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Fantasy ✵The ℣elvet Ƒray: A Fantasy Mafia RP✵


愛してるよ ~ してるよ
Below is a clean character template, as well as instructions on how to fill it out.


Send us your completed template via pm/conversation first.


Character Template





Gender ID/Sexual Orientation:


Specialties: [Primary: ] [secondary: / ]

Majia or Majat:

Lives In:

Physical Description:




Template Info


Aliases: if any


Gender ID/Sexual Orientation: As much or as little detail as you please.

Player: your RPN name

Family: Your character may belong to one of the four main Mafia Families and serve their purposes, or they may choose to be unaligned to any family. They may also be connected to the Lost Crown.

Specialties: [Primary: ] [secondary: / ]

Choose one of the four Specialties to be your Primary Specialty. This is the role that you are best at, and generally identify with. You may also choose one or two Secondary Specialties. This means you have some experience with the roles, but are not nearly as capable in them as you are in your Primary Specialty. If you do not have a role as your Primary or Secondary Specialty, you are not trained in it at all.

Majia or Majat:If one of your Specialties is Fabera, you may list any Majia spells you know here. This is also the section to list the Majat that you currently have. If your Primary Specialty is Fabera, you start the game with 2 Moderate and 2 Minor Majat. If Fabera is one of your Secondary Specialties, you start the game with 1 Moderate and 2 Minor Majat. If you do not have Fabera as a Specialty, you start with 1 Moderate OR 2 Minor Majat.

Lives In:the city or location your character considers their home and lives for the majority of their time.

Physical Description: A concise description of your character's important/defining features

Personality: An equally concise description of your character's important/defining character traits and quirks

Connections: With the GM's permission you may come up with NPCs that exist in Opheria for your character to have some kind of connection to. If both parties agree your character may also have a connection with another player character. NOTE: all characters must have at least one connection (to another player or NPC).

Backstory:The character's backstory should be between three and six paragraphs in length and adequately explain their role within the Family they belong to (or why they are not part of a family). [/Tab]

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no slide
Name: Vane

Aliases: none currently.

Player: cucumbers

Age: three

Gender ID: agender (they/them). Vane was not created as a specific gender, or if they were they certainly don't feel like it.

Sexual Orientation: asexual & panromantic. Though they are not physically capable of feeling sexual attraction or arousal, they are capable of forming emotional/romantic bonds.

Familia: Unaffiliated

Specialty: [primary: pugilio] [secondary: umbra (just barely)]

Majia or Majat: Vane is a Majat, and they do not own any besides their strengthened material.

Lives In: Turtleshell Island
Vane is a doll, appearing to be somewhere in their middle to late teen years, and complete with balled-joints that allow full mobility. Other than the joints they look relatively human, though if you catch them on a sunny day they may seem a little more shiny than your average human. Their hair is long, reaching mid-back when let down, and a white-grey in color. They usually wear it tied up with a ribbon or string, and it’s the same texture as a doll’s hair or false wig. Vane’s eyes are the same color as their hair, an emotionless white-grey. It’s only though majia that they are able to display facial expressions, though they always seem duller than would usually appear. On their back is a large gear that’s been engraved, a shocking black against the fair “complexion.” There are large scratch marks over the gear, self inflicted when they left their familia.
To acquaintances and strangers, which is basically everyone, Vane acts with either polite disdain or cool aloofness. It’s how they were “raised” and it takes more than a month or two to get rid of three years of trying to be emotionally detached while you kill people. They tend to stay distanced, with a quick tongue ready to lash out the moment they feel threatened (which is quite often these days). Having suddenly thrown themself into a whole new environment they can seem a little off balance at time, still learning the ways of the world. Though they are a tough nut to crack, they’re not impenetrable. They have a certain soft spot for children and mothers, though they’ve learned not to underestimate them.
Irwin Edward Lurcock: this connection has been terminated. (NPC)

Lottie Eupheme Overton: the nice woman who lets them stay in the apartment above her hat shop, where they work as a receptionist to pay rent. (NPC)
Irwin Edward Lurcock of the Chronalis familia was a genius man; he still is honestly. All his life he squandered his talent because he was fixated on one goal: creating the perfect soldier. You see, Lurcock was a master Savant and well on his way to be a prominent Fabera. He figured, combining these two skills, he could create a living doll that would obey his every command. For years he slaved away, creating the perfect body with a combination of carefully selected materials and enchanting them with majia. He finished right before the fall of the royal family, which was fantastic because he now had a weapon to use against the other familia. His end creation was perfect, a perfect soldier nearly impossible to injure. However, when he brought it to life with the last use of majia, something unexpected happened. The soldier, the weapon he had created, had feelings.

Lurcock had expected a soul, but he had not expected the soul to be so human. The amount of majia that he had poured into this doll had made it more than a mindless doll, if only just barely. This is Vane. Their first memory is excited mumbling before they see a old man rubbing his hands together and looking at them with thinly veiled excitement. The sight made them sick. Their scowl was the first sign that something was wrong, the second was when he started cooing over them, Vane snapped at him to “back off you old pervert” before kicking him in the stomach.

Lurcock tried everything he could to get the doll under his control, constantly trying this or that with majia. Little did he know that the more he used majia on Vane the more human they started to feel. For a long while they just went with it, fighting when instructed and sitting still while he worked. It took three years for Vane to get to where they are today, three years of a steadily growing hatred for Lurcock, of being paraded around the familia like some weird form of arm-candy while everyone cooed and called them a “darling boy.” They were in the middle of a fight when it happened, when they finally snapped.

Lurcock, taking orders from someone higher up, ordered Vane to go take care of some business. It was nothing unusual at the time. They were given a slip of paper with some names and an address and were told to go take care of them. Traitors, they were told, messing around with another familia. A crime punishable by death and Vane was the executioner. They broke into the home, kicking the door down loudly to announce they were there. A man burst out of the kitchen, he still had his apron on, and Vane recognized him as someone in the Chronalis family. The man obviously recognized Vane as well, because his eyes were wide with terror. Vane walked towards him, no words were needed because the man knew his crime, but something made them stop in their tracks.

A woman came rushing down the stairs to aid her (what they assumed) husband. He shouted at her to stop and Vane could see why he didn’t want her involved in this. She was pregnant. Now, Vane didn’t know what familia she was affiliated with, nor did they want to know. They didn’t know if their face showed the amount of shock they were feeling, if it displayed the internal conflict they were having, but the couple watched the warily as their eyes stayed glued to the woman’s stomach. After nearly five minutes of strained silence the doll turned their back on the couple. They left without a word.

That was their final straw, after that they went “home,” reported that the job was finished and promptly dropped all allegiance with the Chronalis. Before anyone could protest they got the hell out of the city, Termitet, and went to live on Turtleshell Island. There they work as a store clerk for a hatmaker, and are allowed to live in the apartment above it.
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  • Name: Khaite

    Aliases: The Hellflower, The Unkillable Dog

    Player: ozma

    Age: around 15

    Gender ID/Sexual Orientation: Male. Khaite is technically asexual (he doesn’t actually know his real sexuality at the moment, which may or may not be asexual, but because of his past traumas he really does not like anyone touching his body in any kind of manner.) He is panromantic.

    Family: Bloodgard

    Specialties: [Primary: Umbra] [secondary: Pugilo / Fabera]

    Lives In: Port Dosaris, but he travels constantly for his missions.
    Majia or Majat: [Pantera Locus: Implanted without consent] Khaite currently has several Majat stored in his chest cavity that he has very limited to no control over, as they are being suppressed by the Locus. As his power grows, however, he begins to harness a bit of their magic for himself. Right now, he has control over the following Majat: (Blood Beacon: When he touches a person's blood, he is able to track them magically over great distances for a period of about 24 hours). (Shadow Stick: Khaite can touch a shadow and move himself along any part of the shadow as if it were easily climbable, including walls and ceilings, for a short span of time).

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Name: Kelia Watson

Aliases: Keli (by friends and family), Aine (by clients)

Player: BitterFate

Age: 20

Gender ID: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Family: Leon'Maire

Specialties: [Primary: Fabera ] [secondary: Pugilo]

Majia or Majat: Glowing Marbles that turn into orbs of light and can be manipulated/moved around, Powder that erases footsteps when sprinkled, A cap of invisibility, a bag that the pockets are bigger on the inside

Lives In: Howling Gorge
Kelia stands at 5’ 4.5”. Her black hair falls all the down past her waist worn up to keep it out of the way when she’s working. She eyes are blue with the faintest hint of green mixed in there. Generally she is seen wearing earthy colored clothes. Along with her clothes she can be seen carrying around a brown messenger bag that holds all her tools for creating Majat and her own Majat.
Kelia easily gets displeased by things especially when things don’t go her way, which is quite often. She is persistent and can’t be swayed easily. At times she can be very stubborn. She holds her ground on her ideas even if they are wrong. She has a very task oriented mind. She thinks of one things at a time. She doesn’t pay attention to anything else. That’s why it’s hard to make her do something she does not want to do or make her change her mind about things or people.
Aca: the super of her building

Seda: her helper in the shop, also part of the Leon’Marie family. Goes by Clara in the shop

Winston: Her friend in the Leon’Maire. He works as a Pugilo. Joined the family at the same time in Howling city. Kelia spars with him sometimes.
Kelia was grew up in Howling Gorge. Her mother was a Pugilo, who had spent years practicing fighting techniques and perfecting them. Kelia’s father was a researcher who spent most of his time locked up in his laboratory. Her parents got along but both were focused on their work.

Whenever her mother took time away from working or practicing, she would teach Kelia fighting techniques. She wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps and become a Pugilo. She started teaching Kelia at a young age. She called it their mother daughter time. It was almost everything they did together. When she decided that Kelia was skilled enough in hand-to-hand combat she moved on to weapons. First she started with knives. Kelia learned how to handle a knife but couldn’t bring herself to fight with a weapon. It felt wrong for her. No matter how many times her mother tried to make her use a weapon to fight she couldn’t bring herself to use it. Finally her mother gave up on her and started teaching her brother. Every now and then her mother would spar with her but most of her time from then on she spent it teaching Kelia’s brother.

When her mother started teaching her brother, Kelia started to spend more time with her father. She had heard him talking about his research and grew interested. She asked him more about it and they connected. From then on she spent more time with him. They talked about his research and she soon started helping him with it. Like her father she becomes interest in Majia. She learns from her father all about Majia and starts to try and feel it. She gets advice from her father when she tells him about wanting to control Majia. As the years go by she starts to learn to control the Majia. Kelia works hard to become a Fabera, and eventually succeeded when she was 16.

After becoming Fabera, Kelia decided that she wanted to leave her family. She left the house and then went on to join the Leon'Maire family. When she joined she felt accepted by them. She loved her family but they were all distant, even her father who she connected with. After spending her time there she was happy to be in the family. Her powers were useful and she was accepted.

After a while in the family, She started her own shop to support herself. In the shop she made and sold her Majat. Most of her clients are from the family but she does get other clients. To hide her identity she used a false name just in case. She lives right above her shop in an apartment.

Not only does she use the shop to raise money but also to gain information. From her clients she learns about Majat that were created using animal bones. Both Seda and she gathers these Majat, finding some way to get them, since they are part of the Leon’Marie. They then destroy them in hopes of setting the animal souls in the Majat free.

Her animal companion is a bird called Cassia. She had found her egg when she had been traveling. She couldn’t return the egg to the nest so she brought it back with her and kept it. She raised Cassia and Cassia became one of Kelia’s most trusted companion and her animal companion. Cassia is sand martin swallow.

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