The Enchanter [APPROVED]


Florian Society Member
Character Name] - Halk Falister

[Character Gender] - Male

[Weapon/s/ of Choice] - Halk carries no weapons, and is a self-proclaimed pacifist. He does have the ability to manipulate quicksilver, and can use it to fashion weapons, so henceforth uses his powers to create whips if absolutely necessary. His cloak can also redirect magic, and this can be used as a weapon as well. 

[Demon] - Ku-rith'ro

((Physical Appearance - Clothing))

[Skin Colour] - White. This kid is WHITE

[Height] - 5'9"

[Hair Colour] - Ruddy, reddish brown

[Hair Description] - Halk has short hair, but the way he wears it makes it seem relatively longer-ish. It's swept back in a kind of combover, but it sticks around his neck in little tufts. When wet, Halk's hair falls just past his eyebrows.

[Scars/Markings] - Halk has relatively no scars, except for a small one at the corner of his mouth where he stabbed himself with a fork while concentrating on working while eating.

[Eye Colour] - Brown

[Headwear] - N/A

[Footwear] - Halk wears a pair of thick-soled halfboots. His pants are usually pulled over the top of the boots, so they aren't especially visible.

[Gloves] - Halk wears no gloves, prefering to work barehanded. This allows him to work far more efficiently 

['Pants'] - He's rockin' denim.

[Shirt] - Halk wears a plain, white, work shirt, stained with smudges of coal, spills from misguided crumbs, oil, and grease of all kinds

[Accessories] - Probably the most prominent article of clothing Halk wears is his enchanted coat. A startling dark blue, his coat has full sleeves, a high, stiff collar, and extends down to just above his knees. The coat has silvery, swirling designs on it that glow different colors depending on the type of magic they come into contact with. In addition to being able to store copious amounts of magic and release them at will, or redirect them all together, possibly using them to smack th living shit out of unlucky individuals, Halk's coat is especially warm and fuzzy on the inside. It can keep him cool in the summer heat as well.

[Other Clothing] - Halk's toolbelt is magical as well. The pouches in it are seemingly bottomless, and Halk is always pulling tools of some sort out of it. He has multiple jars of quicksilver, corked and ready to use, strapped onto the front left part. This is concealed by his jacket most of the time.


[Demon Name] - Ku-rith'ro

[Aliases] - The Big Bad Wolf

[Titles] - "I ain't no pacifist"

[Physical Appearance Desc.] - Ku-rith'ro is the spirit of the wild. This being so, he takes the form of freedom, brutality, and the law of nature as a very large wolf with silvery-blue fur. He has purple eyes, and small plates of armor hang off him in places. The demon is fairly muscular, and has sharp teeth and claws.


[Symbol] - 


[Powers] - 

-Telepathy: Being an animal with vocal chords unable to produce speech, this is how Ku-rith'ro communicates

-Bestial Strength: Being a werewolf (not really, but basically) Ku-rith'ro is exceptionally strong, and can grab little piggies to eat up with little to no effort

-Heightened Senses: All of Ku-rith'ro's senses are far better than that of alot of other demons, or a human for that matter

[Magical Abilities] - 

-Control of the Wind: Ku-rith'ro can huff and puff and blow your ass down the mountain

-Regeneration from Consuming Flesh: By eating the flesh of others, man or beast, Ku-rith'ro can regenerate health and heal his wounds rapidly

-Always Sharp: Any edge weapon around Ku-rith'ro never dulls, scratches, or breaks, even when striking a surface harder than itself

[Weapon/s/] - Ku-rith'ro's weapons are his claws and teeth
. He also has a very sharp knife, and his wristguards that were once used to imprision him are spiked.

[Human Abilities] - Halk has the ability to manipulate quicksilver. He always has some of the precious metal on him at sometime, and can control its movement telepathically. This comes in handy when enchanting, as the peculiar liquid conducts and retains magic especially well, and Halk has a gift when it comes to any magical area.

I dunno how to do tha spoilers anymore TT^TT
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Quick request; mind writing down a description of his physical appearance alongside the photo ? Not in the spoiler. Beside the -.

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