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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''....h...home....i...w-want to...go......ho..me..''
...??Yoshino just stared at her for a moment before shaking her head. If she meant Celia's house, there was no way she was going to go there. For one thing, she was bleed a lot and would get blood everywhere. An arm was missing and Zenya was nearly dead from.. whatever happened to her. Yoshino couldn't take her there with the risk of Celia going into her room and seeing her or just plainly getting blood almost everywhere. She soon left the room for a few minutes before returning and starting to clean and wrap Zenya's missing arm??...

"Not in this state you can't."

Roman said:
Akane giggled a little and looked at the guards who where standing watch. She didn't say anything and remained calmed, as they both entered the park. "What game should we play first?"
''il let you decide on that''

...✦Arashea said as she smiled more✦...
WeirdPrincess said:
...??Yoshino just stared at her for a moment before shaking her head. If she meant Celia's house, there was no way she was going to go there. For one thing, she was bleed a lot and would get blood everywhere. An arm was missing and Zenya was nearly dead from.. whatever happened to her. Yoshino couldn't take her there with the risk of Celia going into her room and seeing her or just plainly getting blood almost everywhere. She soon left the room for a few minutes before returning and starting to clean and wrap Zenya's missing arm??...

"Not in this state you can't."


...?She asked as she was starting to get an agony-like aura?...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''il let you decide on that''
...✦Arashea said as she smiled more✦...
"The strength test seems to have some good prizes. Wanna both take a crack at it?" Akane asked, as she pointed at the game. It seemed that a man was already playing, but he failed each time he tried.
Roman said:
"Of course! You wouldn't want to fall and I don't want you to either." Alejandro said, smiling at May. He had turned his head to the side so he was able to see her. "Just wrap your arms around me. That's all you have to do."
...€ May held onto Alejandro and luner and smiled with a small laugh €...

"Okay! Now I'm ready"
Mayyflower said:
...€ May held onto Alejandro and luner and smiled with a small laugh €...
"Okay! Now I'm ready"
"Okay! Hold on tight!" With a flap of Alejandro's wings, the two shot up into the sky and flew north toward their destination. "Don't lose your grip, May!" He warned as he flew, luckily they steadied out quick enough so the flight was smooth.
Roman said:
Taylor smiled again when Celia kissed him on the cheek and in return he kissed her back. When she said she was reminded of something, he placed a hand on his chin and chuckled. He could only wonder what it could be. Taylor took a seat and watched as his wife opened the refrigerator and got out a box of chocolates... But then Celia put them back and went over towards the counter. He noticed then she had grabbed something else and to his delight, he gently took from her hands when they were offered. Taylor smiled again and placed the cookies on the counter...
"Thanks Celia. Just looking at them makes my mouth water... Plus I could expect this from you. You're a master Baker in my opinion, babe."

...??Celia pulled the chocolates closer to herself and opened it before popping one into her mouth. Not wanting to eat all of them at one, she only ate a couple more before closing up the sweet treat. A master baker was a bit of a stretch to her, though she did admit she was fairly good at baking. There wasn't much to it since it was just strictly following a recipe and work hard at making everything look good, Celia had most memorized since she made them so often and never checked to look back at the recipe to make sure she was following it right. What she thought, really made a person a baker, was if they could construct an original recipe for something on their own. It wasn't a large part of the career, it was just something that was important and so far, she's done two, neither of which are named. She still had to come up with those, which proved to be exceedingly difficult to her. After picking up the flowers and getting a delightful smell from the plants, Celia soon spoke??...

"Really? Thanks~ I just hope they taste good, its only my second time making those and I've never bothered to try them. My boss said they were good though."

Roman said:
"Get ready. We have a show to put on boys."
With those words, a group of masked walked into a stadium. It was clear they were under orders from someone, but they remains to be their secret. The leader was obviously the one that stood out the most. Unlike his men, his mask was white and he wore a hood... And he was giving orders.

"You two make sure no one gets out. We're taking this place and putting it under lock down until the super is dealt with.

"Yes sir!"

The two men jumped in the same direction and immediately went to carry out their orders. The leader then turned and looked at the rest of his soldiers.

"We'll make a grand entrance. We deserve one in my opinion."

The group made their way to the backstage area and looked around for the band member's dressing rooms. When they were found, each member was put to sleep and the soldiers went to stand on the platforms that would take them up to the stage. One security tried to stop them, but was stopped in mere seconds by a soldier.

"Take us up."

The group then made up to the stage and the lights shined on them. The crowd went silent and stared at these men... They obviously wasn't expecting them.


"We know you're here. Don't make us take things to the extreme trying to find you, super."

This man then grabbed the microphone and began shouting into it, and the crowd grew angry.. It wasn't part of his plan, but it was working. He had noticed the target trying to slip away before taking the microphone and throwing it at the super's head, knocking him out. The crowd grew even louder and began fighting themselves. This allowed the man and his soldiers to quickly retrieve their target and take him to get chipped. They were extracted by helicopter and taken to the U.N. headquarters where they went to their boss, O'Hara. They immediately went straight to him after taking the super to the scientists. That's when they went to O'Hara and knocked on his door.

"Mr. O'Hara? Sir our retrieval was a success..."

@Jofune Tsurabisu

(((( The intro to my temp character ))))
(VERY GOOD. I am impressed.)

Randall had been a bad, busy boy. The half dead super girl, lain in pieces on his latest invention. The table looked like one found in any lab or hospital, but it generated a stasis field around whatever laid upon it. By all logic the girl should be dead, but time for the girl moved so slow that she would not even feel the dissection for another year now. So this gave him ample time to "enhance" her to his specifications. Her abilities were run of the mill speed and low level flight. But as he added new things to her, she would be nearly undetectable to normal and enhanced sight, and have the fighting prowess of a Hokage at the height of its fighting ability. The body was taking its adaptations very well, but the only problem was, it was taking too long for the body to build the immunities to the poison creation artificial gland he installed. Once adapted, she could create toxins, poisons and some diseases within herself to use on her weapons, or in the case of being touched or captured. He was in the process of putting her back together, minus her eggs, when the soldiers entered his labs.

"I appreciate your efforts, soldier. Come see what I am making now. Dr. Frankenstein would be so jealous." he said as he was mending limbs back into joints. "Do no touch her though. She needs to be trained to use her poison system, and well, its on overdrive. One drop would kill you before you could even think about freaking out." he said as he patched her up and lowered the table into the nutribath where she will incubate until her mind can be rewritten for her new purpose. "So brief me on it, before I have to report to Beatrice." he said smiling at the young, nubile test subje--I mean soldier fighting for the safety of the world...


(She will be a character I am Developing to be a super buster and or gimmick when a super ninja girl is needed.)
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Roman said:
"The strength test seems to have some good prizes. Wanna both take a crack at it?" Akane asked, as she pointed at the game. It seemed that a man was already playing, but he failed each time he tried.
''alright. i doubt i would be strong though''

(She will be a character I am Developing to be a super buster and or gimmick when a super ninja girl is needed.)
The man watched as Randall had tinkered with the subject's body. He listened closely as he described the details, but the sound of the joints popping back into place soon distracted him. He nodded when his employer finished speaking and he soon spoke himself....

"I am grateful to hear that you feel my work was good."

He then cleared his throat, and stood tall with his hands behind his back. The man also dismissed his soldiers.

"Sir, as for the briefing... The job was fairly easy. My men spotted the target going to a concert. I decided we'd go in with force and take over, putting the super in a locked off area. That's when I captured the target and called for extraction."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright. i doubt i would be strong though''
Akane smiled and gently placed a kiss on her lips. "If you can't do it, then try again with more force. Don't give up... Unless you want to, and then I'll try for you."
Roman said:
"Okay! Hold on tight!" With a flap of Alejandro's wings, the two shot up into the sky and flew north toward their destination. "Don't lose your grip, May!" He warned as he flew, luckily they steadied out quick enough so the flight was smooth.
...€ May gasped and held on, she was not ready for that, once they got steady she relaxed and looked at his wings €...

"I like your wings"
Roman said:
Akane smiled and gently placed a kiss on her lips. "If you can't do it, then try again with more force. Don't give up... Unless you want to, and then I'll try for you."

...✦She said as she smiled at her✦...
Mayyflower said:
...€ May gasped and held on, she was not ready for that, once they got steady she relaxed and looked at his wings €...
"I like your wings"
Alejandro chuckled lightly as he flew through the sky, with May on his back. When she said she liked his wings, he blushed lightly and smiled. "Thank you. Only 3 people know of them, but none ever said they liked them. You're the first."
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦She said as she smiled at her✦...
"Great. Come on~ That weak guy just quit, so we can go ahead and play now." Akane said, smiling as she began walking towards the game.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Arashea nodded before she followed Akane✦...
Once Akane reached the game, she pulled out a few dollars to get a turn for the game. "You're up Arashea. Ill go once you finish~"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmmm...wait what do i do on this?''
"Just take the hammer and hit the target. You have to hit it hard enough for it to reach the bell though." Akane explained.
Roman said:
"Just take the hammer and hit the target. You have to hit it hard enough for it to reach the bell though." Akane explained.

...✦She said before taking the hammer and then hitting the target. It would just half way do it✦...
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦She said before taking the hammer and then hitting the target. It would just half way do it✦...
"Well you were a helluva lot closer than that last guy. He should hit a gym."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira inhaled quickly from his nose, at an attempt to stop producing tears. It worked, for a short while, enough to allow his muffled voice enough clarity to be understood, then he broke down once more. Even though Asuka was scolding him, he didn't seem to care, as he was too caught up in her loving embrace to give any outside sources any conclusive thought. He kept his head on Asuka's shoulder, leaning on her as a way to keep his head stable. He felt completed once more, like the missing part within him that completed his being had been found, and with that completed sensation, the entirety of his emotions that had been previously locked away by the Darkness. He was overwhelmed with guilt and happiness, guilt that he had killed numerous Humans while he was corrupted, and left his wife alone thinking he was dead, yet happiness that she was still there, waiting for him. Though these emotions was surging through his mind and body, he remembered the date he had marked on the calender, and realised that it had long passed. He continued talking to Asuka♅...

I can't help it, I feel bad for leaving you for so long.. I even missed the most important day of the year.. I had so many plans for us..


...Haruo watched as Satoshi pushed passed him and began running towards the city. Haruo sighed and replied shortly before he began running after him, soon catching up and maintaining the same pace as Satoshi≭...

Ugh, really? Why do you have to make everything a contest?


...❦Asuka repositioned her arms so that her arms were wrapped around his shoulder and more comfortable before tightening the hug. It was incredibly difficult for her being way from Akira and thinking he had undoubtedly been dead, but there wasn't anything to prevent it or do anything about it since it had already happened. She didn't believe that he should feel bad because, though he had been gone, it didn't matter to her anymore because Akira was here now. And what important day he was talking about? Asuka was puzzled about what Akira was talking about because she didn't know what it was. After she had left the hospital, everything from then on had become a void and she retained zero of her memories from the blackout period. She knew the day she had left the hospital, but however many days had passed until Asuka had woken up was a complete mystery to her. There hadn't been any kind of calendar in her old house, not that she had bothered much to see, and her phone had disappeared as well, so there hadn't been anything for her to check the date or what month it was, if it had changed anyways. As far as Asuka knew, it was still some time in February. She was pretty much clueless about the important day that they had both missed❦...

"Of course it was hard.. but I don't remember much after you just disappeared.. so I don't know what day it is or what important date you're referring too.."

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HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦She asked as she was starting to get an agony-like aura✦...
...♦︎Yoshino had to admit that she was persist about it, but she wasn't going to allow her. What reason did she have for going back there so badly anyways? Would she want help first, like getting fixed, rather than showing up to Celia's house looking like a car hit her? She thought that Zenya should focus on herself fitst before worrying about getting back home. Even still, Yoshino shook her head and spoke once more♦︎...

"Absolutely not."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmm...should i try again? i mean ima try something..''
Akane smiled and crossed her arms under hee chest. "Go for it~"

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