't stop her from chipping away at a few stories she had stored in her noggin just in case.

"Oh dear, this wont do." she spoke after the boy walked into her. Seeing the boy so pained made the warmth in her tummy spread. She dusted herself off. "Its not safe to bump into people around here. Som might bump back." she said as she bowed and curtsied and walked away. Not too far to not keep her new toy in her eyes.

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

Rael whimpered as he looked up at the girl who was starting to walk away, his cat like ears and tail dropping low, ears pressed flat against thick brown hair he began to tear up slightly. She was so polite but he just sat there and looked pitiful. Rubbing his brilliant saphire eyes in the attempt to clear them, rael only managed to irritate them and cause them to water and tear up. Climbing up from off his rear end, Rael ran up behind the girl and gently pulled on the back of her shirt to try and get her attention. When she turned around he looked up at her with big bleary eyes and spoke softly and nervously. "Um... um.... I... I... wanted... To um... Apologize for.... Um... Run.... Running into you..."
Yui cheeks went a light shade of pink no one ever wanted to be around her before this was a first "okay" she said before walking to the door and opening it "shall we go?" She looked through the door window at the outside.
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus

Tiger nodded, happy to finally be of some use rather than an annoyance. "Sure thing."

He began to lead the way to the school's main building. Admittedly he usually had a great sense of direction, though this place was going to take some getting used to...

On their way there,he plucked up the first topic that came to mind. "So, uh, mind if I ask what you're in for? You don't have to answer, I know some folk can be kinda funny about their.. abilities."
Rael whimpered as he looked up at the girl who was starting to walk away, his cat like ears and tail dropping low, ears pressed flat against thick brown hair he began to tear up slightly. She was so polite but he just sat there and looked pitiful. Rubbing his brilliant saphire eyes in the attempt to clear them, rael only managed to irritate them and cause them to water and tear up. Climbing up from off his rear end, Rael ran up behind the girl and gently pulled on the back of her shirt to try and get her attention. When she turned around he looked up at her with big bleary eyes and spoke softly and nervously. "Um... um.... I... I... wanted... To um... Apologize for.... Um... Run.... Running into you..."

Rini had picked up on the burning smell of the singed table, scrunching her nose a little as she wondered where it was coming from. It was then that she had caught a glimpse of Misafune dashing out of the room along with some girl laughing at him. Rini's eyes looked to the back of the classroom, first giving the girl a look. It obviously wasn't all that intimidating since this was Rini after all, but It was definitely putting the message across that she was displeased. She looked to the empty desk Misafune had been sitting at her eyes widening at burn mark he had left at it. It must have been at this time that the girl that was poking fun at him had slipped out as Rini hadn't noticed. She quickly closed over her book, standing up and more or less throwing her finished work onto the desk on her way past. She immediately stepped into the hallway, seeing all the coloured trails that stretched the full way down the corridors and around the corner. Rini had began to follow them, knowing they were from Misafune. She wondered on what exactly happened back there. She froze for a moment as her sensitive smell had picked up something she definitely didn't it to. Blood. A further feeling of worry washed over her, adding to the worry she had for him in the first place. She picked up the pace, dashing around the corner to spot where Misafune had been pinned, his blood on the wall and the girl nowhere to be seen. "W-What the hell happened here?!" she spoke in a tone mixed with worry and disbelief, rushing right over, she would need to get him to the infirmary which she would start to do immediately. She couldn't understand why the world was so cruel to this boy in terms of getting hurt or attacked, it bothered her that someone so caring would get beat up this much.


"What could you possibly do to show me remorse? I don't even know your name. But you do look interesting." she said tilting her head in thought as she could hear the second target cry out in discovery of her handy work. "Well I know how. you will be my lackey. And your first task is to find someone for me. But this is kind of hard, since it can shift between being a boy or girl. Its name is Ashukira, and I really need to talk to it." she said with a sweet smile as she fished something out of her pocket. It was a piece of candy. She tossed it to the catboy. "Here, there is more where that comes from if you do not fail me." she finished as she skipped off to peek in on the girl screaming about her butterfly. She joined the growing crowd as the chopsticks crackled as she predicted. The boy was of the mystic sort and the psychic venom of his energies reacting to the pure jade of the chopsticks was weakening him and whittling his will away. Soon, like a ripe apple he will be ready to pluck. Hopefully there is enough scraps left of him for his girlfriend to bury. Now she had a ninja robot girl to find...


He felt everything slipping away. The pain would not stop. It was burning through his body and burning up his brain. Mercifully the things pinning him to the wall vanished and he fell on his face in front of Rini. He could not even move...

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester
Yui walking alomg side him heard the question "Its...something to do with my emotions" she said in boice bearly louder then a mumble stairing at the floor her hair casting a dark shadow over her eyes "There was a chip put into my brain...they said i wanted it they promised it wouldent hurt" in her eyes began an icy shine as they became a bluish grey color "they lied" she said finally after a couple of seconds of slilence.
PanOtterPus PanOtterPus

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