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Fantasy The Elshien 13- World lore



"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
The Setting​
Located at the center of the universe is the planet Ungbai. This world has two moons which orbit it, and a Sun that also revolves around the planet. As if all these traits were not odd enough, this planet seems to be the source of magic throughout the entire universe. Deep within its core two extra-dimensional masses swirl and collide, producing a radiation which bends physics. A radiation we know to be magic.

Ungbai is an old world, Believed to be as old as the universe itself, no matter how deep you dig, you will find ruins built atop more ruins, until you reach a magma layer with ruins slowly falling beneath the surface to be melted back into their base materials. One who is particularly astute, and well educated would notice between layers there exists scorch marks, and a few layers of ruin even have vaguely humanoid silhouettes baked into the stone. Fringe Scholars today actually suggest that Ungbai has been like a cosmic womb, growing sentient races and pushing them to explore the stars. Though most scholars scoff at such theories.

The two Moons of Ungbai, Ichor and Vitae each have their own ecosystems and even life. Ichor is much less verdant seeming to be a thin aired, grey desert, slimes and Great grey worms call this world home. Meanwhile the closer moon, Vitae is a thriving jungle world, whose signs of life can be seen from Ungbai with a basic Mana-charged Telescope. Scholars even believe it could be home to sentient humanoids though no evidence of that exists.

For the past 700 years the Elshien Order has ruled the planet, while The Elshien Empire, has served as the national home os the orders members. There are other nations around the world, They join the ORDER of Elshien, but the Empire of Elshien is its own entity, the founders of the Order yes, members yes, but they are still different entities.

Roughly 200 years ago the Corp family was brought in as the new Royal after their patriarchal figure slew the Terrible king Tormund. The Corp family is noticeably smaller than the other 12 despite Its founders best efforts. The highest estimates including illegitimate children only put the family number around 27. Yet the longevity of king Aslan allowed for stability to reign. Yet its been long predicted that his end would bring disaster.

His six heirs, are all hybrids you see. Mixtures of The Corp magic blood line, and the other 12. Their power is downright scary, at least most of them. Thats the fear however, Tormund the terrible, was also a hybrid and after his reign mystics and scholars were able to confirm the mixture of two bloodlines creates unstable minds. While it’s unknown if this applies to the Corp bloodline, the fear is still there, for if one if the Heirs were to go mad, most believe none but another heir could stop them.

Thus the death of Aslan brings with it chaos. 12 noble houses with interests to uphold, 6 godlike magical beings who just lost their father and are thrust into the cruel reality of political life, a widow, watching with little sway over the forces coming to gobble up her children, And one world which will face the consequences of whatever actions are taken.​
~Magic Origins~
In this universe, Magic is a fundamental force, much like Gravity, Electromagnetism, & the strong or weak nuclear forces. It is specifically the Fundamental force of Change, and has endless applications. Due to its ability to subvert the laws of physics, it is common belief on Ungbai that magic is the source of life in the cosmos, and it has been common belief for all of recorded history. This force while always present in some quantity, most commonly takes the form of a strange radiation which is Virtually everywhere. Ungbai’s Core is the most powerful known source of this radiation, and as such the world has a seemingly endless and ever changing bestiary with new magical creatures evolving from the mundane regularly.

While this radiation permeates every thing on the planet to an absurd extent. It is the lifeforms of this world that bear the most apparent effects. Especially around mana hotspots called “Whorls”. Most speculation suggests that the most exposed creatures in the world lie at the deepest depths of the seas, though wether this is tied to the dragon origin mythos is unknown.

~Magic Mutation~

All lifeforms exposed to Magic radiation, which will be referred to as “mana” from here on, will mutate in some way shape or form. This mutation takes one of two paths, Monsterization Or Sorcery.

Monsterization is a process that only occurs within lifeforms below a certain level of intelligence or at least thats the common belief. This occurs when a creature accumulates enough mana in their body to change their physiology. These changes can take a variety of forms. Wings, extra claws, The ability to turn invisible, warp short distances, regenerate. These mutations will continue to accumulate over time producing a more and more deadly beast. However there is a limit to how much mutations a creature can have before one becomes incompatible with their continued life.

If this occurs it is called “Evolved In-viability”. More often than not however a creature will develop a “venting ability” such as the fire breath of a dragon or the eye lasers of a beholder. These abilities save the creature from non-viability by allowing them a means of venting excess mana from their systems. Creatures with such abilities are called “Complete Monsters”


Now a Self aware sentient life form such as humans, elves, orcs ,dwarves, halflings, gnomes, certain types of beastfolk, higher giants, Dracokin, Goblins, and Other “Souled” creatures have a different reaction to Mana. It will usually develop an additional organ in their brain. This organ actually syncs with the natural Mana frequency of the planet and allows the user to intake and outtake mana from the natural environment. Because of this These kinds of creatures cannot mutate, as they naturally have a venting ability. However that is not to say they do not adapt.

A Sorcerer, being one who has developed the inter-neural organ, can have that organ change overtime, usually through generational gene passing. So a mage who casts fireballs, will over the course of their lives have their organ adapt to be more proficient with fire spells, their child will pick up that progress and so on, until they are not only some of the most potent fire mages, but exclusively fire mages. In short over time focus on a particular type of magic will have a being losing access to other kinda of magic. However their proficiency with their chosen element will increase as well.

This is how the 12 families came to be. Only the Corp family is an exception, Autopsies of the king and the few children of his that have perished show that despite obviously possessing magical abilities, they do not posses a sorcerers organ.

~Magic Items~

Any sorcerer is capable of intaking or outtaking mana at will, the outtaking can actually be very useful as one is able to pour mana into an object and with proper control and mana placement they can effectively imbue a weapon or item with the abilities or capability to cast spells. Scrying orbs & mirrors are an example of this which serves the same purposes as a phone or computer.

Another very Prominent magical item are the Airships, basically a boat made to fly. One of primary exports of Elshien, with multiple families contributing to their design.

Sadly Magic items are not eternal. Every day a person, item or creature is Exposed to an amount of mana. This amount is fairly uniform across the planet and has come to be a standard unit of measurement called MU (Mana Unit). Most mages will stuff many hundreds or thousands of MU worth of mana into an item, this is needed because Each day that passes the item loses One MU. Most spell casting use costs between 5-500 MU, with higher levels being extremely uncommon. Thus a fireball staff with a 100MU fireball enchantment and a 1,000 MU capacity would have 10 shots the day you bought it. And would lose one shot every day that passes.

Because of this there are built upon magical Whorls (mana hotspots) Things called Tempo Vault. Most cities have them, and they are places magical items can be stored without concern for this decay. Some of the more upscale Tempovaults will even use trained Blink dogs to teleport deliver your items with a simple Scry Message delivered to them.

Some items predate any known empire, these rare trinkets can only be found in the deepest of subterranean ruins. They are called Artifacts. The artifacts were made by a people scholars call “The Wise Folk” and seem to lack Any decay, in addition to being rechargeable by ANY mana introduced to it. Whereas the standard magical item can only be charged by its maker.

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~National history~

The Shattered continent is located in the Northwestern Hemisphere of Ungbai and is where the Bulk of the Elshien Order members are from. Eight nations Exist here and their history goes back fairly far.
The eight nations are Elshien, Kirn, Rosh, Vox, Multon, Dagon, Peching, & Oden. Kirns history goes the furthest back.

-1300 years ago: The Kirn empire begins to cross the seas.

-1150 years ago: The Kirn Empire establishes complete control of the shattered continent.

-900 years ago: The Royal class of Kirn begins to fracture and a cruel emperor begins oppressing the people to keep it in line. He passes these practices to his successors.

-700 years ago: The Kirn Empire is Overthrown by the 12 noble houses. Elshien is formed as an alliance between cities. The Empire of Kirn is able to reestablish control on their hime territories, but the Factions within its noble class give rise to new nations. The shattered wars begin.

500 years ago: The Shattered Wars end as Elshien forces all others on the backfoot establishing itself as the supreme regional power. Truces are signed and the eight nations we know today are solidified. The golden age begins.

-200years ago: Tormund Dorche the terrible begins his reign and immediately starts conflicts with surrounding nations. Noble houses attempt to stop him and sieges are launched on their cities. Aslan Beheads him upon witnessing him give an order to kill prisoners of war most of whom were innocent civilians. Aslan is tested by the 12 noble houses and found worthy of the crown. The Corp family becomes the 13th noble house.

176 years ago- King Aslans first wife dies if old age, his character changes drastically as his tentative serious demeanor becomes far more relaxed and outgoing. He marries again 6 years later.

130 years ago- King Aslan is challenged to a duel with the sitting emperor of Kirn. The duel ends in a draw and with a small island being wiped from the map. So further challenges come from Kirn.

76 years ago- Malchor is born. The kings 9th wife dies birthing him. Aslan declares him his first heir.

(-second heir)

(-third heir)

33 years ago- Alseed is born and declared 4th heir.

29 years ago- Alseeds mother dies from an unidentified kind of pox. Malchor leaves to lead an army as to provide military aide to Multon in its conflict with Dagon.

(5th heir)

13 years ago- The Dagon/Multon war ends after Dagon’s Super-weapon is intercepted by Malchor And The capitol of Dagon subsequently falls. Malchor is removed from service and not seen for nearly five years.

(6th Heir)

6 days ago- King Aslan is found dead in his bed with a slit throat. Details are kept under wraps from the public and scrying messages go out to all siblings. Chaos begins in the courts.

(History will be updated as characters are posted and secrets are revealed in story.)​
~The 12 Noble Houses~

The founding Families of the Elshien Empire. These 12 Different bloodlines began with Bold heroes who stood up to and toppled a tyrannical empire. Then built a more just government in its place. While they are far from perfect, they have tied their names to honor, the empires well being, and the magical arts, and have been known to deal harshly with those who tarnish their good name with deeds unbecoming of nobility. They vary greatly in ability and outlook, some can even be considered Evil. Yet they work together for the purpose of preserving the prosperity of Elshien.

Each of the families Is lead by a Head, who is Selected from among the Elders to Represent them to the Throne. They are usually selected by being the most powerful, or influential amongst the elders. Becoming an elder requires that the candidate be over the age of 33, Has mastered all of the Families “Sacred Arts” which are their magical spells. Upon fullfilling these two prerequisites an elder must then pass a series of trails and be Cosigned by at least 2 other elders. Below the elders are your standard Lords/Ladies. Which are members of the noble families who have mastered at least one of the families respective sacred arts and up to all of them. Those who have not, or can not master the sacred arts yet are still members of the families through marriage or other means are Called Kinsmen, while those from other families are called Oathsworn, but usually only in formal occasions.

(Symbols credited to Jojogape on deviantart. )

Spiorad- the Family known as the “spirit tribe” the spiorad have been well known for their religious beliefs spreading across the empire becoming the Largest practicing faith of the empire. Able to call upon the knowledge of the dead their clans magics have provided a long list of services ranging from solving crimes, to finding lost items. The most common practice of the Spiorad which keeps them a prominent family in the Empire, is their monopoly on funeral rites and burial practices ranging from sea drift funerals, to pyres, and burials. This tribe is considered fanatical often due to an adherent belief that duty is above personal safety, even going so far as to send members to battlefields to collect the dead. They do not see death as a loss but as a transition, or so their tenants claim. Such practices are hard to follow for many, however the afterlife is not just a belief to the world thanks to this tribe. It is a realm which they exist as a window into.

Aigne- A family which deals is knowledge and secrets. Using illusions and mental magics to eternally expand their libraries. It doesn’t help that Tormund the Terrible was Born of this family. Their habit of consuming and documenting all they find has them serving as a sort of Record keeper holding copies of all manner of documents from land deeds and birth certificates to medical records. Most would likely have a negative view of them if not for their mental magics giving them a unique secondary purpose of preserving the mental health of the nation. Through telepathic counseling they are able to find causes to problems people suffer from that they themselves were unaware of. Their close work with the treasuries have many other families nervous but to date it has only been used to spread assets to areas they are needed. Even those who are not magically gifted by this blood, are among the empires most intelligent scholars.

Solas- The Sun Monks, the Light bearers, The Shining Knights, solas has many names but they serve a fairly obvious purpose. They are the spear which Smites the empires enemies. More akin to a house of knights who harness the power of the sun into searing beams, blinding lights, and healing rays. They tend to work with the military more often than anyone else but their younger members will serve as caravan bodyguards and town guards. They are honorable chivalrous and selfless…or at least thats what is expected of them. The pedestal of nobility has unfortunately produced many spoiled knights who have tarnished their reputation. Nonetheless their constant interactions with the townsfolk have been a boon to their reputation.

Dorche- If you were to ask who the most hated of the noble families are, there would be no hesitation in the answer. Having Raised Tormund the terrible, having refused to intervene in his wicked reign, and having very little public sympathy due to their stealthy nature, all that you asked would say Dorche. However ignorance is bliss, and the other nobles know exactly how much the dorche family gives to the nation. They are the spies, the stealth masters, but more than that, they are the demon hunters. The predators which hunt those things that go bump in the night. What hunter wouldnt use the spoils of their kill? The dorche are known for both Umbra magic, warping through and shaping the shadows, and also for their sealing magic allowing them to trap demons within objects, items, and places, creating cursed objects and grounds. They are seen as Creepy at best, and an Evil Demon cult at worst, yet they care little for their reputation, in fact mist seem to relish in it, while others simply confirm people’s suspicions.

Doiteain- Arguably the oldest of the noble houses, the Doiteain people are native to the northern region of the continent having long since called the Wrathful Mountain their home. They used to make a living as dangerous hunters, Nomads, and Mercenaries. Yet the Formation of the empire would see them turn to culinary techniques to help set themselves apart. After all the rich soil around the mountains would provide countless kinda of seasonings. When the magical industrialization occured the Doiteain would achieve the height of their wealth and prosperity by inventing and exclusively producing the Blast reactor Spheres which Serve as engines for Airships. The Tintreach Clan branched off of this family Centuries before the Empire formed.

Uisce- Another of the families native to the northern half of the central continent These people long feuded with the Doiteain prior to the formation of the empire. They were not only famous for their deadly water magics, but their unparalleled naval ability. This Family almost alone was responsible for the regional influence of the early empire as they went into overdrive producing ships and vessels to spread the empires reach and crush rebellions. This practice would continue into the industrialization period as they began constructing airships using the same shipwright principles. They were crucial to victory in the war with Dagon as their dragon riders were able to outperform the first militant airships fleet in history. But the Navies of Uisce did not fail. Shortly before the Formation of the empire The Oighear clan branched off from a vessel of stranded Uisce sailors.

Domhan- The Foundation of the Empire could he argued to be many things, but the Domhan laid the literal foundations for entire cities. Their stonemasons and smiths would build the walls and ramparts and in the process accumulate great wealth and influence yet they had a strict policy of Mercantilism and Defensive non-aggression. Meaning they were the last to join the empire, confident in their fortifications. The magical industrialization actually did not effect the Domhan family in any notable way, their mines continued to crank out jewels and their masons continued to build. They did continue to expand but at a steady pace. Even The horrors of Tormund the Terrible would only barely find their way into their fortified city before he was vanquished. Rumor has it that the 13 cities of Elshien are connected through tunnels made by the Domhan. Three centuries before the formation of the empire the Domhan family split in two after a domestic dispute was peacefully settled with courts. The other half would become the Cruach Family.

Gaoth- Nomadic elves who came from the far north during the reign of the Kirn empire. The Gaoth tribes vow of Peaceful nonviolence had seem them driven from their home and they found refuge in the Shattered Continent for a brief time before Kirns same cruelty was forced upon them. They would use their spells of flight to escape most conflicts but their youth who had not known peace before would instead opt to start fighting the threats. This divide would eventually split the tribe creating the Nimhe clan a mere 2 years before the formation of the empire. The Industrialization would serve as a booming period for the Goath as airships would allow them to share the world of tue skies with the rest of the tribes. They literally wrote the maps and flight charts, finding safe paths and navigating the gorgeous heavycloud formations, where people could walk atop the clouds.

Oighear- Lost and stranded in a far northern glacier enclosed island a small band of Uisce explorers would be forced to shift their water magic into something that could effect the environment around them, it took a while but eventually they would succeed and the Oighear family would make a surprise appearance at the call to form the empire against Kirn. Where it became apparent that the cold harsh environment they were on had forged some terribly dangerous warriors. The Oighear’s frost magics paired with their violent nature would go on to see them serving in nearly every conflict until the war of Dagon humbled them. They are widely known as some of the most warlike of the 12 families.

Tintreach- A clan which struggled for a while to find its place after their restless nature drove them from the Doiteain family ages ago. Eventually their struggle to hunt the swifter prey and the volatile weather of the planes Wrathful mountains and the coasts would find their niche within the storm. While they would start as hunters and nomads they would settle between a great forest and the coastline and after forming a close relationship with the Cruach would go on to become a clan of deadly warrior mercenaries and Bodyguards during the early days of the empire. They would become known as the Thunderous Hammer of the Empire Crashing into their foes with vigor. During the Raid on Tormunds fortress it was the Tintreach that lead the charge and breeched the gates to witness the Emperor’s head roll. They were among the most loyal to Emperor Aslan.

Nimhe- The nimhe were formed from a band of youth who had grown tired of the kirn empires cruelty. Sadly they could not face the might of the empire on equal footing so they were forced to take less direct methods. Cutting wind didnt get deep enough, so toxic powders were added. These powders could be dangerous to the user so a tolerace was built through exposure. And slowly but surely the winds themselves became toxic. Those toxic particles would weigh down the wind and eventually the wind was cast aside and the Toxin became the main focus. While it was the youngest and smallest clan at the time of the formation of the empire, they are credited with the greatest number of enemy officers and leaders killed having slain not one but two of Kirns Emperors. The industrialization and Rise of Tormund would see the Nimhe clan become a secluded and isolationist. Understandable considering they were nearly massacred to the last by him as they were seen as a threat. They often work alongside the Dorche clan as the remains of demons and monsters make for great poisonous ingredients to amplify their arts.

Cruach- The Domhan had long forsaw the cruelty of the Kirn empire and The clan split in half as disputes grew. This peaceful split birthed the Cruach whose main disagreement was their belief that the best defense came with a preemptive offense. The split was not as even as it seemed initially. The best earthmages would obviously not feel as threatened as the standard Domhan. Thus most of the Cruach wound up being more mundane and thus they sought another means if defense. Steel. Thus the Cruach would become an order of knights with little focus on magic. They would marry the common people, or anyone for that matter, as numbers were their saving grace. During the Empires formation and the wars with Kirn they would serve as the bulk of the military and civilian population. For a time this was satisfactory, however the industrialization would see them mastering the art of enchanting, forging, smithing, and even create a new class of magic, Metal magic. Sadly they would earn a blighted reputation by being manipulated into siding with Tormund during his reign. A blight only recently beginning to heal after their massive contributions and hideous losses in the battle for Dagon.

~The Royal Family~

Corp- The Thirteenth family of Elshien, Currently the royal family. Founded by Aslan Corp, Liberator if Elshien, slayer of Tormund. Known for “Body Magic” the Corp clan does not actually produce particularly powerful sorcerers, instead they produce offspring capable of absorbing ambient mana and mutating as monsters do. Just at a much faster and stable rate. Instituted to bring balance to the empire by preventing feuds between the families and standing as a central spoke in the empire. It is the youngest family being only 236 years if you count from Aslan’s birth. It has 27 living members counting the 6 heirs and now 27 that are dead counting the Emperor himself. In the capital the corp family are held in high regard, in the cities of the other families they are seen as secondary, as any other noble would be when visiting a city other than theirs.​
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The 7 Rival Nations

Elshien may be the biggest and most powerful nation in the shattered continent, but seven other nations surround it. Some are friendly while others are not, some are unable to compete, others are close to usurping Elshien’s position at the top. Some even have beings that alone pose a threat to Elshien. Yet the strengths and weaknesses of each kingdom paired with Elshiens own unique strengths and weaknesses create a balance the world does not yet know.

The oldest kingdom of Mankind, Kirin has Existed for over 2000 years. While no where near the might it had in the glorious days when its empire spanned the entire Shattered continent, but even still it perseveres as one of the most stable and powerful nations in the region taking second place in both population and resources.

While it has had many Warlike empire building leaders, the People of Kirin are a skeptical and cynical bunch who rarely if ever buy into their latest “World ruler” rhetoric from their king, they do know however that times of war are usually times of plenty for their people, as kirin is known for fielding MASSIVE armies due to a strict drafting system built into their national Documents, due to this every 100 years or so, kirin is known to launch a huge campaign against its neighbors one and all.

Sadly this practice serves two purposes, it allows the raiding of materials, and keeps the nations ever growing population in check, usually the rebuilding periods after the war are booming periods of prosperity. Yet the costs have begun to mount in recent centuries. The last real victory occuring 350 years prior when the nation overcame Zaltic, which used to occupy the eastern half of their landmass. Yet hope has begun to bloom again.
Their latest Ruler Queen Saffine Lumenor has begun a campaign to change the ways of Kirin. Having already fended off Several assassination attempts, including one where her assassin was publicly executed by her own hand, she has shown that she means buisness about it as well. So devoted to this new way is the Queen, that upon hearing of the death of Aslan, she sent a convoy to deliver a gift and a message of her heartfelt condolences. While not much, its a huge step up from the expected attack from her nation. Little is known of this queen’s capabilities, save for the fact that she has a will harder than the steel aimed to take her down.

The great Island fortress of Rosh is split into two notable halves. The Polis, and the Wilds. The Polis is a massive city that expands from the western coast, all the way north to the glaicier, all the way south to the forest, and all the way east to the lake. Everything beyond that is untouched wilderness. It has been said one could walk for ten days and still not reach the east gate from the west.

While the island offers little in the form of wealth of gems or precious metals, Rare earths such as Crystals and Fine Marble can be found there, along with Copius amounts of clay from the network of rivers lining the landscape. It also boasts the single largest population of both dwarves and orcs and the third largest population overall. Sadly its proximity to Kirin has made it the target of several of their century raids. Yet the fortress megacity has yet to fall, yes sections of the city have been taken, but they are always taken back, and the cost to the invaders is massive.
The people of Rosh while open to outsiders and new sciences and technology, they do not like change, and their leader Ebbrek the High King, is very similar. He has reigned for nearly 400 years due to his mystical crown and throne and saw the rise of Aslan as a symbol of chaos as he represented a change in the structure of the superpower of the continent. He has remained in this view for the entire reign. While he sent his condolences to the kings family, there was an “i told you so” tastefully layered in there for good measure. If there is one thing that can be counted on, this stubborn king will stick by his word, and he has pledged alliance with Elshien.

A beautiful land of deep valleys and high hills, with glaciers. And mountains to the north, a permanent Heavycloud landmass floating above, and gorgeous flower filled fields, with forests that seem to creep into the sky. Despite all of this beauty and abundance, the only settlements you will find that are approachable are hidden in the crevices of the deepest valleys, and always with a quick route to the sea. The reason you ask? There be giants here
Terrible giants
With giant beasts
And Giant kingdoms of their own. Three great clans of Giants rule the huge island of Oden, and their three leaders predate Even Kirin. Delphine, mother of the Tundra Clans, Valthoom Father of the Storm clans, and Thadrac Father of the Molten clans. Each a powerful titan thousands of years old, and with children numbering in the thousands who serve as their kingdom. They have struggled for dominion of the other for so long, that their siblings of which there were 47 have been cut down to a mere 3. These last three have maintained a gridlock that started at the foundation of Kirin as a Nation. Few have ever approached or met with these titans, as they view us as insignificant at best or infestations at worst. Yet the few who have speak of them being wise and tolerant, calm and slow to speak, only doing so with meaning and purpose. However they also speak of a pressure in their presence, on so all encompassing that every one who has met them reports sleeping nearly a full day at their first able chance.

A beautiful island paradise nestled away to the north, peching is a getaway for those who wish to live in peace, a refuge from those fleeing war, and even a hideout for criminals. The reason why you ask? Peching is protected by arguably the most powerful spell in the entire continent. One that turns the land, air, and sea against any who would aim to harm the people, the city, the crown, the island, or its prosperity. This living land enchantment has broken fleets of invaders while letting merchants pass unharmed, it has foiled assassinations and even stopped murders. The closer one gets to the Ancient Golden Tower at the center of the island the more powerful this protection is, so needless to say the palace and the capital were built around it. Because of this tremendous power, peching has no Army, no navy, and their guard is practically ceremonial.
All of this has accumulated in Peching being the second richest nation despite its small size and undesirable resources. Many wealthy people, families, and even nations, hoard their wealth in Peching banks. Resulting in the nation itself being showered in wealth from interest and “gifts” it has the second smallest population thus allowing it to supply vast luxurious amenities to its population. Thus celebrations are common.
In recent years the marriage of two Rivaling noble houses, a rivalry which threatened to bloom into a civil war, would maintain the peace peching has known since its creation and even be marked by the people as a annual celebration called the “Renewal of Vows.” This was the marriage between Current King Zaldis Brük, and Dutchess Agatha Marduk. Widely considered a power couple within peching they are seen as overrated celebrities by most outside of the nation and tend to act a bit like Spoiled prima-donna’s

The Youngest Kingdom in the Shattered continent. Multon was born around 44 years ago when a Lord from Dagon defected and decided to start his own nation. While he initially received aid in materials and investment from Vox, Elshien, and Peching, Both vox and peching Fell off when the Dagon agression began. Already upset at the lords betrayal the king of Dagon wanted his head. Elshien not only provided aid to Multon even more after they took in Dagon refugees, they also used this as an excuse to launch a “defensive war” against Dagon.

Multon was caught as a proxy and was the springboard for Elshiens landing and push into Dagon, thus much of its central territory was scarred by war, some of it remaining til this day. In the end multon would see its first king lost in the massive explosion that ended the war. the new king Bauchas Mull, Nephew of the founding lord has taken over since…yet basically everyone agrees he is inept, gentle sure, a nice guy, also yes, but a total idiot who literally has staff to tie his shoes? Also yes. Most believe he is a Proxy for the elshien nobles. Upon learning of Aslans death, he sent each of his children a bag of fine Candy, a bottle of wine, and a bouquet. Somehow even personalizing each one with the heirs favorite kinds of each. For the Queen he has offered a villa on the east coast of Multon overlooking the part of the seashore where her husband first set foot on Multon.

The Nation of Dagon is a nation broken and torn by suffering that the other nations shudder to think upon. 122 years prior a boat from the west landed with strangers speaking of enlightenment. This began the Cult of the True Faith which at first began to meet resistance until a man named Rakdos would take the reigns. He added a single tenant to the cult, death to those who would not follow. Needless to say the nobles opposed his death cult rising. They mustered their armies and great heroes with them, dragons and siege engines, assassins and expert mages. Yet it was as if some otherworldly force was behind him driving him forward, as Rakdos tore through them all. Not one time was he pushed back, not once did he get forced to a knee, hell if you believe his own claims, he hardly even tried.

It took just under one year. One single year and all of dagon was taken under his rule. Quickly the blood began to flow as freely as the molten rivers that make this land so famous. Many who were dedicated to their old gods refused his tenants and were slain, their bloodlines with them. The worst estimates suggest that over half of the nations people were slain in the following three years. One of the lords who bent the knee to Rakdos, Lord Gentry Mull, would break away from the kingdom and found the nation of Multon with aid from three nations. He would take in refugees and earn the ire of rakdos.
The dark king knew that war would be coming from Elshien, and had planned to take the advantages from them. He sent a fleet to blockade Vox negotiating for them to stay out of the conflict. While Rakdos himself went to Peching. To the shock of all who witnessed it, this king fought back the sea, air, and even land managing to set foot on Peching, Only to be driven away by the King of Vox, who responded to his blockade with a powerful warning that he take his own advice and keep his battle between Dagon and Elshien, before the Dark king was teleported to the shallow waters surrounding Dagon.

Nonetheless his setting foor on Peching was enough to scare them away and the real conflict would begin. The kimg and the forces of Dagon would land on multons center and begin razing it, but the Armies of Elshien would meet them in the center lead at the time by Aslan himself. The armies would wait as the two kings waged a fierce duel lasting nearly an hour, before Aslan struck the king down. An act that sent the armies scurrying back to their home nation. But to the shock of all, Rakdos would rise again. Upon hearing this news and the reports of him building a larger and more deadly army Aslan would order his son, Malchor, to Take the capital of dagon with an elite force.

After sixteen long years this force reached the capital where Rakdos prepared to wipe out the Elshien capital with his hellfire cannon, yet the Princes intervention would destroy the cannon, Rakdos’s armies, his palace and city, and even the dark king himself. Yet it seems this evil within him is too stubborn to stay dead. Reports claim the Dark king is back again and slowly rebuilding his kingdom. As if to prove his continued life he sent a mocking message to the palace that while it was booby trapped it was so obviously done that one has to question if the Evil madman even tried to hide it. Luckily the guard disarmed the trap before revealing the message. Mocking laughter written in 8 languages.

The Nation of sages, Vox is known currently as the foremost experts in the scientific advancement of magic. Having designed Observatories, the Portable Scrying orbs, and the Aether which serves as an information center for the shattered continent. Founded 500 years ago by an Aigne scholar of poor magical talent but a brilliant mind Vox serves to fulfill its goal of putting the raw power of magic in the hands of the common man, and while they have done more of this than arguably any nation. The balance of power within the nation itself is a bit of a backwards representation of their goals. You see since its third king, an entire school of magic has been strictly regulated with only a select few able to even study it. Usually those with alot to offer the nation causing an unfortunate appearance of nepotism. Yet thats not exactly accurate, as for one to even be able to master this kind if magic they must be capable to a degree few can fathom.

Vox is the Home, of Cosmic sorcery. A powerful school of magic that imbues an understanding of the building blocks of reality and the patterns found therein that allow for tremendously powerful magics, such as moving portals that can warp things across continental distances, miniature Stars that can be fired like devestating cannonshots, and even microscopic Voids that can consume threats to the user.
Jigan Xalgo their current king is a Mastered practitioner of this rare school of magic, and Being a 7th generation practitioner his affinity for it is nearing the levels of the Elshien Noble bloodlines. He repelled Rakdos from Peching, sent aid to the refugees of Dagon, and has Offered to partner with the Head of house Aigne to construct a International University of magic. While he offered his condolences to the Death of king aslan he arguably offered something much more, scheduled to arrive The Day after Aslans Funeral, he has offered to use his own magical prowess to aid in the investigation of the assassination, and has sent his personal envoy to offer additional protection and support to the royal family.
(Malza Xalgo, “Son” of Jigan, Emissary of Vox.)
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Elshien’s 13 Capitol Holdings

One of the Greatest strengths of Elshien has been the Capital holdings. As if the nations staggering geographical, population, economic, military, and Magical advantages were not enough. Each of these capital holdings is said to be capable of operating and maintaining the government of the Nation in the event that The Crowned capital of Imperius is destroyed.

Each of these cities boasts military might comparable to a small nation in their own right, but arguably the best defense, better than the walls, soldiers, and siege engines are the fact that the nobles themselves live in the cities and the Elders with them.

While few enemies have made it into the Nations soil far enough to reach a capital holding, those who have find the Elders to be like living breathing natural disasters, and each city has seven of these monsters at their disposal to say nothing of the lords and ladies who have less mastery and power over their magic, but are still terrifyingly capable.

No Capital holding city has Ever fallen in battle or even has come close for that matter, civil conflicts between them are kept at bay by the combined Unbiased council of the others as a clash between these great cities could tear the empire apart. Each one of these great metropolises has smaller cities scattered around them with towns and outposts dotting the land between cities and keeping eyes on the lands and roads between.
The Capital Holding of the Corp family sits nestled between the Great Elshien Forest, and the Shimmering Lake and is the current Capital of the Empire. Imperius was a blooming city during the reign of Tormund the terrible, the Guard who Slayed tormund and became King, Aslan Corp was born in this city. his victory and subsequent crowning would be followed by fifty or so years of Gifts from the noble houses resulting in a vast expansionary boom of wealth and population for the city. Even as the gifts slowed down, the city would thrive as all the new businesses began to develop and produce wealth and goods. Aside from the Royal guard and the City guard, Imperius also houses the army recruitment and training camps making it have access to more soldiers and at a higher rate than the neighboring cities. This is to make up for the comparatively small size of the corp family, which to date holds 48 members…despite Aslans best efforts. That said the Royal family is widely regarded as the largest threat to the elders. Not just politically, after all the Brood of King aslan do not need time to weave spells or practice magic. Because of this there is a bit of distrust that has brewed between citizens of Imperius and the 12 Noble hold cities with each seeing the other as a threat.

Lore By High Moon High Moon
A city centred around a House of Wisdom that is walled off, which doubles as both a center of learning and an administrative centre for the House Head of Aigne and the Council of Elders, forgoing a traditional palace. A place where scholars from all across the Empire would have come to get access to and study the vast archives of knowledge that House Aigne has hoarded over the centuries of their existence, albeit large sections of the archive remained closed to the public.

A massive scriptorium serves as the largest industry in the city with hundreds of scribes employed to write and copy all kinds of books and records for preservation within the walls of the Aigne Vaults as well as commercial reasons.

Aigne's reign as aloof suzerains over the denizes of their fiefdom, mostly confined to their spires atop the House of Wisdom, too absorbed delving into the mysteries of the past, or experimenting with the pushing the boundaries of their sorcery to care about the day to day affairs of the fiefdom, so day to day affairs are relegated to lesser house members, a diet made out of Lords of House Aigne.

Centuries back, the city used to house scholars from all the twelve noble houses and their subjects back in it's glory day but with the Aigne reputation damaged with the rise of Tormund. Fewer and fewer foreigners would make the journey over there to study, losing the city it's importance as a center of learning, while it would seem to somehwat improve during the tenure of the Aigne as an advisor to King Aslan, it would ultimately be a (relatively) short lived revival as after his dismisal the Aigne's went into a phase of "Splendid Isolation", providing scutage to the capital as demeed necessary by the vassal contract but refraining from getting involved in the realms politics and keeping to their own affairs.

For ages immemorial the people of this world have wondered what happened after death. Well the People of The Spiorad clan answered that question millennia ago. Death was simply a transition to a new life in another realm called the spirit world. They discovered that to move on a soul must forget the attachments of their lives so as to be reborn again in a cycle of reincarnation. One would live here for a time, die, go to the spirit world, live there for a time, die, and be reborn again into our world. It seemed spirits were the only truly eternal thing, so long as they were able to remain free of Extradimensional forces such as gods and demons the souls of mortals would be cycled forever.

Thus they began to shape their culture and even magic around this. Forming the Spiorad family. Their first avt was to construct the Great and ever growing mausoleum they called Raon Anam Meaning “Soul Field” here they would bury the dead of their people. Eventually their beliefs would spread to the rest of the shattered isles until variations rose up in other nations and every city and town had at least one of their pyramid temples to bury their dead until a Spiorad shaman could come to give them rites.

In all of Spiorad’s history they have been among the mist open and accepting families willing to even provide rites to the Mad Emperor Tormund. Which has actually sparked a small controversy around their rejection of the 4th heir Alseed, made worse by their refusal to elaborate on why. However their positive contributions to the empire outweigh this enough that all but the most ardent supporters of the prince give them a pass. The great mausoleum has been a target for necromancers since its foundation, and the Spiorad monks who guard it have Added countless tenants to the mausoleum’s bedchambers from those who seek to defile the dead. The Monk-priests of the spiorad family are among the greatest practitioners of Unarmed combat Alongside the likes of the Nimhe, and Cruach, And just behind the Corp clansmen. The Elders of the Spiorad family are selected based not just on magical talent and mastery, but also upon how many reincarnations they have had.

The holdings of The Dorche family have long been known to be the worst place to live in all of Elshien. Undead Swarm the badlands it dwells upon and Infernal anomalies spawn demons and devils while trapping the screaming souls of those who die there. Yet as much as this land and those who dwell in it are hated and feared, if not for them this blight would spread and possibly engulf the entire world. You see Ages ago in this place was an ancient ruin called Belphor. The Ruins of Belphor were long known for their spooky vibes and strange occurances. But greedy souls were drawn there by the vast stores of wealth that were often found. One day a group of adventurers found a great black door, and upon opening it they were driven mad and the blight began to spread. One amongst them, the patriarch of the Dorche family Vaughn Dorche Stayed behind and Shattered the door closed and in doing so tainted his own soul.

His children would bear his curse and the dorche blood began to cry out to the demons whose feasts were denied by the closing of the black door. Fearing this evil would once again be released, the dorche children built a great manor on top of its ruins and delved into the infernal magics of The Abyss so as to fight the demons who thirsted for them. However these very dark arts would attract more to them, and thus they began to weaponize and utilize the power of demons and their infernal magics grew.

When the Reign of Tormund the Terrible occured the Dorche fled from combat, making every attempt to avoid any contact with the mad emperor, an action viewed as cowardice by the other nobles, but this scattered fleeing was by design, Tormund had threatened to level Don dorche, take the black door, and rebuild it. Thus the Dorche sent their best to flee and stash the shards of the door throughout their territory…which would spread the blight to surrounding lands.
This would unfortunately result in the Cities and towns surrounding Don Dorche who once depended on them for protection to suffer from plagues of disease, madness, demonic indwelling, and pestilence. While the Dorche family has made efforts to mitigate this, their scattering and subsequent culling, alongside consistent dropping of their numbers each generation have begun to spread them thin. Causing them to begin putting more and more stock in the development of “living weapons” that can take their place against the demonic hordes so that they can find respite and absolution from their dark existence. Sadly this had backfired on more than one occasion and has the Dorche family currently viewed as the least trustworthy and even most deserving of destruction amongst the nobles of Elshien. Even the people who live in their domains hate them and blame them for their misery.

When the Solas Family founders discovered the Ruins of A’Ghrian it was the single most important thing that they had done. Within these ruins were the Suncrystals, magical artifacts that harnessed the power of the sun itself and converted it into mana. The plaines were well known for their being home to herds of Tri horned baloths (Tirceratops) and The horrible Sword Toothed Baloths (Tyrannosaurus) thus the discovery of a ruin complex and magical tools they could use to defend themselves was intrinsic to their survival. After generations of using the stones and revering the sun as their protector, the Solas clan became able to harness the sun without the need for the Sun stones, good thing too as the stones were beginning to dwindle and the Population began to grow. Thus they would build their city into and on top of the ruins integrating them into the foundation and naming the resulting city after their protector god, the name A’Ghrian literally means The Sun.

Shortly thereafter they would sweep the plains and domesticate the baloth population which combined with their sun magics would see them being the dominant military force on the shattered isles resisting the old Kirin empire and being the Host of the summit to form elshien. They would resist tormund the terrible maintaining their own sovereignty until his defeat. Sadly this pride would puff them up and they would refuse to bend the Knee to Aslan. His arrival on their doorstep would prompt their Elder to challenge him for the throne in a display of arrogance for the history books. Their battle would last a precious few moments with Aslan being scarred by a searing beam, before a downward swing ended the elder and Carved a small Canyon beside the city’s walls.

This defeat would mar the pride of the Solas and they would bend the knee to Aslan with a pledge of fidelity and respect after The new emperor praised The elder as one of his most powerful opponents and honored his fallen foe with gifts to the city. Thus the alliance with The corp and Solas families became one of strong honor bonds and they would side with them in nearly all manners. To this day, their Baloth mounts and ranged energy spells make them among the most formidable organized attack forces in Elshien.

The Doiteain Family is arguably the oldest tribe on the shattered continent, having walked north from the pass where Dùn Stàilinn now sits. However shortly after discovering the shattered continent they began having skirmishes with the Uisce people whose superior navy would have won them the day had they not driven the Doiteain To the volcano in the center of the landmass where neither their navy or their water magics could reach them. Their hard lives on the volcanic peaks would make them hardy and strong but more importantly it would naturally steer them towards fire magic and eventually the Taming and Harnessing of the Volcano itself at First as a forge.

However Near the time of the fracturing of the Kirin empire and the subsequent rise of Elshien they would weaponize the Volcano becoming the First people with a Super weapon as they could amplify the range and even steer the destruction of the volcanic eruption. This weaponization would result in the Schism that would split the Tintreach from the Doiteain as the Tintreach did not wish to stay only in the safety of the weapons range. While the Doiteain feared their leaving would reveal secrets of the weapon and their fortress cities defenses.

This weapon would fire dozens of times during Tormund the terrible’s reign fortunately each time was to repel a new army marching on them to take the weapon for the mad emperor. Due to the Cruach peoples being a large part of the mad emperor’s army many if them would perish to it and the relationship between cruach and Doiteain has Soured since as a result.

When the Uisce first arrived in the shattered isles it was via the Swirling Sea and due to the wild currents they would be driven aground on a large island to the northwestern-most coast of the central of the Elshien Coast. From here their Navy would spread far and wide and amass vast wealth through pillaging those they could and trading with those they couldn't. Eventually they would calm down their plundering with the joining if the Elshien alliance and subsequent formation of the Empire. Soon the town they had been occupying would grow to encompass the entire island and even spread a bit into the sea as the docks expanded.

Sadly this expansion and critical trade network made them the first target of tormund the terrible and his agents were able to sneak in, subjugate the city and take its naval forces for his own. Fowards the end of his reign their turning on him and reclaiming their ships using their Water mages insanely powerful advantage on the seas would secure his downfall as his desperation would result in him growing too heinous for Aslan to continue following.

Since the invention of airships the shipwrights of Uisce would develop a close relationship with the Doiteain, The Cruach, the Aigne And the Goath as they United to Produce enough airships to secure their Air superiority before the technology became too widespread. thus ensuring elshiens superpower status is maintained for just a few more decades.

The Mountain folk of the Domhan Fled persecution from the Kirin around the time When the Doiteain and the Uisce arrived on the Shattered Continent. What was just a single extended family of stone smiths would flee to the mountains Across the lake from where Imperius would be built. They would carve tunnels into the mountain and prove impossible to dislodge. As time passed more refugees would flock to them and they would build more and more tunnels. Until the mountain itself was no more. The stones they took from it would become the city, walls, and even the foundations for other cities. The only unworked stone of the once massive mountain is the Great keep where the Domhan nobles and elders dwell.

Funnily enough the Constant threat of Kirin would have many more aggressively minded Domhan leave with blessings to go and face their oppressors. This would form the cruach but Domhan would remain stalwart as ever constructing networks of tunnels and forts, even outsourcing their masons to build towns, cities, and Outposts. This peaceful reputation would earn them a reputation as pushovers which was shattered when tormund the Terribles Great army met its first loss at the hands of Two Elders and a handful of lords and ladies. Rumors from that battle of Walking mountains tossing Hills around have kept the Domhan safe from all wars since then. Several of the Domhan warrior Geomancers were present in the War of Dagon, Their Spells whipping up thick stone walls is directly attributed to the Explosion of Dagon not flattening the Entire Elshien army, they also had the highest survival rate of any family in that battle with 98% of their deployed units surviving the war.

The Sky elves of the Gaoth Arrived on the Elshien isles During the formation of Beinn, Around 12 years into the Feuds between Doiteain and Uisce. First they attempted to settle in Oden, but Fled bringing with them tales of 60ft gods that hurled natural disasters at one another with no regard for any other life. These tales would result in the northern borders of Elshien ending before the shores of Oden after the Rumors were Validated by the Oighear. Their pacifistic nature has kept them out of the conflicts of the empire, but their flight and aero navigation have kept them a infinitely valuable asset in terms of communication and logistics. This began to wane with the Aigne development of the Scrying orbs and the Mana network. Thus they partnered with the Doiteain, Uisce, Cruach, and Aigne to develop the airship.

Their mastery over aeronautics flight and weather patterns would have them become the Hosts of the Airship fleets of Elshien with their main palace actually having four massive hangars holding hundreds of Ships. This is due to the Skyships requiring at least a third of their crew be Gaoth Airmen for safety and operational purposes. This Airport city has made Gaoth one of the most innovated cities on the continent, second only the cities of Vox and House Aigne’s Eagna Aonair. The Elder of Gaoth Though a pacifist does have access to the Great turbines power, A gaothmade magical megastructure that Takes in the power of the wind and stores it in a HUGE gem. This Energy has been accumulating for centuries and can be absorbed by the Head Elder of Gaoth Briefly granting him the force of A hurricane or two.

After branching from the Doiteain the peoples of the Galvani family would wander across the continent until they discovered the Stormy coasts A cliff face on the northern coasts of elshien at the junction of the Cold sea of titans and the warmer Boiling sea. As a result this perpetual thinderstorm would dampen their flame magics but reveal to them a more direct method of applying energy, they would mimic the storms and discover Lightning magic.

Their Construction of Galvani would Keep this in mind and it was made with series of storm drains, paddle wheels, and Lightning rods. While they are more militant than some of the other innovators, it was the Galvani invention of Shock rocks that allowed direct energy transmission enabling the use of portable scrying orbs and much of the technological equipment of the sky ships. The Tintreach Families close bonds with Aslan and the Corp family would make them among the first to oppose tormund, actually responding to his cruel decrees with Strike assaults and harassment of his forces as they moved across the comtinent.

The Head Elder during the time of Tormund would actually fight the mad emperor to standstill and they would be forced to abandon their battle as the landscape became too bogged down. Since then the Galvani have represented the rapid response teams of many city guards with their lightning fast locomotion allowing them to quickly traverse distances and engage foes with dangerous attacks. The entire city was built with this in mind as all the conductive surfaces allow the Tintreach family practitioners to zip around the city unimpeded. This is why the city can afford to exist without walls or notable defenses. Any threat will nigh instantly find themselves surrounded and overwhelmed by the Deadly lords and ladies of Galvani.

The resistance against Kirin likely would not have even occured if the Cruach had not branched off of the Domhan when they did. Their stubbornness, Drive, and Rapidly growing numbers showed the people of Elshien that it was possible to resist the armies of Kirin and even win from time to time. Because of this they were fighting on every front of the foundational war and afterwards would take a vow to never let the enemies of Elshien grow to be a threat again.

This sentiment lead to construction of Dùn Stàilinn which stands today the most impenetrable defense in all of the Shattered Continent. Constructed entirely out of metals rendered nonconductive and nonferrous via magic, the fortress itself will respond to attacks with barrages of blades, and Iron golems the size of large manors. Even should an attack manage to damage its structure, the metal itself will regenerate and any damage done will likely be repaired within 24 hours.

As if the Fortresses defenses are not enough Every man and women in Dùn Stàilinn is a soldier either active or in reserve, and every child a Recruit being trained to stand beside their parents. The magic Smiths of the city arm the population and every person old enough to hold one owns a sword. An assault on the Iron fortress is at worst a suicide mission and at best a pyrrhic victory. While the average person is a lifelong soldier, the lords and ladies are something entirely different, able to bend metal to their will it has long been said that a cruach Elder cannot be defeated in battle without magic.

Sadly the empire learned firsthand of this families strength as the cruach were tricked into following tormund who had used his mental magics to manipulate the perception of the entire bloodline to see the others as heretical usurpers. While they were aided by other nations, mercenaries, and criminals for the kost part the majority of the forces that nearly toppled the empire were from Dùn Stàilinn. Most of the empire wanted to see them punished but none expected the self flagellation of a punishment the family imposed upon itself.

The entire Cruach family and all their servants, holdings, and vassel towns would face “Divisio Fatalis” a practice usually reserved for elite units. In one day every person would face down another of similar caliber in a duel to death. The survivors of the duels would ensure all others would undergo the process and in one day the entire family, city, and surrounding areas would have their population cut in half. Most of the cruach blood needed no coercion to do this however, as they saw their manipulation as the single greatest blight on their honor.

This zealotry would be slightly terrifying to witness during the battle of Dagon which was the families first chance to reclaim honor. Making up the bulk of the war force they rushed headlong into the possessed berserkers time and time again in suicide charges, even if the act of doing so would buy precious few seconds. This desire to fill the front line would see them losing the majority of the souls they sent to war. Yet the family took the losses with a stiff lip and have begun to replenish their numbers in the decade and some change since the war.

The Uisce people were and remain the masters of the seas, however even masters make mistakes from time to time. Heading north from seagate a large vessel of merchants intended to return to their homelands but found the swirling seas to tumultuous and were run aground on a massive sea glaicier off the coast of Oden. Any attempt to leave was thwarted by a large serpent in the area and the crew was forced to scrap their boat and its cargo to build shelters and keep warm. While no plant life could be found on the island they promptly found tunnels in the glaicier that lead all the way to the seafloor where caves contained mushrooms, on the surface polar critters such as rabbits fed on these mushrooms and their predators were also around. All of this paired with fish from the sea and Sea weeds from the rare times where one could dive in the shallows and these people had irked out a semi comfortable existence.

Eventually however they would be met with a strange visitor, a great giant, twenty eight feet high, who thiygh wounded had walked across the sea on ice that formed under his feet, collapsing from his wounds the people would at first be shy, but the small village leader who named the Oighear clan would have mercy on this titan and the people of Helm Reòta would help nurse this giant back to health. It was a long time before the titan was able to once again survive on his own, and during his stay he would teach the Oighear how to utilize the power of frost in their magics. when the titan had finally left the people would use what they had learned to slay the serpent and return to the mainland just in time to join elshien in its great push against kirin.

Luckily for them their remote location, low numbers, lack of desirable resources, and Difficulty in handling them in their own environment, ensured that even one as insane as tormund the terrible would not be bold enough to attempt to take their useless icy home. They helped to ensure safe passage for refugees of his tyranny through the northern regions. Now much has changed for the Oighear in recent centuries however they have been spreading rumors of the Giants of Oden growing restless and have mythos about a coming “Southward tide” of titans that will end the empires of The shattered Isles once and for all. Most see this as rumor, yet Aslan seemed to be taking this seriously enough to commission the construction of several outposts, forts, and roads in the north.

An Slaugh Mòr Means “The Great Swamp” and was founded by young and aggressively minded Children of the Gaoth sky elves. They were young and impulsive and attacked the Kirin empire before the formation of the elshien empire only to find they were hopelessly outmatched and were forced to take shelter in the swampy peninsula where the Boiling and Dark seas meet. Here they lost even more of their kin but learned a valuable lesson. Even larger predators can be killed by creatures they could easily crush, if only the creature had enough stealth, patience, and of course poison.

Thus this team of rebels and freedom fighters would devote themselves to mastering the lessons of the swamp. In doing so they become something to truly fear, as the Kirin empire learned when they used them to debute the fruits of their labors, Coming out of An Slaugh Mòr was a Trickle of Masters of Stealth, Misdirection, Toxic warfare, Ambush Assaults, and Assassination. They would keep the Kirin armies in shambles constantly Murdering their commanders and Even two of their emperor’s.

While they initially faced issues with the possessed soldiers of dagon they would Partner with the Dorche family and create magic poisons that could boil the ethereal blood of even devils and demons. The entirety of their people are a stealthy and untrusting bunch with them having no family regalia and hiding their affiliation with the family, because once someone knows they are talking to a Nimhe their guard is up. An Slaugh Mòr is likewise built with stealth in mind. The city is built into the swamp and of the same materials, one cannot see it from the roads, and can easily trudge through the swamp, across the roof of the grand hall, over two houses, and past the general goods store without even seeing the city if you are not careful.
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The playable races.

In the planet of Ungbai there are countless lifeforms and Similarities or differences between them can often blur the line. Thus on Ungbai there is a term used to describe Sentient lifeforms, with free will, who possess potential to use magic, and are believed to be capable of transitioning to the afterlife. These are “Souled” beings. That said many creatures who have souls are not on this list, for example dragons and Dogs have souls, but for whatever reason they dont go to the afterlife, or at least not the same one as us. Likewise a Golem can have Magic, and even free will, but it lacks a soul and thus does not fit into the “Souled” category. Finally even within the same species there is massive variation.

Sapien- The common term for humans but this also includes any standard hybrids as the human genome seems dominant in most cases. they are the most dominant Souled species on Ungbai making up roughly 55% of the civilized world.

Eldria- Commonly known as elves this blanket term includes Wood, Sea, High, Sky, and Dark elves. While long lived and exceptionally talented in magic because of this longevity eldria tend to collect in positions of power, resulting in them being distrusted. They make up Roughly 15% of the civilized world.

Urkai- The most genetically diverse group this includes Orcs, Goblins, Some ogres, Certain Species of Merfolk, Even a rare troll or two who can be born “Souled” will count as An Urkai. While typically not to gifted in the magical department this genus is well known for being physically powerful and possessing natural resistances to most of natures deadly weapons. Like the Elves they make up 15% of the Civilized.

Mograi- Known as the Dwarves this Encompasses True Dwarves, Gnomes, Hobbits, and Halflings. They are believed by most to be the oldest race with genealogical records tying the other three genus of standard “souled” beings to the Mograi. They make up about 15% of the civilized world.

Tieflings- An incredibly rare species Tieflings are what happens when a demon is able to corrupt the Genes of any species and the result is A hybrid that is half Demon and half of the original species. They are widely hated and feared throughout most nations. They make up a negligibly small fraction of a percent of the population.

Archaon- The counterpart to the tiefling, the archaon are what happens when a beings genes are altered by an otherworldly source from another dimension that is not the demons. Some theorize that these beings are gods, some call them angels, either way an Archaon is half the original Genus and half this mysterious otherworldly one. They are just as hated and feared as teiflings, though their hate is more a hate of mystery. They make up a negligibly small fraction of a percent of the population.

Beastfolk- Sometimes a creature that would otherwise be “unsouled” can manifest the markers of a souled creature. While its usually hit or a miss, Harpies, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Leonin, Loxodons, Lycans, Batfolk, Fishmen, and Reptilians. Some are born souled others arent. One can usually tell the difference as “souled” beastfolk are more intelligent, self aware, and emotionally invested than their “non-souled” brethren.​

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