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Fandom The Empire of Storms (Kelley Skovron, not ACOTAR)


Three Thousand Club
The Empire of Storms by Kelley Skovron
(published under their dead name Jon Skovron)

It's a fantasy book series that I don't think anybody has ever heard of, but I just finished it an ohhh my word I can't handle how much I love these books and the characters and world within it them. I literally can't handle it. I know that this is an absolute long shot of a long shot, but I'm looking to find some 1x1 RPs within this fandom. Whether it's canon characters, OC characters, based during the books, before the books, in the aftermath of the books... I literally don't care. I just want to RP something related to them. My soul needs it, haha.

About me.
I am, above all else, a very patient and understanding roleplayer. I know that life comes first because I've had to put life first so many times in the past few years. I never ghost, though there are times where you might not hear from me for a little bit because of my mental health (the depression and anxiety I struggle with sometimes utterly kills my ability to write, even OOC messages). I do, however, try to keep my partners as up to date on my goings on as possible so they don't think that I've forgotten about them. I'm a 26 year old female who is a sophomore in college. The semester will be starting up at the end of the month so the time I'll have to write will vary considerably, but at the moment I can try to promise a couple of replies a week and I am almost always capable of daily OOC plotting and chat. Speaking of that, I love to plot and chat in OOC. It helps with my anxiety, haha. As a writer, I used to be able to write posts that pushed the 2,000 word mark. Now, however, around 400 words or less suits my real world schedule, though I can reach 600 and maybe 800 depending on the scene and the time I have to write. I do tend to prefer shorter posts these days just to help me be able to reply more, but I always try to give my partner something they can work with and I'm very flexible. I don't mind one-liners either, though. I've been RPing for 12 years now and writing my whole life so I feel like I have a good grasp of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I will write male or female characters (I do not write non-binary characters just because I feel like I would not be able to do them justice) and while I have the most experience writing mxf I also really love mxm and, though I have a tiny percent of experience writing fxf, I am almost down to write fxf. I only write in PMs and I prefer simple characters sheets along with a separate PM for the RP and for OOC to keep those straight and easy to follow. I think I covered everything, but feel free to ask any questions! Oh, see, I already realized I forgot something: I am in the EST, but I'm a night owl and typically am on overnight the most.

About you.
I'm not picky. At all. My anxiety requires that my partners be friendly and not too stuffy, but aside from that all I want in a partner is somebody who knows the source material (of course!), will keep me updated on occasion if you're going to be gone for an extended period of time (but only if it's possible! I understand not being able to send update messages), and writes legible posts so I can understand what's being said. That's literally it! Somebody who loves to plot and chat OOC would be a bonus, too, but yeah... that's it!

What I'd like to write.
Like I said, I want to write anything and everything I possibly can in relation to these books! Whether it be a canon x canon or oc x oc pairing or even canon x oc, I'm down for it. Whether it be set in the time of the books, before the books, or after the books, I'm down for it. However, that doesn't mean I don't have cravings...

Red x Hope (slight preference for writing Red)
Rex x OC (will write either)
Red x Nettles (will write either)
Red x Filler (will only write Red)
Paradise Circle-based OC escapades
Shade District of Vance Post-based OC escapades
Grown Up Uter x Grown Up Jilly (will write either)

But seriously... I'll write anything! It doesn't have to be romance, either. So hit me up if there's something you'd like to write from this incredible book series... or if you'd just like to chat about it!

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