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Fantasy ✵The ℣elvet Ƒray: A Fantasy Mafia RP✵ - Rules


愛してるよ ~ してるよ
Rian's Rules for RP

No Godmoding.

(Godmoding qualifies if your character continuously evades any significant damage directed at them by the GM or another player, showing a level of ability beyond the expected range for the RP. All characters must react to any damage directed at them, and cannot just ignore it. Characters cannot "auto-hit", or describe damage being done to another player or NPC before they know about it.)

"yes, and..."

(This comes from the rule of improv- instead of saying "no" to something that someone else suggests, thereby deconstructing the scene, say "yes, and..."- accept what the other person has put forth, and add your own ideas on to it. This way you still have control over the events, but everyone involved is adding to the scene, rather than trying to retcon).

Be Good to Each other.

(Keep any problems between you and another player out of the game itself. Before letting someone else know how you feel, ask them what's going on and listen to their side of the story, then answer based on that. Start a dialogue, not a fight. The GM will moderate if need be. Keep the drama in the IC and not OOC.)

Post Length

All posts should have a
reaction to the events that affect them, and a concrete action for the GM or other players to react to.

Try and keep RP posts succinct. If they are too long and too self-absorbed, no one will want to read them.

Ideally, posts should be between one and two paragraphs, each three to six sentences in length. (Between
100 and 250 words). However some posts may be longer or shorter, if the situation in the RP necessitates it.

If you wish to write more than the general limit, and the GM allows it, after your main post you should set apart a
one-line summary of what your character does that affects their surroundings, so that other players can easily see what they need to react to.

Post Time

You should post in an RP within
48-72 hours of another post being made that affects or involves your character. If you cannot make this time frame for whatever reason, you should notify the GM and any other players who are waiting on your character to act.

Game Overview

The events that occur in this RP are a synthesis of the plot devices and prompts that the GMs give the players, and the resolutions that the players arrive at while roleplaying their characters.

The Velvet Fray roleplay runs in cycles; each cycle is about two real-world weeks in duration. At the start of each cycle, the GM will give each character a starting plot thread or prompt, which will allow them to intersect easily with other characters along the way. The character's choices and resolution to the plot seed are up to the players.

Once all character scenes are wrapped up at the end of a cycle, the GM will post a "public notice" based around the changes that the characters have caused in the game world, so everyone knows what has happened, within the limits of open knowledge.

Joining the RP and Character Creation Steps

✵ Read all posts in the Rules tab (this one).

✵ Read the information posted in the Settings/Location tab.

✵ Copy/paste the empty Character Template from the Character Sign-Up tab into a Private Message/Conversation to
@ozma (the current GM). Fill it out, ask the GM if you have any questions.

✵ Once the GM has approved your character, post your finished character template in the Character Sign-Up thread.

✵ Introduce yourself in the OOC.

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