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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
The man watched as Randall had tinkered with the subject's body. He listened closely as he described the details, but the sound of the joints popping back into place soon distracted him. He nodded when his employer finished speaking and he soon spoke himself....
"I am grateful to hear that you feel my work was good."

He then cleared his throat, and stood tall with his hands behind his back. The man also dismissed his soldiers.

"Sir, as for the briefing... The job was fairly easy. My men spotted the target going to a concert. I decided we'd go in with force and take over, putting the super in a locked off area. That's when I captured the target and called for extraction."
"Ah well.Precise and to the point. Could not expect any less from a soldier. Got a name son or are you just going to let me rattle on?" he said slightly annoyed. Randall began to punch in the data into the computer that is altering his experiment's synapse matrix. "So, did you gather any clues if the captured was working alone or part of something bigger?" he asked as his wife's face lit up the huge screen above them. "Hi, Darling.."

¥"Darling, when will I get the research update to present to the UN Security Council?" she spoke in a cutesy sing song voice, that anyone with half a brain knew dripped with an angered annoyance, and dread. "I have two hours before I have to talk to them, and all I have to work with is, outdated stats and population charts. So when ever you stop playing grab ass with the soldiers, Mind sending me the data, please, sweetie?" she said fuming before cutting off the transmission.

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake smiled happily and nodded when emiko put the coat around him
"Its our own personal armory my love. Only you, I, blake, and annabel have acces to it." She said to him with a small giggle

Hayate smiled, "Ah. I never knew that. I'll have to check it out when we go back home." He said, smiling at her. He then waved the sword around, the glow it had before returned. "It's glowing again..." When he finished his sentence a wall on their right opened up. "Okay... This sword is offially the coolest thing I've seen all day."
Once the transmission ended, the soldier held his hands behind his back. He stood tall and cleared his throat. Randall wanted his name and that couldn't be anymore obvious.

"My name is, Danny sir. Captain Danny of the retrieval team. Sorry if not knowing who I am bothered you."

Danny then removed his Hood and let his medium length black hair fall. He kept the mask on though. He then placed a hand on his head and sighed...

"As for any data, I'm sorry, but we don't have any. The target didn't have anything on them but a few dollars. I gave it to the scientists to see if that's what it really is. The U.N. aren't the only brainiacs after all."
[QUOTE="Angeliquie Perry]"Oh? Really? Preharps i cna help you..." she states.
she jumps out of the water and is now sitting back normally on her broom. The lanturen lights its self.

''n-no its fine. she'll be here eventually. she said she would be a little late''
WeirdPrincess said:
...♦︎Yoshino sighed lightly after she wrapped Zenya's stub of an arm before picking her up. She then spoke before teleporting them both just outside of Celia's house before looking down at a potted plant that was just beside the door. Using her foot, she pushed the plant aside to reveal a hidden key to enter the apartment. Yoshino shook her head, it seemed typical that she'd hide something right here. She adjusted Zenya to her other arm before picking up the key and unlocking the door, soon putting the key back where she found it and walking inside, being careful to close the door quietly. Yoshino spoke once more, though it was more quiet♦︎...

"Fine.. I'll take you.. Where am I putting you?"

...✦Was all she said before she passed out. You should probably find Seris somewhere in the house✦...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake smiled happily and nodded when emiko put the coat around him
"Its our own personal armory my love. Only you, I, blake, and annabel have acces to it." She said to him with a small giggle

...✿Eun soon disappeared as Emiko held out her hand to Blake✿...
Roman said:
"Maybe I could try. After all, I'm pretty strong~ I'll win you a prize while I'm at it." Akane said, pointing at the stuffed animals. "I see bears and other animals... Is that a llama? Who wants a stuffed llama?" She asked before paying the man some more money. "Hand me the hammer~"
...✦Arashea soon giggled before she saw a Kyubee. She soon gave Akane the hammer✦...
Roman was talking to Mal and Misaki, before he went to change the channel of their TV. As he flipped through the channels, he saw that the news was on, and that there was an emergency broadcast. He figured something was up, when he saw that... Something bad too. The cameraman looked panicked because he wouldn't stop moving the camera. Roman heard bullets flying and then a man. A man in a mask. He was fighting the U.N. soldiers, but he was there for something else too. Roman could feel it.

"I have to go check this out..."

He turned off the TV and made his way over to Mal and Misaki. It was obvious he was in a hurry, when he kissed them.

"I have to go. I'll be home later."

With those words, he used Kamui to teleport to the U.N. base where this masked guy was having his little killing spree. Roman couldn't believe what he saw. Dead civilians and soldiers... That's not what the resistance were about... That shows this guy was on his own side or something. Roman then heard more screaming from the soldiers. That's when he called out to this mysterious man...

"Hey?! What the hell are you doing?!"

With those words, he pulled down his mask and activated his Tengan, still looking at this man.


Roman said:
Hayate smiled, "Ah. I never knew that. I'll have to check it out when we go back home." He said, smiling at her. He then waved the sword around, the glow it had before returned. "It's glowing again..." When he finished his sentence a wall on their right opened up. "Okay... This sword is offially the coolest thing I've seen all day."
"Shall we then?" She asked with a smirk before she happily walked to the opened wall and went in not waiting for hayate
Roman said:
Roman was talking to Mal and Misaki, before he went to change the channel of their TV. As he flipped through the channels, he saw that the news was on, and that there was an emergency broadcast. He figured something was up, when he saw that... Something bad too. The cameraman looked panicked because he wouldn't stop moving the camera. Roman heard bullets flying and then a man. A man in a mask. He was fighting the U.N. soldiers, but he was there for something else too. Roman could feel it.
"I have to go check this out..."

He turned off the TV and made his way over to Mal and Misaki. It was obvious he was in a hurry, when he kissed them.

"I have to go. I'll be home later."

With those words, he used Kamui to teleport to the U.N. base where this masked guy was having his little killing spree. Roman couldn't believe what he saw. Dead civilians and soldiers... That's not what the resistance were about... That shows this guy was on his own side or something. Roman then heard more screaming from the soldiers. That's when he called out to this mysterious man...

"Hey?! What the hell are you doing?!"

With those words, he pulled down his mask and activated his Tengan, still looking at this man.


...?Masahi had been at the doors to the building when he felt another power pop up, more than that, it had came out of Kamui. Needless to say, his interest was peaked. At the same time he knew better to show all his cards at once, so for the time being he turned to view the person whom just arrived. As he turned around he figured it would be best to change persona's for the time being, so his shoulders and knees became relaxed as he thought of the way Guruguru acted, this wasn't his first time using this personality, rather he enjoyed toying with his enemies while using it. As Masahi finally saw Roman he deactivated his Tengan, before speaking in a foolhardy voice while rubbing the back of his head?...

"Who, me? I've done nothing here, those solders shot these civilians and i was gonna go poke around as to why~!"


...?Masahi then rededicated some power to his left foot before tapping it to the ground, telling those pale beings below him to go under the building, but two of them moved to underneath Roman?...

"You sure you don't have the wrong guy here?"

Roman said:
Alejandro nodded as May spoke. He couldn't really say he knew what it was like to lose his wings, since he never has lost his. "I'm not able to say I've experienced such a loss... I can say I'm sorry you lost yours. If you had them, we'd be able to fly together." He said, before a smile graced his lips. "It'd would have been fun."
...€ May looked down at luner and smiled €...

"Oh it's fine I'll get them back some day... Yea that would be very fun"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake smiled weakely and took her hand. "We should come back for the festivites tonight." He said softly to her

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...?Masahi had been at the doors to the building when he felt another power pop up, more than that, it had came out of Kamui. Needless to say, his interest was peaked. At the same time he knew better to show all his cards at once, so for the time being he turned to view the person whom just arrived. As he turned around he figured it would be best to change persona's for the time being, so his shoulders and knees became relaxed as he thought of the way Guruguru acted, this wasn't his first time using this personality, rather he enjoyed toying with his enemies while using it. As Masahi finally saw Roman he deactivated his Tengan, before speaking in a foolhardy voice while rubbing the back of his head?...
"Who, me? I've done nothing here, those solders shot these civilians and i was gonna go poke around as to why~!"


...?Masahi then rededicated some power to his left foot before tapping it to the ground, telling those pale beings below him to go under the building, but two of them moved to underneath Roman?...

"You sure you don't have the wrong guy here?"

This guy was a joke. He already saw him on the news slaughtering the U.N. soldiers. Hell, he was a one man army. Roman sighed, and kept his guard up, preparing himself for anything. He noticed the movement on the right side of the male's body, nd seen the energy trail underground... Saldy he didn't know exactly what it was, but he knew it was bad.

"I seen you on the news. Don't try and play innocent. You just slaughtered all these guards, but you let the civilians die and get wounded. What's your game?"
Roman said:
This guy was a joke. He already saw him on the news slaughtering the U.N. soldiers. Hell, he was a one man army. Roman sighed, and kept his guard up, preparing himself for anything. He noticed the movement on the right side of the male's body, nd seen the energy trail underground... Sadly he didn't know exactly what it was, but he knew it was bad.
"I seen you on the news. Don't try and play innocent. You just slaughtered all these guards, but you let the civilians die and get wounded. What's your game?"
...♝Masahi was smirking under his mask, he'd deal with this man later, but he looked familiar to Masahi. Then he realized if was his supposive childhood friend. So that is what he looks like fully grown. Amusing. Then he remembered that night and it filled him with anger, almost reaching up to feel the left side of his face, but he stopped. Masahi then spoke in the foolhardy voice, though saying the last word in his deep voice.♝...

"Oh? So they didn't turn their cameras of then? Too bad...... Roman."

...♝Masahi then turned around, activating Kamui as he did so no attacks could hit him before walking into the building. It was at this point that the two pale beings burst out of the ground, trying to grab Roman's legs and drag him under. Masahi spoke again in his deep voice, in an almost mocking tone♝...

"Why don't you take a dirt nap, like you left your old friend to do, alone."

HimeragiSeiker said:
"I do a riddle and you guess it. If you get it right you get a prize if not you lose all your prizes. and you owe me a favor. which i can claim at any time. Deal?"

Sia smiles.

"Adam, God made out of dust

But thought it best to make me first,

So I was made before man

To answer God's most Holy plan.

A living being I became

And Adam gave to me my name.

I from his presence then withdrew

And more of Adam never knew.

I did my Maker's law obey

Nor ever went from it astray.

Thousands of miles I go in fear

But seldom on earth appear.

For purpose wise God did see,

He put a living soul in me.

A soul from me God did claim

And took from me the soul again.

So when from me the soul had fled

I was the same as when first made.

And without hands, or feet, or soul,

I travel on from pole to pole.

I labor hard by day, by night

To fallen man I give great light.

Thousands of people, young and old

Will by my death great light behold.

No right or wrong can I conceive

The scripture I cannot believe.

Although my name therein is found

They are to me an empty sound.

No feat of death doth trouble me

Real happiness I'll never see.

To Heaven I shall never go

Or to Hell below.

Now when these lines you slowly read,

Go search your Bible with all speed

For that my name is written there

I do honestly to you declare. What am i?"
[QUOTE="Angeliquie Perry]"I do a riddle and you guess it. If you get it right you get a prize if not you lose all your prizes. and you owe me a favor. which i can claim at any time. Deal?"
Sia smiles.

"Adam, God made out of dust

But thought it best to make me first,

So I was made before man

To answer God's most Holy plan.

A living being I became

And Adam gave to me my name.

I from his presence then withdrew

And more of Adam never knew.

I did my Maker's law obey

Nor ever went from it astray.

Thousands of miles I go in fear

But seldom on earth appear.

For purpose wise God did see,

He put a living soul in me.

A soul from me God did claim

And took from me the soul again.

So when from me the soul had fled

I was the same as when first made.

And without hands, or feet, or soul,

I travel on from pole to pole.

I labor hard by day, by night

To fallen man I give great light.

Thousands of people, young and old

Will by my death great light behold.

No right or wrong can I conceive

The scripture I cannot believe.

Although my name therein is found

They are to me an empty sound.

No feat of death doth trouble me

Real happiness I'll never see.

To Heaven I shall never go

Or to Hell below.

Now when these lines you slowly read,

Go search your Bible with all speed

For that my name is written there

I do honestly to you declare. What am i?"

''Im gonna take a guess and say Jesus. since i dont go to church...and i couldnt keep up''

...⊹Lune said as she sighed⊹...

''here, let me give you one: From old korean times a crown prince has been selected. a scholar, his teacher has asked him this: what is it that can make the world bright in a moment and what is it that can make the world dark in a moment?''
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...?Masahi was smirking under his mask, he'd deal with this man later, but he looked familiar to Masahi. Then he realized if was his supposive childhood friend. So that is what he looks like fully grown. Amusing. Then he remembered that night and it filled him with anger, almost reaching up to feel the left side of his face, but he stopped. Masahi then spoke in the foolhardy voice, though saying the last word in his deep voice.?...
"Oh? So they didn't turn their cameras of then? Too bad...... Roman."

...?Masahi then turned around, activating Kamui as he did so no attacks could hit him before walking into the building. It was at this point that the two pale beings burst out of the ground, trying to grab Roman's legs and drag him under. Masahi spoke again in his deep voice, in an almost mocking tone?...

"Why don't you take a dirt nap, like you left your old friend to do, alone."

Roman furrowed his brows when this guy said his name. How did he know his name? Who the hell was he? Roman had questions just racing through his head and he couldn't stop them. When the pale things came from the ground, Roman jumped up and did a backflip. He landed and slid back a few feet. He then dashed at them, and took them down both in one hit.


"Who are you? How do you know my name?! My past?!"

Roman then raised his hand, though the wrapping around it gave away that he had a bad arm. Soon lightning formed around his hand, and he spoke again...

"And if it's a fight your looking for then, I suggest you back off."


HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Arashea soon giggled before she saw a Kyubee. She soon gave Akane the hammer✦...
Akane took the hammer and raised it above her head with one hand, soon slamming it down and breaking the game. She then laughed nervously. "Here's the money for the game." she then looked at Arashea, "You can choose the prize."
Roman said:
Akane took the hammer and raised it above her head with one hand, soon slamming it down and breaking the game. She then laughed nervously. "Here's the money for the game." she then looked at Arashea, "You can choose the prize."
''hmmmm...that Kyubee please?''

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Shall we then?" She asked with a smirk before she happily walked to the opened wall and went in not waiting for hayate

Hayate examined the sword before blinking. "Thana?"he then saw her going into the secret entrance. "Hey! Wait up, Thana!!" He yelled as he ran behind her

"Wrong. Its a whale." she giggles.

"The answer is so easy. Its Eyelids." She exlaims.

"heres the next one. She went to the garden to meet up with gaia but she is little time. Plain things become smelling sweet when she is near but she whas going there for a name. when she got there she was so merry when gaia gave it to her. What name did gaia give to her?"
Mayyflower said:
...€ May looked down at luner and smiled €...
"Oh it's fine I'll get them back some day... Yea that would be very fun"
Alejandro smiled a little before before looking back at May, "I hope you do." He said, before he slowed down, and looked down. "We're here... And so is... My grandma. That's cool... Anyways, how about we go on a ride first? I heard they've gotten some new roller coasters."

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