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Fandom the end is not the end {an spn rp}





  • The hum of the Impala calls to you; the Bunker's endless hallways beckon. You watched the last couple seasons, you know there was so much left unsaid, so help me say it. Let's complete the story. Together. Because the end is not the end, my friends.

    the end is not the end:
    a desperate supernatural 1x1 rp thread

    created by:
    you? maybe?


♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡
Introduction: Hi! Thanks for checking this out; I’m so excited to get going ;u; You might be wondering what inspired this thread, so here it is: I wanna rewrite the last couple seasons. I want to make them what they should’ve been, and I’m not even talking original storylines (although that is definitely a possibility)- I’m talking taking the ideas in the show and expanding on them. Doing what the show couldn’t do due to television’s limitations on time, basically.

Please check everything out if you feel so inclined and, if you’re interested, send me a PM. I might ask you for a writing sample so please have one prepared c:

One more thing: I love OCs! Please don't be scared of me dragging them- I swear I won’t. And yes, Grace is my OC. If we get into the RP I'll introduce you to her officially.

The Setting: The Bunker. The Impala. Small-town diners and crappy motels. Changing seasons and the same cozy flannels no matter how warm or cold it is; oversized jackets in the winter and old t-shirts in the summer. Short phone calls and texts to tell the people you love that you made it to your destination alive. Hugs that are never tight enough and are far too short. Worn out boots. Rain rolling down windows. Gray skies and fog that drowns you in feelings of self-reflection. Long drives and naps in the backseat under the emergency travel blanket Grace stores under the passenger seat, much to Dean’s bemused chagrin. Castiel quite literally popping into conversations out of nowhere. Finding Sam doing research for fun at all hours of the day. Hearing Jack and Grace laughing at Chuck-knows-what at unholy hours of the night. Family. Love. Acceptance.

Dean: The older brother; a classic case of the oldest sibling raising the youngest times a thousand. The soldier. The righteous man. The one who feels that he’ll never be good enough. The one that will walk through fire for his family. The one that will talk about everyone else's feelings and then refuse to talk about his own. The one who's unhealthily obsessed with his car.

Sam : The younger brother. The brain; the law school dropout. Ever the optimist, ever disappointed. The one who keeps watching his significant others die over and over and over. The geek. The sympathetic one. Lucifer's true vessel. The only one Dean will listen to no matter what, regardless of the situation. The tall, gangly one with too many limbs for his own good.

Castiel : The Angel of Sunday. An Angel of the Lord. The first of his brethren to fall. The Winchester’s favorite pet. The self-proclaimed failure who never feels wanted. The one who saw Dean at his absolute worst and still saved him. The one who will always come back to his family at the end of the day. The one who swore he would protect Jack and Grace- that he would help them see through to the end whatever purpose they're meant for.

Jack : Hell incarnate. Lucifer’s son. Fire. Grace’s other half. The realism to Grace’s never-ceasing hope. He isn’t the monster everyone says he is; he’s whatever he wants to be- he knows that, but why can’t he believe it? The one who's been beaten down since the moment he was born. The one who needs a hug the most.

Grace : Heaven incarnate. God’s daughter. Ice. Jack’s other half. The hope to Jack’s never-ceasing realism. The one who’s scared of her own shadow; the one who will forever struggle with owning her independence. The selective mute. The innocent one with the doe eyes to match. She's got a past her nightmares won't let her escape; she's the bravest person you'll ever meet.

Original 1: Who are you? A blood-thirsty demon? A monster trying their damndest to be decent? A so-called enemy doing everything in their power to warn the Winchesters of something before it’s too late? An opponent trying to stop the Winchesters in their tracks? A beacon of darkness trying to track down Jack and Grace, only to use them for your own nefarious schemes? The next Big Bad?

Original 2: Or maybe you’re an angel- or a hunter with years of experience and the scars to prove it. What’s your story? What haunts you in the middle of the night? What constantly lingers in the back of your mind and will never stop pestering your psyche? What stirs the deepest depths of your soul? Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, or do you punch whoever’s trying to make you open up square in the jaw? You tell me- I can't wait to hear your story.

Rule One: 18+. Sorry, it is what it is ;-; I’m 21, by the way. Please be literate! This is an advanced roleplay. Not every reply has to be multi-para, but if you do one liners or one paragraph consistently this roleplay is not for you. Have good grammar. No one’s perfect, but if you’re not even gonna try don’t bother joining. In-character replies don’t have to be 24/7 by any means, but consistent fun ooc chatter is loved and appreciated c:

Rule Two: Be okay with gore! And drama! And fighting! And horror! And triggering material in general! And Destiel- because yes that’s a part of this FIGHT ME!! IT’S CANON!! And share the spotlight. Please. Also be nice because I'm a fragile flower ;u;

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